Serving Wayne & Garfield Counties, Utah
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Thursday, August 9, 2018
Issue # 1267
Signing Up For Alert Notifications For Garfield County
Pit Stop Wanderlust Cowgirl Coffee —Worth Pulling Over For
GARFIELD COUNTYWithin the last few years, Garfield County has had the Brian Head fire, Panguitch City has recently had problems with the culinary water, and Escalante has had some problems with runaway juveniles in their area. The Garfield County Sheriff is striving to make sure people are notified about these kind of issues throughout our cities in Garfield County. Within the last year, Alerts
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PANGUITCH - For Panguitch out-of-towners, it’s easy to miss on a trip through Garfield’s county seat—one blink and you’re past it. Next time, look again, and if you’re ready to stop, be prepared for a treat. Wanderlust Cowgirl Coffee, the little drive-up food trailer that serves smoothies, coffees, teas, and home-made pastries, is now located at the Silver Eagle gas station on Center Street. Last year, their first year of business, the establishment was located around the corner on the other leg of town, on Highway 89.
The move has been a good thing, according to owner Stacie Van Tassell. On a Wednesday afternoon, close to closing time, a steady stream of cars—and a few arriving on their own two legs—made their way up to the window. “We sold out of everything and had to do a second bake today,” said Van Tassell. Business was brisk. Van Tassell joins the list of local entrepreneurs offering unique products, and in “Wanderlust’s” case, Van Tassell has created her own distinctive coffee drinks and frappes in a variety of flavors, such
More Than $4 Billion in USDA Rural Infrastructure Loans Available: Water You Waiting For? by Randy N. Parker Utah State Director USDA Rural Development
UTAH - Not long ago, the United States was a world leader in infrastructure investments. Public and private funding helped even the most remote communities obtain electricity, running water, and economic opportunity through telecommunications. However, recent years have not followed the same trend, and too many rural communities have been left behind. The need for improvement is great, especially for rural water and wastewater systems. To put this in perspective, the American Water Works Association estimates that more than $600 billion is
needed over the next 20 years to upgrade our nation’s water and wastewater systems. Unfortunately, many small and rural water systems lack access to affordable financing. For generations, through funding provided by Congress, USDA’s water initiatives have made great advancements in the standard of living in rural Utah and across the U.S. These rural water infrastructure investments have been the engine for economic opportunity and agriculture advancements across the rural landscape. In the second most arid state in the nation, water Op-ed
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Mostly sunny with rain chances increasing again starting on Sunday, with 20% chance of rain. This increases to 40% by Tuesday and Wednesday. Highs in the 80s, rainstorms reduce this to upper 70s; lows in the 50s.
as strawberries and cream, or cookies and cream. For those who’d like a bite with their drink, Wanderlust’s signature baked goods include cinnamon rolls, orange rolls, and, an adventurous baked good called a Kolache. “Kolache is a traditional Czech pastry,” explains Van Tassel. “It’s made with a raised, sweet dough. The difference is all in the doughWanderlust
OGDEN - On August 1, 2018, the Forest Service extended the public comment on a Supplemental Notice of Intent (NOI) in the Federal Register to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement which would amend the Forest Service land management plans regarding greater sagegrouse. The comment period is extended by 14 days and will now end August 15, 2018. The extension is in response to requests for additional time from various state agencies and partners because of an overlap of the Forest Service comment period with the
comment period for the Bureau of Land Management’s Draft Environmental Impact Statements on sage-grouse management. The Forest Service is proposing to amend, with ongoing input and collaboration from affected states, the land management plans that were amended in 2015 regarding greater sagegrouse conservation in the states of Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, and Utah. There is no proposal to alter plans in Montana. The purpose of proposed changes EIS
Episode Five The Grab and Go Bag
Wanderlust Cowgirl Coffee in Panguitch has a convenient drive up (or walk up) window where you can get your goodies and go.
USFS Extends Public Comment Period on Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
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by Bonnie Mangold
WAYNE COUNTY - Citizen emergency preparedness falls into three main categories: emergency supplies, a family plan to cover evacuations and separations, and knowledge—such as you get from CERT and CPR training. There are on-line resources available to help prepare you in all three areas. Perhaps the most comprehensive guide
is the one by the Department of Homeland Security, called Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness. To download this 206 page booklet go to https:// To order the hard copy, allowing you to easily and quickly refer to different sections, call 1-800-237-3239 or go to to use the on-line order form. The focus in this article is on assembling at least a three day basic emergency supply. You may already have significant supplies stored for longer periods, but do you Episode Five Cont'd on page 4
Three Sisters Win Big at Wayne County Rodeo Queen Competition
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Boulder Town Council August 2 by Tessa Barkan
BOULDER - The August Boulder Town Council meeting began with a report from the Park Committee. The Committee asked for approval for a number of improvements to the shed in the park, including fixing the doors, and adding means of better organization including shelving and a tool rack. Additionally, they would like to add signage for the gate off of the highway. People often walk by this entrance and do not realize it is an entrance to the park because it is unmarked. The Council responded that money has already been appropriated for improvements and approved the Committee’s plans. Next, the Park Committee members were recognized for their service to the town. Those present to accept certificates were Tina Karlsson, Sam Stout, Randy Catmull, and Ana Saunders. Community members who have volunteered but are not part of the Committee were also thanked for their service. Next, Pam Furches from the Boulder Community AlliTown Council Cont'd on page 2
Annette Lamb
Burgan Torgerson was named Wayne County Rodeo Queen. WAYNE COUNTY Three Torgerson sisters took top honors at the annual Wayne County Rodeo Queen competition held on Saturday July 28. Prizes were awarded
A spoken word is not a sparrow. Once it flies out, you can't catch it. —Russian Proverb
in four age groups: 3-6, 7-11, 12-14, and 15-20. The competition involves an interview and horsemanship events. All the contestants did a wonderful job.
In the 15-20 year-old group, Burgan Torgerson was named Wayne County Rodeo Queen along with Genry Tay-
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted by FRIDAY AT NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
Rodeo Queen Cont'd on page 3