The Wayne & Garfield County Insider May 31, 2018

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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Wayne County to Spark Humanities Conversations Again in 2019

Chef "Q": The Torrey Grill Serves BBQ with a Twist TORREY - The dining room at The Torrey Grill has a couple of white boards where guests can find the special side dishes and salads and desserts of the day. In addition, the white boards may include an aphorism or two, such as, “Life is better with Q.” “I don’t know. Do you think people will get it?” asked Peter Cole, who is now in his second year presiding as chef at The Torrey Grill. “It means, ‘life is better with barbecue.’” Cole looked up at what he’d written and thought a moment about whether this was just the right message that he was aiming for. Whether or not dinner guests are puzzled by Chef Cole’s special messages, they are not likely to be puzzled by the food. The Torrey Grill offers straight-up smokehouse and barbecue dinners, the kind that will make traditionalists happy, yet with an added flair that will appeal to those looking for something a little different. The “twist” comes in the amazing side dishes that complement Cole’s signature smoked dinners such as halfsmoked chicken, or sliced beef tri-tip or dry-rubbed pork spare ribs. Diners might have a chance to try out these meals accompanied by the likes of roasted beets with pistachios, baked beans with poblano

Issue # 1257

WAYNE COUNTY From playing Jacks to constructing sushi rolls, the first season of Wayne County’s cultural heritage grant project was declared a success by those who participated in the program. Whether exploring the lives of the Native peoples and pioneers who lived on this land before us or connecting our traditions to those found around the globe, the Sparking Humanities Conversations program encouraged community members to come together to celebrate cultural heritage. The final community dinner featured pop can fishing rigs, fishing exhibits, and a make-your-own sushi roll station. Thanks to Royals Foodtown for providing a fishing pole as the door prize. Also, thanks to Mike James of Quiet

programs to encourage family humanities conversations through the summer. Specifically, look for the following events: Arts and the Park (May 30-June 2), Pioneer Day Celebration (July 21), Youth Music Workshops (August 3-4), Wayne County Fair Cultural Heritage Project (August 18), Heritage Starfest (October 5-6) and the Apple Tasting Event (October 13). In addition, USU Extension/4-H will be holding summer camps for youth. Thanks to Larry Johnson, GaeLynn Peterson, Mary Sorenson, and Kate Chappell along with volunteers, 4-H teen leaders and youth, and community members who came together to create a positive atmosphere to explore our cultural heritage. We’re seeking histori-


Chef Peter Cole at The Torrey Grill, located at Thousand Lakes RV Park. The Torrey Grill offers traditional smokehouse dinners and barbecue with an exceptional culinary flair. pepper, honey pecan mashed sweet potatoes, or apple cranberry slaw. That’s just a few of the side offerings, which Cole says change on a regular basis, to keep things interesting

Boulder Announces Music in the Park

First summer event, featuring Rio Virgin Band, Saturday, June 2 BOULDER - The Boulder Arts Council has created a new arts event this year with Music in the Park. There will be incredible talent at the Boulder Town Park under the pavilion on the First Saturday of June, August and September. No need to include July since that first weekend is already packed with the 4th of July Celebration organized by the Boulder Community Alliance and the Boulder Talent Show sponsored by the Hells Backbone Grill and Boulder Mountain Lodge. Now Boulder Arts Council has made the summer complete. The first event will be held on June 2nd with headliner, “Rio Virgin Band” from Southern Utah beginning around 7pm along with local band “Unknown Quantity” at 5pm and local favorites Jessica Frogley and Carl Dede playing at 6pm. There will be arts and food vendors so come and enjoy great Boulder food and buy a unique gift. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy an evening of music and fun on the grass. Put all three events on your calendar and join us on August 4th with the “Fiery Furnace Marching Band” from Moab and September 1st with the “Mountain Country Band” from Salt Lake City. There will also be great local favorites at each event. Don’t miss a fun time and beautiful evening in Boulder. These events are supported by the Garfield Travel Council and Utah Arts and Museums. If you are interested in being a vendor, please contact 435-335-7550 or 435-335-7312. —Boulder Arts Council

Courtesy Boulder Arts Council

"Music in the Park" will take place the first Saturdays of June, August and September at the Boulder Park Pavilion.


for repeat dinner guests. Cole says guests often come two or several nights in a row, and he likes to make sure there’s plenty of variety. If Cole has a guiding principle to feeding guests, he says it’s, “I want people to have fun and enjoy what they’re eating.” One enjoyable item that comes with every meal is what he calls “Bandit Flat Bread.” Served piping hot, it is a little crispy on one side and soft on the other and is perfect with the standard accompaniment of southern pimiento cheese melted into it. Cole says he was first introduced to Torrey about three years ago, when a friend invited him to visit. “I fell in love with it. Who wouldn’t?” said Cole. Trained at the Culinary Institute of Arts, Cole is a seasoned chef, working for de-

cades in New York, San Francisco and New Orleans. His partner, Abeer Aljbour, brings her own cosmopolitan talents to the table, having worked in the travel industry in Miami, Hawaii and Washington state. Now, Cole and Aljbour seem both content and enthusiastic about sinking their roots into Torrey, and enjoying their time creating a unique space and menu and serving both international and local customers. “Any given night, we might have people from half a dozen countries in here,” said Cole. “And we have an increasing number of locals.” The Torrey Grill has long served as the restaurant that caters to guests at Thousand Lakes RV Park. Under Cole’s direction, it’s moved well beChef "Q"

Cont'd on page 2

Courtesy Annette Lamb

Kate Chappell demonstrates how to construct a sushi roll during the final community dinner May 16. Fly Fisher Guide Service in Loa for sharing his expertise with 4-H youth and during the community dinner. Now that the season is done, planning is underway for the 2019 and 2020 themes. Beekeeping, cheesemaking, and quilting are just a few of the themes on the horizon. If you have theme ideas for the next two years, please let us know. The Entrada Institute along with other local organizations sponsors a series of

cal photos and artifacts that reflect cultural heritage and community activities to weave into future programs. Contact Project Director Annette Lamb at for information. This project is made possible through a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Entrada Institute. LIKE us at sparkinghumanities. —Annette Lamb, The Entrada Institute

Garfield County Fair- 4-H Indoor Exhibits Save the Date for the Garfield County Fair August 13-18, 2018 GARFIELD COUNTY - Check out the NEW and IMPROVED 4-H Rule Book ( for all new and exciting changes!! Major changes include: 4-H members (including Cloverbuds) MUST be enrolled and active in the 4Honline system by June 1st, 2018. • Entries MUST be accompanied by a 4-H Indoor Exhibit Record Card (http://extension. Exhibit_Record.pdf). Please print prior to exhibit check-in. Copies will be available at the Garfield County USU Extension Office or print at home for your convenience. *Premium will be forfeited if exhibit record card is not preCourtesy Callie Ward sented with each exhibit. This year's Garfield County Fair will be August 13 through 18 and will include diverse • 4-H Indoor Entries will events for the whole family. be accepted between 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Tuesday, August 14th, 2018 and between 10:00 am- 12:00 pm on Wednesday, August 15th except crops and gardens entries. • 4-H Crops and Gardens Exhibits are to be entered between 8:00 am and 9:00 am on Thursday, August 16th. —Utah State University Extension, Garfield County

THURS. MAY 31 - WED. JUNE 6 Warm and sunny this week with highs in the 80s and into the 90s. Lows in the mid 40s to low 50s. Windy Monday through Wednesday, with breezes up to 18mph. No precip currently in the forecast.

We are here and it is now. Further than that, all human knowledge is moonshine. —H.L. Mencken

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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