The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 03/30/2017

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Issue # 1196

Youth Conservation Crews on the Dixie National Forest

Courtesy us forest serviCe

There are some great opportunities for local youth (16-18) to get paid to work in the National Forest this summer. Contact Danny Strand at the email or call (435) 586-1982 to learn more (or follow instructions below). CEDAR CITY - The Di- will work closely with mentors friends, learn new skills and cover letter, a resume, and one xie National Forest is excited from the Forest Service as well start your potential career path, letter of recommendation to: to be partnering again with the as be accompanied by a college look no further! Apply for the Danny Strand, Crew Manager Intergovernmental Internship aged IIC Crew Leader (21+). YCC summer crew internships & Youth Coordinator. Cooperative (IIC) and Southern Crews will be based out of St. today. Contact Information: DanUtah University. This summer George, Cedar City, Panguitch YCC Internship Posting: ny Strand, dannystrand@suu. they will be placing 4 Youth and Escalante and will work YCC Crew Member Informa- edu or call (435) 586-1982. Conservation Crews (YCC) in throughout the forest. tion Stay connected, visit the some of the most beautiful arAll members are paid a Start Date: May 30th 2017 Dixie National Forest website eas in Southern Utah for paid starting wage of $8.00/hr and End Date: August 10th, 2017 at, like internships for youth. If you are will learn about natural reSummer Schedule: Mon- us on Facebook at https://www. 16-18 years old and interested sources and the management day - Thursday 10 hour/day, and folin outdoors and public lands, of the Dixie National Forest. Holidays Off: July 3rd & 4th, low us on Twitter at www.twitthis is the summer opportunity Trainings include Leave No July 24th for the latest for you. Trace, CPR & First Aid, outApplication Instructions: information. Crews will challenge them- door skills, risk management 1. Go to: http://iicintern—US Forest Service selves in the outdoors with proj- and leadership. Members will ects such as trail construction, participate in educational field 2. Click on Apply Today wildlife surveying, restoration, trips and several hands-on proj- and download the application. maintenance, range, and much ects throughout the season. 3. Fill in the application more. Crews will range from If you’re ready to have and save it to your computer. 5-7 members per location and fun, work outdoors, meet new 4. Submit application, a

Join us for First Fridays at Made in Escalante ESCALANTE - There support the independent nahave been some busy bees ture of Escalante; to strengtharound Escalante this winter! en the local economy through Our local artisans are stock- the sale of locally grown and ing the shelves of Made in made products; and to encourEscalante’s new store, located age creativity and collaboupstairs at Utah Canyon Out- ration throughout the comdoors on Main Street (325 munity. Made in Escalante West Main). This year we’ll welcomes all makers and be kicking off the season with our first, First Friday event next Friday, April 7th from 5-8pm. It will be the start of a summer of First Friday events where we’ll feature a different local artisan each month. The store will open featuring 14 artisans from our community with a variety of handmade items Courtesy Made in esCalante i n c l u d i n g Made in Escalante, upstairs at Utah Canyons cards, bags, Outdoors at 325 West Main, features the quilts, jew- work of 14 local artisans. elry, paintings, drawings, knit and hand growers living in Escalante. stitched items, rope baskets, To find out more about the metal sculpture, wood furni- group or to sell your wares in the store, send an email to mature and more. Made in Escalante is a —Made in Escalante group of Escalante residents that have come together to

Wayne High School Sterling Scholars Compete

Two Local Coaches Selected for Utah Sports Hall of Fame WHS and PHS Coaches to be Honored at April 11 Foundation Dinner in Salt Lake City

SALT LAKE CITY - The Utah Sports Hall of Fame Foundation will honor six former high school coaches, a former college coach and a current college athletic director during the annual Spring Honors and Awards banquet April 11 at the Little America Hotel. The Distinguished High School Coaches include Kerry Anderson, Donald Hall, Danny Hill, Jim Nelson, Glen Par-

tridge and Jay Welk. Jim Blaisdell will be honored as a Coach of Merit and Jerry Bovee will receive a Distinguished Service Award. Tickets ($50) for the dinner and awards presentation are available online at For more information, call Chuck Schell at (801) 262-9095 or Neil Petty at (801) 944-2379. Anderson coached Wayne High School's wrestling and track teams for 39 years and

won a Utah-record 16 state wrestling championships. He also coached the Badgers' girls' track and field teams to seven state titles, including six in a row. Hall's Ogden High School track and cross country teams won 11 state championships and posted 20 other top-four finishes. Hill spent 42 years working at Gunnison Valley High School and coached basketball for 32 seasons. He won four state championships, all in the 1970s. He also won 5 state titles in baseball. Nelson's 572 wins as Spanish Fork High School's baseball coach ranks No. 2 among baseball coaches in Utah and No.1 in wins at one school. His six state titles came in four decades and Courtesy utaH sports Hall of faMe three classifications. Coaches Kerry Anderson, of Wayne High School (left) and Glen ParPartridge tridge of Panguitch High School (right) are among six high school earned 10 state titles coaches statewide who will be honored with selection into the Utah and seven secondSports Hall of Fame. place finishes while coaching boys track and field REGIONAL WEATHER FORECAST at Delta, North Sevier and FOR SOME BUT NOT ALL REGIONS REPRESENTED IN OUR NEWSPAPER COVERAGE AREA Hall of Fame


CLOUDS ROLLING IN - Rain and are snow expected Monday. Partly cloudy is in the forecast for the entire week. Highs in the low 60 and high 50s. The lows throughout the week will be in the high 20s and low 30s. The wind will cleaning up your neighbor's yard Friday - Sunday, with winds of up to 16 miles per hour.

Courtesy Wayne HigH sCHool

Wayne High School Sterling Scholar Fianlists. Left to right: Jasmine Lee Wilson, Rebecca Oyler, Ruger Ryan Torgerson, Rachel Gardner, Mackynzie Samantha Bryan. RICHFIELD - Five high school seniors from Wayne High School in Bicknell UT competed for Sterling Scholar honors in the Central Utah region Tuesday, March 21. Representing Wayne High school in the following categories were: Visual Arts, Mackynzie Samantha Bryan, daughter of Lynn and Kim Giles, Fremont; English and Literature, Jasmine Lee Wilson, daughter of Kim and Sarah Wilson, Hanksville; Agriculture Science, Rachel Gardner, daughter of Kevin and Colene Gardner, Boulder; Music, Rebecca Oyler, daughter of Rick and Melanie Oyler, Loa, and General Scholarship, Ruger Ryan Torgerson, son of Ryan and

Cont'd on page 3

"A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money." —John Ruskin

Penni Torgerson, Bicknell. Thanks to these fine students for representing Wayne High School so well. A total of 138 nominees from 13 schools throughout the Central Utah region were interviewed throughout the day March 21 in Richfield by professors from Brigham Young University, Dixie State University, Snow College, Southern Utah University, as well as retired educators and local professionals. All judges volunteer their time. Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Carl Albrecht, Utah State Representative, District 70. Albrecht is a graduate of Wayne High School and has held many leadership

positions throughout the years and won several honors. He was employed with Garkane Energy Cooperative, Inc. 23 years in various capacities including administrative assistant, office manager, assistant manager, operations manager, and CEO. He and his wife, Gail, have three children and nine grandchildren. Committee coordinator Peggy Chappell, Wayne High, hosted this year’s awards program under the direction of Dallas and Janelle Overly, Gunnison, co-directors of the Central Utah Sterling Scholar program. —Peggy Chappell, Wayne High School Sterling Scholar Coordinator

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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