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Thursday, March 15, 2018
BLM to Host Public Scoping Meetings for New Monument Plans Bears Ears National Monument Monday, March 26 4:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. San Juan High School 311 North 100 East, Blanding UT 84511 Tuesday, March 27 4:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Bluff Community Center 3rd East and Mulberry Bluff Rd., Bluff UT 84512 Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Wednesday, March 28 4:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Kanab Middle School 690 South Cowboy Way, Kanab UT 84741 Thursday, March 29 4:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Additional information about the planning effort for GSENM is located at: https:// and for BENM at: The public is encouraged to help identify any issues, management questions, or concerns that should be addressed in the planning processes. The comments will be used to help set the parameters, or scope, of the review of the Insider land use plans. Phipps Arch in Grand-Staircase Escalante NM, a subject The public of upcoming public scoping meetings. scoping meetings provide the public an land use plan and associated opportunity to talk to resource specialists and submit written EIS for the Shash Jáa unit. The BLM invites mem- comments in person. Combers of the public to attend Scoping Meetings meetings at the following dates Cont'd on page 2 and locations: SALT LAKE CITY - The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will host four public scoping meetings as part of the ongoing land use planning for Bears Ears National Monument (BENM) and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM). Scoping efforts were initiated Jan. 16, 2018, for the BENM - Indian Creek and Shash Jáa units; the GSENM- Grand Staircase, Kaiparowits, and Escalante Canyon units; and federal lands previously included in the GSENM that are now excluded from its boundaries. In total, the BLM will produce six land use plans and two associated Environmental Impact Statements (EIS). The BLM and U.S. Forest Service will jointly prepare the
Issue # 1246
Romney Visits Panguitch During Senate Campaign Tour PANGUITCH – Mitt Romney may already have had his keys in the truck with the motor running when he declared his candidacy for U.S. Senate, on February 16. No sooner had he make his announcement than he was plying Utah’s roadways—with a small supporting cast from his campaign team—on a mission to meet with Utahns all over the state, face-to-face. Romney is vying for the Utah U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Senator Orrin Hatch, who will retire from that office this fall after serving for 41 years. Romney's trip almost seems unnecessary. Rarely has there been a more readily recognizable U.S. Senate candidate than Mitt Romney, and he may be Utah’s most popular adopted son—possibly ever. Neverthless, he is scheduling appointments and making appearances throughout the state, including in many of the outlying rural areas that rarely receive much attention. Media coverage during Romney’s Utah campaign trip these past few weeks has already yielded reports about his positions on a variety of major issues. We’ve learned, among other things, that he supports the recent executive order downsizing GSENM and Bears Ears; he supports construction of the Lake Powell Pipeline; he agrees that climate change is real and that human activity is contributing to it; in rural areas that are struggling economically he is looking to county-specific plans for economic growth. The Insider met with Governor Romney at Panguitch’s Cowboy's Smokehouse, on March 6. He and his campaign staff were both organized and personable. The candidate and his team appeared relaxed and happy, and eager to meet with people. Romney himself, at 70, still has a youthful aspect. Conversation with him is warm and easy—you feel like he is talking with you, rather than at you; a laudable characteristic for any public servant. Following is an abridged, very lightly edited transcript of our meeting (edited only for general readability).
Mitt Romney, former presidential candidate and Governor of Massachusetts, has declared his candidacy for U.S. Senate from the State of Utah. In recent weeks he's been making the rounds throughout the state, meeting with his prospective constituents. INSIDER: We assume about public lands, about wa- We ask them what they’re con- gether, having a conversation. ROMNEY: I think in the you are on the road campaign- ter, and about economic devel- cerned about and what they’re ing—but…what is this trip for opment. So I wanted to go to thinking about. It’s an educa- process of dealing with public the places that I didn’t know as tion. It’s also extraordinarily lands, federal lands in particuyou? ROMNEY: I’ve lived well. I think we’ve been to fif- beautiful. I’ve been to the na- lar, there needs to be a great along the Wasatch Front for teen counties and twenty-seven tional parks, but I haven’t been deal more local involvement some time and am aware of cities, in the last three weeks. to all the land around the parks. in decision making for the acsome of the issues that we We stop and talk to mayors and I’ve never been to Panguitch cess and usage of public lands. The idea that these decisions have along the Wasatch Front, county commissioners. And [for example]. INSIDER: One of the are made in Washington, eibut we have eleven counties in then we also stop at diners, Utah that are shrinking. And unannounced, just go in and things it seems you’ve been Romney Tour the people are very concerned sit down and talk to families. good at is bringing parties toCont'd on page 3
Ruby's Inn Receives 2018 Businesses of the Year Award
USDA to Host Roundtables on Rural Opioid Misuse Utah Ranked High Among States with Death Due to Drug Overdose
vice it renders the county. Ruby’s Inn stays open year round and employs over 600 people during peak season. The hotel also donates and provides support to the schools and the communities of Garfield County. “We appreciate being recognized for our contribution to the rural community and economy,” said Lance Syrett, general manager at Ruby’s Inn. “Receiving this award means a lot not only to the company of Ruby’s Inn, but also to the
SALT LAKE CITY - Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett has announced USDA is hosting a series of monthly roundtables on opioids through the summer. “The opioid epidemic in rural communities is more than a public health issue,” Hazlett said. “This is a matter of rural prosperity. Opioid misuse is impacting the quality of life and economic well-being in small towns, which is why partnering with rural leaders to address this crisis is critical to the future of rural America.” In 2016, the state of Utah lost 635 people to this epidemic and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has ranked Utah as one of the states with a high death rate at 22.35 per 100,000 due to drug overdose. Utah also has one of the highest overdose rates among veterans. “As an agency dedicated to the quality of life for rural communities, we are keenly aware
Ruby's Inn
Opioid Roundtables
Courtesy Ruby's Inn
Syrett family receiving 2018 Garfield County of the Year award as part of the Businesses of the Year award administered by the Governor's Office of Economic Development. BRYCE CANYON - Rural Utah businesses make a major impact not only to the local economy, but also to the state’s. For this reason, Ruby’s Inn—a historic hotel and resort located just outside Bryce Canyon National Park—received the 2018 Garfield County of the Year award as part of the Businesses of the Year award administered by the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
“Ruby’s Inn is not only a great business for Garfield County, but also for the state of Utah,” said Jerry Taylor, Garfield County commissioner. “Ruby’s Inn has an immense business model that focuses on families and building the community. We appreciate all that Ruby’s Inn and the Syrett family do.” Ruby’s Inn received this award for its growth, the employment it offers and the ser-
THURS. MAR. 15 - WED. MAR. 21
Beware the ides of March for cloudy days and rain is in the cards for us this week . Showers, and possibly snow, Thursday through Sunday. Highs in 40s; lows in the 20s. Monday through Wednesday, partly cloudy. Highs in the low 40s; lows in the 20s. Precip chance 20-50% for the week. Et tu, weather?
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No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected. — Gaius Julius Caesar
Wayne County Democratic Party to Hold 2018 Caucus
TORREY Wayne County's Democratic Party will hold its 2018 caucus and convention on Tuesday evening, March 20th, from 7:009:00 pm in Torrey's D . U . P. Building located at 50 S. Main Street. All votCourtesy Ty Markham ers residing in DUP building in Torrey, where Wayne Wayne County County's Democratic Party Caucus and are welcome to Convention will be held on Tuesday, attend, including March 20. 17 yr-olds who registered voters as well as will turn 18 before November registered voters, including 6th (date of general election). (but not limited to) Democrats The Democratic Party and "Unaffiliated" voters. conducts "open" caucuses, —Wayne County meaning that it is open to unDemocratic Party
Garfield County Democratic Party to Hold Caucus and Convention
ESCALANTE - The Garfield County Democratic Party will be holding its neighborhood caucus and County Convention on the same night: Tuesday, March 20, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Escalante High School. Precinct officers and state convention delegates will be elected at this meeting, which is open to all American citizens, regardless of party affiliation. —Garfield County Democratic Party ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.