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Thursday, August 31, 2017
Issue # 1218
Pets Grant Awarded to Loa Elementary
Three Generations of Writers to Speak in Torrey
TORREY - Contributors to Red Rock Stories: Three Generations of Writers Speak on Behalf of Utah’s Public Lands will participate in Entrada Institute’s Saturday Sunset Series at Robber’s Roost in Torrey on September 2 at 7:30 p.m. Writers will read their essays and poems, which convey spiritual and cultural values of Utah’s public land. Speakers include the anthology’s editor, Stephen Trimble; Regina LopezWhiteskunk of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe; Jana Richman, a Utah writer based out of Escalante; Chip Ward of Torrey; and Kirsten Allen, Torrey House Press Publisher. First delivered to decision makers in Washington as a limited-edition chapbook, Red Rock Stories explores the fierce beauty of and threats to Utah’s public lands. Writer-ac-
tivists span three generations, all with deep connections to red rock country. As Interior Secretary Zinke debates the future of both Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments, the words in Red Rock Stories show the importance of protecting these sacred, wild places. “Now we find ourselves using the book to defend President Obama’s act of visionary conservation at Bears Ears,” Trimble said. “Our book may give Secretary Zinke’s opposition an extra dose of strength, a different way to argue for the monuments, a dose of eloquence. We need these words now more than ever.” Torrey House Press published Red Rock Stories in July, 2017. Torrey House is a Utah nonprofit that elevates voices for the land. —Entrada Institute
Courtesy loa eleMentary
LOA - Mrs. Potter's 2nd grade class applied for and received a "Pets In The Classroom" grant. Combined with a small donation from Wonderland RV Park, the 2nd grade now has a Betta fish and a snail for pets this year. We have named our snail "Gary" and our fish, "Ash." Our goal is to learn responsibility as we care for our pets. This opportunity gives us a chance to interact with pets and we hope it can be a great team-building experience. —Carrie Brinkerhoff
Vard Coombs Receives Lifetime Cowboy Award
Courtesy Mary Jane CooMbs
Vard Coombs with his wife, Mary Jane, received a Lifetime Cowboy of the Year Award from Garfield County Commissioners, during a ceremony at the Garfield County Fair. BOULDER Vard Coombs, lifetime cowboy of Boulder was honored at the Garfield County Fair on August 19 by Garfield County commissioners at a lunch. He was presented with a plaque for being selected for this year's Lifetime Cowboy of the Year. Vard was born in Boulder in 1942, the 13th of 14 children of Ephraim and Florence Coombs. He was raised in Boulder, attended elementary school there and attended high school in Escalante. He served an LDS mission in the U.S. Northwestern States Mission and served in the air force in Japan. He married Mary Jane Kadera of St. Paul, Minnesota in 1970. They are parents of eight children. Vard Has been a rancher all his life, grazing cows in areas off the Burr Trail Road including Lamp Stand, the Gulch and Moody, and also on
Boulder Mountain. He operated the Charles Flake Ranch in Boulder for 18 years and the Alfred Jepsen Ranch for 10 years. He was a farrier for most of his life and has worked for other ranches in the area. He has a special interest in Arabian Horses. Vard is recognized most often by his impressive handle bar moustache. Mary Jane encouraged him to grow a small moustache when they were first married. He willingly complied but it continued to grow longer and longer. A crew of men working for the Marlboro cigarette company came to Boulder in the 1970's looking for a cowboy to be filmed in their TV commercial. They found Vard and were quite taken by his genuine cowboy appearance. They used all their persuasive powers to try to convince him to be in their commercial but Vard could not be persuaded to do
SUNNY AND HIGH TEMPS. Mostly sunny for the next week with calm winds all weekend. No rain in the forecast. Highs in the mid to high 80s, lows in the mid to low 50s. Winds will be slowing down to around 9 MPH. Humidity levels will stay the same throughout the week around 35%.
it. After all he was the bishop at the time. The horse he rides most of the time is the big yellow one with a steering wheel. He has driven the school bus for 42 accident free years. —Mary Jane Coombs
Proposed Fee Increases at Capitol Reef National Park TORREY - Capitol Reef National Park is seeking public comment on a proposal to increase the entrance fee for private vehicles and restructure the group campsite fee rate beginning in 2018. All other fees will remain the same. Visitors may access the trails along Highway 24 and the front country area near the Gifford House and picnic areas without paying an entrance fee. A park pass is required to access Scenic Drive past the Fruita Campground. Capitol Reef National Park offers approximately 10 fee-free days each year. Entrance fees are not charged to persons under 16 years of age or to holders of the America the Beautiful-The National Parks and Federal Recreational Annual, Senior, Access, Military, or Volunteer Passes. These passes may be obtained at the
Justin Clifton
Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, is one of three features writers to be showcased at Entrada Institute's Sunset Series presentation on September 2nd.
Wayne Badgers at Home
by adus f. dorsey ii AUGUST 25, 2017 - I many of them were people I went to a Wayne Badgers knew would be there—they baseball game the other day— always were—like Holly Van it is hard for anybody to be sad Orden hollering somewhat at the baseball field so I knew anonymously from under a I would be in good company large sports umbrella “Lets and I was right. I arrived a Go Wayne Badgers.” And little late on purpose and to my just as much as the Wayne surprise I found a good park- Baseball game, the Wayne ing spot, right by the cement fans were who I needed to be curb, about 50 feet from the standing among the most. I right field fence. (A real rook- know I have said it before but ie fan mistake if there ever was it bears saying again, Wayne Badger fans are absolutely the one.) The home plate umpire finest fans there are. The game of baseball has had already called a couple of strikes by the time I found always intrigued me; I mean a good place to stand where what kind of fella lies awake I could see all of the Wayne in bed at night thinking about players. I scanned the local how to make a game out of a Fee Increase crowd of about 100 spectators; stick and a round object and Cont'd on page 8 then comes up with the idea of bunch of fellas running around in a empty neighborhood lot throwing a leather ball at each other as hard as focus on strong they can? Come to find out compositions, value it wasn’t Abner Doubleday, design, reflected in fact Abner didn’t even like light, perspective, outdoor sports and it even said and capturing the so in his obituary. beautiful drama of Here you have a game light on stone. Kate where the bases are set 90 feet is a professional artapart in a triangle of sorts and ist who has taught every one of them has a guy or drawing and paintgirl on them. In the middle of ing at Great Basin the field there is mound, probCollege in Nevada. ably left over dirt from where She is primarily a the previous lot owner buried landscape painter C ourtesy eCaf a dead dog or his ex-wife, that whose focus is creis where the guy stands that ating a convincing Pastel Workshop from the 2016 Escalante Canyons Art Festival. sense of place. throws the ball at another guy "Pastel Paintat home plate. Sometimes the ing Landscapes" workshops Badgers Art Workshop lead by Bonnie Griffith will Cont'd on page 4 Cont'd on page 2 be full day workshops offered
Register Now for Upcoming Hands-On Art Workshops ESCALANTE - The 2017 Escalante Canyons Art Festival is just around the corner and there are several workshops slated to bring out the creativity in artists of all levels —beginners to those who’ve been creating art most of their lives. The workshops are being offered in several media: oil, pastel, and printmaking. "Painting Rocks" sunset workshop lead by Kate Withers will be a half day workshop offered on Sunday, September 24. Torrey-based artist Kate Withers is teaching a half-day late afternoon workshop to share her techniques for painting rock structures, which abound around here. Kate will
Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of experience comes from bad judgement. —Will Rogers
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.