The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 9/7/17

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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Issue # 1219

Summer Brings Clouds...and Rainbows

Boulder School Year Blasts Off by Caitlin Gorman

Kandee deGraw

BOULDER MTN. - Our region offers spectacular scenery any time of year. Here is a "monsoon special" from this past week, where a cloud appears to be taking a rest on a rainbow. With luck we'll see a few more rain showers before summer's end—but hopefully only after everybody's third hay cutting is baled and in the barn.

Public Invited to Release of California Condors Saturday Sept. 30, at Vermilion Cliffs National Monument

Courtesy Friends oF CaliFornia Condors

A condor release is a rare opportunity. According to Friends of California Condors, as of December 2016 there were 446 California Condors. Of those 276 are flying free in California, Arizona, Utah, and Baja California, Mexico with 170 condors in the captive breeding program. VERMILION CLIFFS, The release coincides ARIZ - California Condors with National Public Lands will be released to the wild Day, the nation’s largest in Vermilion Cliffs National hands-on volunteer effort to Monument in northern Arizo- improve and enhance Amerna at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. ica’s public lands. National 30. The public is welcome Public Lands Day involves to observe the release from a the U.S. Bureau of Land viewing area where spotting Management and other fedscopes will be set up and proj- eral agencies, along with state ect personnel will be available and local governments and to answer questions.

New Printing of "Favorite Recipes" is Fresh from the Oven WAYNE COUNTY - What could be better than a book of recipes from your friends and neighbors? A newly issued reprinting of Favorite Recipes from Wayne County is fresh off the presses. There's good stuff in here like Mountain Man Breakfast Casserole, and Dutch Oven Dump Cake (both just in time for hunting season). There are 495 recipes in all with people's names next to them, and people don't put their names next to a recipe unless they're pretty good. Best thing yet, virtually every recipe can be made with items from the local store, maybe combined with proceeds from your neighbor's garden. All income from the book goes to support the Wayne County Fair. So far, the book has raised $10,000. That's a lot of cookbooks! To order your own copy (plus maybe a few as gifts for the holidays), call Diane Borgerding at 435-491-0135. —Insider



A LITTLE COOLER than last week. Looks like highs will generally hover in the mid to upper 70s, lows in the upper 40s to lower 50s. Partly cloudy to sunny most of the week with chance of scattered rain, maybe thunderstorms Friday afternoon. Light winds this week, humidity 35 - 50%.

private groups. · Driving directions: Take Highway 89A from Kanab or Page to the Vermilion Cliffs (from Flagstaff take Highway 89 to Highway 89A). Turn north onto BLM Road 1065 (a dirt road next to the small house just east of the Kaibab Plateau) and continue almost 3 miles. · Bring: Spotting scope or binoculars, sunscreen, water, snack, chair and layered clothing · Details: Informational kiosk, shade structure, and restroom at the site. · Map: https://www. documents/files/2010%20 VCNM%20California%20 Condor%20Release%20Map. pdf This will be the 21st annual public release of condors

in Arizona since the condor recovery program began in 1996. Condors are hatched and reared in captivity at The Peregrine Fund’s World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise, Idaho, and transported to Arizona for release to the wild. Condors also come to the release site from the Oregon Zoo, Los Angeles Zoo, and San Diego Zoo Safari Park. As of June 30, there were 74 condors in the wild in the rugged canyon country of northern Arizona and southern Utah. The world’s total population of endangered California Condors numbers over 450 individuals, with more than half flying in the wilds of Arizona, Utah, California, and Mexico. The historical Condor Release

Cont'd on page 3

BOULDER - There are lots of innovative and exciting projects underway at Boulder Elementary School this year, but one of the most exciting is what is staying the same. This is Elizabeth Julian’s fourth year as Lead Teacher and Administrator, and there are returning paraprofessionals (assistant teachers) for the first time in years. Elizabeth’s team includes Molly Benson, Lexi Johnson, and Michala Alldredge, all of whom worked at the school last year. This continuity in leadership has allowed for the development of a strong curriculum that meets students where they are while encouraging growth. Elizabeth and the other teachers have been using both formal and informal assessments to drive instruction as well as Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Elizabeth is excited about the multi-

meaning students of different ages learn together in one class, not separated by grade level.” Meeting students at their current learning level helps to support growth, filling in any gaps while providing appropriate challenges. The students aren’t the only ones learning. In July, Molly, Michala, and Elizabeth all traveled to Las Vegas for the weeklong National Teachers’ Conference organized by the Professional Development for Educators. In addition, Elizabeth is continuing her professional development by enrolling in an online Mathematics for Educators course through Stanford’s Graduate School of Education this fall. For the first time, BES will be providing a fulltime preschool program this year! The program, running four afternoons per week, is open to

Madisyn Nelson, Boulder first grade scientist and aspiring rocket designer. age learning approach that the school has adopted. As Elizabeth noted, “Boulder’s small size allows for the unique ability to teach students in a multiage learning environment,

all children in the community who are 3, 4, or 5 years old. BES will provide preschoolers with an exploratory-based Boulder School

McKenzy Jeffery, An Outstanding Wayne County Teen by adus F. dorsey ii

AUGUST 31, 2017 McKenzy Jeffery is tall enough to look you look straight in the eye and mean it and she has a personality that will swell your heart. If you ask her where she finds her motivation to succeed, she is not afraid to tell you that her finest examples come from her family members in Fremont and Loa. The Miss Utah’s Outstanding Teen is a scholarship-based program that places emphasis on scholastic achievement, community service, style and the individual success of young women all across the state of Utah. McKenzy Jeffery has set her sights on being an Outstanding Teen in life and when she gets her way, and she will, we are all going to be a lot better off. The Miss Utah’s Outstanding Teen program offers over $125,000 in college scholarship and in-kind donations. In their 11 year history, Miss Utah’s Outstanding Teen program has seen Utah Teen titleholders attend presti-

adus dorsey

Wayne County's McKenzy Jeffery is an entrant in the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen scholarship program. gious colleges and universities which include: Harvard University, Brigham Young University, The Julliard School, Utah State University and

Leap, and the net will appear. —John Burroughs

several independent study programs. When asked about the Miss Utah’s Outstanding Teen platform that she is running

on, McKenzy said “My platform is Love Life & Live. It is all about helping kids, teens, and adults love their life and live it to the fullest. To help them appreciate their life, and when it gets hard they don’t have to turn to alcohol, drugs, or suicide. I love helping people in any way I can.” According to Webster, the definition of outstanding, is, standing out from the group and marked by eminence and distinction. I asked McKenzy why participate in the Miss Utah’s Outstanding Teen program and she said, “This unique opportunity presented itself and I wanted to take advantage of the experience it will provide.” McKenzy stressed to me that the Miss Utah’s Outstanding Teen program was not so much a pageant as it was a chance to share, with everyone a teens point view of our changing world, to showcase the ability to make Outstanding Teen

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.


Cont'd on page 4

Cont'd on page 7


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