The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 05/11/2017

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Issue # 1202

Interior Dept. Releases List of Monuments Under Review, Announces Public Comment Period for Antiquities Act Monuments WASHINGTON, D.C. The Department of the Interior has announced the first ever formal public comment period for members of the public to officially weigh in on monument designations under the Antiquities Act of 1906, and the Department released a list of monuments under review under the President’s Executive Order 13792, issued April 26, 2017. A public comment period is not required for monument designations under the Antiquities Act; however, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke and President Trump both strongly believe that local input is a critical component of federal land management. Comments may be sub-

mitted online after May 12 at by entering “DOI-2017-0002” in the Search bar and clicking “Search,” or by mail to Monument Review, MS-1530, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240. The Department will shortly publish a notice in the Federal Register officially opening the public comment period. Written comments relating to the Bears Ears National Monument must be submitted within 15 days of publication of that notice. Written comments relating to all other designations subject to Executive Order 13792 must be submitted within 60 days of that date.

“The Department of the Interior is the steward of America’s greatest treasures and the manager of one-fifth of our land. Part of being a good steward is being a good neighbor and listening to the American people who we represent,” said Secretary Zinke. “Today’s action, initiating a formal public comment process finally gives a voice to local communities and states when it comes to Antiquities Act monument designations. There is no pre-determined outcome on any monument. I look forward to hearing from and engaging with local communities and stakeholders as this process continues.” Interior Dept. Cont'd on page 3

Capitol Reef Offers Guided Archeology Hike

Courtesy Capitol reef national park

CAPITOL REEF NATIONAL PARK - Capitol Reef National Park will be offering a Pleasant Creek Hike on the following two Saturdays, May 13 and 27, at 10am. It will be a guided hike for up to twelve people with Capitol Reef National Park archaeologist Julie Howard. The tour will focus on preservation, archaeology and conservation treatment. Participants are asked to register by emailing with names and contact info. Free with paid park admission. For more information email Julie or call her at 435-425-4144.

State Route 12 Construction to Extend 38 Miles

GSENM Weather Stations Getting Upgrades

Courtesy BlM

Between the Creeks Site: Dr. Ken Bradshaw, GSENM soil scientist and hydrologist, upgrades the "Between The Creeks" weather station with satellite technology, allowing hourly updates to data on air temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, soil temperature, solar radiation, rainfall, and wind speed and direction. KANAB - Weather in Southern Utah can be unpredictable. Frequent changes in elevation, constantly shifting winds, rapidly falling and rising temperatures, even the variation of landscapes from sagebrush flats to slot canyons can combine to make safely working or recreating in the backcountry challenging, particularly on the Bureau of Land Management’s remote Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. In an effort to better understand the weather on the Monument, and its effects on everything from plant communities to wildlife to watersheds, Dr. Ken Bradshaw, Monument soil scientist and hydrologist, recently activated the first of a series of weather stations to provide real-time data that is available to scientists, firefighters, ranchers, recreationists… anyone with internet access. “The instruments record current air temperature, humidity, barometric pressure,

Desert Spring Time

Scenic Byway Pavement Rehabilitation began Tuesday, May 9, 2017 GARFIELD COUNTY The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is scheduled to begin construction Tuesday to rehabilitate the pavement on SR-12 between Henrieville and Boulder. This construction project is part of UDOT’s routine maintenance program and includes resurfacing the highway, widening the shoulders, repairing soft spots in the road, replacing guardrails, repairing bridge decks, replacing signs, and other various improvements. Due to the general width of the highway through this area, traffic will be required to merge into a single lane through construction zones, and flagging operations will be in place to safely direct vehicles. Drivers should plan for a minimum of a 30-minute delay

to safely navigate through the work zones. This project is scheduled for completion in early November; however, construction schedules are weather dependent and subject to change. To learn more about the project, visit www.udot.utah. gov/sr12corridor, or contact the project team by calling (435) 612-2323 or emailing Updated information regarding this and other UDOT construction projects is available through the UDOT Traffic website ( Drivers can also follow @udottraffic on Twitter or download the free UDOT Traffic App, available for smartphones and tablets. —Utah Dept. of Transportation

Jenny evans


A CHANGEABLE SKY - Wind, rain and sun are going to take turns throughout the week, often in the same day, reminding us we wore the wrong thing. But we should have Saturday and Sunday in the sun, with low winds. Highs for the week in mid to low 70s to high 60s. Lows in the mid to high 30s and low 40s throughout the week.

"Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future." —Nelson Mandela


“The information can be used for a variety of purposes…for long-term trend assessments such as calculating annual precipitation and drought monitoring; for rangeland health assessments and management of BLM lands; and to support efforts such as vegetation restoration Weather Stations Cont'd on page 2


Public Land Management and Economic Opportunity for Rural Utah

by Dave Conine The lengthy debate on of low-wage jobs. There is no state takeover of federally recognition of the important managed public lands, along economic diversity that acwith the hearings and resolu- companies visitor based ecotions on our two newest na- nomic development. tional monuments, have been Utah’s fossil fuel driven remarkably devoid of any se- economies are among the rious discussion on economic, state’s most economically social or environmental im- distressed areas. The episodpacts. There is an abundance ic swings of the oil and gas of rhetoric about federal over- economy in the Uintah Basin reach, clandestine monument make it very difficult for lodesignations and the like but cally owned business to gain no real analysis of current fed- traction. The region is suberal management or the costs ject to the whims of remote and benefits of state takeover. corporations that historically The Land Transfer Analysis over-produce, create a market commissioned by the State of surplus then lay off their emUtah has not been incorporat- ployees. San Juan County’s ed into the debate. resource extractive economy Most of the proponents (oil, gas, metals, uranium) of state takeover cite advan- has failed to lift the area out tages such as expedited oil of poverty. Indeed, San Juan and gas leasing with fewer is the only county in Utah restrictions. There is a casual identified by Census Bureau dismissal of the importance of as a persistent poverty county public lands to Utah’s hospi- (counties where 20% or more tality industry. Indeed many of the population had poverty who advocate more fossil fuel leasing and development beEconomic Opportunity lieve tourism consists entirely Cont'd on page 2

Wayne Republicans to Hold Convention

ESCALANTE - Jenny Evans submitted this photo from a recent hike with a friend, who, "Took me up a wash right near town with some old caves that the CCC kept dynamite in. Lots of flowers and cactus have started blooming."


solar radiation, soil temperature, rainfall, and wind speed and direction,” explained Bradshaw. “The station transmits the data hourly via a satellite uplink to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration GOES Data Collection System satellite, which is downloaded to BLMs Wildland Fire Management Information website.

WAYNE COUNTY - The Wayne County Republican Party will hold its annual county convention on Thursday, May 11th at 7:00 pm at the Wayne County Community Center at 605 South 350 East in Bicknell, Utah. We will be voting on new party leadership. Come get involved! For more information, please contact Michael Blackburn or Jared Hallows. —Wayne County Republican Party ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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