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Thursday, August 17, 2017
Issue # 1216
Ride Bicycles from Bryce Canyon to Red Canyon at the Canyon 2 Canyon Bike Ride
View the August 21 Solar Eclipse at Capitol Reef National Park
Bryce Canyon City invites all families to enjoy a free biking experience in beautiful southern Utah
BRYCE CANYON CITY - Visitors can enjoy a fun-filled family weekend at Bryce Canyon City’s first ever Canyon 2 Canyon bike ride from August 25 to the 26. The event starts Friday, August 25, with a free outdoor movie. The free bike ride, between Red Canyon and Bryce Canyon, begins Saturday morning and includes beautiful scenery, vendors, games and more. Welcome and registration for the Canyon 2 Canyon bike ride starts August 26 at 8:00 a.m. at the parking lot next to the Bryce Canyon shuttle building. Riders can leave at any time, but the first shuttle will leave for the starting point at 8:30 a.m. and will run every 30 minutes. The last shuttle and pick up will be at 2:30 p.m. Ruby’s Inn will provide a trailer to transport bikes. “With the popularity of mountain biking in southern Utah, we created an event highlighting biking, but made it appealing to every age group and family size,” Lance Syrett, general manager of
Courtesy Garfield County tourism Bureau
Cyclists peddle the bike path between Red Canyon and Bryce Canyon. This is the same route for the Canyon 2 Canyon bike ride from August 25 to the 26. Ruby's Inn, said. “Families are spiration Point in Bryce CanAlong the trail, riders will important to Ruby’s Inn, so yon National Park to Red Can- find vendors and chances to we always try to provide fami- yon. The second trail, at 12.6 earn great prizes. Each rider lies with new opportunities to miles, begins at Ruby’s Inn will receive a card that they make lasting memories.” and the third trail will start just validate at seven to eight desRiders can choose from 5.4 miles from the finish line ignated booths along the trail. three trials of varying lengths in Red Canyon. The shuttle Canyon 2 Canyon and difficulties. The longest will pick bikers up at the botCont'd on page 2 trail, at 17 miles, runs from In- tom of Red Canyon.
Courtesy erWP
Conservation Corps members work on a removal on private land along the Escalante River through a partnership with landowners and the Utah Conservation Corps. ing and work and earn education awards while participating in a once-in-a lifetime outdoor experience. The participants train for ten days on riparian ecology, archeology and geology, plant identification, backcountry camping and living, and other safety and technical skills. Once their training is complete, crews pack in and camp along the river for up to eight days at a time. The rigorous work involves the use of chainsaws and other small hand tools to treat Russian olive trees, a highly invasive species that has changed the channel morphology and chemistry of the Escalante River. The Escalante River Watershed Partnership (ERWP) was created in 2009 to help restore the Escalante River and works closely with the Con-
SUNNY DAYS AHEAD! FOR REAL THIS TIME! The weekend will be brighter and sunnier. The next week will be mostly sunny. Highs in the mid to low 80s, lows in the mid 50s. Winds will be mellower this week around 11 MPH. Humidity levels will be dropping towards through the weekend, to around 29%.
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Local Business Sees Boom with Solar Eclipse
Conservation Corps are Back Along the Escalante River
ESCALANTE - The Conservation Corps is returning to the area for continued riparian restoration of the Escalante River through the treatment of woody invasives. Over 75 young adults from Arizona Conservation Corps (Flagstaff, AZ), Canyon Country Youth Corps (Monticello, UT), Southwest Conservation Corps – Ancestral Lands (Durango, CO), and Utah Conservation Corps (Logan, UT) will gather in Escalante from August 21 to August 30 for comprehensive training before putting their new skills to use along the Escalante River and its tributaries from September 4 through mid-November. Recruited from across the country, the conservation crews, ages 18 to 24, are paid for their train-
CAPITOL REEF N.P. - at the visitor center bookstore Visitors will have the oppor- for a nominal cost. Never look tunity to enjoy the August 21 directly at the sun without propartial Solar Eclipse. A so- tective eyewear, as severe eye lar eclipse happens when the damage can result. Capitol moon casts a shadow on the Earth, blocking the sun’s light. With a solar scope or with protective eyewear, visitors can safely view the eclipse. A solar telescope and a telescope with a Courtesy national Park serviCe solar filter will be A solar eclipse happens when the moon set up in front of casts a shadow on the Earth, blocking the visitor center on the sun’s light. the morning of the eclipse for visitors to view the approaching lunar Reef National park was desshadow, partial eclipse, and ignated an International Dark decreasing lunar shadow start- Sky Park in 2015. This event ing at 9:00 am. At latitude 38 celebrates humanity’s connecNorth Capitol Reef should ex- tion to the solar system and experience approximately 82% emplifies the efforts of the Naobstruction beginning at 10:14 tional Park Service to lead the am MDT to 1:01 pm MDT way in protecting natural darkThe period of greatest eclipse ness as a precious resource. will occur at 11:35 am MDT. After the 2017 eclipse, the next The Capitol Reef Natural His- total solar eclipse visible over tory Association will sell speSolar Eclipse cial eclipse-viewing glasses
servation Corps on woody invasive treatment. Crews will work their way along the Escalante River near Horse Canyon and The Gulch within Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument and in locations within Glen River Canyon National Recreation Area including Harris Wash. If you come across crew members in town or out on the trail, be sure to say, ‘Hello!’ Learn more about ERWP and local riparian restoration at: ERWP is a collaborative partnership with over 30 signatory partners whose mission is to restore and maintain the natural ecological conditions of the Escalante River and its watershed and involve local communities in implementing sustainable land and water use practices. —Escalante River Watershed Partnership
ESCALANTE - Thanks to the upcoming solar event on August 21, business at Seymour Solar is booming. Seymour Solar, a familyrun business based in Escalante—located on Main Street right next to High Adventure Gas & Goodies—manufactures and sells high quality solar filters for looking directly at the sun. Business owner Steve Seymour says, “We had the eclipse in 2012 and it was pretty big, but this is much bigger because it’s going across the whole U.S. and it is a total and not an annular eclipse.” An annular solar eclipse happens when the moon covers the sun's center, leaving the sun's visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire,” or annulus, around the moon. During a total eclipse, the new moon comes between the sun and the Earth and casts the darkest
part of its shadow, called the umbra, on Earth. During a full solar eclipse, known as “totality,” it is almost as dark as night. Seymour says their company sells solar filters for a variety of solarviewing applications and instruments. “We make basically two types: Courtesy ryan Crosier glass filters, where the ap- Keeping busy. Travis and Steve Seymour erture is made of Seymour Solar, and Escalante Postwith glass--it’s master Ryan Crosier and Highway 12 postal route driver Tracy Sidwell have a metal coated been busy all month shipping orders for glass, and also solar filters for the upcoming total eclipse, we make a thin August 21. film filter which Seymour Solar is a plastic polymer with a subCont'd on page 8 strate to block light.”
BOULDER - Boulderites of course already know about Magnolia's Street Food but other countians may not have yet gotten the word. Located in the parking lot at the Anasazi State Park, their food is super fresh and the setting is super cute and you can eat out under the lovely trees at the park if you so choose. It's the height of summer, so if you haven't been there yet, try them out on the way through Boulder, or make it a destination as a special trip. —Insider
People generally see what they look for and hear what they listen for. —Harper Lee
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.