The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 06/08/2017

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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Issue # 1206

Bonneville Cutthroat Trout Restoration

Tragedy in the Desert Memorial, Loa, Utah by aduS F. dorSey ii

CourteSy utah diviSion oF WildliFe

Cutthroat Trout was designated official state fish of Utah in 1997, replacing the nonnative rainbow trout.

aduS dorSey

The Flag Ceremony was performed and presented by A 2-222 FA during the May 29th, Memorial Day 2017, in Loa, Utah at the Veterans Memorial on Main Street to pay tribute to the 6 soldiers that died on a military flight. LOA - On May 29th, Memorial Day 2017, approximately 500 plus people descended on the Loa, Utah Veterans Memorial on Main Street to pay tribute to the 6 soldiers that died on a fated military flight of an Army – Air Force AT-18A plane that crashed in the “middle desert” on July 14th, 1943. In October of 1943 Wayne County cowboys LaVor Brown, Alonzo (Lon) Brown and Heber Reese were pushing two hundred head of cattle to Hanksville and came across a clean white towel and looking like a white flag of surrender, waving in the wind and caught by a bush. The rest of the tragic World War II story

is well documented in Debra Allen Young’s “World War II comes to Wayne County” starting on page 359 of the Utah Historical Quarterly, Fall of 2010, Volume 78, Number 4. On a beautiful, sunny day in Loa, Utah, of 2017, the Memorial Day program included comments by Paul Pace, Pace Ellett gave the opening prayer, and then a fly over by two United States Air Force jets wowed the crowd. Speaker Albert Brown (Grand Son of LaVor Brown) gave his related memories of the event. Amazing Grace, a musical selection was performed by Kara & Emmitt Hafen, Gavin Christensen and Shelly Mason. Kleenex’s were in short supply.

Capitol Reef National Park's First Artist-in-Residence

CourteSy Capitol reeF. n.p.

Capitol Reef's first Artist in Residence, Kit Frost, sets up her camera in a beautiful field of flowers. Kit is a versatile artist CAPITOL REEF - Capiwho expresses through oil tol Reef National Park is paints, video and photography. delight to announce photogAs part of the artist's residenrapher Kit Frost as the first cy, Kit will present programs Artist-in- Residence (AIR) at on her work and experience the park. Through this Artistin Capitol Reef National park. in-Residence program, artists Through her work and talks, are able to express the park's Kit will facilitate the connecfeatures and issues ina powtion between visitors and the erful and engaging way. This park's treasures, highlighting emerging program can present a new perspective and un- challenges the park faces and derstanding of Capitol Reef's encouraging active stewardeffect on us and of the chal- ship of these precious resourclenges the park faces in this es. —Capitol Reef National Park century.



A BREEZY WEEKEND - Wind is coming back this weekend and might hit a high of 24 MPH on Saturday. A super sunny week ahead with no clouds predicted for the next 10 days. Highs for the week in the high 70s to the mid 80s. Lows in the mid to high 40s throughout the week.

Then speaker Emily Spence Stables, daughter of (Pilot) Major Paul E. Spence, one of the 6 men that were killed in the 1943 plane crash spoke to the reverent crowd in a slow but deliberate voice and she was visibly humbled by the show of love and support by the Wayne County community and all that made a special point to attend the well planned memorial. J. Kenneth Hester, Grandson of (Pilot) Major Paul E. Spence also provided a heart-felt tribute to the fallen Airmen. The Final Roll Call was called out by Larry G. Hansen SGM (Ret,) after which a rifle volley was given by the American Legion (Harold Brown Post 92.) A wistful version taps was played by Kevin

wheeler. With military precision the Flag Ceremony was performed and presented by A 2-222 FA. A dedicatory prayer was given by Clifford Olsen. Of special note is the generous outpouring of moral and financial support provided by many Wayne County and Sevier County community minded volunteers. The 2017 Wayne County, memorable Memorial Day event was very much a concerted effort made by the family and descendants of the LaVor Brown. Most instrumental were the Kade Brown family for the idea and effort and the Rick Lindsay family for the beautiful stone monument expertly crafted by “Rick’s Monuments” in Richfield, Utah. God Bless America.

BLM Seeking Volunteers for Sign Inventory On the Monument ESCALANTE/BOULDER - The BLM is seeking volunteers for a sign inventory throughout the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Mobile tablet devices will be used to collect data on the condition of signs, etc. Volunteers should be comfortable with touchscreen/smart phone technology. Data collected will assist with future sign planning and eventually, on the ground installation of signs. Volunteers will receive a bi-weekly email with a schedule of where sign inventory will occur each day. Interested volunteers can then reply with times they are available to help. Inventory will take place on Grand Staircase near the Escalante/ Boulder area early this summer and later closer to Kanab. *Note: Schedule will be subject to change. Volunteers will be welcome to ride in government vehicles to data collection sites after filling out a waiver.

Training is set to begin in late May/early-June, and volunteers will be needed until late summer/early fall. The BLM is asking for a commitment of one day every one to two weeks. This is a great excuse to spend time outside this summer! To learn more contact: Stephanie Cooper | Recreation Technician Great Basin Institute Research Associate Program BLM - Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument 755 West Main Street | PO Box 225 Escalante, Utah 84726 | 435-826-5629 Volunteers who acquire 250 service hours with Federal agencies that participate in the interagency pass program will receive an America the Beautiful - The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass. —Grand Staircase Escalante Partners

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." —Plato

CEDAR CITY - The Dixie National Forest is proposing to build six permanent and three temporary fish barriers on five streams in the East Fork Sevier River drainage to facilitate future Bonneville cutthroat trout (BCT) restoration work by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR). Working with UDWR to expand and conserve the species helps the Forest Service fulfill the obligations it is committed to as a signatory agency to the Range-wide Conservation Agreement and Strategy for Bonneville Cutthroat Trout. According to Mike Golden, fish biologist for the Dixie National Forest, the Conservation Agreement and Strategy is an interagency effort designed to alleviate factors

that would warrant listing BCT under the Endangered Species Act. “We are trying to keep the species off the Endangered Species list, as well as restore native species back to their historic habitat,” Golden said. The fish barriers are the first step in removing nonnative trout from Horse Creek, Birch Creek, West Fork Hunt Creek, as well as the East Fork Sevier River and its tributaries upstream from Tropic Reservoir. Richard Hepworth, aquatics program manager with UDWR, said that BCT is a fish native to Utah that has declined from many reasons including past introductions of nonnative trout. “Brook trout, brown Cutthroat Trout Cont'd on page 2


Twentymile Wash Dinosaur Track Site by Sage (Craig) SorenSon

Prior to the designation of the Grand Staircase-Escalante Monument, in 1995, the Utah State Land Trust was getting ready to sell off state lands in the Escalante area of Garfield County. On their list of lands to sell included the Twentymile Wash Dinosaur Track site. This would have been devastating to the stockmen and future generations. Our Twentymile Dinosaur Tracks would have been sold off to the highest bidder and we would not be able to visit them today had that happened. Utah’s SITLA Public Lands are regularly auctioned off to the highest bidder. Wealthy developers (“Lyman Family Farm”) recently outbid Utah heritage groups wanting to buy a state section along the historic Hole-in-the Rock Trail, an inholding in the nascent Bears Ears National Monument – literally locking the gate to access the incredible lands along Butler Wash and Comb Ridge. If Utah is given control of America’s Public Lands, watch for future “NO TRESPASSING” signs blocking your access to other special places that you previously enjoyed... Monument designations are used to protect a Nation-

al Treasure from immediate threats. So in 1996 the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument (GSENM) made way for a land exchange and buy out to benefit Utah Schools and allow future generations to continue to appreciate and enjoy this special area of the Colorado Plateau. The BLM received approximately 180,000 acres of SITLA lands within the boundaries of the GSENM in exchange for relinquishing federal lands of similar acreage to SITLA; in addition to the land exchange, the State of UT received $50 million from the federal government. We can all be assured that the Twentymile Wash Dinosaur Track site is available for future generations thanks to the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Almost 1000 dinosaur tracks and some tail drags located on Entrada sandstone, just one of the many prehistoric wonders contained within the Grand Staircase, and why it’s designation as a national monument is important for science, the future, and those of us who enjoy the wonder of the distant past. Sage Sorenson, is the owner of Earth Tours in Escalante.

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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