The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 6/15/17

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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Issue # 1207

Tour the Universe at the 17th Annual Bryce Canyon Astronomy Festival BRYCE - Bryce Canyon National Park invites you to let your imagination soar as you experience the park’s renowned dark skies at the 17th annual Astronomy Festival, held from June 21-24, 2017. This year’s festival features familiar favorites such as model rocket building and nightly telescope viewing, as well as new presentations. The festival keynote speaker is Dean Regas, Outreach Astronomer at the Cincinnati Observatory, and Co-Host of the PBS program, “Star Gazers”. He will present “Tour of the Universe: You are Here” on Friday, June 23rd, at 9:00 p.m. at Ebenezer’s Barn and Grill in Bryce Canyon City. Utilizing amazing simulation software, visitors will embark on a journey through the mind-boggling scale of the universe, stopping along the way at familiar objects in our solar system before jumping to light speed and galaxies beyond our own. Assurances have been made that he’ll have everyone “back home in time for dessert”. Admission to the keynote program is $3.00 per person or $10.00 per family.

You may pay at the door or purchase tickets the day of the program at the Ruby’s Best Western lobby front desk. The event’s partners include the Salt Lake Astronomical Society, the Bryce Canyon Natural History Association, Bryce Canyon City and the Cache County Astronomical Society. These partners, along with Bryce Canyon National Park’s “Dark Rangers” will present a variety of programs and events, with night sky interpretation beginning each evening at 10:30 p.m. The Visitor Center will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., except Friday, June 23rd, when the Visitor Center will close at 8:00 p.m. Shuttle service will operate from 8:00 a.m. until 12:30 a.m. each day of the festival. For more detailed information on daily activities and how to obtain tickets, please consult the Bryce Canyon Astronomy Festival website: brca/planyourvisit/astrofest. htm or by calling the park’s main information line at (435) 834-5322. —National Park Service

Local Fox Trotting Horse Association Hosts Trail Ride

Courtesy MCLean Durfey

Twenty-one riders from around Utah and beyond rode trails for two days in a ride hosted by Notom's McLean and Judy Durfey. NOTOM - On May 26 and 27, McLean and Judy Durfey hosted a trail ride for the Utah Fox Trotting Horse Association at Notom, Utah. Twenty one riders pulled their horse trailers into the pear orchard pasture at Notom. The riders were mostly from Utah, but one was from as far away as Missouri. The first day they went up a long steep ridge between Burro Wash and Cottonwood Wash near the top of the Capitol Reef National Park. They followed an old cow trail most of way up. They could see the scenic grandeur for miles around. To the east was the gray clay ridge of Bloody Hands Reef and Wildcat Mesa. On the horizon were the rugged blue Henry Mountains. And to the west the backside of the white ledged Capitol Reef National Park with the flat alpine Boulder Mountain in the distance. Truly a spectacular panoramic view of the area. The trail ride that day was twelve miles in all.

The next day was the main event—up Pleasant Creek Canyon. It promised to be an enjoyable ride with blue skies, temperatures in the mid-seventies and a slight canyon breeze. It was magnificent scenery. The thousand foot white Navajo Sandstone ledges coupled with the spring shadows was breathtaking. There was a quiet hush of serenity as the riders rode into the narrows of those ancient cliffs. After eighteen crossings of Pleasant Creek they finally arrived at the pioneer ranch of Ephraim Hanks. They ate lunch near the Fremont Indian petroglyphs and corn grinding slab and heard a short history of Ephraim Hanks. After lunch they headed back to Notom and let their Fox Trotting Horses do what they do best—travel fast and smooth. Judy had chocolate cookies ready for the riders when they got back. The round trip was thirteen miles. Both days were great trail rides —McLean Durfey



SUN WITH SOME SUN - Another bright sunny week ahead with few clouds predicted for the next 10 days. The wind should be mellowing out a bit, speeds will hover around 12 MPH. Highs for the week in the low 90s to the high 80s. Lows in the mid to high 50s throughout the week.

The Bryce Canyon Astronomy Festival will feature nightly telescope viewing and a wide variety of activities and programs. Admission is just $3.00 per person or $10.00 per family.

CCAW to Host Vaccination Clinic WAYNE COUNTY - Color Country Animal Welfare is hosting a cat and dog vaccine and microchip clinic on Tuesday, June 27 from 9 AM to 11 AM at the Loa Civic Center. Dr. Dan Johnson of the Richfield Veterinary Clinic is offering a 20% discount for this event. With this discount, the full set of vaccines costs $43. For dogs this includes parvo/distemper, Bordetella and rabies. For cats it includes distemper, leukemia and rabies. Microchips are an additional $45. Call 801-4912050 to reserve your spot with Dr. Johnson. Microchips are very small and are injected under the skin between your pet’s shoulder blades. Along with collars and ID tags, chips provide another form of identifying a lost pet. Most vets and law enforcement agencies have handheld scanners that can be waved over an animal’s back. This shows if the pet has a microchip. The scanner returns an identification number that corresponds to a database with the owner’s

contact information. CCAW also has a microchip scanner. The chipping option is particularly well suited for working dogs where a collar may pose a risk to the animal. Every summer tourists bring CCAW dogs that are found alone and without a collar or ID tag. Sometimes the dogs are simply working dogs and are used to roaming away from people. A quick scan of a dog brought in for safekeeping can get the dog home more quickly. Better yet, when possible, both an ID tag and microchip raise the chances of a lost pet’s return. In other news, have some good stuff to donate? Like a bargain? Then support CCAW’s annual charity yard sale during Torrey’s Apple Days! On July 1, from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Old House at Center and Main, come find treasures and support a good cause. All proceeds go directly toward CCAW’s mission to reduce the number of stray dogs Vaccination Clinic Cont'd on page 3

Utah’s Wildlife Director to Help Lead U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Director Sheehan will bring a successful track record to Washington, D.C. SALT LAKE CITY Greg Sheehan, director of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR), has provided exemplary leadership on wildlife issues in Utah and will soon serve as the new deputy director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Based on Sheehan’s successful track record and commitment to conservation, we’re confident the nation’s wildlife is in good hands.

Sheehan is passionate about wildlife and working with the public on wildlife issues. He has built coalitions of regional and national peers, conservation organizations, local stakeholders and other partners to deliver groundbreaking results. He is an avid hunter, fisherman and wildlife photographer who has served as DWR’s director since 2012. “Greg is leaving Utah’s

Bryce Canyon National Park Announces Road Work into July BRYCE - Bryce Canyon National Park will begin chipsealing of the park’s 18-mile main road, Highway 63, on Wednesday, June 14th, 2017. Initial work will be from Bryce Point to the road’s end at Rainbow Point, followed by portions of the Bryce Amphitheater. On Wednesday, June 14th all traffic on Highway 63 will be restricted beyond Farview Point (mile 10 ½). Beginning Thursday, June 15th through Friday, June 16th traffic will be restricted beyond Bryce Point (mile 3). Weekend access to Rainbow Point will be provided on Saturday, June 17th and Sunday, June 18th, however visitors should expect delays of up to fifteen minutes when travelling through the construction zone. Following the weekend on Monday, June 19th and Tuesday, June 20th, traffic will again be restricted beyond Bryce Point (mile 3). However, beginning Wednesday, June 21st, all road work will cease for Bryce Canyon’s 17th Annual Astronomy Festival, which runs through Satur-

day, June 24th. Work will progress to the Bryce Amphitheater beginning Monday, June 26th. No viewpoints will be closed, however due to short-term parking lot closures visitors should expect periodic delays and rerouted access to some of the park’s most popular areas. All work is likely to be completed by mid-July, but will depend on weather conditions. While the Rainbow Point Tour bus will not run on days that traffic is restricted (June 14-16 and June 19-20). Bryce Canyon Shuttle service will continue operations to amphitheater viewpoints with some minor adjustments and brief delays. The park strongly advises that visitors utilize the shuttle service to reduce any impact to their planned visit. Additional information can also be obtained by visiting the park’s website at www., or by calling the park’s main information line at (435) 834-5322. —National Park Service

"There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is, not learning from experience." —Archibald MacLeish

wildlife in outstanding shape — even better than when he started,” said Utah Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Executive Director Mike Styler. “I’ve been so impressed with the way he builds partnerships and public support to benefit wildlife." Sheehan earned his undergraduate degree at Utah State University and later received an MBA. His passion for wildlife — and his years of wildlife agency leadership — have given him a deep understanding of the issues and complexities involved in wildlife management.

Courtesy utah DWr

Greg Sheehan, director of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR). Wildlife Director Cont'd on page 10

New Veterinarian Clinic Opening in Wayne County

Courtesy Casi Van Dyke

Fremont Veterinarian Clinic will be opening soon at 202 W. SR 24 in Lyman. Owners Jacob and Casi Van Dyke (inset) will be offering veterinarian services for cats, dogs and large animals. LYMAN - Any new business in the small town of Lyman is big news. But even bigger news for all of Wayne County is that Lyman will soon have a practicing veterinarian with a brick and mortar—or log, in this case—clinic that serves both large and

small animals. Lyman native Jacob Van Dyke and his wife Casi have purchased the old sign shop on Highway 24 and are working on renovations for their new

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.


New Vet Clinic Cont'd on page 2


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