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Thursday, May 18, 2017
Issue # 1203
Zinke Reviews GSENM, No Meetings with Pro-Monument Groups by kelton Manzanares
Zinke speaks to the press at Kanab Airport flanked by State Rep. Mike Noel, Rep. Chris Stewart, and Garfield County Commissioners David Tebbs, Jerry Taylor, and Leland Pollock KANAB - Kanab was a busy place on Wednesday, May 10, with the culmination of Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke’s “Listening Tour.” During the tour, many groups vied for Zinke’s ear on the proposal to reduce Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Many were denied meetings with Zinke, even after repeated requests, including the Escalante-Boulder Chamber of Commerce. When questioned about rejecting a meeting with the Chamber, Zinke listed all of the groups he met with and said, “If I missed one, that’s the breaks.” The list of successful
hearings with the secretary notably didn’t include outfitters and guides that hold permits on the Monument, indigenous groups who have ancestral connections to GSENM, or advocacy groups such as Grand Staircase Escalante Partners. Residents of GSENM gateway communities, especially business owners, had hoped to speak to Zinke at a pro-monument rally held in central Kanab earlier in the day, or later in the afternoon at the Kanab Airport during Zinke’s press conference. The appearance made by Zinke at the airport was for press only.
“Tragedy in the Desert” A Monument Dedication LOA - As many of you may recall, the Insider published a story called “World War II comes to Wayne County”, in November of 2013 which depicts the event of a WWII airplane which crashed in the Middle Desert. This past year through the efforts of many individuals and donations a monument has been assembled which honors the lost airmen as well as the cowboys who assisted in the recovery, and will be dedicated at the Veteran’s War Memorial in Loa on Memorial Day, May 29th. Here is what happened. On July 14, 1943 a military aircraft encountered difficulties over Wayne County, the outcome was tragic. The plane, a Lockheed AT-18A left Mather Field in Sacramento, California at 8:05 a.m. Pacific Time destined for Colorado Springs, Colorado. The last communication from the aircraft was over Milford, Utah. When the plane did not
reach Colorado Springs, an intensive search was launched. Thirty planes left Mather Field as part of the search effort that stretched from Milford to Colorado Springs. The search aircraft was divided into flights based at Milford, Salt Lake City, Grand Junction, and Albuquerque. In addition the Civil Air Patrol participated in the air search while civilian authorities undertook search efforts on the ground. With no success, the search was abandoned on July 25, 1943. On Friday, October 29, LaVor Brown, Lon Brown and Heber Rees, along with Grant Brown, Les Morrell, Alton Morrell, Cliff Morrell, William Taylor, David Taylor, Ivan Ernstsen, Barney Jeffery, Frank Barney, and Andrew Hunt, Wayne County ranchers, were pushing cattle from their summer range in Dedication
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Nevertheless, the public made sure Zinke could hear and see them, with signs waving and chants of, “We are local, listen to us,” from the other side of a fence. All of this was in response to President Trump’s recent executive order for a review of 27 national monuments. The first step in the review process was the four day listening tour across Utah to collect testimony from stakeholders on the fate of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. The review has now moved into a comment period with comments from the public being accepted on During the Kanab rally, a crowd of about 300 local
residents and business owners from monument gateway communities and other monument supporters braved rainy and cool weather to gather and hear speakers in support of the monument. Starting off for the rally was resident of Kanab and owner of the Rocking V Cafe, Victor Cooper. At 2:30pm, as the skies began to clear, Cooper talked about differing visions for GSENM. “These lands, these unique and exquisite national monuments belong to all Americans and can in fact be lands of many uses rather than lands of many abuses as the Utah Delegation seeks to sell them off to the highest bidders. We cannot let that happen. It’s only a matter of time before the state of Utah is forced to change its marketing slogan from ‘Life Elevated’ to ‘Life Excavated’.” Cyrus Mejía, a co-founder of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, the largest employer in Kane County, spoke about the repression of voices not considered “local.” “I know there is a small group of very vocal opponents to these lands being protected, but they do not speak for the majority of business owners in our communities. You say you want to have local input and hear local voices speak on this issue. Well Secretary Zinke, we are local.” The crowd joined in with Mejía Zinke Tour
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Clean Up Day in Teasdale
A Lockheed AT-18A, the plane that crashed in Wayne County in 1943.
PUDDLE WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY - Rainshowers expected but only Wednesday in the morning. Mostly sunny without too much wind, with the MPH will varing between 16 and 10 throughout the week. Highs for the week in mid to high 70s. Lows in the mid to low 40s throughout the week.
ESCALANTE - From April 24 – May 2, Grand Staircase Escalante Partners on behalf of the Escalante River Watershed Partnership (ERWP) welcomed the excited Utah Conservation Corps (UCC) crew leaders in-training on a 9-day backcountry restoration and training extravaganza. The ERWP field team hosted the UCC crew leaders to work exclusively on a new technique, appropriately named “hack and squirt,” that has been deemed the most efficient restoration technique for the removal of Russian olive, a woody invasive species, within
the Escalante Watershed. This invasive has been the focus of the partnership along the river corridor since the inception of ERWP in 2009, and work was performed within both Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and the Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument before that time starting in 2000. Restoration work along the Escalante River has been greatly enhanced by conservation corps crews like the UCC, and they remain to be one of the partnership’s longest companions through this project. Russian Olive Cont'd on page 3
Courtesy erWP
UCC crew leaders and ERWP field staff preparing for a day of Russian Olive work .in the backcountry.
$700,000 Raised for Bryce Canyon National Park as Funding Decreases
BRYCE CANYON CITYOver the past 13 years, Ruby’s Inn has raised $700,000 for the Bryce Canyon National History Association through its “Dollar Check-Off” program. The program allows guests to give back while visiting the famous Bryce Canyon National Park. “Ruby’s Inn, my family and I wouldn’t be where we are today without Bryce Canyon National Park,” Lance Syrett, general manager of Ruby's Inn said. “My ancestors didn’t plan to start a hotel, but they ended up opening Ruby’s Inn so everyone could experi-
ence Bryce Canyon’s beauty. This is the reason why we do the dollar program today, to help preserve Bryce Canyon for all visitors.” Guests at each of Ruby’s Inn’s three hotels are given the option to donate to the “Dollar Check-Off” program. If a guest decides to participate, the visitor is charged $1 each night of their stay, which goes directly to the Bryce Canyon National History Association. Last year alone, Ruby’s Inn and its guests raised $75,286 Bryce Canyon Cont'd on page 6
Garfield Commission Holds Two Hearings at May 8 Meeting Courtesy barb Walkush PankoW
Jasper Pote 'gets after it' during the annual Teasdale Park and Highway Cleanup Day last Saturday, May 13. Story on Page 3, by Barb Walkush Pankow.
Public Comment Period for Monument Review is Now Open
Courtesy Debra young
Russian Olive Treatment Continues Along the Escalante River
The Department of the Interior is now collecting comments from the public regarding National Monuments. On April 26th, 2017, President Trump issued an Executive Order evaluating National Monuments designated from 1996 through 2017 and over 100,000 acres, book-ending the review with the Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears National Monuments. Comments may be submitted at http://www.regulations. gov by entering "DOI-2017-0002" in the Search bar and clicking "Search," or by mail to Monument Review, MS-1530, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240. Users have reported that the site is not mobile-user friendly and the site easier to access on a desktop. —Insider "At every step a child should be allowed to meet the real experience of life; the thorns should never be plucked from their roses —Ellen Key
PANGUITCH - The Garfield County Commission meeting on May 8, 2017 opened with a personnel item under closed session, and then reopened to a relatively light agenda, other than two short public hearings. The first hearing was to create Resolution No. 2017-3 declaring local government responsibility in freedom from domestic violence, and a second Resolution No. 2017-4 recommending the reversal of the designation of the Bears Ears National Monument. Commission chair Leland Pollock explained that the genesis of Resolution 2017-3 declaring freedom from domestic violence as a fundamental human right came from a woman named Heather Woolsey, who championed the cause in the state legislative session. County governments came on board at the behest of the Utah Associa-
tion of Counties, which encouraged local governments to put this on their agendas. The resolution states that 42% of homicides in the state of Utah of are domestic violence related, and one in three women and one in eight men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Pollock noted that it does not mean that more resources will be directly allocated to domestic violence issues, but that they hope to raise general awareness of the issue, and that the resolution is about “Reaffirming our commitment to those services in our community.” One member of the public, Peg Smith, of Boulder, commended the commission for the resolution during the public Garfield Commission
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
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