The Wayne & Garfield County Insider May 3, 2018

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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Issue # 1253

Small Plane Crash Lands in Boulder, Injuring Three Aboard

Garfield County Commission

GARFIELD COUNTY Takeaways from the Garfield County Commission meeting, Monday, April 23. • Gov. Herbert will meet with Commissioners on May 2 regarding the 25K Job Initiative in rural Utah. Kids in schools and jobs are goals the county wants to see, not just feasibility studies, said Commissioner Pollock. “Bring us 30 year-round jobs, or we’re not interested. One current possibility is a meat packing plant. • Farm Bureau Vice President of Public Policy, Sterling Brown reported on water issues the Bureau is monitoring at the state legislature: 1. Water banking, which stakeholders are trying to formalize statewide. Currently water users who don’t use their full allotment are at risk of forfeiting water. Banking allows a user to contract with a neighbor to share water. The original user gets revenue from the neighbor, forfeiture risk is eliminated, and the neighbor gets the water. Farm Bureau will be supporting this legislation in 2019, assuming they do not determine any negative impacts. 2. Split season. Willing farmers give up the water they County Commission Cont'd on page 2

Courtesy Audrey Austin

A plane crash landed in Boulder (above), injuring the three passengers on board. Emergency personnel (right) from both Boulder and Escalante arrived on the scene shortly after the accident. BOULDER – A late afternoon of shoeing horses became a backdrop to a crash scene when a small plane with engine troubles, carrying three aboard, made a rough landing in Haws’ field around 5:30pm on Saturday.


Enough is Enough!

by Norman McKee Various groups, espe- the continuous trail of trash. cially the upcoming younger Litter is everywhere! Nowhere generation, are at last speak- is exempt. Main roads, backing out about issues that affect roads, ATV trails all have litour society and lives. In our ter. Almost every sign on our area, the use and management public land backroads, within

Courtesy Norman Mckee

Gunshot riddled sign near Circleville. Official signs in the area are often used for target practice. of our large open landscapes, especially the public lands, is of great importance in our lives now and those of future generations. It is especially concerning that there is a consistent element of our local population that are just plain idiots when it comes to their use of our outdoor lands. Just go anywhere on back roads and look at the bullet-ridden signs and

Second Annual Bryce Canyon Mule Days

a few months of posting, has evidence of several bullet holes. We complain about the cost of maintenance on our federal and state lands. And yet, we seem to somewhat tolerate the continual desecration, vandalism, and trashing of our public resources that Op-ed

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THURS. APR. 5 - WED. APR. 11

Thursday and Friday will see temps coming back up after a short down turn. Highs in upper 50s and 60s ; lows in the 30s. Saturday through Wednesday is a mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the 70s ; lows in the 40s. Tuesday and Wednesday see a precip chance of 10-20%.

“We were shoeing horses and we watched them fly over us once, and then twice—at first we thought they were buzzing us. But they were looking for a place to land,” said Audrey Austin, who was at the scene and had an opportunity to talk to the pilot and passengers afterward. “They circled, came back behind us a third time, going east to west, and crashed. They bounced several times.” Other reports were that

the front wheel of the plane came off upon landing. The plane remained in one piece, but Austin said the pilot was on the ground, and suffered a head laceration. The Garfield County Sheriff's office confirmed the name of the pilot as Brent Ferrin.

Also aboard the plane were a photographer and the photographer’s wife. The photographer suffered minor injuries to his knee, but his wife, who is pregnant, was strained by the seat belt during the hard landing. (The Plane Crash

TROPIC - The second annual Bryce Canyon Mule Days—taking place in Tropic on Wednesday, May 2 through Saturday, May 5—is about much more than mule rides through Bryce Canyon Country. This year, the four-day event will also feature activities to raise funds for cancer research in honor of Clint Mecham, the brother of Bryce Canyon Mule Days founder. Clint, who was a predator specialist for the Utah Department of Natural Resources and spent a lot of his time on the back of a mule, recently passed away from melanoma. “We’ve had several different cases of cancer right here in our little community,” said McLain Mecham, founder of Bryce Canyon Mule Days. “With my brother’s passing last year, we received so much support from locals and individuals outside of the state. People do a great job pulling together when others are in need. As a result, we decided to dedicate our mule days to my brother Clint. We want to pay it back; we want to find a cure for cancer and help out in any way we can.” The 2018 Bryce Canyon Mule Days event will feature two activities specifically designed to raise funds for cancer research. On Thursday and Friday, a trail course competition is to be held. The competition, which includes obstacle challenges such as a log jump and log drag, will be timed and have a point system. The Mule Days

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Capitol Reef National Park Announces 2018 Artist-in-Residence Participants

South Monroe Mountain Prescribed Burning Underway RICHFIELD RANGER DISTRICT - Ignitions are once again underway on the South Monroe Mountain Prescribed Fire Project. The Fishlake National Forest - Richfield Ranger District, plans to burn today through Saturday, as weather conditions allow. This project is approximately 10 miles southeast of the community of Marysvale. Targeted fuels consist of mountain brush species and/or activity fuels (slash). Some snow remains on the north slopes and at the higher elevations. The plan is to burn around 300-500 acres on the bare south slopes. As always, please follow us on Twitter @UtahWildfire for updates and other fire related information throughout the state of Utah. Also on Twitter @FishlakeNF; and like us on Facebook, at U.S. Forest Service-Fishlake National Forest, for forest related facts, news, photos and updates. —USFS

Courtesy NPS

There will be four participants in the Artist-In-residence program in Capitol Reef in 2018. Each artist will have a time period when they will produce work and offer free programs for the public at the park. CAPITOL REEF - Congratulations to the four participants in the Artist-inResidence (AiR) program at Capitol Reef National Park in 2018. Each artist brings a unique talent and will share their interpretations of the park’s resources and meanings in ways that engages the public through a variety of artistic mediums such as music, painting, or photography. The goal of this program is to share

A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us. — John Steinbeck

artistic expression of National Parks like Capitol Reef. Benjamin Rusnak, Photographer April 19 to May 21, 2018 Zolt Levay, Night Sky Photographer May 31 to June 21, 2018 Kurt Wheeler, Composer/ Musician July 2 to July 19, 2018 Suze Woolf, Water color painter October 3 to October 31, 2018

During each artist’s time in the park, they will be producing work and offering free programs to the public. Those programs, with location, date, and time, will be posted on the park’s web and Facebook page. Check out the webpage to learn more about each of the artists and the program at htm. —NPS

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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