The Wayne & Garfield County Insider April 26, 2018

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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Issue # 1252

Barn Dance Bandits Set for Cinco de Mayo Gig

Another Case of Turn-About Youth “Runners”

Adus Dorsey

Dee Hatch and the Barn Dance Bandits will play on Saturday, May 5th at the Old Mill Lodge in Lyman. It is from 6 to 9 P.M. Vamos a bailar! LYMAN – Get ready for some fun – Dee Hatch and the Barn Dance Bandits are getting ready for their second spring gig at the Old Mill Lodge in Lyman, on Saturday, May 5. “We’re having another one of our barn dances, kind of similar to the last one,” said Ada Mae Crouse, who plays fiddle for the band. Dinner will be served at 6pm, and then a caller will coach everyone on the dance

routines and then the dancing will begin. “All are welcome to come, young and old, whether you know how to dance or not,” said Crouse. “The dance lessons are free, it’s a time to listen to music and dance have fun.” The band plays traditional music, old time fiddle tunes, polkas, two steps and waltzes. “We hope it’ll be a great community event. We want to keep up the old Wayne County

by George Brinkerhoff near Bicknell. In 1936, the State of Utah built what’s known today as the Loa State Fish Hatchery at Brian Springs. It’s one of the oldest hatcheries in the state. The J. Perry Egan Hatchery located in Bicknell Bottoms was built in 1973. It provides eggs for the state’s other fish hatcheries.

Congressional Candidate, Shireen Ghorbani, to Visit Torrey and Escalante

and the United States. The Second Congressional District stretches from Salt Lake City to St. George and includes all of Wayne and Garfield Counties. While the urban population cenCourtesy Shireen Ghobani For Congress ters have more voters, the Ghobani will be in Torrey on May issues facing the rural 4th and in Escalante on May 5th. communities in the disShe will field questions and dis- trict are equally imporcuss local concerns with attend- tant to Ms. Ghobani. Geting citizens. ting to know the people who live here is essential for TORREY / ESCALANa representative democracy. TE - Shireen Ghobani, who This is your opportunity to is a candidate for Utah’s Secshare your thoughts with her. ond Congressional District, Use your freedom as a citizen will be in Torrey on Friday, to participate in our upcoming May 4th and in Escalante, election. Saturday, May 5th to meet In Torrey she will be Wayne and Garfield County meeting at the Torrey Pavilcitizens. She is keenly interion from 5-7pm on Friday ested in learning from local and Saturday from 4-6pm at residents what their concerns The Outfitters. There will be are – ranging from local to food and drink at both and a national. Shireen will answer bounce house in Escalante for questions about her positions the kids. on those issues as well as her —Bob Hartman vision for the future of Utah


THURS. APR. 5 - WED. APR. 11

Mix of partly cloudy and sunny in the forecast for the week. Highs in upper 60s and low 70s ; lows in the high 30s and low 40s. Chance of precipitation on Sunday and again Tuesday through Thursday. Chance is low, only 10-20%.

at large. The current episode happened just six weeks after two other youths escaped the Turn-About campus, committed a burglary, and stole and wrecked an Escalante resident’s vehicle, in February. In December of 2016, another youth in the treatment program murdered one TurnAbout staff member, seriously injured another, and also stole and wrecked a vehicle during a police chase. “They [Turn-About Ranch] have an obligation to the community for safety and security, but they appear to be tone deaf,” one local resident said in response to the recent incidents.

traditions of everybody getting together,” said Crouse. Dee Hatch and the Barn Dance Bandits Cinco de Mayo event is from 6-9pm at the Mill Lodge in Lyman, 1500 South Highway 24. —Insider Bring Your Dancing Shoes to: Old Mill Lodge 1500 South Highway 24 May 5th 6 - 9 P.M

Our Cultural Heritage of Fish and Fishing BICKNELL - The final theme of the 2018 Cultural Heritage project in Wayne County focuses on fish and fishing. From prehistoric travelers to today’s tourists, people have enjoying the local fish for thousands of years. According to Anne Snow in Rainbow Views, the first fish hatchery in the area was built

ESCALANTE – A group of four youths, known locally as “runners,” made their way off the lower campus of Turn-About Ranch, a residential treatment program for troubled teens, on the night of Saturday, April 14. Each of the youths—who had split up during their run—were apprehended by late the following evening, on Sunday night. No injuries or damages within the local community were reported, but this most recent incident has fueled Escalante residents’ concerns over both security conditions at Turn-About Ranch, as well as the notification system to Escalante locals—and around the region—when runners are

4-H youth grades three and up are invited to participate in after-school activities focusing on our heritage of fish and fishing. Regardless of whether you’re a fan of fish or not, come to the dinner on Wednesday May 16 at 6PM.


Four "runners" were missing from the Turn-About Residential treatment facility on April 14th, raising concerns about security systems in place, as well as community safety.

By: Kathy Munthe

Family Matters

Cont'd on page 4

Escalante City Council

City Council Cont'd on page 4


Cont'd on page 2

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Fish and Fishing

ESCALANTE - Escalante’s city council held a slamdunk 23 minute meeting on April 17. The council fielded a few planning and zoning items and moved quickly through administrative items. During public comment, Escalante resident Leslie Venuti asked whether the council would consider an ordinance prohibiting franchises, in the city limits. City Attorney Barry Huntington, who was present for the meeting, said that the city cannot do that. Venuti indicated that neighboring Boulder Town has issued an ordinance related to franchises. Council member Stowe presented items forwarded to the council from planning and zoning. The city council approved two conditional use permits for Cowboy Country Inn, to operate holiday homes at both 95 W. Main and at 125 S. 100 W. Denita and Lewis Williams, who have purchased the former Serenidad Gallery on Main Street, requested a permit for remodeling the building and for a fence; however, in addition to their original request to P&Z they would now like to request that a portion of their fence be higher than the six feet

Michelle Lindsay, TurnAbout’s executive director, said “I think there is a little more alarm. There is some additional concern since that period of time [in reference to Jimmy Woolsey, the staff person who was killed in December 2016]. So to some it seems like things are worse, or that they are happening more often. And certainly a car theft is a lot more visible.” “I think we consider the incident with Jimmy an anomaly,” Lindsay added. “Students have always ran, and that is something that is difficult to predict,” said Shane Young, who serves as Turn-About’s admissions director. “We're not a ‘lockdown’ facility.” Lindsay and Young did not identify any additional security procedures that have taken place since the more serious incidents have occurred, and said that their best source of security is doing good screening of incoming students. “Some of this is dependent on parent reporting, what is the history of the student, what have they done in the past,” said Lindsay. “But the question is—what will they

Courtesy Vincent Jollit

Isabelle Jollit communes with a Kagu on a birding trip to New Zealand. For several years now, book discussion group I attend had. I am delighted to say that I’ve written articles for this pa- (we were discussing H is for all these folks represent a wide per reporting the results of the Hawk), everyone talked about cross section of our community. That there is a general inannual Christmas Bird Count. their favorite birds and had bird For a long time I assumed that, stories to tell. And, from time to terest in birds shouldn’t really aside from count participants, time, we get calls from people be surprising. They are by far a scant handful of people were describing a bird they’ve seen the most obvious of vertebrate interested in the report or in and wondering what it was; oth- animals, and it would be difbirds in general. Not so, appar- ers want to have conversations Feathers ently. Several months ago, at a about bird encounters they’ve Cont'd on page 7

Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. — Abraham Lincoln

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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