The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 03/16/17

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Issue # 1194

Wayne County Commission Meeting

Highlights: County Fair, Transient Room Tax and Nightly Rental Compliance, Proposed Lease on Indoor Arena, and Proposal to Farm Airport Property LOA - The Wayne County Commission met at their regular meeting time on Monday, March 6. Lori Woolsey, this year’s Wayne County Fair coordinator, had the first appointment for business, and she came before the commission to discuss initial planning and a process for moving forward. “My biggest thing right now is coming up with a theme, so we can get sponsorships,” said Woolsey. Commissioners noted that they liked the “Faith, Family, Freedom” theme from last year and wondered why not just keep it. “Why change it every year?” asked Commissioner Harward. It was joked that maybe they could just rotate the words around and keep it going. The county has $20K budgeted for the county fair, plus donations. A general discussion took place about whether to do both the derby and the rodeo each year, or whether they should be switched up and done alternating years. Some money could be saved if they did one or the other. And, it was noted, “We get so burned out by after the rodeo to do the derby.” Proceeds and concessions from the derby support Search and Rescue. Commissioner Wood said, “It’s their decision whether they want to do it or not, but when they voted not to do it before, a lot of people

wanted it there.” Woolsey said right now she is recruiting board members, and commissioners said the county will advertise for new county fair board members. Woolsey also said she would like to set a date for at least one organizing meeting, soon, and schedule regular county fair planning meetings. Commissioners discussed the county’s Transient Room Tax, and Clerk Ryan Torgerson gave a brief presentation on county income obtained from TRT and restaurant taxes. In 2011, the county received about $49,000 and in 2016 received about $76,000, representing a $27,000 increase over a five year period. The commission discussed what this income to the county can be spent on. County Attorney McCartney said it would be good to revisit the statute, to keep in line with the requirements of providing services related to tourism. Nycole Durfey, director of Wayne County’s Tourism Office, said if there is a discussion opened up about TRT expenditures, that she would like, “The chance to have the county’s business owners here to discuss that. Part of the reasons it [the TRT] is growing is because the Board has stepped up their game,” said Durfey. Durfey noted that oneWayne Commission Cont'd on page 8

Local Students to Compete in Southwest Utah Sterling Scholar Competition in Cedar City on April 6

Courtesy sterling sCholar award Competition

Escalante High School Sterling Scholar Finalists. Left to right: Keyera Churilla, Family and Consumer Sciences and Klace Lyman, Agricultural Sciences. CEDAR CITY - Southern cation, and Visual Utah University is preparing Arts. Each of the for the annual Sterling Scholar competition on April 6, 2017. 192 finalists will be One hundred and ninety two judged on personal students from seventeen high achievements and schools and five school dis- awards compiled in tricts will meet on SUU’s cam- their portfolios as pus to complete the final round well as their interviews with the judgof judging. This statewide academic es. The finalists will competition recognizes the be judged on scholachievements of Utah’s high arship, leadership, school seniors in fifteen differ- and citizenship. The ent categories of Agriculture three judges in each Science, Business and Mar- category come from keting, Computer Technology, local communities, Dance, English, Family and Dixie State UniverConsumer Sciences, World sity, Snow College, Languages, General Schol- and Southern Utah arship, Mathematics, Mu- University. sic, Science, Social Science, Scholars Speech and Drama, Skilled Cont'd on page 4 and Technical Science Edu-

Wayne High Walks Away with Gold at Region 20 Debate and Speech Competition

adus dorsey

The winning WHS Debate/Speech team are: Coach Leigh von der Esch, Tanner Faddis, Jaden Blackburn, Jasmine Wilson, McCenzie Jeffery, Ruger Torgerson, Trena Wison, Kaelee Barton, Maddee Barton, Hikari Ito. B I C K N E L L / B RY C E VALLEY - On March 9th, and 10th, 2017, Bryce Valley High School hosted the Region 20 Debate and Speech competition. Students from Wayne, Bryce, Panguitch and Piute high schools battled out it out in front of some seasoned judges for prized positions at the upcoming Utah State, Debate / Speech meet to be held in Salem, Utah Friday and

Saturday, the 17th and 18th of March, 2017. With their game faces on, nine Wayne High School students attacked subjects such as Lincoln Douglas, Extemtp, Congress, Public Forum, Oratory and Impromptu were covered in great detail. Team Captain Ruger Torgerson received a Gold Medal in the Lincoln Douglas category, in the Public Forum category, Jaden



A FINE WIND WILL BLOW! - Winds are going to be the weather highlight this week. Winds are expected between 14 - 20 miles per hour throughout the entire week with gusts on Tuesday. Highs in the high and mid 60s. The lows throughout the week will be in the mid 30s. Partly cloudy most of the week with rain on Wed.

Blackburn and Tanner Faddis teamed up to walk away with the gold. Jaden Blackburn was so overwhelmed with his win you would have thought he had just won the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes million-dollar prize. Eight Wayne High School students will be going to State Debate / Speech competition. Kudos to Coach Leigh von der Esch and the Wayne High School Debate / Speech Team. Go Badgers! —Adus Dorsey

Courtesy sterling sCholar award Competition

Panguitch High School Sterling Scholar Finalists. Back: Korbin Leach - Mathematics; Ashley Julander, Skilled & Technical Sciences; Christian Lee, Social Science; Lindsie Perkins, Agricultural Science; Joseph Vasquez, English. Front: Rylen Veater, Music; Nicole Bremner, Family & Consumer Science; Brenley Veater, Speech & Drama.

Courtesy sterling sCholar award Competition

Bryce Valley High School Sterling Scholar Finalists. Back: Elaina LeFevre, Business and Marketing; Tyerah Tebbs, Mathematics; Danielle Brinkerhoff, Music. Front Row: Rachel Blackburn, Social Science; Keni Floyd, Agriculture Science; Caleb Cloud, General Scholarship.

Retirement Party and Open House for WCHC CEO BICKNELL - Gina Flanagan is retiring after 16 years as the CEO of the Wayne Community Health Center. An open house in her honor, will be held at the Wayne County Community Center (not the health center) on March 15th from 5:007:00pm. WCHC has grown from a small frontier medical outpost with 13 employees and gross sales of $664K in 2000, to a thriving medical, dental, and pharmacy center today serving Wayne and Garfield counties with 64 employees and gross sales of $4.9 million. In 2001 the center had just opened their pharmacy and in just 4 months the revenues jumped $251,745. The availability of medications made treatment much easier for both the uninsured and the

insured. WCHC has assisted in providing $500,000/year in medications and another $500,000/ year in discounted services to patients that cannot afford insurance or medicine for their health conditions. In 2003 WCHC added both mental health and dental services through a grant process. The 2003 a medical ex- Gina Flanagan is retiring after 16 pansion doubled years as CEO of WCHC. our space, this was by Kevin New Construction built by Busk Construction. and we also added pediatric In 2004 we hired our first dental services at that time. full time physician, L. Jeffrey In 2010 the center added Chappell, M.D, bringing more a helipad, expanded parking emergency experience and elWCHC CEO evating patient care. The new Cont'd on page 3 dental clinic was built in 2006

Wayne County Horse 4-H Program Open Social March 29 at 7pm at the Loa Civic Center Interested Youth and Parents Encouraged to Attend

LOA - The Wayne County Horse 4-H Program is sponsoring an open social for all 4-H youth and their parents to come and learn about the 4-H horse program. Coordinator Jamie Webb said, "We are going to have a basic over an outline of all of the programs and events that will be offered. Horsemanship, horse science, hippology, working ranch horse, horse showing, leadership skills, and all-state contests." Members of the Wayne 4-H Horse Program will have the opportunity to participate in statewide events sponsored by Utah Sate University. "Students can earn scholarships and other awards when they participate in the statewide program," said Webb. The open social will be held March 29 at 7pm at the Loa Civic Center. Parents are encouraged to come with their children, and sign ups will be available. "What I want to get across to people is all youth are invited—even if they don't have a horse there are things for them to do and to parcicipate and learn leadership and socialize," said Webb. Refreshments will be served. For more information contact Jamie Webb at 801-703-4861. —Insider

The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words. —Philip K. Dick

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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