The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 6/1/2017

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Issue # 1205

Bryce Valley High School Graduates

Boulder Arts Council Receives State Recognition

Courtesy ViCki syrett

The 2017 Graduating Class of Bryce Valley High School, 1st row: Sean Garrard, Keni Floyd, Samantha Chynoweth, Elaina LeFevre, Danielle Brinkerhoff, Rachel Blackburn, Middle Row: Emilee Courtright, Ambree Leslie, Michale Nez, Katie Stewart, Kiera Russo, Tyerah Tebbs, Hayden Adkins, William Dunham. Top Row: Kaden Ramsay, Bobbee Jones, Trevan Harris, Roman Platt, Enrique Quijada, Caleb Cloud (photo courtesy of Trevan Harris)

Wayne Country Farmers' Market is a Hit Torrey, Saturdays - 4 - 6 pm

BOULDER - The Utah Cultural Alliance recently announced their “Pillars of the Community Awards” to recognize visionary leadership and innovation and to shine a spotlight on work that has a significant impact on the excellence, vitality and public appreciation of Utah’s arts and humanities sector. These awards recognize the bright spots of Utah culture. The 2017 Winners included: · Scott Phillips, recently retired executive director of Utah Shakespeare Festival · Boulder Arts Council · KUED-7, represented by General Manager James Morgese On May 19th, awardees received an original piece of pottery and were asked to speak at Zions Bank Founders Room in Salt Lake City. Cheryl Cox, Boulder Arts Council President/Treasurer, represented Boulder Arts Council at the event. The Boulder Arts Council is the local arts agency for Boulder and was established in 2011 becoming a 501(c)3 in 2014. They sponsor arts events and activities for the local area including Ririe Woodbury Dance

Company, exhibits at the Boulder Community Gallery, and monthly art activities free to the public. The Boulder Arts Council board includes, Cheryl Cox, Tina Karlsson (Secretary), Curtis Oberhansly (Assistant Secretary), Elizabeth Julian (School Representative), Jabe Beal, Vicky Catmull, Angie Evenden, Dianne Oberhansly, and Amy Woodbury. The Utah Cultural Alliance was founded in 1981 and is the voice of the arts, humanities, and cultural sector of Boulder Arts CounCil Utah, empowering Cheryl Cox accepts the award from and strengthening this Crystal Young-Otterstrom, Execucommunity through tive Director of Utah Cultural Allistatewide advocacy, ance. professional development, and by building cul- government, private business, tural awareness. The Utah and individuals; developing Cultural Alliance is dedicated a dynamic cultural environto: advancing grassroots in- ment by drawing from the volvement in public policy; richness of the past, the vifostering a sense of commu- tality of the present, and the nity through cultural events; promise of the future; and nurturing collaboration be- supporting both cultural cretween cultural organizations, ativity and preservation. —Boulder Arts Council

Agencies and Students Team Up on Agricultural Projects


TORREY - The Wayne County Farmers' Market was overflowing with great goods last Saturday. Hope Hooley and Hanna Jackson, with Hooley Homemade Crafts are pictured with their homemade items. There was everything from early leafy greens to native plants, and lotions to handmade blankets. There was also the local bluegrass band, the Moony Wash Boys busking for Color Country Animal Welfare.

National Parks' Need Better Funding As Holiday Crowds Converge WASHINGTON, D.C. The unofficial start of summer is here - and the country's national parks are embracing the Memorial Day crowds - but advocates also are making a plea for better funding so they can retire a huge backlog of maintenance projects. Last year, the parks set a record for visitation - with 330 million people enjoying the natural wonders and cultural heritage sites. But John Garder, director of budget and appropriations for the National Parks Conservation Association, says the parks also are in crisis because the backlog of repairs has now grown to $11.3 billion. "There are trails that are eroding, drinking-water and wastewater systems where those pipes are rotting," he says. "There are roads that have serious structural issues,

as well as bridges and tunnels and visitor centers." The National Park System, which just had its 100th birthday last year, includes more than 400 sites. Garder says Congress clamped down on spending in 2011 with the sequestration, so the budgets have been lean and the deferred maintenance keeps piling up at aging facilities. He says the administration's new budget proposal would make the problems much worse, because it cuts the Department of the Interior by $1.4 billion, which translates to a 13-percent cut for the National Park Service, the biggest cut since World War Two. "The president just proposed to Congress possibly the worst proposal for our national parks ever," he explains. "It's difficult to overstate the level of damage proposed in that budget. For example, more



HERE COMES SOME SUN - Wind is slowing down this week, might hit a high of 14 MPH on Tuesday. It will be a mostly sunny week with only a few clouds on Sunday and Monday. Highs for the week in the high 70s and low 80s. Lows in the mid to high 40s throughout the week.

than 1,200 fewer park rangers." Garder would like to see more money for the parks, not less, and he'd like to see Congress pass a pair of bills in the House and Senate called the National Park Service Legacy Act, which puts about $500 million a year aside to handle the backlog over the next three decades. —National Parks Conservation Association

TROPIC - Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument/ BLM Resources staff and Bryce Valley High School biology students joined forces last week to improve wildlife habitat along Henrieville Creek, north of HenCourtesy MArshA hollAnd rieville. The s t u d e n t s , Byrce Valley High School students planting willow along the banks of the under the Henrieville Creek. mammals, and other animals. ciplinary field of biology that guidance of Providing better wildlife encompasses parts of natural, GSENM Wildlife Biologist Terry Tolbert, cut willows habitat and feed while helping economic and social sciences from a nearby orchard, and to restore a critical watershed used in the practice and unthe following week planted was the focal point of the derstanding of agriculture. the willow cuttings in the project, allowing students to Ag students participated in all Henrieville Creek. Tolbert ex- experience improving an area stages of the repair; clearing plained that the willows pro- close to home and science and removing brush and rotvide important feed to vari- based occupations. Students ted posts and replacing parts ous wildlife species including also got to see the impact of of the corral with new posts mule deer as well as key habi- a similar willow planting and rails providing an opportat for many species of birds, project from four years ago, tunity for service, teamwork how the willows have taken and seeing tangible results at hold and now provide protec- the end of the day. Sean Stewtion from flood erosion. Sue art, Lead Rangeland ManageFearon of GSE Partners told ment Specialist, believes this students about invasive spe- type of service project with cies on the creek and how they Ag students helps them to limit available browse and understand control and dishabitat, often changing the tribution of grazing livestock natural ecosystem of a water- while maintaining the infraway. In all, over two hundred structure which is authorized through the Cooperative willows were planted. This week, GSENM Re- Range Improvement Agreesources staff and Bryce Val- ment (CRIA) Many thanks ley High School Agricultural to all for their expertise and Science students repaired guidance on these two proja BLM corral near Rock ects. —Marsha Holland Springs Bench. Agricultural science is a broad multidis-

Girls State Participant from Wayne County

TEASDALE - Kate Rees, daughter of Brig and Patricia Pace will represent American Legion Auxiliary Harold Brown Unit #92 and Wayne High School at Girls State to be held at Weber State University in Ogden Utah on June 5-10. —Allie Brown, Secretary of American Legion Auxiliary

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. —Oscar Wilde

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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