The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 04/27/2017

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Issue # 1200

Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company Returns May 4th & 5th

An event not to be missed!

Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company performing Shift. ESCALANTE/BOULDER - The Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company is coming back after two years to bring not only a community performance on Friday, May 5th but workshops for the students at Escalante High School and Escalante and Boulder Elementary Schools on Thursday, May 4th. This special opportunity is again being made possible through the efforts of the Boulder Arts Council, along with support from the Escalante Canyons Art Fes-

tival, the Utah Division of Arts and Museums, Garfield County School District, and the National Endowment for the Arts. The Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company is Utah's most established institution for contemporary dance. The Company actively embraces and commissions the work of contemporary choreographers, tours worldwide, and develops dynamic education and community outreach programming. Through performance

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and educational undertakings, the Company pursues its mission to make dance a viable part of everyone’s lives. Over the 53 years of its history, Ririe-Woodbury has toured nationally and internationally, always advocating the philosophy that “dance is for everybody”. The Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company came to both Escalante and Boulder on their educational teaching tour this March. All who participated had a chance to be exposed

to the art of dance through a lecture demonstration that engaged the student in their philosophy that “dance is for everybody”. When they return in May, this will be expanded upon with the opportunity for students to participate in a creative movement workshop with the company members. For a complete schedule of all student workshops and for times for the Open Rehearsal, please visit the Boulder Arts Council website at http:// ririe-woodbury-schedule.html The six dancers in the company along with the Artistic Director Daniel Charon will present a tailored show that will expand audience members’ connection to dance as an art. So don't miss the chance to be lit by the kinesthetic energy of dance. The performance is free to the public, however, donations are appreciated to offset costs for these events and for local art events in the future. If you have questions or you are interested in volunteering for these events, you can contact Principal Chip Sharpe at the high school or by calling Cheryl Cox at 435-335-7550. —Boulder Arts Council

National Day of Prayer: A Community-Wide Event

WAYNE COUNTY Community members from across Wayne County will come together on Thursday May 4 at 7PM for the National Day of Prayer. The program will take place at the Wayne County Community Center in Bicknell, Utah. Everyone is welcome to participate in this community-wide event. Although this will be the first time that Wayne County will be participating, this is the 66th national observance. A joint resolution by President Harry S. Truman and the US Congress established this event that calls upon people of all faiths to come together for prayer and meditation. The program will be organized around the themes of country, community, families, gratitude, and reflection. Music will be provided by “Rough Around the Edges, The Barbershop Belles, Phil-

lip Winters, Adrian Rugger, Wayne High School Choir (Joni Taft, Director), Wayne Stake Choir (Phillip Winters, Director; Monte Laing, Conductor), Lynsey Shelar, and Becky Pace. Speakers and readers will include Duke Alvey, LDS Stake Presidency, Donald

Coombs, Linda Ward, Newell Harward, Paul Pace, Don Gomes, Pastor David Schuh, Julia Sati, Paula Pace, Jim Adams, Rod Frazier, Margaret Smith, Gil Hallows, and Bishop Kendall Nelson. This event is an opportunity for neighbors and friends to come together in prayer.

Event organizers included the Interfaith Council, Grace Christian Church, St. Anthony of the Desert Catholic Parish, Two Arrows Zen Meditation Center, and Torrey LDS Church. Also, thanks to the Entrada Institute. —Annette Lamb, The Entrada Institute

Gallery Event Featured Artist

ESCALANTE - Appropriately tucked into the upstairs space among the Mollin Brothers intricately carved woodwork, you will find the handcrafted wares of local artists and craftspersons at the Made In Escalante gallery store. The store, operated by volunteers, opened to the community in the fall of 2016 and reopened for the season on April 7. Items available for sale include jewelry, wood furniture, metal sculptures, pottery, paper and fiber arts, as well as acrylic, oil, watercolor and mixed media paintings from over 16 local artcourTesy made in escalanTe ists and craftspersons. The featured arti- Escalante artisan Linda Tramontasan for the May 5 First no is this month's featured artist at Friday gallery event is the Made in Escalante First Friday Linda Tramontano. Lin- gallery event on May 5. da uses semi-precious stones to create jewelry and mixed media art including her signature Tree of Life pieces. Linda will be available from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to discuss her art and take custom orders. The Made In Escalante gallery store is located upstairs at Utah Canyons Outdoors, 325 W. Main St., Escalante, Utah. The gallery is open Thursday through Saturday noon to 6 p.m. Follow Made In Escalante on Facebook: MIEUtah. —Made in Escalante


Where is the Common Sense in Getting Things Done? by norman mcKee

courTesy norman mcKee

A successful revegetation project in which deer, small mammals, reptiles, birds and insects are re-establishing in numbers on the treated project area. Joni TafT

The Wayne High School Choir is one of the groups that will be performing at the National Day of Prayer event on May 4.

WCSD to Host Local Wellness Policy Meeting "Be a School Wellness Champion" WAYNE COUNTY - Wayne School District invites parents to a meeting about the school wellness policy on Wednesday, May 3 at 4:00 in the district office boardroom. Having healthy choices at school helps keep our children healthy and ready to learn. The school wellness policy helps our school create an action plan for nutrition and physical activity at school. Parents can share their opinions and help make sure the policy is meeting the needs of our students. Wayne School District’s wellness policy is available at: Please come and join us. Parents who are unable to attend the meeting can email comments about the wellness policy or nutrition and physical activity at their school to: We hope you will join us! —Wayne County School District



COMING UP WINDY - Windy and cloudy with a chance of rain on the 3rd. The windiest day will be Saturday, so go ahead and procrastinate that yard work. The wind will still be blowing between 18 - 12 MPH during the week. Highs for the week in low 70s and high 60s. Lows in the mid to high 30s throughout the week.

Wayne County Democrats to Hold Convention

WAYNE COUNTY - The Wayne County Democratic Convention will be held at Noon on Saturday, May 6th, at the D.U.P building (the small historic log building) located on Main Street in Torrey (just west of the LDS Church). We encourage ALL who came out to vote in the 2016 county democratic primary caucus last year to join us and participate in our 2017 Wayne County Democratic Caucus & Convention. We will be taking nominations and voting to fill seats for party leadership and delegate vacancies! —Wayne County Democratic Party "If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Several weeks ago, I wrote a letter to Scott Groene, the Executive Director of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA), regarding their hard stand against the Skutumpah Terrace Restoration Project south of Alton in Kane County on the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument. As expected, I have had no response. My letter to him is as follows: Scott, I am writing to you because of the concern I have with all the contention occurring, especially in Garfield and Kane Counties, regarding public land ownership and management. My interest in the areas began in 1968, when I received my first assignment, after graduation from USU, as a state Wildlife Conservation Officer for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) in Kanab. Two years later I transferred to Panguitch, where I continue to reside. I worked both counties, and parts of Piute and Iron Counties, as a conservation officer and field biologist for nearly

35 years, until my retirement in 2002. Thereafter, I worked five years seasonally for the state Department of Water Quality as a field scientist on a federally funded program to assess and evaluate hundreds of stream sections and adjacent riparian zones in our state, including many in Southern Utah. Also, since 2003, at the request of several organizations, including the Director of the UDWR, I was appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Interior to serve on the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument (GSENM) newly formed Monument Advisory Committee (MAC), representing wildlife interests. This latest role on the MAC has been interesting, challenging, and somewhat frustrating. The Monument Management Plan, as it was developed within the understanding of the Monument designation by President Clinton, stipulated that the Monument was to be managed very differently Common Sense

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.


Cont'd on page 2


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