The Wayne & Garfield County Insider April 19, 2018

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Issue # 1251

Ruby’s Inn Welcomes New Musical Entertainment Act to Ebenezer’s Barn & Grill The Bryce Canyon Wranglers will Perform at the Restaurant During the 2018 Season

BRYCE - Guests who visit Ebenezer’s Barn & Grill—a western-style chuck wagon restaurant at Ruby’s Inn featuring nightly musical entertainment along with a meal—will enjoy new entertainment consisting of popular countrymusicians: Tim Gates, Fred Boekhorst, Kari Nelson and Billy Arnold. The four musicians will perform together at the grill for the duration of the 2018 season, which runs from April 26 to Oct. 15. The new act is part of several changes that are designed to improve the dining experience and help Ruby’s Inn get back to its roots. “We are excited for our guests to discover the improvements we have made at Ebenezer’s Barn & Grill,” said Tim Leech, the new manager at Ebenezer’s. “This upcoming season is going to be a blast for all of us, and we appreciate Tim, Fred, Kari and Billy for joining our team as we provide authentic, unforgettable experiences for our guests.” Beginning in the 2018 season, Ruby’s Inn is incorporating a new format for performers at Ebenezer’s Barn & Grill that is designed to provide increased variety during the entertainment portion of the meal. Gates, Boekhorst, Nelson and Arnold will perform at the restaurant about five nights each week, with the remainder being covered by local performers and others. The four musicians and all others who are invited to perform at Eb-

Courtesy Ebenerzer's Barn &Grill

The Bryce Canyon Wranglers will be performing about five nights a week at Ebenezer's Barn & Grill throughout the 2018 season, starting on April 26. Featured members are, clockwise from the top: Billy Arnold, Fred Boekhorst, Tim Gates, and Kari Nelson. enezer’s Barn & Grill will be featured as members of “The Bryce Canyon Wranglers.” “One purpose of introducing the concept of ‘The Bryce Canyon Wranglers’ is to appeal to our returning guests,” Leech said. “Many of our regulars had already seen the show at

Legislative Funding From House Bill 327 Has Opened Up Five New Positions at Utah State University Extension for the Next Three Years

Ebenezer’s Barn & Grill several times without much of a change, which kept them from coming back. But with these changes, our regulars will now have the opportunity to see new, fresh entertainment on a much more frequent basis.”

In connection with the entertainment changes, the group will perform popular songs and modern country music in its setlists. This will give the show a modern edge while still mainEbenezer's

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Are You Ready to ShakeOut? UTAH - A major earthquake in a populated area could cause unprecedented devastation in Utah. What we do now, before a big earthquake, will determine what our lives will be like afterwards. With earthquakes an inevitable part of Utah’s future, we must act quickly to ensure that disasters do not become catastrophes. The Great Utah ShakeOut is planned for April 19, 2018, at 10:15 a.m. A key aspect of the ShakeOut is the integration of comprehensive science-based earthquake research and the lessons learned from decades of social science research about why people get prepared. The result is a “teachable moment” on par with having an actual earthquake (often followed by increased interest in getting ready for earthquakes). ShakeOut creates the sense of urgency that is needed for people, organizations, and communities to get prepared, to practice what to do to be safe, and to learn what plans need to be improved. Not just any drill will accomplish this; it needs to be big. It must inspire communities to come together. It must involve children at school and parents at work, prompting conversations at home. It must

Celebrating Our Heritage of Rocks and Collecting

Garfield County Commission Meeting

WASHINGTON/ CARBON/ SEVIER/ GARFIELD COUNTIES - The purpose of the Rural Online Initiative (ROI) Pilot Program is to provide Utah’s rural workforce and businesses with an agency that provides education/training and services for online opportunities in remote employment, freelance work, and online commerce. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in one of these positions, please share. These positions will work from USU Extension offices in Washington, Carbon, Sevier, and/or Garfield counties. Programs will launch July 1st. Title: Senior Program Coordinator - Rural Online Initiative (ROI) Pilot Program, Southern Region Department: Southern Region Requisition: E1800635 Link: Title: Program Coordinator II - Rural Online Initiative (ROI) Pilot Program, Southern Region (3 POSITIONS) Department: Southern Region Requisition: E1800636 Link: Title: Staff Assistant II - Rural Online Initiative, Southern Region Department: Southern Region Requisition: N1800843 Link: —Utah State University Extension


THURS. APR. 5 - WED. APR. 11

Thursday through Saturday, partly cloudy and sunny with the slightest chance of rain. Chance of precip is 10-20%. Highs in upper 50s; lows in the 30s. Sunday through Wednesday is partly cloudy and sunny as well. Highs climb into the high 60s and low 70s; lows in the upper 30s and low 40s.

Courtesy Annette Lamb

Temple of the Sun and Moon, Cathedral Valley. The rocks and collecting themed community night will include a free meal, historical perspectives on mining, a slide show, engaging activities, exhibits featuring rock collections, and a demonstration of rock carving. BICKNELL - Whether planning for gold in the Henry Mountains or hiking to Hickman Bridge, Wayne County has a history connected with the Earth. Carving stone tools, using a grindstone to make corn meal, and etching stories in stone are just a few examples of how rocks have been important to local people since prehistoric times. When pioneers first settled in Rabbit Valley, mineral prospectors weren’t far behind. The Henry Mountains gold rush (1890s), the Faculty Butte coal mine (1900s), the Miner’s

Mountain copper quest (1910s), and the uranium boom (1950s) are just a few examples of the many times when people sought riches in mining. From gold and copper to coal and uranium, there are currently over 70 active mines in the county. In Capitol Reef alone, there are over 62 historical mine sites with fifteen still in need of mitigation. In the 1920s, Ephraim Pectol and Joe Hickman began promoting the area as Wayne Wonderland because of its colorful canyons, buttes, and monoliths. In 1937, Capitol Reef was des-

You are not Atlas carrying the world on your shoulder. It is good to remember that the planet is carrying you. — Vandana Shiva

allow every organization, city, etc., to make it their own event. The 2018 ShakeOut drill will be the largest preparedness event in Utah history. To participate, go to and pledge your family, school, business, or organization’s participation in the drill. Registered participants will receive information on how to plan their drill and how to create a dialogue with others about earthquake preparedness. All organizers ask is that participants register (so they can be counted and receive communications), and at the minimum practice "drop, cover, and hold on" at the specified time. It is only a five minute commitment for something that can save your life. It all begins with registering, which is free and open to everyone. For more information, visit www.ShakeOut. org/Utah. —Wayne County Emergency Management

ignated a National Monument to protect the area’s geologic features. Finally, Capitol Reef National Park was established in 1971. Over a million visitors enjoy the beauty of the unique geology of the area each year. “Doc” Inglesby of Fruita and Worthen Jackson of Fremont are just two of the many early, Wayne County rock collectors. Rock collecting is a hobby that’s often passed from one generation to the next. How well do

GARFIELD COUNTY First, Commissioners’ board reports: Commissioner David Tebbs on Monument Scoping comments and Tropic economic development and water issues, and fiber optic installation; Commissioner Taylor on an upcoming Mayor’s meeting, South Central construction, Heritage Festival, Science Center, and D.C. travel for SRS meeting; and Commissioner Pollock on RS2477 litigation plan, Brian Head grazing allotments, and Watershed Restoration Initiative (WRI) habitat restoration funding. Commissioner Tebbs reported on getting people involved with the scoping comments on the new Monument management plans, getting forms out to people and asking them to comment. In Tropic, he had attended a town meeting regarding future economic development and that Tropic is hindered by waste water issues. One of the two sewer ponds isn’t functioning, and the other is 30 years old and needs an overhaul, together costing close to $2 million. Currently, the town is looking at rate increases. Tebbs was asked if the county had resources to assist with


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ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.




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