Serving Wayne & Garfield Counties, Utah Loa • Fremont • Lyman • Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Antimony • Bryce • Tropic • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder
Thursday, May 24, 2018
TORREY VETERANS MEMORIAL TO BE DEDICATED TORREY – The Torrey Veterans Memorial Committee has announced that the Memorial will be dedicated on Memorial Day, May 28, 2018, at 11 am. The Memorial, designed by Torrey stone mason Wade Hansen, will be set in the Torrey Cemetery. Pillars will honor service members from each military service. The ceremony will include members of the Wayne County American Legion Post, Freedom Riders, musical selections, and brief remarks. Names of over 100 veterans and their service branch will be etched into sandstone. The use of sandstone is a departure from the traditional granite stones. Sandstone and the Lodgepole Pine flagpole demonstrate the unique character and resources of the Torrey area. Plans call for an annual Memorial Day event to include additional veteran names. Over 60 donors contributed over $24,000 to assure that the Memorial is constructed. Excess funds will be set aside to help pay for future additional names. For further information or to add a donation, contact Paula Pace, Torrey Town Clerk, at (435) 425-3600 —Don Gomes
Issue # 1256
The Garfield County Commission Met for its Regular Session and Public Hearings on Monday, May 14 in Panguitch
Courtesy Chris Hatch
Sheriff Danny Perkins (left) was officially recognized for his efforts in helping keep visitors safe in Garfield County. GARFIELD COUNTY First order of business was the health concern and adoption of a resolution that Utah Prairie Dogs be removed from the areas around the drinking water spring source at Bryce Canyon National Park no later than May 31. Details and discussion leading up to this resolution occurred before the commission doors were open to the public. Next, Economic Development coordinator Drew
Parkin reviewed the single response to his published request for proposal (RFP) soliciting businesses that needed infrastructure to build or expand. The single applicant, Barko, is a timber company that produces wood products from lower grade timber. Barko wants to build a processing plant in the Panguitch area, and they need 3-phase power to their site. They will ultimately be hiring between 20-30 people. Commissioner Tebbs said the
Boulder, Utah Resident Honored for Contributions to NOAA’s National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Program
Courtesy Lisa Verzella
Debi Stout of Boulder, Utah is rewarded with a 25-Year Cooperative Observer award from NOAA for taking temperatures and rain and snow observations for a quarter of a century. BOULDER - In April taking temperature, rain and of 2018, NOAA’s National snow observations every day Weather Service awarded for a quarter-century in this Debi Stout with a 25-Year Co- data-sparse, remote mountainoperative Observer award for ous area of south-central Utah. The National Weather her exemplary daily weather observations. Debi has been Service’s Cooperative Ob-
Thursday through Wednesday looks to be sunny days with a few slight chances of rain. Highs in the upper 70s and lower 80s; lows in the 40s. Slight rain chances on Sunday and Monday. Precip chances are 10 - 20%.
server Program (Coop) consists of nearly 10,000 volunteers across the nation who, each day, meticulously record maximum and minimum temperatures in addition to precipitation, snowfall and snow depth. The daily data obtained from these observers provides the climate records and climate normals for cities, towns and local sites throughout the entire U.S. The Boulder Coop station was established in 1954 at the Moosman residence, to aid forecasting operations for both the National Weather Service WFO and the River Forecast Center in Salt Lake City. Doyle and Nina Moosman were dedicated weather observers right up until Doyle’s passing in 1993. Debi stepped in right away, keeping Boulder on the data map for continuous weather information. And she only has 15 years to go to beat the Moosman record! Across Utah, more than 100 volunteer cooperative weather observers record the daily weather. Data collected by Debi Stout and other CoAward
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average starting wage for initial positions would be $1314/hour and more for skilled workers. The company expects an initial investment of $2M to build the facility, with an expected 3-4-year payback to the county through new tax revenue. Commissioner Pollock also asked Parkin to assist the company with its Forest permits. The Commission voted to accept the proposal from Barko. Brian Bremner next reported on his various assignments. He said the county should be receiving $150K passthrough funding for the state “to defend issues that negatively impact local government.” Bremner had published an RFP soliciting a nonprofit organization to apply for this funding. The only applicant was Balance Resources, a 501 (c) (3) (“charitable and educational” organization), which Bremner said “provides a forum for responsible and sustainable management of public lands.” Mark Ward, former representative on Five County Association of Governments, is the director of Balance Resources. Bremner said the nonprofit is already assisting Kane and Piute Counties, and the other four counties collaborating with Garfield on this effort each support awarding the grant to the nonprofit. The Commission voted to approve awarding the grant to Balance Resources. Second, Bremner reported on joining the Forest Service in a cooperative agreement to crush material for roads out of Widsoe and Posey Lake, and provide dust suppression on Tropic Reservoir road, with work beginning immediately on the Tropic portion. The Forest Service provides the $138K. The County approved the agreement and will do the crushing and work on the roads. Third, Bremner said a statewide revision of the Sage Garfield CC
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Entrada Institute Announces Fifth Annual “Arts and the Park, Light on the Reef” Watercolor Plein Air Event WAYNE COUNTY French impressionist painters such as Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir were famous for creating much of their work en plein air (outdoors). But they weren’t alone -- many other artists of different styles and at various times have done the same. For example, the late V. Douglas Snow, who was famous for his landscape paintings of the area surrounding Capitol Reef National Park, found decades of inspiration in the massive rock formation known as the Cockscomb, near his studio in Teasdale, Utah. The Capitol Reef environs has provided inspiration not only to Snow but also to generations of Utah painters, before and since. Today, watercolor artists gather at the Entrada Institute each summer to paint the beautiful nature and interesting
architecture found in Capitol Reef National Park and nearby historic structures and ranches amidst the scenic red-rock backgrounds of Wayne County, Utah. “The competition tests the skills, patience and fortitude of the artists. Rain or shine, bugs or no bugs, artists have only three days to create their painting(s),” Sue Fritzke, Park Superintendant, explained. “Up to three paintings may be framed and exhibited for competition awards and auction, with a 50% commission on any sold work donated to the Entrada Institute to further their work as an arts and educational center in promoting public understanding and appreciation of the arts, and the natural, historical, and traPlein Air Event Cont'd on page 10
Enjoy Family Fishing on Memorial Day
Courtesy Utah Division of Wildlife resources
Late May and June is a perfect time to take your kids fishing for bluegill at Mantua Reservoir. UTAH - If you're like a lot of Utahns, you're ready to get outside, enjoy some sunny weather and catch some fish. As you make plans for Memorial Day weekend, biologists with the Division of Wildlife Resources have some "inside information" to share about fishing waters you might want to consider visiting.
Randy Oplinger, sport fisheries coordinator for the DWR, says Utah has literally hundreds of fishing waters. "It can be challenging to pick a water that best meets what you're looking for," he says. "Fortunately, our biologists know Fishing
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Bryce Valley Graduation 2018
Courtesy Kayla Atwood
Graduation will be May 25th 8:00 p.m., in the Bryce Valley High School Auditorium. Pictured from left to right, top to bottom, Ben Rose, Brandon Jones, Christian Mathews, James Garrard, Joshua Brinkerhoff, Austyn Brinkerhoff, Keagan Richards, Shayd Roberts, Samuel Jensen, Taten Leech, Dawson Shakespear, Easton Syrett, Tate Elmer, Morgan Syrett, Shelby Mathews, Clay Mortensen, Kayla Atwood, Breanna Nelson, Abigail Beesley, Jordan Pollock, Keilani Deccio.
Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly. — Robert F. Kennedy
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.