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Thursday, July 19, 2018
Issue # 1264
A Match Made in Heaven Bhinda’s Curry Pizza Brings a Home-Made Fusion to Wayne County
Boulder Episode Three— Planning The Unknown Red Cross by Bonnie Mangold Commission Meeting July 12 by Tessa Barkan
Bhinda Singh, owner of Bhinda's Curry Pizza Palace in Bicknell, now has four restaurants across Utah, with a fifth likely to come. BICKNELL – Bhinda Singh seems to carry an enormous grin on him at all times. At least when he is talking about his restaurant business. He seems amazed, delighted and as incredulous as anyone that this—the curry pizza business—is taking off. Singh has owned and operated Bhinda’s Curry Pizza Palace in Bicknell, just across
from Wayne High School, for almost a year. “It’ll be one year next month,” he said. Which makes it number three in his string of now four restaurants, and he hints that yet a fifth restaurant may be coming down the pike.
Singh’s other restaurants are all up north. Beginning with two award-winning “India Palace” restaurants, one in Provo (run by Singh’s father) and another in South Jordan, Bhinda's Curry Pizza Cont'd on page 2
BOULDER - The Boulder Planning Commission met on July 12th. First on the agenda was to review the draft for the new Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ordinance. The current draft states that the use of an accessory unit as a rental will require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The Commission discussed whether or not it would be better to require everyone to apply for a CUP upon building an accessory structure whether or not they had the immediate intention to rent it so that if, in the future if they did decide to rent it, it would be allowed. This could help with enforcement issues. Consequences for those who are non-compliant were then discussed. Under the current conditions, those who are found renting out an unauthorized unit are told that the space is not legal and therefore cannot be rented. Under the ordinance, anyone who is found renting out a space without a CUP will be asked to come and fill out the proper paperwork. There will be a high bar for denying a CUP for ADUs, so in most cases it will be granted and the unit in question will become a legal dwelling space as long as all conditions of the ordinance are met. The question was then raised if there is a way to tighten current ordinances as opposed to requiring CUPs, as Boulder Town currently has a large number of situations in which CUPs are necessary, and BPC
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Torrey Apple Days Celebrated for Three Fun Days
Change in County Government Initiative to Appear on Wayne County General Election Ballot WAYNE COUNTY – Is there a form of government that can serve Wayne County better than a three-member county commission? In the November 6, 2018 general election, Wayne County voters will have an opportunity to weigh in on whether this question should be studied. The question posed to Ballot Initiative Cont'd on page 2
Courtesy Ann Torrence
Torrey Apple Days Parade float winners, entered by Ann Torrence and Etta's Place, John Donnell, Kristi Donnell, Ann Torrence, Robert Marc, Travis Nelson, Julie Nelson, Lisa Ord, and featuring Burford the Buffalo. TORREY - Torrey residents and visitors to Wayne County enjoyed another funladen three days with more events and parade participants
Rains will continue Thursday and through the weekend with between 20 and 40% rain chances, lessening to 10-20% Monday through Wednesday. Highs in the upper 80s; low in the mid 50s.
than ever before! A talent show on Thursday night was followed up by a community picnic and patriotic program Friday night. If you got up early enough to do the 5k run/ walk, you could feel good all day about enjoying pancakes at the Boy Scout Breakfast
and the multitude of different candies at the parade and foods at the community park that were offered throughout the day! The parade included over Apple Days
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A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. —Lao Tzu
The Wayne County Emergency Services exists to protect the lives and preserve the property of Wayne County. WAYNE COUNTY - At the June Wayne County LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) meeting, Amber Savage, the Executive Director for the Central and Southern Utah Chapter of the American Red Cross, gave an excellent overview of the many services provided by the American Red Cross. It was an eye-opener as to just how much potential help is available to Wayne County citizens during emergencies – both large and small—in addition to what our local responders can provide. To quote from their mission statement: “The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.” These are not idle words. Most of us know about their blood drives; they do collect over 40% of the blood needed throughout the country. Perhaps we know of their work in promoting preparedness, their services to the armed forces, and their international services. But
how many of us know of their major disaster services? What they can actually do. In large-scale disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods), they coordinate with Emergency Managers—Jeanie Webster here in Wayne Red Cross
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Garfield County Commission July 9 GARFIELD COUNTY Commissioner Pollock proudly pointed out to the audience that Garfield County is the only county in the state with no debt. Steve Westhoff, owner of an Escalante RV park, appeared before the Commission to present an issue with the availability of good trail maps within Garfield County. He’s tried to show his guests how to get to certain places, but they aren’t marked on the right maps. There are separate maps GCC
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BIFF is Back BICKNELL - The Bicknell International Film Festival (BIFF) returns to town after a five year hiatus. On July 27 and 28, “Alaska: Films Worth Freezing For… In July” will feature Moose: The Movie and North to Alaska. Both fit the BIFF hallmark of “Better living through bad cinema.” On Friday, July 27, at 6 pm, the traditional pre-show gathering will happen in The Saddlery parking lot in Torrey. The caravan will wind its way to Bicknell at 6:30. Costumes in Alaska style are encouraged. There will be prizes awarded just before the showing of Moose: The Movie. Moose takes viewers to Gangrene Gulch where a supernatural humanoid moose is set loose. The small town and its new Park Ranger are set on a wild ride. Chad Carpenter, who writes the Tundra comic strip, was eager to have the film shown here. He said, “That's exactly the sort of venue MOOSE would thrive in.” The film was released in 2015. One review commented: “The
humor is "Tundra"-level silly, but it's stupid in a brainy way.” North to Alaska is a 1960 comedic Western/Northern film with John Wayne, Stewart Granger, Ernie Kovacs, Fabian, and Capucine. It is set in 1901 during the Nome gold rush. The movie featured Johnny Horton's song "North to Alaska", sung during the opening titles, setting up an introduction to the story. Some critics felt the song brought moviegoers to the theater only to then be seriously underwhelmed. BIFF first played in 1995 as a spoof on the Sundance
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted by FRIDAY AT NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.