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Thursday, June 28, 2018
Issue # 1261
Christina Brown Design Creates Interiors that Work
Christina Brown Design can help you with an interior design project, large or small. Located on Main Street in Loa, Brown can help with new construction projects or small jobs such as replacing furnishings, paint or accessories. LOA – Who hasn’t looked around the house and thought, "Gee, it would be nice to spruce this place up. But how? And what can I afford?" Owning a home, or building one from scratch, presents a lot of design and design-related cost challenges. Interior spaces—the parts of a building that we actually live and work in—are often the last part of a house or design project to receive attention. Christina Brown, a local, professional interior designer, can help you design an interior space that works—and works within your budget— and one you’ll love to be in. “I can help with what anyone wants to do, from picking paint colors or a new couch or draperies, to working an interior design project from scratch during construction,” said Brown. What does an interior designer do, and how is it different from interior decorating?
“Design is really taking it on from beginning as new construction,” says Brown. “That includes wall placing, electrical design, cabinetry, lighting. Starting from scratch. The decorating part is doing things like furniture, rugs, accessories.” According to the National Council for Interior Design Qualification, “Interior design is the art and science of understanding people's behavior to create functional spaces within a building. Decoration is the furnishing or adorning of a space with fashionable or beautiful things. In short, interior designers may decorate, but decorators do not design.” Brown received her interior design degree from Dixie State College, and has been in business in Wayne County for three years. Off the top of her head Brown easily rattles off elements of about twelve projects she’s currently work-
Local Groups Evaluating Options Against Mining in Sensitive Area within Utah’s Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument ESCALANTE – The threat of mineral mining within Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument has dramatically increased and the Conservation Lands Foundation, Grand Staircase Escalante Partners and Society for Vertebrate Paleontology have announced they’re evaluating any and all remedies to stop it. On June 13, 2018, Glacier Lake Resources of Vancouver, British Columbia announced the acquisition of the Colt Mesa property for hard mineral extraction. The area supports a delicate desert ecosystem and a landscape enclosed in cliff walls, rich in Triassic era fossil deposits, which is unique and was included in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument to protect it from disturbance by mining. “Colt Mesa should be off limits for mining. As far as we and legal scholars are concerned, this land is still part of the National Monument until the legal challenge to President Trump’s Proclamation last December removing nearly a million acres is decided,” said Nicole Croft, executive director of Grand Staircase Escalante Partners. “Glacier Lake Resources claim is on land that was acquired by Congress from the State of Utah in 1998 for Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Utah traded the land for thousands of acres of valuable mineral lands elsewhere in the state as well as a
Courtesy Colter Hoyt
Recently, the acquisition of Colt Mesa by a company out of British Columbia was announced. Currently, there is a legal challenge in place, in reference to the Proclamation to diminish the monument, sponsored by numerous conservation organizations and a dispute as to whether or not land acquisitions must wait for a resolution of this issue in the courts. sum of $50 million dollars. It’s pure industrial greed at the expense of our community’s economic and cultural heritage,” said Croft. “Allowing mining on the exchanged lands rewards speculators with lands the American people paid for and disregards the intent of Congress to protect them as part of the Monument,” said Brian Sybert, executive director of Conservation Lands Foundation. “It appears that the Department of Interior is focused on exploitation of national
public lands without regard to the fundamental underlying and unresolved questions concerning the legality of the Trump proclamation, which is now before the court. Expediting damaging actions on sensitive lands that were in the Monument appears to be a tactic by the Administration to make an "end run" around the judicial process,” said Sybert. The Conservation Lands Foundation, Grand StaircaseEscalante Partners and the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, represented pro bono by the law firm Covington &
Upper Colorado River Pilot Program Paying Irrigators to Leave Water for Lake Powell Will End After 2018 by Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Journalism
CB Design
Search for Missing Person in Boulder
Courtesy Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Adam Christopher Harmon was reported missing from Boulder on June 19, 2018. If you have any information regarding his whereabouts, please contact the Garfield County Sheriff's Office at 435-676-1121.
We will continue our warm and sunny streak through the 4th of July. Highs in the upper 80s; lows in the low and upper 50s. Chance of precipitation is 0%. Winds will hold steady in the high teens.
Courtesy Jim Paussa
Wyoming rancher Freddie Botur walking across rocks that form the diversion structure at his headgate on Cottonwood Creek, a tributary of the Green River. Botur was paid to let water flow past these headgates and down the river system toward Lake Powell as part of the System Conservation Pilot Program. SANTA FE — A fouryear pilot program that paid ranchers and farmers in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and New Mexico about $200 per acre-foot of water saved by fallowing fields in order to boost water levels in Lake Powell will be put on hold after 2018. On Wednesday, the five members of the Upper Colorado River Commission unanimously passed a resolution to that effect at a board meeting. “Although the pilot (program) has helped explore the feasibility of some aspect of
demand management programs, it does not provide a means for the upper (basin) states to account, store and release conserved water in a way which will help assure full compliance with the Colorado River Compact in times of drought,” the resolution said. “Demand management” generally means finding ways to save, or conserve, water by paying willing irrigators to divert less water from streams and rivers by fallowing some of their fields for all, or part, of an irrigation system. The Upper Colorado
Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement. —Will Rogers
What is a LEPC and Do We Have One? by Bonnie Mangold
Cont'd on page 10
BOULDER - Adam Christopher Harmon was reported missing from Boulder, Ut. on June 19, 2018. He is a 38 year old white male, blue eyes, blond hair, 150 lbs. He is believed to be driving a 1998 dark blue Subaru Outback, Utah plate # V482BG. We have searched extensively for this individual and have had the Department of Public Safety Helicopter out searching also but have not been successful in locating Adam Harmon . If you have spotted this vehicle or have any information about this missing person, please call Garfield County Sheriff's Office at 435-676-1121. —Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Burling, filed suit in federal court in December to overturn President Trump’s proclamation dismantling Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and carving it into small pieces representing about half of the area protected by the original, 21-year-old national monument. —Conservation Lands Foundation, Grand StaircaseEscalante Partners, and the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
River Commission, meeting in Santa Fe on June 20, 2018. Don Ostler, seated third from left, gets a round of applause as the outgoing executive director of the Commission, which helps manages the upper Colorado River system for Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Wyoming. Ostler is leaving after 14 years and being replaced by Amy Haas of New Mexico, who currently serves as general counsel to the commission.
WAYNE COUNTY Contrary to popular opinion LEPC does not stand for Let’s Eat Pizza Committee but rather Local Emergency Planning Committee. To quote from the Utah State Department of Public Safety: Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) are community-based organizations that assist in preparing for emergencies. They are required to develop an emergency response plan, review it annually and inform citizens about hazardous chemicals in the community. LEPC membership must include (at minimum): • Elected state and local officials • Police, fire, civil defense, and public health professionals • Environment, transportation, and hospital officials • Facility representatives • Representatives from community groups and the media (In our case a representative from the LDS Church is an obvious example.) LEPCs are federally mandated under the Division of Homeland Security. States create emergency response commissions that then deter-
Pilot Program Cont'd on page 3
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.