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Thursday, June 7, 2018
Issue # 1258
Rise & Shine
Garfield County Commission
A Bright Spot in Panguitch by Kelsey Keener
Rise and Shine Bakery and Inn, owned by Tabatha Hancock, is one of Panguitch's newest businesses. Opening at 6 AM daily, Rise & Shine serves up sweet and savory baked goods, coffee, smoothies, local food products, and more. PANGUITCH –This spring a new bakery has sprouted in Panguitch, giving locals and travelers-through a new option for booting-up their mornings—and other times of day, too. Tabatha Hancock, owner of the new Rise & Shine Bakery, says it wasn’t her initial plan to open a bakery herself, so it’s turned out to be a lucky accident for Panguitch. Han-
cock says she purchased the building—the bungalow-style old Tebbs family home next to Henrie’s Drive Inn—as an investment. Her plan was to offer the space to a friend who was going to open a coffee shop there. When her friend decided not move forward with the plan, Hancock decided to open a bakery herself. “I had to figure out what I was going to do,” Hancock
said. “So I was like, well, I have a bakery.” This in turn, has made Panguitch the beneficiary of a lot of creative baking geared to many different styles of eating. Rise & Shine offers a traditional variety of bakedfrom-scratch muffins and pastries, but also has plenty Rise & Shine
GARFIELD COUNTY At its May 29 meeting, the Garfield County Commission imposed fire restrictions for Garfield County in effect as of June 1. Despite the BLM and Forest Service not yet agreeing on calling for restrictions, the county approved a resolution forbidding open fires of any kind on public land other than in approved campgrounds. That includes smoking, any kind of fireworks, and use of cutting or welding tools without an approved spark arrestor. In other business, Commissioner Taylor reported on a meeting he attended with Piute County Commissioners, Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) representatives, and executives of the former Norbest turkey processing company. A new company has taken over and the number of turkeys has been cut back nearly 60 percent, putting the future of the business in question. One of things brought up was the valuation put on that business’s buildings and barns, some of which are located between Panguitch and Marysvale, but also affecting future, similar businesses— a pig business, in particular—to be located in Garfield County. The Commission was open to the idea of revaluing this GCC
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Teasdale Park Clean-Up Day
TEASDALE - The 2018 Teasdale Park and Community Clean Up Day May 12, 2018 was a success thanks to the help of a dedicated group of 24 adults and 6 children. Both of the roadways leading in to Teasdale received a trash pick up. And for the second year in a row: Keystone Light Beer Cans was the number 1 trash item picked up along the roadways leading into Teasdale. The Park was tidied and the Park itself had all the trash removed, weeds pulled, chips
raked, parking blocks moved, and a new tree added - planted In Memory of Mary Elliott. A wonderful catered/potluck lunch sponsored by Chef Pete from the Torrey Grill at 1000 Lakes RV Park and supported by delicious additions from volunteers was enjoyed by all at the end of our clean up session. THANK YOU to the dedicated volunteers that made the day a success. —Teasdale Community Park Committee
Courtesy Barb Walkush
Teasdale Park and Community Clean Up took place on May 12, 2018, and many volunteers, adults and children, took part. Pictured above is Jasper Pote (yellow hard hat), Canyon Daley (green hat), Dudley Elliot (cowboy hat), and Derrick Daley (kneeling).
Escalante Honored Past and Current Veterans on Memorial Day
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University Rover Challenge 2018 by Adus F. Dorsey ii
Adus Dorsey
Thirty-six University Rover teams competeed with prototype Mars Rovers in the desert surrounding Hanksville. HANKSVILLE - It was high drama on the high desert at the Mars Research Station outside of Hanksville, Utah this past week. Thirtysix University Rover teams from ten countries vied for an all-expense paid trip to stay at Trump’s Mar a Largo Mansion on Mars in 2056. That is if Education Secretary Betsy Devos doesn’t cut their funding.
Forty years ago if students had shown up with the contraptions like today’s prototype rovers that were brought to the 2018 University Rover Challenge (URC), they would have been sent to the school nurse’s office for a mental evaluation. The 2018 Rovers looked like something James Anderson would have put on display at the Bicknell
International Film Festival (BIFF) in the 1990’s, having Al Adamson’s lovely wife Regina Carroll demonstrating it. The rovers were required to perform a series of complicated tasks and maneuvers, like retrieving hand tools, turning on valves, gathering surface samples and—for the pranksters in the bunch— knocking over Porta Potties, all of which took place on Mars-like terrain. URC
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Escalante City Construction Underway to Widen Sidewalks
ESCALANTE - Culinary water conservation is primary in Escalante City’s Planning. In our efforts to improve our downtown area and encourage foot traffic, we are currently widening our sidewalks. We look forward to the new benches that will be placed in the shaded areas. Please be aware of ongoing construction downtown and the impacts to City parking during this time. —Mayor Torgersen
THURS. JUNE 7 - WED. JUNE 13 Warm and sunny this week with a few partly clouded days. Highs in the 80s. Lows in the upper 40s. Precip chance is 20% on Wednesday. Winds over the weekend of up to 18 mph.
Courtesy heather McKnight
The American Legion of Escalante participated in a flag raising, gun salute, and performance of Taps in honor of veterans this past Memorial Day.
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost, the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost. —J.R.R Tolkein
ESCALANTE - The community of Escalante honored it’s past and current Veteran’s with a flag ceremony, placing of paver bricks, and a breakfast at the park. The Harriet Priska Family donated a brick for the path in honor of Chester Bower. The American Legion of Escalante honored Veterans with a flag raising, gun salute, and the playing of Taps. The Sons of the Utah Pioneers provided the breakfast. Any person who has
served or serves in the armed services may have a memorial brick placed in the path. The cost is $50 and the proceeds go towards maintenance of the Veteran Memorial. You can contact Leslie Venuti, 435-668-0540. The American Legion is also looking for new members. If you have served in the armed forces and would like to participate, please contact Wade Barney, 435-826-4250 —Leslie Venuti
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.