April 19, 2012 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

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Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Bryce • Tropic • Antimony • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder • Fremont • Loa • Lyman Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville

Thursday, April 19, 2012 • Issue # 940


Civic Engagement is defined as promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes. The Lieutenant Governor’s Civic Volunteer of the Year Award honors an individual who has improved his or her community through BOTH political and non-political processes. Minimum qualifications are five years of continuous or near continuous service How about 21 years? That’s the qualifications of this year’s recipient, Lennie “Don” Porter of Escalante. His long and distinguished career reflects his commitment to his community, family and the thousands of visitors to the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument that require emergency services each year. We are pleased Don has been chosen for this year’s award. Beginning in 1991, Don joined the all volunteer Escalante Fire Department and the Garfield County Search and Rescue. His hard work and dedication was recognized in 1995 when he was appointed Fire Chief for Escalante City. In May of 1997, he was asked by then Mayor Howard Miller to fill a vacant position on City Council. In 1997 By Vince McNey, member Wayne County LEPC It is estimated that on Tuesday, April 17th, more than he received his EMT-B certification and started volunteer920,000 people participated in Utah’s largest earthquake ing with the Garfield County Ambulance Service which is still on his to-do list today. drill ever. In Wayne County alone, there were over 780 After serving two 4-yr terms, Don was then elected to registered participates — comprising businesses, schools, the Mayor position for the 2006-2010 terms. During his government agencies, organizations, and individuals. The term of office he oversaw the replacement of the Escalante drill’s purpose was to increase awareness of earthquake City Health Clinic through the use of insurance funds and danger in Utah and learn preparedness skills. volunteer labor and donated materials. His leadership reAlthough the Wasatch Fault poses the greatest risk of sulted in a complicated funding package using Federal, a major quake in our state, preparedness is important for state, County and local monies for the long-awaited Eseveryone. For instance, the second largest earthquake re- calante City Fire Station #1. Although his term of office corded in Utah during the past 160 years occurred in near- was over, he has continued to retain his Fire Chief posiby Richfield in 1901 (with a magnitude of 6.5). tion and oversaw the completion and occupancy of the Fire According to the Utah Geological Survey, there is one Station in May of 2010. Don has always been concerned seismic fault line in Wayne County. Known as the Thou- about the Escalante Municipal Airport and was instrumensand Lake Fault, it runs from Boulder Mountain to Thou- tal in getting the ball rolling for UDOT funds to resurface sand Lake Mountain through Bicknell Bottoms. This is the entire runway which occurred during late 2010. designated a low-risk fault, meaning it’s not predicted to “The 2012 state volunteer award winners’ showcase be a major threat. However, as demonstrated in recent some of the inspiring volunteer work taking place in years, earthquakes can occur almost anywhere. And Gar- Utah”, said Lt. Governor Greg Bell. “These award winfield County’s 4.3 tremor last week was a not-so-subtle ners are a powerful force for good in the community and I am pleased to honor them.” reminder. We are pleased Don has finally been recognized for Even if an earthquake does not happen in Wayne County his commitments to the people of Escalante. The award directly, a major quake along the Wasatch Front would cerbanquet will be held Wednesday, April 25th In Salt Lake tainly impact us indirectly. Transportation of vital goods City. Gwen, his wife of almost 30 years, will attend with (such as food and fuel) would be impeded since distribuhim. Her constant support of providing dozens and dozens tion centers and networks would certainly be affected. A of cookies and cinnamon rolls, not to mention all the meals loss of electricity for an extended period of time would she has prepared for Don’s men while they were attending also be likely. This would cause more than just an inconvenience, especially for those with special needs or if the trainings and meeting; standing by his side to help with disruption occurs in winter. In addition, family members fund raisers and all the nights she spent at home with the and friends from outside the county might pay an extended kids while he was attending to his duties. Also deserves visit in times of emergency— putting additional strain on recognition. Donhas been an example to his kids who are now involved with the fire department and are civic mindexisting resources here at home. ed. The web site bereadyutah.gov lists some simple, comFor additional information Don can be reached at 435mon sense things we can do now to prepare for a potential 826-4442 Or by email at: escalantefiredept@color-counearthquake. For instance, since most injuries occur from try.net Written by Jana Hassett – Explore Escalante jana@ falling objects instead of falling buildings, it’s a good idea exploreescalante.com to secure items that may pose a threat during a quake. Topheavy furniture, bookcases, picture frames, mirrors, large appliances, water heaters, etc. should be secured. Installing flexible gas and water connectors to appliances is also recommended.

2012 UTAH SILVER BOWL AWARD HONOREE Mack Oetting – Garfield County



LOA WEATHER DAVCO BUILDING THE SNUGGLE INN......................................................836-2898 55 South Main, Loa ( www.thesnuggleinn.com ) Conference Rooms - meetings, socials, business, reunions, shower rooms, etc. TOSCONOS PIZZERIA.................................................836-2500 Hours: Open: Mon - Sat: 11-8pm ~ Closed Sundays. Sandwiches, Paninnis, Pizzas,Wraps, Salads, Pastas, Breadsticks, Cin-A-Stick w/Frosting, Smoothies and Specialty Coffees CREATIVE SPIRIT GALLERY & GIFTS..................836-2898 www.giftscreativespirit.com MANE-E-ACS HAIR SALON .....................................836-2602 Kimber Wood (Walk-ins, Hair Cuts, Perms, Colors, Pedicures, and Hair Extensions & Jewelry.) PACE TAX SERVICE.....................................................836-2218 Tax Preparations, Refund Loans, IRS E-Filing, and Tax Planning. THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia and is distributed weekly to all of Garfield County. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper. Thank you for your support.

Mack Oetting has been a resident of Panguitch for more than 20 years and during that time, he has been an active member of his community. In the 20 years he has lived in Panguitch, he has been involved in the American Legion, Lions Club, Quilt Walk Festival, Search and Rescue, Panguitch School Board, Senior Center, Food Bank, Red Canyon Visitors Center, and the City Council. In addition, Mack writes weekly articles for the Wayne and Garfield County Insider newspaper. In the past, he served his community as an EMT, retiring after 13 years. His volunteer responsibilities have been varied, from organizing highway clean-up projects, to honoring veterans, to helping at an animal sanctuary – Best Friends, to delivering food with Meals on Wheels. In addition, Mack organizes community breakfasts, maintains the Quilt Walk Park and serves as the “Fluoride Man” at the elementary school. Mack has been involved with the Sub For Santa program since moving to Panguitch in 1991 and also serves as the co-chair for the community Easter Egg Hunt held each year. Mack will not let a need go unmet. Once he identifies a need, he works tirelessly to see that need is met. There is no project too big or too small for Mack. He is a good citizen, as manifested by his service to family, friends, and neighbors. He attends community meetings so as to keep abreast of the city needs and accomplishments. He supports the community leaders and is an active participant in community events. Mack finds joy in his service to others. In addition, he still manages to care for his home and yard and spend quality time with his wife, children, and grandchildren. Mack is a true blessing to his community and strives to improve the lives of residents and visitors alike. Some people have so much respect for their superiors they have none left for themselves. Peter McArthur

Wayne Phone: 435-836-2622 Garfield Phone: 435-676-2621 Fax 1-888-370-8546 PO BOX 472, Loa, Utah 84747 snapshot@live.com ALL content for THE WAYNE &GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE 5:00 PM to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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