Serving Wayne & Garfield Counties, Utah Loa • Fremont • Lyman • Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Antimony • Bryce • Tropic • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Local Citizen Scientists Monitor Sky Quality TEASDALE/TORREY/GROVER - You’re invited to help monitor night sky quality in the TeasdaleTorrey-Grover triangle on Saturday April 14. Entrada Institute board members and community members interested in the night sky will use a variety of fascinating data collection devices to gather data. Every six months, information is recorded from the same five locations and added to a database. The group will meet around 9:30PM on April 14 at the home of Gary Pankow in Teasdale (S 200 Rustler Street, Teasdale; 2 blocks East of the Post Office). At 10:00PM those interested in gathering data will carpool to five locations measuring the brightness of the night sky along with other important data such as temperature, wind speed, and barometric pressure. People of all ages are invited to participate. The monitors are easy to use and we’ll work in small groups. No skills are needed to join the fun. Data collected from this activity was recently used to designate Torrey, Utah's first international Dark Sky community. Come celebrate and support our beautiful dark skies and become part of this exciting citizen science project. —Entrada Institute
Issue # 1250
The 40th Annual AZ/UT Range Livestock Workshop & Tour Livestock Industry Personnel Gather to Discuss How to Maintain Viability in This Region Using the Latest Knowledge Available
Courtesy Kevin Heaton
Matt Spendlove, rancher from Virgin Utah, talks about the history and livestock management on his ranch on Smith Mesa. ORDERVILLE/HURRICANE/VIRGIN - The 40th annual AZ/UT Range Livestock Workshop & Tour took place April 3 in Orderville, April 4 in Hurricane, and the tour on April 5 in Virgin, UT. It is cosponsored by Utah State University Extension and University of Arizona Cooperative
Extension and is the longest running multi-state Extension sponsored workshop in the West. It brings together ranchers, land management agency personnel, representatives from the U.S. and State Departments of Agriculture, State Farm Bureaus, Conservation Districts, and businesses serv-
Key Restoration Partner Recognized for Field Work
Lake Powell Fishing Report
Courtesy USFWS
Sue Fearon, pictured above and to the right, was presented with an award for her efforts in habitat restoration and invasive special control as a member of the Grand Staircase Escalante Partners. ESCALANTE - The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Region 6 Partners Program leadership met in Utah on March 14 to discuss the future of conservation work in the region. The group, comprised of representatives from around prairie and mountain states, had the opportunity to tour southwest desert riparian restoration efforts along the Escalante River. During the meeting, an award was presented to one of the key
partners assisting in getting this habitat work done with the Partners Program on private lands. Sue Fearon, of Grand Staircase Escalante Partners, was recognized for her exhausting efforts in furthering the mission of the Service, Partners Progam, and the Escalante River Watershed Partnership. Ms. Fearon said that receiving the award during the Region 6 meeting and tour was unexpected. “I knew I was going to con-
THURS. APR. 5 - WED. APR. 11
Chance of showers on Thursday is 60%. Highs in upper 40s; lows in the 20s. Friday through Wednesday is a mix of clouds and sun, with some windy days. Highs in the 60s; lows in the upper 20s and low 30s.
ing the livestock industry, and Extension personnel, with the goal of keeping livestock operation and production viable in the Arizona Strip and southern Utah by providing cutting-edge, science-based knowledge to participants and strengthening relationships among all parties. The Work-
duct the tour, but receiving the award was a wonderful surprise,” said Fearon. “I love my work with the US Fish & Wildife Service and especially with biologist Clint Wirick.” It's been a great opportunity and a great program. Working with everybody involved makes it easy to have a great day.” Since 2012, Fearon has worked with private landowners on projects focused on removing non-native woody species, primarily Russian olive, and restoration of riparian overstory and understory Award
Cont'd on page 3
LAKE POWELL - The warming trend faltered this past week and afternoon water temperatures dropped slightly from 60 degrees down to 57 while early morning temps were still in the low 50s. Cooling slowed down bass that were starting to build spawning beds. Bass will move back up and fan some more rocks later this week as the next warming trend arrives. It was surprising to see the impact of cooling daytime water temperatures, dropping lake levels, combined with the presence of quagga mussels as visibility in the lake became clearer than ever witnessed in my long career. We fished for bass in Friendship Cove only to find an aquatic petting zoo where the lake bottom could be seen at 25 feet throughout the entire cove. Bass and other fish were seen swimming under the boat but few were caught due to water clarity. My advice is to spend more time fishing for bass in deeper water (25 to 30 feet) or in canyons where visibility is 15 feet of less. In clear water, throw very long casts to prevent fish from seeing the boat before they have a chance to see the lure. Recently, under the declining full moon, the very best bass fishing success was from 5 pm to dark when shadows were on the water. That is the warmest water of Fishing Report Cont'd on page 5
The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant, and let the air out of the tires. — Dorothy Parker
shop provides an outstanding opportunity, in one venue and at no cost, for southern Utah ranchers to keep informed about ongoing developments that can affect the success of their operations, talk directly with industry experts and scientists, socialize with other ranchers, and enjoy a delicious
catered lunch! There is also an opportunity to win door prizes, which this year included a rifle. This year’s program included a presentation by Dr. Kevin Ballard of the Kanab Veterinary Clinic on ranch horse lameness, in which he described exam procedures and diagnostic tests for determining the cause of lameness. Next, Rob Grumbles, retired Mohave County Extension Agent, and Bob Sandberg, retired Lead Range Conservationist with the AZ Strip BLM, both organizers of the initial Workshop 40 years ago, gave a brief history of how it got started and how it has evolved. In the mid-1970s, when a lawsuit against the BLM required the agency to re-evaluate livestock grazing on the public lands it administered using stronger, science-based criteria, relations between ranchers and the BLM on the AZ Strip became tense. A group of ranchers, BLM, and Extension met and started the Workshop to encourage parties to work together to keep ranching viable. In keeping with the origin of the Workshop, each year at least one controversial topic is presented to keep participants thinking and talking about challenging issues. Workshop
Cont'd on page 3
Crockett Dumas and Outlaw Trail Arabians Clean House in 2017 Endurance Standings
Courtesy AZ Cowgirl Photography
OT Rasa RSI and her breeder-rider-trainer Crockett Dumas. Rasa won the 2017 Drinkers of the Wind Award, along with distinctions as AERC WAR Mare, AERC National (High) Mileage, AERC Pioneer Horse (Heavyweight division), and AHA Distance Horse of the Year. ESCALANTE – Crockett Dumas and his Outlaw Trail endurance horses, normally regular winners on the Endurance trail riding circuit, this past year have outdone even themselves in endurance standings and awards. “I've never won as many national awards...this year was really something. Five years ago I thought I was done, but here we are,” said Dumas. Dumas' latest mount, nine year old mare OT Rasa RSI have won the Institute for the Desert Arabian's “Drinkers of the Wind” award for 2017. (The “OT” in the horses'
names stands for Outlaw Trail, and “RSI” stands for Rancho San Ignacio,in honor of the line from which they are bred.) Among Rasa's other awards for 2017: AERC War Mare, AERC National [High] Mileage, AERC Pioneer Horse (heavyweight division), and Arabian Horse Association Distance Horse of the Year. The AHA's Distance Horse of the Year award may only be earned once in the lifetime of any horse. Rasa's sister OT Sara RSI win the award in
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.