Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Bryce • Tropic • Antimony • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder • Fremont • Loa • Lyman
Thursday, June 28, 2012 • Issue # 950
Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville
The 14th annual Health Career Exploration Camp sponsored by the Utah Center for Rural Health was recently held at Southern Utah University, and was attended by youth from Panguitch High School and Wayne High School. The high school students who participated in the June 11 - 13 health career camp did so because they are interested in someday pursuing a career in the health care field. They, along with 80 other high school students, explored the health care industry through three-days of hands-on experiences and learning opportunities for all who attended. Students attending from Panguitch High School included Mason Orton and Clayton Brown. Attending from Wayne High School was Jocee Morrell. At the camp, participants were divided into six groups and rotated among 14 different workshops. Some of the workshops featured health career skills where participants learned to suture, take blood pressures, intubate and maintain an airway, provide first-aid, proper patient transfer techniques, how to properly scrub in for surgery, proper wound care techniques and more. In science labs
students looked at blood smears through microscopes, conducted chemistry experiments, learned how diseases are spread, made their own teeth impressions, dissected sheep eyes and sheep hearts, and learned about pharmacy by making their own chapstick. Participants also had a human anatomy lesson, when they scrubbed into a mock operating room and had the opportunity to look at, discuss, and feel actual human organs. Careers that were featured at the camp included, Respiratory Therapy, Nursing, Nurse Practitioner, Medical Technologist, Physician, Veterinarian, Dental Hygienist, Forensic Science, EMT, Pharmacist, and Dentist. Colten Bracken, a current medical student at the Mayo Medical School, was the keynote speaker at the camp. Colten, who grew up in rural Enterprise Utah, stressed to the students that their career goals are all possible if they put forth the work and dedication required to achieve them. Participants at the camp also took part in the SUU Challenge Course where they learned team-work and leadership skills. A dance and dinner at a local park were also highlights of the camp.
Clayton Brown of Panguitch and Aubree Little of Parowan work together to make their own chapstick during the Pharmacy Workshop at the Health Career Exploration Camp.
Because there is a strong need for health care workers in rural Utah, the goal for this camp is simple. “This camp is specifically designed to give students from rural areas opportunities to learn about health care careers in a hands-on way that is not always available to them. Our hope is that by introducing students to health care from rural areas, they will ultimately choose to pursue a health care career and return to a rural area to work after their education is finished,” stated Carrie Torgersen, coordinator of the camp. After graduating from high school, students interested in health careers have the opportunity enroll in the Center’s Rural Health Scholars Program. The Rural Health Scholars
Program helps students become successful applicants to medical, dental, pharmacy and other graduate level health professions programs. Student applications are strengthened through a regimen of classes, seminars, community service, job shadowing, research and advisement. Over the past seven years since the program began, SUU has experienced higher than average acceptances in all health disciplines and received national recognition for the Rural Health Scholars. For information about Utah Center for Rural Health programs, contact Dennis Moser or Rita Osborn at 435-865-8520 or visit
Jocee Morrell of Loa tries to extract a fingerprint off of a lightbulb that was found in the mock crime scene during the Forensic Science workshop.
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Mason Orton of Panguitch and Tyson Hinton of Cedar City learn how to suture in the Wound Care workshop at the Health Career Exploration Camp recently held at SUU.
LaRetta Olenslager won the People’s Choice Quilt Award at the Quilt Walk last week. The quilt is called “Belles Fleurs” from Smith Street Designs. She tells us about her quilt: “Andrea from Dave’s Bernina taught the class last year at Quilt Walk. It was a machine embroidery applique class. I learned new things from taking the class and also how to operate two different new Bernina sewing machines. Grant (her husband) upgraded my machine in the middle of making this quilt. Most of the fabric came from my stash I added a few pieces from H & R. Also I don’t like putting all that work into a small throw so I got carried away and made it king size! JoAnn Templin from Cedar City quilted it for me. I’m really excited about winning this I don’t think I do as good a job as most people give me credit for but this encourages me to keep it up.” Panguitch’s Quilt Walk Festival is always held the second week of June, and each year it gets bigger and better. For more information visit their website: http://www.
Ask a Specialist:
Do You Have Fireworks Safety Tips?
The Consumer Protection and Safety Commission indicates that more than 8,600 firework-related injuries were reported last year. Of those, 40 percent were children younger than age 15. Sparklers, bottle rockets and small firecrackers sent 1,900 people to the hospital. Local governments are now in the process of publicizing laws they will enforce for the July 4 and 24th holidays. However, while such laws are meant to protect the public from injury and public lands from brush fires, we must take personal responsibility to be sure that those handling fireworks around us are safe. Especially vulnerable are small children, teens and even adults who get caught up in the excitement and are careless or may not know how to handle fireworks correctly. Consider these safety tips. • Do not allow young children to light fireworks; even with adult supervision. Young children do not have the motor skills to safely handle matches, lighters or torches. • If you plan to allow children to hold sparklers, make certain it is on a driveway or pavement. Do not allow them to run with sparklers. Sparklers burn at about 2,000 degrees ― hot enough to melt some metals. Sparklers could ignite a child’s hair or clothing, or the child could stumble and burn or puncture the skin or an eye. • Make certain the person who is igniting the fireworks is alert, unimpaired and able to clear the area quickly once the fuse is lit. • Buy only legal fireworks purchased within the state at a reputable business. Know that if you go across a state border to purchase fireworks not available in this state, it is illegal and you could face charges if caught lighting them. • Only light one firework at a time. Setting off a series of fireworks could combine their sparks or flames and create a heat source hot enough to burn anyone close by, or at the very least, leave a non-removable mark on the driveway or sidewalk. • Never point or throw fireworks at another person. Once the fuse is ignited, there is no general timeline for when it will explode. Even if a firework appears to be a “dud,” it is best to douse it with water to avoid a delayed detonation. • Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose close by to douse a fire if it becomes necessary. Also, have a bucket with water available as a receptacle for used fireworks. Wayne Phone: 435-836-2622 Garfield Phone: 435-676-2621 Fax 1-888-370-8546 PO BOX 472, Loa, Utah 84747
The easiest way for your children to learn about money is for you not to have any. --Katharine Whitehorn THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia and is distributed weekly to all of Garfield County. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper. Thank you for your support.
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