The Wayne & Garfield County Insider May 10, 2018

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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Historic Building in Loa in Need of Repair

LOA - Camp Mauna Loa Daughters of the Utah Pioneers needs your help with the Historic Building Restoration Project in Loa, Utah. This historic building, located across the street East from the tabernacle in Loa, in in need of a new shingled roof, painting outside trim, repair of the working chimney, and general maintenance. The building was built in 1897 by Peter Christensen, using kiln-fired bricks from the quarry located between Lyman and Horse Valley. Benjamin Brown designed and built all of the woodwork. It is only 1 of 10 existing examples of Utah’s tithing offices designed in the Greek Revival style. It is listed on the National Historic Register. This building was used when tithing was paid in-kind with produce, grain, etc., Until it became the Wayne Stake President’s Office. The DUP obtained the building in 1972 and has been active in preserving this part of our history. Meetings are held monthly

as stories are relayed about ancestors who built this valley and country, while enjoying the warm, wood fire from the pot belly stove. Mauna Loa Camp is actively seeking funds to help with this restoration project by having a drawing for a hand-piece quilt, a minky quilt, and two rag rugs. These items are on display at Cache Valley Bank, where tickets may be obtained. They also may be purchased from any member. Call Marsha Chappell at 435-836-2614, Susan Chappell at 435-836-2434, or Charlene Nelson at 435-836-2610 for more information. Drawing will be held July 24, 2018 on Utah Pioneer Day. Please look for the spare change fundraiser jars located in businesses throughout the county. There will also be a luncheon on May 26th at noon at the building. We appreciate your support and contributions for this worthy cause. —Camp Mauna Loa Daughters of the Utah Pioneers

Issue # 1254

Precision and Attention to Detail are the Name of the Game at Straight Arrow Saddlery

used them. “I am probably first a collector and then after that I am doing saddle repair. Collecting got me into repairing my collection, and then into doing saddle repair for customers. And after that I am building saddles, doing new stuff,” said Barnson. With Barnson demonstrating the features of saddles from old to new, even the novice can begin to make out the differences in some basic Western saddle details. Such as how the older saddles are much narrower, “Because they rode narrower horses


Lynn Barnson stands in front of his saddle and leather goods shop, the Straight Arrow Saddlery (above). He creates custom saddles, as well as repairs old antique saddles, in his leather work space (right).

Courtesy MarJean Davis

Historic Tithing Office built in 1897 by Peter Christensen.

PANGUITCH – In Lynn Barnson’s saddle and leather goods shop, Straight Arrow Saddlery on Panguitch’s Main Street, there are a couple of big comfortable chairs in the

Boulder Tree City Arbor Day Celebration May 12

front of the store by the display windows. If a customer ventures in, Barnson—if he’s not too busy with some piece of handiwork—is likely to sit down and start talking about his featured saddles with the reverence one extends to fine works of art. Two saddles are resting on a stand between the chairs. There is beauty in the wear of the leather and the saddle makers’ workmanship, and Barnson is well-versed in the

history of the makers. “This one here is a C.P. Shipley, out of Kansas City, Missouri. It’s from about the 1890s. The other one is a Meanea, from Cheyenne, Wyoming. It’s a little newer, from the early 1900s.” Barnson’s store, luxurious with the smell of leather, and chock-full of Western saddles of all kinds from antique to modern, is a testament to Barnson’s interest in saddlery, as well as the stories that are behind the making of any saddle and the riders that have

back then. Then at the turn of the century, they get better horses, and you start the see the swell coming out in the saddle.” Exhibiting an antique saddle, he said, “What’s interesting about this saddle is that when you look at the design work most of it is done with a swivel knife. It’s using a knife instead of a stamp, and that kind of ages it, too. This is tooling, or carving, is what they call it.” Referring Saddlery

Cont'd on page 2

Rocks and Fish Complete Cultural Heritage Series

Courtesy Pamela Furches

Members of the Boulder Tree City Committee: (Pictured from Left to Right) Pam Furches, Constance Lynn, Heather McDevitt, Dan Pence, Pete Benson, Tessa Barkan, Denise Pennington, and Jane Philips. BOULDER - Boulder Tree City will be celebrating Arbor Day on May 12th, with an array of activities for all ages. Tree City USA is a program that includes over 3,400 communities across the nation, who have all committed to managing and expanding their public trees. Boulder became a Tree City in 2014,

with the goal of fostering a community space for orchard trees, pollinator plants, and eventually a community food forest in the Boulder Town Park. Additionally, they provide workshops on topics such as tree care, and pruning, as well as a resource collection at the Boulder Library. Boulder, as well as many other towns



Mostly sunny, with a few cloudy days scattered in. Highs mostly in the 70s; lows in the 40s. Saturday and Sunday will see cooler temperatures, with some clouds. Highs in the upper 50s and 60s ; lows in the 30s. Precip chance is 10%.

in the area, has a rich history of tending orchards. And, of course, the relationship with the native trees of the area stretches back even further. Tree City works to preserve this legacy and disseminate further knowledge to help our trees remain a healthy shade of green for generations to come. Trees have always been celebrated cross-culturally for the gifts they provide us: our Arbor Day

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BICKNELL - From making casts of fossils to identifying and painting rocks, people of all ages engaged in a variety of activities related to our cultural heritage of rocks and collecting. Over one hundred people enjoyed the community dinner featuring “boulders” and “dirt” better known as stuffed potatoes and chocolate dessert. Thanks to the many people who brought exhibits or shared their expertise at the event. The 2018 season of the Sparking Humanities project concludes on Wednesday May 16 at 6PM with a dinner celebrating our cultural heritage of fish and fishing. Both fish and beef will be served. If you’re planning to join us, please call the USU Extension/4-H Office at 435-836-1312 or Annette Lamb at 435-425-3415 to let us know how many will be attending. We’re still seeking historical photos showing the local history of fishing. If you own antique fishing gear, make your own fishing flies, or have other fishing related items to share, we welcome you to exhibit or demonstrate at the dinner. Contact Project Director Annette Lamb at

All paths lead to the same goal: to convey to others what we are. And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song

— Pablo Neruda

Courtesy Annette Lamb

Youth enjoying trying out a metate and mano, courtesy of Debbie Sanders’ collection. for information. This project is made possible through a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humani-

ties and the Entrada Institute. LIKE us at sparkinghumanities. —Annette Lamb, The Entrada Institute

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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