The Wayne & Garfield County Insider August 16, 2018

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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Issue # 1268

Garfield County Pageant

Nine contestants competed for Junior Miss Garfield County, Outstanding Teen and Miss Garfield County Titles

Wayne County Commission Meeting August 8, 2018 by Ronni Egan


GARFIELD COUNTY - The Miss Garfield County Pageant was held at Escalante High School on August 11 with nine contestants competing for titles of Miss Garfield County, Miss Garfield County Outstanding Teen, and Junior Miss Garfield County. Assembled left to right are: Shavell Peterson, Panguitch - Jr Miss Attendant, Cecelia Knaphus, Escalante - Jr Miss Garfield, McKynlee Cottam, Escalante - OT Attendant, Kamree Albrecht, Panguitch - Miss Garfield County's Outstanding Teen, Emilia Knaphus, Escalante - Miss Garfield County, Brenley Veater, Panguitch - 1st Attendant to Miss Garfield, Megan White, Escalante - Attendant to Miss Garfield, Madison Syrett, Tropic - Attendant to Miss Garfield, Nicole Bremner, Panguitch - Attendant to Miss Garfield.

Episode Six –EMO and EMS

by Bonnie Mangold WAYNE COUNTY - County last May, and in June Back to acronyms. The plan Michael Stephenson began the was to have separate articles job of Manager for Emergency about Wayne County’s emer- Medical Services. As you might gency management operations imagine many emergency or and its emergency medical ser- disaster situations would invices, and the people manag- volve medical services, hence ing these services. But as they the need to coordinate medical have to coordinate their work – preparedness with every other and share a cramped office – it type of emergency support made sense to write about both function. These support funcmanagement positions, the tions range from transportation people filling them and what issues to firefighting to comtheir responsibilities are, in the munications, mass care, public health, hazardous materials, same episode. Jeanie Webster assumed search and rescue, and the list the position of County EmerEpisode 6 gency Manager for Wayne Cont'd on page 3

Escalante City Council Sets Vacation Rental Moratorium August 7 ESCALANTE - Escalante City’s August 7 council meeting began with a public hearing regarding three planning and zoning. First was amending the ordinance related to “permitted uses” in commercial zones; the second i t e m was adding a blade sign definition to the city sign ordinance; and the third was establishing a temporary moratorium on new bed and breakfast, inn and holiday home permits in residential zones. Mayor Melani Torgersen was away for the meeting and council member Guy Graham presided. Council members explained that the proposed ECC

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WAYNE COUNTY Commissioner Wood began the meeting by inquiring if anyone in the room would care to lead the opening prayer. Mr. Dan McClendon of Garkane Energy obliged. Dan McClendon-Garkane Energy : There ensued a presentation by Mr. McClendon regarding Garkane's response to the power outages during the fire on Highway 24 near Richfield, in June. Garkane Energy co-op has one of the largest geographic areas of any electic coop in the country, at over 16,000 square miles, with 13,000 members. Commissioners were concerned that they had very little communication from Garkane during the outages, and request-



Sunny and mostly sunny days ahead and not a high chance of much needed rain. Chances are 10 - 20 % throughout the week. Highs in the low 80s; lows in the 50s.

ed that this be rememdied in future situations. One of the greatest concerns voiced by Mr. McClendon is that there is only one electric line running east to west in the county, which runs through Capitol Reef National Park. He said that, although the line has been upgraded 3 times since 1974, working with the Park Service to keep trees trimmed and the lines in good repair is a "miserable process." He said a second line, which most counties have, would be great, perhaps west of Boulder Mountain, but that Wayne County's geography makes such an un-

BOULDER - The August Boulder Town Planning Commission meeting began with a review of the second draft of the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ordinance. The ordinance states that, while anyone is allowed to have an ADU (which may be used for non-rent generat-


Boulder Town

by Tessa Barkan

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Moqui Motor Madness Draws Record Number of Entries

Teasdale Bench Parcel to Remain Res/Ag TEASDALE – At a SITLA Board of Trustees meeting on July 26, a group of investors won a bid to purchase the 120 acre Teasdale Bench parcel that was at one time slated to become a gravel pit. With the investors’ purchase, the land will remain within the Wayne County zoning designation of Residential/Agricultural, and the gravel pit plan is Teasdale Bench Cont'd on page 9


ESCALANTE - This year's Moqui Motor Madness car show attracted 44 entries. The people's choice award went to a '56 Buick Special owned by Mike Bradley of Mayfield, Utah, and the Kermit's Kruisers Car Club Award went to the '53 Buick Special owned by Escalante's William Wolverton, above. The Rodder's Choice award went to Mitze Fuller's Chevy Corvette; The Mayor's choice was Robert Miller's Chevrolet Fleetmaster. Event organizers say the show grows a little each year and different cars show up each year. $1,055 in raffle proceeds and donations were collected from this year's show to support Escalante's volunteer fire department and EMS crew.

Join Glen Canyon National Recreation Area For a Lunar Luau on August 18 ESCALANTE - Come enjoy an evening under the moon with Ranger Lindsay from Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The evening will begin with a short presentation on the wonders of the moon in our age of artificial light, fun lunar activities for all ages, and we will end with some lunar viewing using a Dobsonian telescope! COSTUMES WELCOME! Where: Escalante Interagency Visitor Center, 755 West Main, Escalante, UT 84726 When: Saturday, August 18th, 2018 8:30 pm Questions?: Call (435)826-5499 (Another astronomy program, “The First Star People, Native Stars and Stories,” will be hosted by Ranger Sean on August 17th and August 31st at the same location!) —Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Boulder Town Planning Commission Meeting August 9, 2018

Courtesy Lindsay Martindale

Ranger Lindsay from Glen Canyon National Recreation Area will be leading an "Evening Under the Moon" event at the Escalante Interagency Visitor Center. The event will take place on August 18th at 8:30 PM and will include fun lunar activities and will end with a lunar viewing. All ages, and costumes, welcome. Sometimes you get the best light from a burning bridge. —Don Henley

Best Friends Community Cat Fix Set for August 26 in Escalante ESCALANTEWith the support of Best Friends Animal Society, a national animal welfare organization located in Kanab, the Escalante cat fixing crew is getting set for the next Trap, Neuter, Return Courtesy Debbie Savage (TNR) of communi- A crew, with support from Best ty cats. The date is Friends Animal Society, will be trapscheduled for Sun- ping community cats on August 26 in the effort to reduce the homeless cat day, August 26th. Cats will be population in Escalante. The cats will safely trapped, be transported to Kanab to be spayed transported to and neutered and then released back Kanab for spay/neu- to their original location. ter surgery and vaccinations, tions to Best Friends are apand released back to their preciated. original location. This service Remember, female cats is for cats that are too wild to can go into heat and get pregcatch by hand. We may have nant as early as five months of spots available for Boulder age, so it’s important to spay residents if you are able to early - or by the time they are transport the cat to Escalan- four months old. Kittens must te. Cats are trapped only with weigh at least two pounds the permission of the property (usually eight weeks old). By owner. This service is free for Cat Fix community (feral) cats. DonaCont'd on page 2

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted by FRIDAY AT NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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