The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 04/06/2017

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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Issue # 1197

Spring? Not So Fast...

2017 Youth Music Workshops and Performance: Call for Participants!

Courtesy entrada institute

"Take the Stage" offers young musicians the opportunity to practice their musical and performance skills. Sign ups for this year's workshops are open through April 30. WAYNE COUNTY - The Local youth will collaborate Entrada Institute is pleased to with local teachers/musicians announce the fourth annual over the course of multiple “Take the Stage Youth Music workshops that run from June Workshops and Performance.” thru July (one workshop each This dynamic event will begin week, approximately 90 minin June with weekly workshops utes per workshop). Young and will culminate with a per- musicians are encouraged to formance on Saturday, August participate, including but not 5, 2017 in Torrey, Utah. limited to vocalists, stringed "Take the Stage" is a mu- instruments, woodwinds/ sic education event designed brass, and percussion. Workfor young musicians (ages 9 - shops will cover improvisa18) with a passion to perform tion, theory, stage presence, and hone their music skills. tone, sound & intonation, lis-

Escalante Musician Wins "Song of the Year" by Heidi d. Lee

Courtesy Mary kaye knaPHus

Nationally renowned musician and Escalante resident Mary Kaye Knaphus has received a new award for her work from the Academy of Western Artists. FT. WORTH, TX - Escalante's own Mary Kaye Knaphus—simply known as Mary Kaye to her fans and followers—has received the Will Rogers "Song of the Year" award from the Academy of Western Artists for her original song, "Grit, Grace and Balin' Twine." Fresh from the awards ceremony in Ft. Worth, TX, on March 16, 2017, Mary Kaye said, “I sing and write stories through songs about the rural west because I find it very satisfying to bring a spotlight to the real stories of life in the West, stories that I feel Nashville inaccurately portrays and, in many cases, ignores completely. For me, it has nothing to do with a desire to become famous or gain tremendous public popu-

larity. I sing and write stories through song because it is my job and what I do for a living and I love it.” It’s that sentiment that the Academy of Western Artists no doubt found so appealing. The non-profit organization is committed to preserving and promoting the western past and future and recognizes western artists in many disciplines, including cowboy poetry and even saddle and gear making. One only has to talk to Mary Kaye for a few moments to experience the deep respect and gratitude she has for life in the West. The mother of ten children, she takes great pride and satisfaction Song of the Year Cont'd on page 3



A WINDY WEEK - Winds could get up to 27 MPH on Friday and will blow between 22 - 12 MPH for the rest of the week. There will be rain and/or snow on the 8th. Highs for the week in low 60s to high 50s. Lows in the mid 20s throughout the week. Mostly sunny when it ain't rainin'.

tening skills, and comprehension of form and structure pertinent to each selection. These workshops will contribute to the participants greater understanding of music rehearsal and performance. All involved will collaborate in a performance on Saturday evening, August 5th, 2017 in Torrey, UT. Individual preparation and workshop attendance is vitally important to the success of "Take the Stage". Participants must be able to read music, though beginner note readers are welcome. "Take the Stage" registration is $45.00. Please inquire for available scholarships. Registration closes on April 30th. To register, please complete the form at: http://www. or visit www. for a link to the application. Registration ends on April 30th. For more information, please contact Lynsey Shelar at 435-531-3599 or —The Entrada Institute


BOULDER MTN. - Did you think spring was here, already? Well, officially it is, but despite warm days and flowering fruit trees, that hasn't meant the end of snow showers. Recent snows have created some breathtakingly beautiful and ephemeral scenes, like this one on Boulder Mountain near the summit, during the last week of March.

Panguitch Lake Festival Announcing Dates and Call for Participants September 16, 2017 at the Chapel

PANGUITCH LAKE For the last two years, we have held a Panguitch Lake Fall Festival sponsored by Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts. The Fall Festival exists for two reasons: First, to revive the memory of the glory days at Panguitch Lake and the people who settled the area. And second, to turn our thoughts and hearts to our ancestors and forebears and the legacy they left us. For a brief period from 1892 to 1895, Panguitch Lake was the entertainment capital of the American Southwest. Traveling troupes would tour to Denver, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles and to Panguitch Lake. Panguitch Lake had a opera house, a horse racing track, numerous hotels and places of lodging. From late June through the end of August, but especially between July 4th and July 24th, locals from as far away as St. George, Moab

and Fillmore would come to the cooler clime of Panguitch lake to enjoy the entertainment in the opera house, gamble on the horse races, feast on the daily fish fries, and watch the dancing and games of the Native Americans who would come from all over Southern Utah to join the revelry, People were uplifted to camp in the mountain air and enjoy the pleasant surroundings. When Utah became a State in 1896 and outlawed gambling, Panguitch Lake's glory period ebbed. The opera house eventually burned down, the places of lodging fell into disuse and disrepair, and the crowds stopped coming. You can still see the oval of the old race track just to the south of the lake. This year the Festival will be held September 15th and 16th at the Chapel on the south shore of the Lake. There will be Pioneer arts and crafts,

Another Love Utah, Give Utah Success WAYNE COUNTY - The March 30th Love Utah, Give Utah campaign marked a huge success with over a million dollars donated to Utah nonprofits. Judging by the number of donors in their category, Wayne County’s Color-Country Animal Welfare (CCAW), Entrada Institute, and Torrey House Press each ranked in the top 12% to 25%. This is impressive since each of these organizations is 100% volunteer-run. CCAW's president Sarah Tal said, "Every donation directly helps a local animal. Each year, we assist with 100 to 200 spays and neuters and 90 rescues/adoptions. CCAW

has now paid off their land and is in the process of defining the design of shelter, vet clinic, and boarding facilities. Donors with 847XX zip codes gave over half of the donations received. We love the way Wayne Country residents showed their support through the Love Utah, Give Utah campaign.” Entrada Institute vice president and development cochair Marci Milligan stated, “Entrada Institute supports the community through programming related to the arts, humanities, and natural sciences. The generous contriLove Give

Cont'd on page 6

"The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.” —Garry Kasparov

Courtesy PanguitCH Lake Heritage FestivaL

Panguitch Lake residents from back in the day, the Millers. The Panguitch Lake Heritage Festival is seeking more stories and connections from the founding of Panguitch Lake. traditional and modern food vendors, demonstrations of pioneer crafts, arts and crafts to purchase, stories of local pioneer families, Native American dancers, games for children, and songs of pioneer times. Special songs are being written about our area's founders. Banjo pickers—Clive Romney and other—and musical groups (the Grimshaw's and the Wolfenstien's) will present traditional music and song. Pioneer Heritage folk will be coming from all over the state. There will be pioneer displays and much to do. Now here is an important part: Along with the Festival this year the descendants of Alan Miller and Mary Jane Smith were chosen to hold a reunion during the festival, honoring their heritage. We have been asked to get together and share memories, stories, photos, renew old acquaintances, make new associations, and share some good old-fashioned love. We are looking for family histories and photos that can

be shared. Equipment will be in place to make copies of histories, stories and photos, especially of Blue Spring. Please help by informing friends and family. We invite any descendants or friends to contribute to the program that will take place on Saturday, September 16th, at the chapel at the Lake. A "true" potluck will be held from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in the Chapel, and the program will run from 1:00 pm. to 3:00 pm. Since Alan and Sara Jane had a large family with many descendants, it would be helpful if Miller descendants would contact me at jarthurclark@ to start putting the reunion together. Thank you in advance for the help....I really need it as I am not real good at keeping up family history. I am the son of Cleo MIller, daughter of William Adelbert Miller, son of Alan Miller. Since Alan Miller was born in Scotland, wouldn't it be nice to have a bagpiper or two. —J. Arthur Clark

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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