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Thursday, July 13, 2017
Issue # 1211
Celebrate Pioneer Day at the Bryce Canyon Jackpot Rodeo
Come Celebrate Pioneer Day Weekend in Torrey on July 22
BRYCE CANYON CITYRuby’s Inn invites visitors to take part in a western tradition this Pioneer Day at the annual Bryce Canyon Country Rodeo series. On July 24, participants from all over the nation will compete in one of the four jackpot rodeos held throughout the summer, and one of the largest of the year. The rodeo series operates four nights a week at Ruby’s Inn during the summer months—Wednesday through Saturday— at 7:00 p.m. until August 19. Ruby’s Inn—a historic hotel located just out-
side Bryce Canyon National Park—has hosted the event since the 1980s. “Many local up-andcomers and travelling cowboys compete in the rodeo every summer,” said Brady Syrett, manager of the Ruby’s Inn Bryce Canyon Rodeo. “The rodeo is also an exciting place for young riders to hone their riding skills and get experience.” Participants can try their luck at riding in a real western rodeo, bull riding for the adults and steer and sheep riding for children. There is
no entry fee for participants in the regular summer series. Entry fees for the jackpot rodeo range from $5-$50. All the money placed into a jackpot goes to the top finishers in each event. In addition to the chance at prize money, the jackpot helps add pressure and competition to an already great rodeo. “We put on a show for the tourists that come in, we also help the cowboys improve their skills,” Syrett said. “We Jackpot Rodeo Cont'd on page 2
Annette lAmb
Torrey's Pioneer Days will be held in Torrey on Saturday July 22. Musical group, "Rough Around the Edges" will provide the entertainment. TORREY - This year, Pioneer Day event will be held in Torrey on Saturday July 22. The theme is “Pioneer Spirit: Faith, Family, and Friends”. Activities include a friendship quilt display, pioneer buggy/ transportation showcase, costumes, music, potluck dinner, and pioneer program. The free Saturday events are sponsored by the Wayne County Interfaith Council with support by the Entrada Institute. The Friendship Quilt Display will be held inside the Grace Christian Church on Main Street in Torrey.
Those interested in participating should bring one quilt tagged with a title and name to the Robber’s Roost no later than NOON for display. This year the theme is “friendship quilts” including quilts received from friends through the years. Contact Charlotte Williams for questions. The Friendship Quilt Display will take place between 4:00PM and 6:00PM. The Pioneer Buggy Transportation Showcase will be held on the grounds of the Robber’s Roost in Torrey. Pioneer costumes will be pro-
vided for families who would like to take advantage of this photo op. This showcase will take place between 4:00PM and 6:00PM. The “Rough Around the Edges” group will be providing music and entertainment between 5:30PM and 6:30PM. The Community Potluck Picnic Dinner will be held on the grounds of the Robber’s Roost in Torrey between 6:00PM and 7:00PM. The main meat dish will be proTorrey Pioneer Days Cont'd on page 2
Courtesy ruby's Inn
A rider with style participates in last year's Ruby's Inn Jackpot Rodeo near Bryce Canyon.
Fire Restriction Reminder
Boulder Town Park: Becoming Art
Boulder's multi-colored city park space reflects the contributions of many community members. BOULDER - If you have driven through Boulder recently, you probably have noticed changes with the town park pavilion as it has morphed from a large gray structure to a wild green mosaic. If you happened by around the 4th of July, there were flags flying from the south end of the pavilion for a first unveiling. The town park is becoming a beautiful collection of the work of several of Boulder’s artists. The “Paint the
Pavilion” project was managed by the Boulder Arts Council and funded by Boulder Town, a Utah Arts and Museums Random Acts Grant and donations by several Boulder residents. This provided funding to commission local graffiti artist, Sean Treves, to create this interesting and unusual hub in the center of the park. Todd Campbell completed the rock flowerbeds around the pavilion and then directed several residents in the creation of the beautiful rock wall lining the entrance
A LITTLE RAIN MUST FALL, HOPEFULLY - Rain showers at the beginning of the week will cool things down a bit, although the weekend will be sunny. Winds will continue to slow down hitting a low around 5 MPH. Temperature highs for the week in the high to mid 80s. Lows in the mid and low 50s throughout the week.
to the park. While working on the wall, Todd had the idea of flags that would be flown during community events. He provided funding to the Boulder Arts Council to have local artist, Amy Woodbury, turn five of her paintings into large flags. Loch Wade built flag poles to hang the flags. If you missed the flags, they will be on display at the Boulder Community Gallery from July 15th to September 1st. In addition to these artistic additions to the park, Jimmy Catmull made the rock park sign and Dave Hensel built the beautiful wood bridge. The tree committee has planted dozens of trees
Courtesy Cheryl Cox
and are currently working on a community heritage orchard. The park committee has built and graveled trails from the pavilion to the businesses on the south end of the park, providing safe travels for those wanting to walk from one end of town center to the other. The Boulder Town Park is becoming a work of art and a place inviting residents and visitors to the town to enjoy the beautiful space. Who knows what will come next in Boulder’s artsy park but it will definitely be a reflection of the uniqueness of Boulder artists and residents. —Cheryl Cox, Boulder Arts Council
“One cannot be pessimistic about the West. This is the native home of hope.” —Wallace Stegner
SALT LAKE CITY - Despite repeated efforts to spread the word, fire managers are continuing to observe activities occurring which are prohibited by active fire restrictions. Land management agencies implement fire restrictions in the interest of public safety and natural resource protection. By engaging in prohibited activities, recreationists are putting these values at risk from wildfire. These risky behaviors have proven to be costly, as they have ignited additional wildfires across the state in recent weeks. With continued hot and dry conditions, fire managers are urging residents and visitors to use sound judgement when outdoors. It is important to be prepared before heading out by knowing the restrictions in the area, inspecting vehicles, and being equipped with a shovel and adequate water in
the event a fire starts. Of significant mention are campfires, debris burning, target shooting, fireworks, and vehicle malfunctions. Some of these activities are either prohibited or restricted on public lands. Land managers are stressing the fact that exploding targets and fireworks, along with other incendiary devices and tracer ammunition are never permitted for use on public lands. Campfires and debris burns are often limited in the summer months due to the high risk of escape. Additionally, vehicle malfunctions become more prevalent during hot summer months, many of which can lead to a wildfire. Visit www.utahfireinfo. gov for more information on current fire restrictions, incident information, and prevention tips. —Wildland Fire Prevention & Education Team
SALT LAKE CITY - The American public will have 30 days to comment on the Trump administration's plan to repeal and replace the 2015 Clean Water Rule, once it's published in the federal register. Jan Goldman-Carter, wetlands and water resources director for the National Wildlife Federation, said the move would remove pollution limits from streams and wetlands that supply a third of the nation's drinking water and which also are home to countless fish and wildlife species. "The American public has
long thought - since the 1972 act - that their water is protected, their wetlands are protected, their streams are protected from pollution," she said. "None of us can really take that for granted anymore." The Clean Water Rule restored protections under the Clean Water Act for headwaters, streams and wetland habitat that had been left uncertain because of convoluted U.S. Supreme Court rulings. Current Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott
New EPA Proposals Could Put Utah Drinking Water at Risk
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
Utah Water