The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 04/20/2017

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Issue # 1199

New Street Lights Come to Torrey

Courtesy mary BedingfieldsmitH

Courney Cropper replaces high-pressure sodium lights in Torrey with new, warm-white LED lights that featured directed illumination. TORREY - Anyone driving through Torrey at night in the last few weeks may have noticed a change in the streetlights. That’s because, on March 15, ten old highpressure sodium lights in town were replaced with new, warm-white LED lights that direct illumination onto the roadway rather than into the sky. This installation came about due to donations of friends and residents of Torrey Town via an on-line campaign to raise over $18,000 to do just that – replace energy consuming streetlights with energy saving LEDs. In addition to the monetary support of donors, Garkane Energy and The Entrada Institute played significant roles in the project. Garkane Energy decreased the rate renters pay for street and security lights that are switched to LED lights rated

under 100 watts. Additionally, Garkane Energy linemen Courtney Cropper and Scott Grundy spent many hours taking down the old lights and installing the new ones. Through their dark sky initiative, the Entrada Institute promoted the project to their members and patrons. There are still a few town lights to be replaced, however, the result of this replacement effort is two-fold. First, Torrey Town will save over $800 in annual expenses through reduced light rental fees paid to Garkane Energy. Second, this is a major first step in Torrey’s efforts to be designated Utah’s first International Dark Sky Community. Torrey and other Wayne County communities already have some of the darkest night skies in the nation. Because we live here and can

Satisfaction from Service: A Worthy Objective! Volunteer for the 11th Annual Amazing Earthfest

KANAB - Get into the flow by sharing your talents to help create a successful, experiential learning festival. Planning for Southern Utah’s annual festival of discovery, arts and adventure is well underway! Volunteering with the annual Amazing Earthfest in Kanab, Utah, can deliver a satisfying experience while helping widen your circle of friends. The 11th Amazing Earthfest 2017 will enliven your week of May 14–20, 2017, with more than 35 exciting things to see and do. Be a part of it! By helping organize Amazing Earthfest, you’ll create unforgettable experiences for all who attend across a wide array of nature-based topics. The events of this unique festival attract visitors to Kanab from across the nation who are seeking an experiential learning vacation unavailable anywhere else. Earthfest appeals broadly to local residents too! Our series of nine free award-winning documentary film screenings is a festival in itself! Visit for complete event information. Don’t miss this cool, once-a-year opportunity to enjoy the personal rewards of volunteering in your community. To learn more about how you can help create the next magnificent Earthfest, call the festival director at 435-644-373, or sign up through our website with an email to the festival director at Amazing Earthfest events encourage individual experience and community conversation about the mysteries and majesty of the natural world. Explore scientific knowledge and discover shared values in conservation and land ethics. Enhance your appreciation for the benefits that public lands provide, and advance your understanding of natural systems and human impacts upon them. Help create an emerging identity for Kanab, Utah, as a destination connecting people with their natural heritage! —Volunteer for Southern Utah’s 11th Amazing Earthfest!



A SUNNY WEEKEND AHEAD - Sunny skies expected Friday through Monday. Clouds roll in the rest of the week. That spring wind will still be blowing between 22 - 15 MPH during the week. Highs for the week in low 70s and high 60s. Lows in the low to mid 30s throughout the week.

step outside every night and see the Milky Way, or Scorpio and Orion, or watch for shooting stars, we may not realize that seeing stars at night is something fewer and fewer

people in the world are able to experience. In fact, over 80% of the people in the United States live in places where the Milky Way is no longer visible at night because of artificial light. Of Torrey’s night sky, John Barentine of the International Dark Sky Association says, “What I see here is relatively little artificial light on top of what is otherwise a typically very naturally dark sky. In fact, if Torrey became an IDA Dark Sky Community, it would be among the darkest of the lot.” In a continued effort to monitor the level of artificial light in our area, the Entrada Institute will hold its semiannual dark sky monitoring citizen science project. The next event will be Friday, April 28. Everyone is invited to participate by gathering that evening at 9:30 PM at the home of Gary Pankow – 146 South 200 East in Teasdale. For more information, contact Gary at 435.491.0222. —Mary Bedingfieldsmith

Courtesy mary BedingfieldsmitH

The lights installed meet the public's dual desires of being able to clearly see the Milky Way while in town and having the streets safely illuminated.

Sterling Scholar Winners

GARFIELD COUNTY - Sterling Scholar Winners Congratulations to our Sterling Scholar winners from Thursday night’s competition. The Regional competition was held on the Southern Utah University campus in Cedar City. The event provided a unique experience for several of our Garfield County youth and in the end we did a great job with two runners-up and a winner. Danielle Brinkerhoff opened the ceremony with a piano musical selection of Dancing on the Berlin Wall. Klace Lyman took first place in Agricultural Science. Runners-up included Lindsie Perkins in Agricultural Science and Elaina LeFevre in Business and Marketing. What a great achievement for our students and a great showing for Garfield County. My congratulations to each of them and their schools.

With spring break on our door step, everyone have a fun and safe weekend. Remember that the window for our state writing opens when we return. Get your thoughts in order and let’s finish the year with great exam scores. —Tracy Davis, Garfield County School District

Elaina LeFevre Bryce Valley High School Runner-up Business and Marketing

Lindsie Perkins Panguitch High School Runner-up Agricultural Science

Klace Chad Lyman Escalante High School Winner Agricultural Science

"The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them.” —Will Rogers

Hanksville Elementary School Annual Science Fair

Courtesy Hanksville elementary

2nd grader, Mari Esplin from Hanksville Elementary gives her presentation about Types of Soil for Growing. She won 2nd place. HANKSVILLE - On Friday, March 24th, Hanksville Elementary School held their annual science fair. A science fair project is an exciting and meaningful learning experience for each child. Not only can children enter and compete for ribbons, trophies, and awards, but more importantly children have an opportunity to apply the many skills they are learning in the various academic subjects. A science fair project cuts across almost every curriculum. Some of the skills the students learn and demonstrate are as follows: Thinking Skills – This is perhaps the most important product of a science fair project. Students put much time, effort, and thought into a

project. They see the result of their thinking in the form of a project. They have developed or utilized problem-solving skills. Organizational Skills – Another important skill that students utilize when preparing a project is organization. Students will need the support and advice from teachers and parents, but this is an opportunity to plan, prepare, and organize a project from start to finish. Science – Children have an opportunity to investigate a myriad of topics of interest to them in science. They apply the skills of scientific inquiry when investigating Hanksville Elementary Cont'd on page 2

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Seeks Nominations to Advisory Committee KANAB - The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) in Utah is seeking public nominations for seven open positions on its 15-member Monument Advisory Committee (MAC), which provides advice and recommendation to GSENM on science issues and the achievement of GSENM Plan objectives. Nominations are due by close of business on May 29, 2017. The GSENM-MAC is composed of citizens chosen for their expertise in land use planning and the management of the lands under BLM management in GSENM. “The MAC is integral to the management of the Monument,” said Monument Manager Cindy Staszak. “The committee’s diversity – scientists, elected officials, educators, business and environmental leaders – provides me and my staff with a broader insight into issues impacting the Monument and the surrounding communities; and in effect, enhances our ability to manage the

Monument lands for multiple uses where appropriate, as an outdoor laboratory for scientific research, all the while conserving resources for future generations.” Individuals may nominate themselves or others to serve on the MAC. Nominees will be judged on the basis of their training, education, and knowledge of the council’s geographical area. Nominees should also demonstrate a commitment to consensus building and collaborative decision making. All nominations must be accompanied by letters of reference from any represented interests or organizations; a completed background information nomination form available from the Monument; and any other information that speaks to the nominee's qualifications. Four members will be appointed as follows, one from each of the categories listed below: • An educator; • An environmental Advisory Committee

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.


Cont'd on page 2


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