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Thursday, May 25, 2017
Issue # 1204
Bicknell Lands Utah Rural Development Office
adus dorsey
GOED's new Rural Development field representative Nan Anderson at work in her new office space in Bicknell. BICKNELL – The (GOED) Rural Development ment office is best known for quarters and furnishings Program, with Nan Anderson its Rural Fast Track grants and for its work with businesses to may seem unassuming -- one at the helm. Previously housed in Cetap into the benefits of Enterwoman, a small desk, a comdar City, GOED’s Rural Deprise Zones. However, the ruputer and a cell phone. But velopment field office moved ral development office works no mistake about it, Wayne to Wayne County with Ms. at a variety of levels to support County has landed a highAnderson’s hire back in Febjob opportunities and econompowered linkage to one of ruary. ic development in rural areas, Utah’s best economic devel“One of the requirements including support for Goveropment resources. for the position is that the field nor Herbert’s challenge to creWayne County is now office person reside within a ate 25,000 new jobs in rural home to the field office of rural county,” said Anderson. Utah by 2020. the Governor’s Office of Anderson’s territory inGOED’s rural developEconomic Development
Ryan Houston Honored by Huntsman Award for Excellence in Education
Courtesy the huntsman awards
Jennifer Huntsman Parkin introduced Ryan Houston during the Award Ceremony. Houston is the English/Spanish/ Debate Teacher, Panguitch High School. PANGUITCH - The Huntsman Awards for Excellence in Education is celebrating their 25th year recognizing the importance of school education. Friday, May 12, 2017, Jennifer Huntsman Parkin welcomed the new inductees, as well as the winners from each of the previous 24 years. Jon and Karen Huntsman welcomed and thanked the winners, their families, and their nominators in the audience for their impact on others. They shared personal stories of why education is important and explained, “The children of today will become adult citizens and leaders of tomorrow.” “The growth and future of our country highly depends upon the quality of our educators. Most of us can point to
that one educator who truly affected our lives—both in and out of the classroom. We remember the one teacher who really pushed us to achieve—or the instructor who refused to let us take the easy way out. And while we may not remember much else about that school year, we definitely remember that teacher,” stated Jon and Karen. “We have received and read many nomination forms for fabulous teachers, administrators and volunteers. We are fortunate in our state to have exceptional teachers who make school an exciting and interesting place. Our winners this year possess a passion for the subjects they teach and genuine care for the students with whom they work. They inspire their students to play with ideas, think deeply about the
BLOW WIND, COME WRACK - It is going to be a windy week for our two counties. Should be blowing between 12 MPH and 20 MPH every day. The wind, however, will be blowing the clouds around to give us a mostly sunny week. Highs for the week in mid to high 70s. Lows in the mid to low 40s throughout the week.
subject matter, take on more challenging work, and even pursue careers in a particular field of study.” "A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men." This quote epitomizes Ryan Houston. Mr. Houston creates an environment of acceptance for all that is unmatched in any other extracurricular activity that unified the stud jock with the book nerd, cheerleader with the chess club, valedictorian with the vagabond. That environment teaches his students to be happy for others' success and provide a shoulder for others who had tears for embarrassment. As a teacher, Mr. Houston
cludes the bulk of southern Utah. “If you were to run a line across the state from Juab County South that’s my territory,” said Anderson. But being located in Wayne County does provide entrepreneurs in the region with a leg-up on introductions and face-to-face meetings. “Basically we do rural outreach, we work to support the county’s economic development priorities. We learn and listen about those priorities and try to see how our GOED program can accommodate and support those priorities. All counties want enhanced economic development, but the difference from county to county can vary tremendously. For example, some are tourism oriented, others not so much,” said Anderson. “Rural Fast Track grants are one of the best tools we have in our program,” Anderson said. She noted that she is currently overseeing approximately a dozen projects that are “somewhere in the pipeline” between application, approval or project completion. “It has been for me so rewarding and fun to watch GOED Cont'd on page 2
Rural Business Award for Hanksville's Red Desert, Inc. HANKSVILLE Duke and Jessica Alvey own several businesses in Hanksville under the name of Red Desert, Inc. Red Desert employs 58 residents of Wayne County who all live in Hanksville, a small town with only 219 residents, making Red Desert the emCourtesy the alveys ployer of more than a quarter Duke and Jessica Alvey, ownof Hanksville’s population. ers, Red Desert, Inc. and winIt is also the largest supplier ners of the SBA Award. of tourism based goods and services in Wayne County. "Red Desert, Inc's main for youth we also spend a great purpose is to improve the lives deal of time training our adult of our employees and the health leaders. We have a leaderand vibrancy of the community ship team made up of managin Hanksville. One way we do ers from each business. These this is through our Stan's Burg- managers come to us with no er Shak leadership program. leadership experience but with Students in the tenth grade en- a desire to learn and improve ter the program at entry level their lives. We have leadership positions. Over the next three training meetings with them years these students learn each every other week and participosition within the restaurant. pate in a variety of professional Then, the summer following leadership training events. their senior year these students We have participated in The work as "crew leaders". This is Seven Habits of Highly Effecan assistant manager position tive Managers, Leadercast and that teaches many leadership Master Your Influence. The skills and gives students invalu- development and success of able work experience to take our employees and community with them. These students earn are the main driving factors a $1,000 scholarship to any col- for the success of Red Desert, lege or mission. The Alveys In addition to our program Cont'd on page 3
Made In Escalante Features Toni Wassenberg for First Friday Event
ESCALANTE - Made in Escalante is in full swing, recruiting artists, makers, and growers to share their handmade art and crafts with visitors from around the world at the Made in Escalante (MIE) store. Each year our wonderful part of the world sees Courtesy made In esCalante record numbers of Featured artist, Toni Wassenberg makes handmade products from visitors who are ea- natural and, when possible, locally sourced ingredients. ger to see the talent and creativity of our Escalan- month when we extend our the first to view new pieces, te residents and take home lo- hours and invite everyone to and mingle with other artist The featured artist for cally made products to their get to know a featured artist. June 2nd’s First Friday event is It’s a great time to learn about friends and family. MIE hosts Toni Wassenberg. Toni makes the artist and their process, be Ryan Houston a First Friday event each natural handmade soap using Cont'd on page 2 the cold process method, body scrubs, lip balms, lotions, and ond theater business in a neigh- bath salts. All of her body boring county, he says, “Yeah, products are made with natuI don’t know… I went to Rich- ral ingredients, often includfield one day to get some sup- ing locally grown botanicals. plies for my other business, The gallery will also be selland I had a weird note in my ing her crocheted items, hand head to drive down there and sewn bags and, her newest check it out.” And so he did. product, soy candles poured Now he travels to Panguitch on into recycled bottles. Toni weekends to work on the space, will be available at the gallery modifying it to fit their plans. from 5 pm to 8 pm on Friday “What we’re going to do is do the same concept that we do to tell you about the wonderat the Bicknell Theater--sand- ful benefits of using each of InsIder wiches, ice cream, smoothies, her products. Panguitch's GEM Theatre will be re-opening early this sum- hot finger foods. We’ll runs as The Made in Escalante mer, providing both movies and a variety of food and re- many first run movies as we gallery store is located upstairs freshment options for Garfield County residents. can. We’ll be open six nights a at Utah Canyon Outdoors, 325 PANGUITCH – For sev- the Bicknell Theater. Brill says week during the summer,” said West Main St, Escalante, Utah. The gallery is open Thursday eral weeks Panguitch’s GEM he plans to re-open the business Brill. The Brill Family purthrough Saturday noon to 6 Theatre marquis has held sometime in “mid-June to the chased the former “Wayne pm. Follow Made in Escalante the enticing message: “New first part of July.” ownership. Open soon. Stay Brill, who completed the Theatre” in Bicknell about two on Facebook: www.facebook. Tuned.” purchase at the beginning of years ago, and after a complete com/MIEUtah. If you are inThis is great news for May, is excited to assume the renovation, re-opened the ven- terested in becoming involved movies goers in Panguitch and new business, though he jests ue as “The Bicknell Theater” in Made in Escalante e-mail throughout Garfield County. about being mildly surprised in December 2015. The revius at madeinescalante@gmail. Even better is that the new himself to have taken on the talized space serves as a hub owner is Brian Brill, Wayne venture. Asked how he made of entertainment activity for com. —Made in Escalante County resident and owner of the decision to undertake a sec- Wayne County residents. —Insider
Stay Tuned for GEM Theatre Re-opening
"Keep your expectations low, you'll always be surprised and never disappointed. —Elizabeth Horton
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.