Serving Wayne & Garfield Counties, Utah Loa • Fremont • Lyman • BickneLL • teasdaLe • torrey • Grover • Fruita • caineviLLe • HanksviLLe PanGuitcH • PanGuitcH Lake • HatcH • antimony • Bryce • troPic • HenrieviLLe • cannonviLLe • escaLante • BouLder
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Issue # 1210
Dive into Ancient Seas at the 11th Annual Bryce Canyon Geology Festival
BRYCE - Bryce Canyon National Park invites you to join us for the 11th Annual Geology Festival July 14-15, 2017. Join guest speaker, Dr. Rebecca McKean, Assistant Professor of Geology at St. Norbert College, as she presents “Life and Death in the Cretaceous Western Interior
Seaway” and “An Adventure in Fossil Hunting: A Journey Spanning 92 Million Years”. Both of these programs draw on her expertise in large, extinct marine reptiles that swam in the shallow, subtropical inland sea covering much of southern Utah 100 years ago. Presentations will
begin Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Bryce Canyon Lodge auditorium and are free to attend. T h e park is also pleased to welcome f a m e d southwestern artist Roland Lee to this year’s festival. His talents in depicting the scenery of Bryce Canyon National Park in transparent watercolors will be yours to enjoy first-hand as he provides live plein air watercolor demonstrations at Sunset and Inspiration Points beginning at 9:00 AM Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings. His special presentations “Paint-
ers of the National Parks: Geology Through the Eyes of the Artist” and “40 Years of Painting the Parks: The Art of Roland Lee” will follow at 4:00 p.m. in the Bryce Canyon Lodge on Friday and Saturday. Enjoy guided hikes, geology presentations and demonstrations, children’s activities, and rock and fossil displays. The Visitor Center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. with activities on the patio from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily. We extend a special thanks to our many partners for participating in this year's festival. For a complete schedule of the daily events, go to the park website at annual-geology-festival.htm, or call 435-834-5322. Brochures will also be available each day at the Visitor Center and Shuttle Stations located in Bryce Canyon City. —National Park Service
Lake Powell Area Closed in Kane Creek Canyon of Padre Bay GLEN CANYON NATIONAL RECREATION AREA - On June 28 a small area on land was closed in Kane Creek Canyon of Padre Bay at Lake Powell. It was deemed unsafe for recreational activities due to potential exposure to human feces. Witnesses reported that a houseboat with more than 20 occupants did not comply with laws and regulations about the proper disposal of human waste. Cleanup of the area will be a significant challenge and the health hazard may persist for weeks or months. The incident is under investigation.
All visitors to Lake Powell are advised that every party camping within one-quarter mile of the lakeshore must have a portable toilet system that does not use plastic bags to contain the waste. (When the device is dumped at a portable toilet dump system, the plastic bag can clog the system.) This has been a requirement at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area for many years. The park has found that most visitors find traveling to and from the floating restrooms, especially after dark, inconvenient and dangerous.
Let's Follow the Example of Utah Republicans Leavitt & Hansen, Who Put the "Grand" into GSENM by Ben Blaugrund With the recent shooting of Congressman Scalise, it’s cliché and an understatement to call the current state of national politics as polarized. Even local politics reflects at times the national polarization (though fortunately not to this recent horrific degree), particularly the new controversy around Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument (“GSENM”). “New controversy?!,” some may scream. Yes, new. Was GSENM ever controversy-free? No, of course not, or at least not at the local, opinionated level. But while local resentments over the establishment of GSENM simmered, at the state and national level Utah Republican leaders eschewed controversy and instead saw opportunity; rose above divisive and retributive politics;
and did what was right for Utah, its locals, and its land. Specifically, Republican leadership in Utah not only confirmed the GSENM’s legitimacy, but increased its acreage and lauded it as a win-win for Utah’s schools, economy and the land. Their approach was politics at its best: practical, forward-looking and uniting. We’re all long overdue in underscoring what two respected Republican leaders of Utah did for both Utah and GSENM, given the current worst-kept secret among public servants of Garfield and Kane Counties: Secretary Zinke has reportedly told local officials that he will recommend a significant shrinkage of the Grand Staircase Escalante National
pump out boats. These are the same types of pumps that are now in use at Wahweap, Bullfrog, Halls Crossing, and Dangling Rope. The only exception is if visitors are using one of the new polymer-based waste bag containment systems. These are marketed under a variety of names, including ReStop and WagBag. The chemicals used in these systems immobilize liquids and begins breaking down the waste with enzymes. The plastic bag can then be properly disposed of at any dumpster. According to SuperinArea Closed Cont'd on page 3
CLOUDS ON THE HORIZON - Partly cloudy for the next ten days. Winds will be finally slowly down to around 8 MPH, hopefully giving the fire fighters a break. Temperature highs for the week in the low 90s and the high 80s. Lows in the mid and low 50s to high 40s throughout the week.
Jim Cleary
This year-old golden eagle was trapped in the narrow slot canyon for days before being rescued. ESCALANTE - It's not everyday you come across a Golden Eagle in a slot canyon. Since it was late at night when I dropped the eagle off at Southwest Wildlife Foundation Inc. [in Cedar City] I was too tired to tell the entire rescue story and I'd like to make sure to give credit where credit is due because there is no way I would have been able to rescue the eagle on my own! Friday afternoon Jim Clery had just gotten back to our shop, Utah Canyon Outdoors, from a guided hike and showed me the photo of the eagle they had discovered in the canyon and told me it looked like it had been there for a few days. Worried about how much longer this animal could survive, I immediately called up to the Interagency office and told them the situation and asked if they could notify the wildlife ranger and if there was anyone that could respond, they said they'd find out and call back.
Just a few minutes later, BLM Ranger Michael Thompson calls and says he can help and asks if I can show him where the eagle was stuck. "Absolutely, I'll be ready in five." Done, and off we go. We hiked in as fast as we could in the afternoon heat and entered the slot canyon from the bottom, not sure how far up the eagle might be trapped. Within a few bends of narrow, twisting canyon and a small up climb, I poked my head around the corner and SURPRISE! There he was. He seemed massive. Even in his poor condition he was as big as a turkey. We later learned he was born this year, only a baby. I backed out of there and let Mike take over, as he had previously handled an eagle or two while working as a ranger in Alaska and felt slightly more comfortable around talons the size of your pinky finEagle Rescue Cont'd on page 3
Lyman Hosting a "Days For Girls" Service Event LYMAN - Lyman Ward will be hosting a “Days For Girls Event” on Wednesday July 26, 6-8 PM and Thursday July 27, 10 AM-1 PM at the Lyman Ward Building, 119 S Main Street, in Lyman. We invite women and all girls ages twelve and up to come and spend any time they have throughout these days and times. Please come!! “We need to do a service project for our next Relief So-
ciety extra meeting in July,” commented Linda Chappell. Marielin Van Dyke had the same thoughts and readily agreed. They are Lyman Ward's Extra Meeting Coordinators for Daytime Relief Society that meets every other month. Marielin knew just what to do—invite her sister, Deanna Hansen, to come. Deanna lives in Payson, is mother of seven (a yours, mine, and ours family), an
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The lake level at Lake Powell fluctuates 20-50 feet a year. A beach that was out of the water and good for camping may be under water later. Any waste that was buried will be released by wave action and mingle with the water, making it potentially unsafe. With eight floating restrooms/dump stations, and six areas within Lake Powell's marinas, you are never too far from a place to empty your portable toilet. Additionally, the Stateline Boat Pumpout renovation has been completed and will be open to the public Friday, June 30, 2017 at 12 noon. The boat pumpout has been equipped with (4) Peristaltic pumps to
A Slot Canyon Eagle Rescue
ovarian cancer survivor, and a widow; and she is very passionate about Days For Girls. She and Kathryn Boulton are co-coordinators for the Days For Girls Payson team. What is Days For Girls? It is an International Organization founded by a LDS lady, Celeste Mergens, in 2008. The purpose of the organization is to make reusable feminine hygiene kits for young women throughout the world (the
Courtesy day for girls
Health education is a key component of empowering women and girls around the world. By teaching women and girls about their bodies, they are empowered to take ownership of their bodies, their health decisions, and their lives. Days for Girls provides comprehensive health education on menstrual hygiene, in addition to distributing DfG Kits (washable pads) around the globe.
"That isn't a mistake! It is a great story." —Elisabeth Caine
United States included) who do not have access to feminine hygiene products. The Days For Girls mission is: “Creating a more dignified, free and educated world through access to lasting feminine hygiene solutions. Every girl, Everywhere. Period.” Why Days For Girls matters: What if not having sanitary supplies meant days without school? Days of isolation? Girls use leaves, mattress stuffing, newspaper, corn husks, rocks, anything they can find, but still miss up to two months of education and opportunity every year. It turns out this issue is a surprising, but instrumental, key to social change for women all over the
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
Days for Girls Cont'd on page 4