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Thursday, August 10, 2017
Issue # 1215
Smartphone Photography Workshop at Capitol Reef National Park
Courtesy NatioNal Park serviCe
Learn to take great photos with your phone. A smartphone photography workshop will be held at Capitol Reef on Thursday, August 10, from 11am - 1pm.
CAPITOL REEF N.P. - Artist-in-Residence Kit Frost will be teaching smartphone photography techniques at Capitol Reef National Park on Thursday, August 10, 2017. This workshop will be conducted from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Picnic Area, One mile south on the Scenic Drive. Kit will demonstrate simple techniques to take quality still shots, videos, panoramics and timelapse photographs using a variety of smartphone apps. This class is open to participants of all ages and levels of experience and is free of charge. Participants must bring their fully-charged smart phones. Kit Frost has been an Artist-in-Residence at many national parks and monuments and conducts photography workshops throughout the west. She draws inspiration from the works of Thomas Moran, Ansel Adams and Georgia O’Keefe, relating to the monumental aspects of the American landscape. Sharing the artist experience with others is a key component of the park’s Artist-in-Residence program. During her residency Kit Frost will present public programs that provide park visitors the opportunity to see and experience Capitol Reef’s inspiring landscape in a new and creative way. For more information on Capitol Reef National Park’s Artist-in-Residence program, visit —National Park Service
Meet New USU Extension Family Consumer Science Faculty: Callie Ward
PANGUITCH Being a small town girl and living on a cattle ranch in Central Utah, I was heavily involved in agriculture and participated in 4-H and FFA. My fondest memories are focused around a show barn filled with the smell of fresh sawdust and animals, the sounds of clippers at work with kids climbing panels, and that overly intense Callie Ward is Garfield County's new parent hollering faculty Extension advisor for Conto keep your eyes sumer Science. on the judge. My family raised everything; versity was the only option for beef, sheep, hogs, horses, me, go Aggies! Agriculture and kids. I started off show- was my first major, but after ing lambs and moved my getting married and having a way up to steers, with a few family of my own, I swapped hogs here and there. Sum- directions and completed my mers were spent working degree in Family Life Studcows out on the mountain ies, graduating in 2013. At this and driving across the state time, I am enrolled in the Famto the next stockshow. My ily Consumer Science Educa4-H experience doesn’t end tion and Extension Master’s with agriculture. I served as program at Utah State Univera Southwest Region 4-H Am- sity, with my expected gradubassador, Millard County’s ation December 2017. I have Teen Council President, and learned and applied the use did every sewing, cooking and management of volunteers and day camp they had to of- and partnerships in the develfer. USU Faculty When it came to higher Cont'd on page 4 education, Utah State Uni-
SUNNY DAYS AHEAD! JUST KIDDING, MORE RAIN. The weekend with see the most thunderstorms. The rest of the week will mostly cloudy. Highs in the mid to low 80s, lows in the mid 50s. Wind will be coming with the thunderstorms up to 18 MPH. Humidity levels will rise towards through the weekend, to around 57%.
11th Annual Geology Festival a Success at Bryce Canyon National Park BRYCE, UT – In its 11th southwestern artist, who spent Years of Painting the Nationyear, Bryce Canyon’s Annual Thursday, Friday, and Satur- al Parks”, sharing in fasciGeology Festival (GeoFest) day mornings on Bryce Can- nating detail the step by step was a great success. “We yon’s rim conducting plein air creation of paintings he also didn’t come to Bryce because painting demonstrations, sur- brought and displayed. Zion and Capitol Reef of the GeoFest, but it was rounded by visitors of all ages National Parks, the Grand trying their hand at watercolor such a great addition!” and Staircase-Escalante and Pararenditions of the landscape “This was fantastic for the shant National Monuments, (and even of the artist himkids!” were typical of comments made by its many visitors. Dr. Rebecca McKean’s keynote presentations, “Life and Death in the Cretaceous Interior Seaway” and “An Adventure in Fossil Hunting” were very well received, and were of particular interest to young women Courtesy NatioNal Park serviCe in attendance, as Dr. McKean Bryce Canyon's Geology Festival attracted expert and budding geologists, talked about as well as people who are just plain interested in history, science, art and her interest in rocks. finding fossils beginning in grade school and self). On Friday and Saturday, Snow Canyon State Park, and how her early interest devel- Roland made two presenta- the Dixie National Forest all oped into a career as a pale- tions in the Bryce Canyon staffed booths with informaLodge, “Painters of the Na- tion and interactive displays ontologist. This year’s GeoFest also tional Parks-Geology through Geology Festival featured Roland Lee, a noted the Eyes of the Artist” and “40 Cont'd on page 2
Sushi, Sliders...or Both?
Hummus & Heifer Spices up Panguitch Valley's Cuisine
Bryce Canyon National Park Announces Sunset Point Construction
BRYCE, UT – Bryce Canyon National Park has recently begun construction to address aging asphalt, reclaim natural areas impacted by social trails, and improve accessibility in the area of Sunset Point. The project, begun on July 31st, will likely continue into Spring of 2018, with actual progress dependent on weather conditions. Access to Sunset Point and the Navajo Loop Trail will be maintained throughout the duration of the project, however short term delays and detours will occur. Areas under construction will include the Sunset Point parking lot, access trails leading from the parking lot to the Sunset Point Cont'd on page 2
Military Appreciation Day
Families welcome!
Free BBQ and Potluck Noon - 1 PM Saturday, Aug. 12 Escalante Petrified Forest State Park
Yes it is there. Hummus & Heifer is straight ahead from this turn off the curve on Hwy 89 south of Panguitch. They're right next to the "Texaco Ahead "sign. If you're driving from the south and miss this turn, no worries; take the next right on Roller Mill Hill Rd. PANGUITCH - Listen up, vegetarians. And meat eaters—don’t go away—there’s something here for you, too. But first, vegetarians. If you’re a vegetarian you know it can be tough in the rural outback eating out at restaurants. It often means hoping you are in the mood for the one or two vegetarian-compatible items on a menu, or creating a meal out of substitutions or sides. If you’re a vegan (no dairy or egg products) the going is even tougher. But for anyone living in or traveling through Panguitch, the outlook for getting a great vegetarian or vegan meal has gotten a lot brighter. And the next great news is that if you’ve brought your best friend, ‘the carnivore’ along, they’re going to be happy, too. Tucked into the little “western town” on the right side of Hwy 89 as you’re taking the curve into Panguitch from the south end is the joint
There must be quite a few things that a hot bath can't cure, but I don't know many of them. —Sylvia Plath
you’re looking for, and it’s all sites,” says Chee, cheerily. Chee and Chuck are nacalled Hummus and Heifer. Owners Chee (pronounced tive Texans who moved to “Shay”) and Chuck Claus have Panguitch a few years ago put together a new sweet spot from Salt Lake City. “There that is as much fun for its funk wasn’t anything keeping us in as for its flair for good food. Salt Lake, and we kept comYes, it is there. It’s the cute ing down for the balloon feslittle new-looking shed with tival, and we fell in love with the American flag right next Hummus & Heifer to the “Texaco Ahead” sign. Cont'd on page 3 See it now? With the picnic tables and umbrellas out front? Hummus and Heifer opened on April 1, and as word gets out, they are developing a following. “ We ’ v e been eighiNsider teen weeks in Located on Roller Mill Hill Road and Hwy business, and 89 South of Panguitch, Hummus & Heifer's so far we’re ‘five stars’ on improvised signs will show you to the right place. ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.