The Wayne & Garfield County Insider August 30, 2018

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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Wayne County Commission Meeting August 20, 2018

Issue # 1270

Gathering Place 4th West Pub Brings a Warm Glow to Escalante Official ‘Grand Opening’ Over Labor Day Weekend

KANAB - The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) initiated a 90-day comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Resource Management Plans (RMPs) for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) and for Federal lands previously included in the GSENM that are now identified as the Kanab-Escalante Planning Area. A notice of availability was published in the Federal Register on August 17, 2018, and the draft documents are available for review on the BLM ePlanning website

by Veronica Egan

WAYNE COUNTY There were only three items on the agenda for this week’s meeting, but the first item, a presentation by two gentlemen from the Utah Tax Commission took over an hour and a half, so it was a full meeting. This writer can’t begin to cover all the nitty-gritty details of the presentation, so I will provide the highlights and pertinent statistics, below. Josh Nelson and Russ Cazier of the Utah Tax Commission laid out a number of features of Wayne County’s (WC) status as they relate to state taxes. For instance, Wayne County has the lowest assessed taxable value of all the 29 counties in Utah, but it also has the lowest taxation rate, 6.6%. WC taxes cover 94% Real Property, 4% Centrally Assessed properties (utilities, mines, etc.) and 2% Personal Property (excludWCC

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Dave and Erin Treanor, owners of 4th West Pub in Escalante, will be offering a "Grand Opening" event over Labor Day Weekend. Come on down to the pub for evenings of music, trivia and pool tournaments. Check the pub marquis for details. 4th West Pub is open daily from 5pm until midnight. ESCALANTE – In business developments, Escalante has had a number of ‘pinch me, I think I’m dreaming’ moments in recent years. Among these are a new hardware

Red Rocks and Marbles From Earth to Mars: Tales of Science and Crime

store. A new medical clinic. And now, a new…pub? At Fourth West and Main Streets, the 4th West Pub is filling a missing piece of what makes a small town vibrant— a place to go, maybe before dinner, or for a light supper and a drink, or—when everything else has wound down for

the evening—a spot to relax and chat with the bartender or with a friend or two. For night owls the pub is a welcome amenity. 4th West is open daily from 5pm until—hold on to your boots— midnight. This is where other 4th West Pub Cont'd on page 10

Episode Eight— Cardiac Arrest and Ham by Bonnie Mangold

Courtesy GSEP

Professor Chan from the University of Utah will be presenting a lecture "Red Rocks and Marbles From Earth to Mars" at the Boulder Community Center on Thursday, August 30 at 7 PM. BOULDER - Professor Marjorie Chan from the University of Utah will be at the Boulder Community Center on Thursday, August 30 to present her lecture "Red Rocks and Marbles from Earth to Mars: Tales of Science and Crime. Colorful red and white sandstones of southern Utah provide valuable analogs to help interpret geology on Mars. Recent, rich displays of surface features

BLM Invites the Public to Review Draft GSENM and Kanab-Escalante Planning Area Plans

remotely imaged on Mars indicate past watery conditions, with the tantalizing potential for extraterrestrial life. This lecture features comparisons between Utah’s marble-like concretions (cemented mineral masses) on Earth, and Martian “blueberries” imaged by the NASA Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, in Earth to Mars Cont'd on page 2



Temperatures continue to cool slightly this week with highs in the low 80s and upper 70s: lows in the upper 40s. Precip chances later this week and beginning of next week. Chances are 10 - 20%.

WAYNE COUNTY Cardiac arrest is an abrupt electrical malfunction in the heart that disrupts blood flow and can quickly lead to death, and no, I am not suggesting that eating ham is the cause. Ham in this case refers to the operator of a Ham radio, or Home Amateur Radio. These subjects are not really connected; they just happen to be what I am motivated to write about, having just returned from the opening evening events of our Wayne County Fair. I took advantage of the various health and emergency related booths to do a quick course in Hands-Only CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation without the mouth to mouth breaths) and to pick up a flyer about Ham Radio. If someone has collapsed from cardiac arrest, in many cases hands-only CPR is sufficient to keep them alive until EMS arrives. This is because there is enough oxygen and sugar still in a person’s lungs and blood to keep the brain going for a time, provided that the blood gets pumped. After calling 911, verify that the person is unresponsive and not breathing before using CPR, but it must be started within three to four minutes of collapse or brain damage is likely. The hands-only pumping technique is really very straight forward and simple. You do have to have a fair

amount of upper body strength and sound shoulders (I discovered) to do this technique, but my guess is that a majority of adults and teens could do it. There is a humorous 90 secEpisode Eight Cont'd on page 5

at Comments will be accepted through Nov. 15, 2018. “It’s been nearly 20 years since the public has had the unique opportunity to help shape the future of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument—the BLM’s first ever national monument,” said BLM Utah State Director Ed Roberson. “Developing new management plans is an exciting challenge and a serious responsibility that is shared GSENM

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Escalante City Council Sets Date for “First Responders” Community Potluck Dinner September 20 Event to Support EMT/Firefighter Appreciation and Recruitment ESCALANTE - The August 21 Escalante City Council meeting was relatively short but a few key items were covered. Council member Marlene Stow presented two planning and zoning updates. First, she said they’ve been having working meetings to discuss conditional uses. They are looking at a zone change for affordable housing behind the high school, to change the lot sizes to quarter acre lots. Stowe asked the other council members, “What would the procedures be to make that change?” Also, the Escalante Heritage Center on Highway 12 by the high school is requesting a zoning change from Single Family Residen-

tial to Residential/Commercial. P&Z is recommending this change to the city council, and Recorder Stephanie Steed said a public hearing is posted for this proposed zone change on September 18. In scheduled items, Escalante resident Jean Bramble, representing the Escalante Canyons Art Festival, came before the city to request permission from the city for wine sales during the evening of the Art Festival auction, at the community center. “The DABC requires that we receive permission from the city each year to do this,” she said. Council members said they had no concerns about it, ECC

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Garfield County Fair 2018 Served Up "Fun for the Whole Herd"

Courtesy Callie Ward

Garfield County Fair Week was packed with events for all ages such as the 4-H Fashion Revue, Swing Dance workshop, ACTRA Team Roping, the Fish Grab, Ping Ping Drop, and Talent Find. There were over 800 entries in the Indoor Exhibits and a vaiety of vendors were hosted. This year also marked the 10th annual Junior Livestock Show, which made the fair's theme, "Fun for the Whole Herd!", all the more appropriate. GARFIELD COUNTY Garfield County Fair has been happening for many years and this year was the 10th annual Junior Livestock Show. This year was a little different! We wanted to engage all ages and bring all of Garfield County communities together, creating

No just cause is futile, even if it’s lost, if it helps make the future better than the past. —John McCain

this year’s theme: Fun for the Whole Herd! Kicking off the Garfield County Fair was the DNR Fur Harvester Course and Trap Setting followed by the Mountain Man Challenge, Saturday, August 11th. At the Mountain Man Challenge, competitors partici-

pated in .22, shot gun, archery, tomahawk and knife throwing, and an outdoor skills and animal identification test. Saturday’s events weren’t only for the rough and tough outdoors

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted by FRIDAY AT NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.


County Fair


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