The Wayne & Garfield County Insider September 12, 2019

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Serving Wayne & Garfield Counties, Utah


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wayne Comm. Rpt. Cont'd on page 3

by Veronica egan

ann torrence

In a paddock adjacent to the Raven Horse Farmz' hemp field, Jeff Kunze offers reassurance to both man and beast as Garrett Hein takes a spin on Nate the champion sire Percheron, a mascot of the outfit in Grover, Utah. First of a two-part series. WAYNE COUNTY - If you've been puzzled by the rows of odd-looking bushes growing in fields in Torrey or on Highway 12 south of Grover, what you've been seeing are the industrial hemp fields of Raven Horse Farmz, a new agricultural enterprise in Wayne County. RHF is the brainchild of a partnership consisting of Jeff Kunze and Terry Stenlund, who, respec-

tively, serve as presidents of the farming and business operations. Jeff Kunze and his family first discovered southern Utah over twelve years ago. They made annual trips from their home in Colorado to King's Pasture on Boulder Mountain to camp and fish. He purchased a small farm near Torrey, where he and his wife Candace had originally intended to raise lavender and Percheron horses, “like a min-

Groups Object to Proposed Forest Service Rule Changes

courtesy united states Forest serVice

The Dixie National Forest, which covers about 3,000 square miles in southwest Utah, is one of the largest of six national forests in the state. CEDAR CITY - Conservation groups are challenging the Trump administration over proposed changes to U.S. Forest Service rules to allow approval of major projects such as mining and logging on public lands without public input. The groups object to the use of so-called "categorical exclusions" that would exempt the Forest Service from soliciting public comment on changes to national forests in Utah and other states. Susan Jane Brown, public lands director at the Western Environmental Law Center, countered

Boulder Town Council

Meet the Folks at Raven Horse Farmz

Wayne County Commission Report September 3 WAYNE COUNTY For the Wayne County Commission meeting on September 3, Commissioners Blackburn, Harward and Wood were present, as well as Sheriff Jensen, Fire Chief Steve Lutz and Deputy Ernie Robinson. First on deck was Wendell Roberts, Trial Court Executive for the Sixth District Court, who led a discussion on making the existing courtroom in the Wayne County courthouse more secure when court business is being conducted, especially on days when that coincides with the commission meeting. There isn't much money in the budget for this purpose, and when court is in session prisoners, attorneys, family members and the general public often must occupy a row of chairs in the hall outside of the courtroom, and the judge must pass by all of these folks to enter the courtroom. Roberts indicated that this is a highly insecure situation that must be dealt with soon. A number of ideas were discussed, including installing metal detectors at multiple entrances, installing a door or folding metal gate in the hallway that could be used to segregate the entrance to the courtroom from the rest of the building,

Issue # 1324

that it's critical for stakeholders to be part of the decisionmaking process. "Public comments are really essential to the process," she said. "When you ask the public what they think about a particular action that the agency is proposing to take, the public actually does have an opinion. And in many cases, the public is in a position to provide information that the Forest Service ordinarily does not have. " Under the new rules, the public would have little or no input into projects from oil



Cooling. Temps will drop a bit but skies will remain sunny. Highs this week in the 70s and 80s, lows dipping into the high 30s. Few clouds, not much chance of rain. A bit breezy Sunday-Wednesday with winds possibly up to 11-16mph.

and gas drilling and mining to placement of roads and power lines. There are six national forests in Utah, which together total about 15% of the land in the state. Public comment on changes to the National Environmental Protection Act closed earlier this week. Some 36,000 people weighed in, with an overwhelming majority disagreeing with the move to limit environmental review and public input. Brown predicted a major backlash if the Forest Service goes ahead with it. "And so, it's much more likely that the public is going to stumble upon these sorts of activities and be really unhappy when they find them on their favorite national forest," she said. "And in that case, the only redress that the public has is to challenge that decision in federal court." Brown said many of the environmental groups opposing the changes - including hers - already are considering legal action if the Forest Service issues a final rule in the coming months. The regulations are online at, and the group statement is at —Mark Richardson, Utah News Connection

iature Young Living Farms,” says Kunze, referring to the farming operation off of I-15 near Nephi, which many locals are familiar with from travels to and from Salt Lake City. When he mentioned his lavender/draft horse idea to his friend and business partner Terry Stenlund, Terry suggested that a more successful business model might be raising hemp. Industrial hemp is used

for a wide variety of applications including building materi-als, bio-plastics, paper and fuel. In fact, several years ago a Canadian project showcased the vast potential of industrial hemp by manufacturing a small airplane made of hemp products and powered by hemp fuel. (Incidentally, industrial hemp is no stranger to Utah—in 1862 Brigham Raven Horse Farmz Cont'd on page 3

BOULDER - At the September 2019 Town Council meeting, a presentation was given about the Town website upgrade. Discussions with Granicus, a website development company who also created the Garfield County website, have occurred. Granicus is a company that specializes in providing websites for government agencies. It has tools to directly take care of many governmental needs such as record retention, ADA compliance, and providing notification. They have 4,000 clients across the country. Though the final cost is not yet known, the current estimate is a one-time payment of $4,700 for website development, and $1,400 annually for maintenance, redesign, and trainings. $10,000 has been budgeted for the Town website, so this current estimate falls well within the allotted range. Department reports followed. The Fire Council requested access to the burn pit at the landfill on two Fridays in October to allow more time for burning to prevent fire risk, and this was approved. They would like to hire a chipper, however due to cost this idea has currently been tabled. In addition, at the landfill, a new construction pit has been dug. A new “Stop Sign Ahead” sign has Boulder Town Council Cont'd on page 9

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Selects 2019 Artist-in-Residence

ESCALANTE - The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) has selected artist Carol Johansen as the 2019 GSENM Plein Air Artist-in-Residence (AiR). “Plein Air” is a French phrase for being out in nature. Johansen’s residency will culminate with an exhibit and public programming during the Escalante Canyons Art Festival in Escalante on Sept. 20-29. The purpose of the GSENM AiR program is to promote awareness of the exceptional natural and cultural treasures preserved and protected within GSENM through the celebration of art. Johansen, a Plein air painter and landscape artist, says that during her residency she plans to “investigate the stunning landscape and spend time making my paint marks to record what my eyes see and my heart feels.” The GSENM AiR program, now in its ninth year, provides one artist the opportunity to live and paint in the Escalante area during the month of September. Johansen says her goal is to “create paintings that speak of the intimacy of this barren yet beautiful area.” She also plans to work with both adults and students at the Escalante Elementary School to help them feel the creative joy of expressing a response to this rugged country through their

Every one must bear his own universe. — Henry Adams

courtesy gsenM

Carol Johansen, of Mount Pleasant, has been selected as this year's Escalante Canyons Art Festival Artist-in-Residence. art-making. Johansen has lived her adult life in Mount Pleasant, Utah, on the Colorado Plateau’s northwest cusp. However, Johansen says her interest in the Escalante area and its rich history comes from knowing her relatives lived and worked on the Colorado Plateau and in what later became the GSENM. “Working on my family history, I realized I have deep connections in the area,” she said. For more information about the GSENM AiR pro-

gram, visit https://www.blm. gov/get-involved/artist-inresidence/air-sites/grand-staircaseescalante-national-monument. For more information about this year’s artist, visit https:// escalantecanyonsartfestival. org/art/exhibits/. For more information about the Escalante Canyons Art Festival, visit —Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted by FRIDAY AT NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



September 12, 2019

The Insider

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Letters to the Editor Send us your letters.

Your thoughts, opinions, and notes to the community are important to us and we welcome your submissions. Letters to the editor must include the author’s name and location (town). We may edit letters for length, format and clarity, and we also reserve the right to refuse material. Opinions expressed in letters to the editor are not necessarily those of The Insider. Send letters to snapshot@

Dark Sky: Appreciate What You Have!

I was recently on a scuba diving boat and was the last person to come up onto the deck after a night dive. I found most of the other divers staring at the sky. When I asked what they were looking at, they responded “the Milky Way and ALL those stars”!! I realized that I take a dark sky for granted because I get to live in Wayne County and see a dark sky every clear evening. All of the other people (both children and adults)

on the boat lived in cities where seeing “the Milky Way and and ALL those stars” was nearly impossible. As I listened to the quiet conversations of my boat mates and their appreciation of the night sky, I resolved to better appreciate how rare such a view has become and how lucky I am to have such an amazing resource just because of where I live! David Hart, Notom


What happened to shielding iconic landscapes from greed and destruction? by stephen triMble

hunger for destroying Utah’s irreplaceable redrock canyons and a tragic obsession with undermining the integrity of the Escalante. Trump began with the evisceration of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by half in 2017. And now, the Bureau of Land Management’s proposed resource management plan released on August 23rd seeks to codify and accelerate this retreat from responsible safeguarding of monument assets. The BLM’s Grand Staircase planners offered a draft for citizen review but then recommended an alternative written after the public comment period closed, catering even more absolutely to extractive industry, damaging off-road vehicles, and the whims of a tiny number of elected officials. As Mary O’Brien of the Grand Canyon Trust says, “it’s as if the BLM tried to promote every damaging activity they could imagine — more roads, more cattle grazing, more fuel extraction, more non-native grass seeding, more OHV use in wilderness study areas.” This aggressive plan for Grand Staircase follows the similar industry-weighted plan for Bears Ears National Monument announced a month earlier. Strong legal challenges to the president’s slashing of these monuments are moving through federal court in the D.C. circuit. Meanwhile, Interior officials have forged ahead, giving mining interests and local county commissioners whatever they want in these proposed plans while ignoring pleas for restraint from Native people, scientists, conservationists, and public lands advocates. Perhaps most egregious — and puzzling — is the agency proposal to open the monument’s Escalante River corridor to cattle grazing. For a generation, we’ve

taken stands on behalf of the Escalante River. In 1999, when one rancher grew tired of the difficult and marginal struggle to run his cows along the river, he sold his grazing permit to the Grand Canyon Trust, initiating the complete retirement of grazing on the Escalante mainstem within Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. The Bureau of Land Management found alternative country for the rancher’s herd. Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt signed off on the deal. Beyond the river, more than 96 percent of the monument has remained open to grazing since the 1996 Clinton proclamation. Just 200 people earn income from grazing within these boundaries, and in most years, their operations are money-losing propositions. Agriculture and ranching contribute only 6 percent to the local economy while travel and tourism generate 44 percent of the county’s private employment. Longtime Executive Director of the Grand Canyon Trust Bill Hedden says that reopening the Escalante Canyon to grazing “would have the net economic effect of letting a few additional hobby ranchers lose their shirts.” Over the past decade, the Walton Family Foundation has contributed $4 million of a $10 million investment in removing invasive Russian olive trees armoring 90 miles of the Escalante’s riverbanks. Hundreds of Youth Conser-




hen John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt urged us to shield our iconic landscapes from the forces of greed and destruction, we listened. Muir in Yosemite, lamenting the “hoofed locusts” that devastated the Sierra Nevada when white settlers turned loose their millions of sheep to graze fragile mountain meadows. Roosevelt standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon, asking us to “leave it as it is” and end miners’ efforts to privatize the great abyss with speculative claims from river to rim. It’s time to listen again to a century of prescient conservationists and protect another American icon, Utah’s Escalante River. Winding south to the Colorado River in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, the Escalante was the last major river in the lower forty-eight to be mapped and named by non-Native explorers. It's a precious permanent stream in arid country, an Edenic landscape of waterfalls and springs in a maze of sinuous sandstone canyons. The river’s remoteness has been the Escalante’s bane and gift — sparing archaeological and paleontological wonders. Far too few know this place. Preservation efforts reach back to FDR’s Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes, who proposed an enormous Escalante National Park surrounding the river in the 1930s. The big preserve didn’t happen. But the river and its slickrock cathedrals finally became the centerpiece of a cherished conservation achievement when President Clinton proclaimed Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in 1996. As the Trump administration escalates attacks on America’s public lands, the Department of the Interior seems to have a particular

courtesy stephen triMble

vation Corps members have worked on this project, under the auspices of the Escalante River Watershed Partnership and Grand Staircase-Escalante Partners. This is the largestever riparian restoration effort on America’s public lands. And it worked. Today, beaver and river otters have returned in numbers. Fisheries have improved. The river runs bright through the canyons, unfouled by trampling livestock. Nearly 1 million visitors come to Grand Staircase-Escalante annually, reveling in wildness, solitude, silence, dark skies and restored biodiversity. If Utah’s elected officials listen to science, if they heed the wishes of the millions of citizens who have repeatedly submitted comments to the Interior Department pleading for protection of the monument, if they admit to precipitous regional climate change that will bring unprecedented drought, if they want to protect the investment of that $10 million in restoration, they will insist that the Escalante River remain free of livestock. The familiar Western delusion of extractive industry leading to unlimited growth and riches is a “pathetically Western” pipe-dream, as Utah’s great writer of the 20th century, Wallace Stegner, warned us. Raising cattle is no more the future of the rural Western economy than is mining or oil leasing or logging. Introducing cows to the riparian oasis of the Escalante is no way to treat an icon. The BLM will accept protests through Sept. 23. American citizens together own these public lands. Our numbers are as vast as the landscape of the Escalante itself. We can make a difference. Submit your statement to the BLM and urge your members of congress to oppose needless damage to this legacy landscape. Stephen Trimble is a resident of Torrey and serves on the board of Grand StaircaseEscalante Partners. His latest book is “The Capitol Reef Reader.”

P.O. Box 105 Escalante, UT 84726 435-826-4400 email fax 888-370-8546 Publisher: Erica Walz Layout & Graphic Design: Emily Leach Payroll: Trudy Stowe

Local columnists:

Mack Oetting - FYI Panguitch Peg Smith - By Way of Boulder The Insider is a weekly community newspaper delivered each Thursday to households in Wayne and Garfield counties, Utah. The entire contents of this newspaper are © 2015 The Insider/Snapshot Multimedia, LLC. The Insider reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement or submitted content items. Articles submitted by independent writers may or may not be the opinion of The Insider. Please feel free to contact us for advertising rates and with any questions regarding content submissions. We prefer content and ads submitted by email to but we will accept your information any way you can get it to us. Subscriptions to The Insider are available outside of Wayne and Garfield counties for $40 for 26 weeks, $75 per year. Senior discounts are available.

Content and ad deadline: Friday at Noon Have a news tip or story idea?

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September 12, 2019

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ann torrence

Brad Kunze, Jeff Kunze, Terry Stenlund pose before one of their hemp fields, at Raven Horse Farmz in Grover. Raven Horse Farmz Cont'd from page 1

Young recommendHowever, industrial hemp—a cousin of the marijuana plan--is also the source of cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD. Now widely accepted for its medicinal properties, CBD is used particularly for relieving anxiety and chronic pain. A bene-fit of CBD, which is produced from the flowers of the plant, is that when used by itself, it does not cause a “high” and has not been shown to create substance dependence. Stenlund’s interest in CBD products stems from his mother’s experience with ovarian cancer. She succumbed shortly before CBDs and medical marijuana became legal. “I would have given anything at the time to get her off of pain meds and onto CBD or medical marijuana, where she could feel better and be hungry, eat,” said Stenlund. Kunze also became interested in the potential of CBD products after his father died of an accidental overdose of oxycontin/hydrocodone, two days after neck surgery. So, upon considering their own personal interests as well as the market potential for CBD, the combination of hemp and Percherons was born. This past February, RHF principals brought their idea before the Wayne County Commission--accompanied by an entourage of hemp farmers from Colorado. They proffered a large portfolio of information explaining the various licenses required by the state of Utah, the testing that is required, the sources of their plant stocks, and the economic and employment potential that the enterprise offers to the county. The first thing they did Wayne Comm. Rpt. Cont'd from page 1

locking the main door during courtroom times and routing all visitors through the back door and the metal detector. Commissioners decided to look into the folding metal gate option and determine which entrances should be locked during court sessions. Commissioners approved a two-lot dedicated subdivision near Loa for Leavitt Land and Investment. Michael Stephenson led a discussion on county employee use of county ambulances, and commissioners agreed that there needs to be a policy regarding waiving the amount of the fee not covered by PHEP, usually about $500. He then told commissioners that the heart monitors in use in Wayne County are becom-

was to explain the difference between industrial hemp and marijuana. In fact, the same cannabis plant can produce both, but the difference lies in the percentage of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the psycho-active ingre-dient in marijuana. Industrial hemp must contain no more than .3% of THC to be legal in Utah. Their impressive presentation won over the commissioners, who voiced their support of this business and its potential to offer well-paying jobs to many Wayne County citizens. Neither Kunze nor Stenlund had any background in agriculture, much less in raising recently-legalized industrial hemp. They were “tech guys,” as they put it. Kunze is applying his knowledge and years of experience at a telecommunications Fortune100 organization to all aspects of the farming operations. Stenlund brings a tremendous amount of hemp industry strategy and retail cannabis dispensary experience from his ownership of retail outlets in Colorado. They’ve consulted with many experts to guide them in this new enterprise, and have hired David Bruffett, a master hemp grower. Kunze and Stenlund have also vowed to source as much of the materials and labor as they can from within Wayne County, and hope to interest more people in the opportunities of growing this crop. This year, they will be producing their first marketable crop, which will be shipped for processing, though future operations may include manufacturing CBD products within Wayne County. Raven Horse Farmz is truly a family business. Candace, Jeff's wife, is working on perfecting some herbal teas containing hemp leaves.

Candace's mother Lilly Walter cooks for the farm’s employees (and writes children's books). Lilly's husband Phil handles most of the scheduling and the many logistical challenges. Phil and Lilly live in Loa, and Jeff's son Ryan is the head farmer on the Torrey farm. Mike Potter owns and operates a third growing location, in Loa. Raven Horse Farmz has employed over 100 workers in many different positions during their first year, and up to ten workers live in the Grover house during the growing season. Kunze and Stenlund have been amazed at the work ethic of the “millenials” who are gaining a sense of purpose and community on the farms. “I feel so bad that we work those kids so hard, that we cook 'em dinner every night!” said Stenlund. After their first harvest this fall, they're planning to transition some of the “kids” into sales and consulting roles so they can start earning commissions as well. Kunze and Stenlund have plans to support up to 1,000 acres of industrial hemp in Wayne County by next year, with seeds, clones, labor and equipment. A retail outlet carrying the CBD tinctures, gummies, lip balm and “a plethora” of other products is planned for the big red barn on the Grover property. Terry and Jeff are working now with the state of Utah on plans for a hemp processing facility in Wayne County, as well. “We want to bring as much benefit to the county as possible, and we're open to new ideas and possibilities,” says Kunze. Part II of our series will be published in a couple of weeks.

ing outdated and need to be replaced. Mike has $15K in his budget for monitors, but replacing all of them will cost around $30K. The company that makes the monitors will give some credit on the old ones when they are returned. Commissioner Wood inquired about purchasing re-manufactured monitors but they cost 2/3 as much as the new ones, so the issue was tabled pending a search for more funding to purchase new monitors. Commissioners decided that a number of public events coming up this fall including Color Country Animal Welfare, Wayne County Business Association, Boulder Mountain Half-Marathon, and a Fire Department fundraiser events should all have special event permits. Wayne County is participating in a class-action lawsuit

against pharmaceutical companies which could be helpful in recovering claims regarding opioid marketing abuses. Commissioners approved of Wayne County's joint participation with Sevier County in a MOU with the BLM Travel Management Planning process, establishing a collaborative relationship with the BLM. Wayne County Roads Department head Rhett Jeffery will serve as Wayne County's representative in the process. A bid of $154.82 per ton/ mile for removal of discarded tires from the county landfill by TRFI, LLC. was approved. The meeting was adjourned for lunch, with a closed afternoon session following. Over and out from Wayne County. —Veronica Egan

The Insider

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Schools & Sports PHS Sports Sidelines by Mack oetting

The Lady Cats volleyball team again rolled past a 2A team North Sevier, in three sets. In the last set the Cats were leading 18 to 12, when I went over to help with the cleaning of the concession stand. When the audience grew quiet, I went to check the score and the Cats were losing 25 to 24, but they took the next three points, winning the set and taking the game.

Last Tuesday night the Cats played Enterprise, another 2A team. They have three games in a row, @ Diamond Ranch and then they head up to Piute for a game on Friday the 13th. With Wayne and Milford back in the league they don’t play many teams twice. Next week Milford will be here on the 18th. Many members of the girls cross country team also play volleyball. Both events were on the same day—it didn’t seem to matter, the girls still won the race. Lacey Marshall took 1st and Mikayla Reeder was 3rd and with Draper and Chicana Anderson rounding out the winning team, they easily won the meet in Wayne. The boys took third, but with the return

of Porter Shoppe taking 6th and Luke Reader winning the race the Cats are looking up. This Thursday it is the Cats' turn to host the meet, come on out and cheer them on. The boys baseball team, had another split week with a win over Green River. They went over to Wayne and after trailing the Badgers 8 to 1 going into the last inning, they almost pulled it off, scoring 5 runs but coming up a couple of runs short. The Cats have a game here on the 13th against Diamond Ranch. The Cats are oh-so-close in these games, losing by one or two runs. The teams are really close and hopefully they will knock each other off, so the Cats can get into the finals.

Every Kid Outdoors Program Provides Fourth Grade Students with Free Entrance to Public Lands Authorized for the next seven years, the new program replaces Every Kid in a Park

WASHINGTON, D.C. Fourth grade students can get a free annual pass to visit more than 2,000 federal recreation areas with their families, classmates, and friends. The Every Kid Outdoors Program is an interagency collaboration between the Department of the Interior, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S. Forest Service that provides fourth graders with free access to explore, learn, and recreate in spectacular settings, including national parks, wildlife refuges, marine sanctuaries, and forests. “Introducing fourth grade students to America’s public lands provides them with limitless opportunities to have fun, be active, improve fitness, and learn critical skills,” said Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt. “Visits on class trips or family vacations to the rich variety of astonishing landscapes and historic treasures located on public lands will result in unforgettable experiences and, hopefully, forge lifelong connections to the outdoors.” The bipartisan John D.

Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management and Recreation Act, which was signed into law by President Trump on March 12, 2019, authorized funding for Every Kid Outdoors for the next seven years. To obtain the free pass, fourth grade students visit the Every Kid Outdoors website, participate in a short educational activity, and download a voucher. The voucher is valid for multiple use between Sept. 1, 2019 and Aug. 31, 2020 to correspond to the traditional school year. The voucher may be exchanged for a keepsake pass at participating federal lands. The voucher or pass grants free entry for fourth graders, all children under 16 in the group and up to three accompanying adults (or an entire car for drive-in parks) to most federally managed lands and waters. The pass does not cover expanded amenity fees such as camping or boat rides. The great outdoors make a great classroom. Fourth grade educators are encouraged to take advantage of the wide range of educational programs and tools associated with the

Every Kid Outdoors Program. Educational activities, field trip options, information and tools in English and Spanish, and the ability to print vouchers for passes for students are all available on the website. The Every Kid Outdoors Program replaces the Every Kid in a Park Program that was established in 2015. The program focuses on children 10 years of age—the age of most fourth graders— based on research that indicates children ages 9–11 are at a unique developmental stage in their learning where they begin to understand how the world around them works in more concrete ways and they are more receptive to engaging with nature and the environment. By focusing on this age group year after year, the program aims to ensure every child in the United States has the opportunity to visit their Federal lands and waters by the time he or she is 11 years old, thereby establishing a lifelong connection to enjoy and protect our American outdoor heritage. —U.S. Department of the Interior

September 12, 2019

my529 Sponsors 10th Annual Make Your Mark Scholarship Contest SALT LAKE CITY - As Utah’s educational savings plan, my529 strives to raise awareness statewide about the importance of investing for future college or technical school expenses. my529 has sponsored the Make Your Mark scholarship contest for the past 10 years, giving students the opportunity to transform their artwork into college savings. The contest runs September 1 through September 30, 2019. UtahFutures, a career information system for students, is a co-sponsor. Eight Utah students in kindergarten through grade 12 will each receive a $1,000 college savings scholarship for their winning bookmark designs. In addition to the scholarship account, each winner may see their artwork professionally reproduced and distributed statewide at my529 events. Gov. Gary Herbert has designated September as College Savings Month for the state of Utah, in conjunction with the national observation. my529 sponsors Make Your Mark each year to celebrate the occasion. “Make Your Mark gives families a chance to talk about how they’re preparing for college costs,” said Lynne Ward, my529 executive director. “my529 is pleased to provide scholarship accounts for contest winners to help with those expenses. Over the 10 years, my529 has made more than $85,000 in scholarships available to the entrants.”

Utah students are eligible to enter if they are enrolled in a Utah school or are homeschooled. Their parents are not required to own a my529 account. 2016 winner Ali Hagen, now a Utah State University senior, used her Make Your Mark funds toward a degree in Business Administration and Marketing. “I am excited to participate in some extra programs because of my money saved with my scholarships,” she said. Hagen, who heads to London in December with the Huntsman Scholar business program, encourages students to “apply for everything”

when it comes to scholarships. “You never know how many people will actually apply and it might surprise you the scholarships you actually earn.” Entrants must submit an original bookmark design on the official entry form found at Address information and a complete set of contest rules and restrictions are detailed on the back of the official entry form. Only one entry per student is allowed. my529 will notify scholarship winners in mid-October. All decisions by the judges and my529 are final. —

September 12, 2019

Wills, Trusts, and More

The Insider

I Have Three Children and a Ranch by JeFFery J. Mckenna I have encountered many clients that have a ranch or business that they have devoted much of their life to developing and growing. To them it is very difficult to consider the ranch or business as just another monetary asset. In planning for these special assets, special considerations should be addressed. What if your ranch or business represents the majority of your estate, but you do not wish your ranch or business be distributed equally among your children? There is an alternative to accomplish your objective. You can create additional liquid assets in your estate at the time of your death which could be used to equalize the assets of the children who are not involved in the ranch or business. This strategy is accomplished through the use of life insurance held in a trust. The life insurance proceeds are first used to equalize the assets to the three children, and any additional funds can

be utilized to pay any death settlement costs, estate taxes, or other expenses. Often the best vehicle to own and distribute the life insurance proceeds is a trust, which would hold the insurance death benefits for the use specified in the trust. This strategy avoids potential family conflicts which might occur if ranch or business assets must be divided equally among the children or even sold to equalize the inheritance to the children. Either outcome could dilute your chosen child's ownership to the point where he or she could not function adequately as the majority owner of the ranch or business. Since a ranch and most small businesses are not liquid and not easily marketed, a forced sale could be financially disastrous and foil your goal of having one child continue the ranch or business. The additional influx of liquidity from your life insurance proceeds, at the exact time it will be needed, can accomplish your objectives.

t H e What Does She Mean?

A man was pleased to see his small daughter's fascination as she stared at a bug in their backyard. He thought she was developing an interest in science. Then the child remarked, "Grandma says I'm as cute as a bug. The bugs where she lives must be cuter than ours." Now with a Panguitch Office at 46 North Main Street to serve clients in and around Garfield County. Jeffery J. McKenna is a local attorney whose practice has been focused on Estate Planning for over 20 years. He is licensed and serves clients in Utah, Arizona and Nevada. He is a shareholder at the law firm of Barney, McKenna and Olmstead. If you have questions you would like addressed in these articles, please feel free to contact him at 435 6281711 or or visit the firm’s website at WWW.BARNEY-MCKENNA.COM. He would enjoy hearing from you.


Not everyone gets how insurance works. As I was helping an employee with his life insurance policy, I asked, "And who would you like to be the beneficiary?" He replied, "Me"

Today's Thought

You're 10 times more likely to die when your girlfriend says, "I'm fine" than when you are flying on an airplane.

Temporary Closure of Dead Lake, Porcupine Lake for Rotenone Treatment Treatments within Mammoth Creek Drainage will Take Place Beginning September 9

DIXIE NATIONAL FOREST - The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources will conduct a native Bonneville cutthroat trout restoration project using the piscicide rotenone within the Mammoth Creek drainage on the Dixie National Forest, beginning September 9, 2019. The project is identified as a priority for Bonneville cutthroat trout conservation in the conservation strategy for the species, which is designed to prevent the fish from being listed under the Endangered Species Act. The rotenone treatment is aimed to rid all species of fish in targeted streams, ponds, lakes and tributaries in order to restore the native Bonneville cutthroat trout to a portion of the Mammoth Creek drainage. This treatment will build

on restoration work already completed in Castle Creek and Lowder Creek, as well as nonnative trout removal conducted earlier this summer in Reed Valley Creek. When the entire project is completed nearly 30 miles of the Upper Mammoth Creek drainage will be restored for native Bonneville cutthroat trout. Depending on their location, most rotenone drips will run for three to eight hours. Applying the rotenone this way will ensure that all of the fresh water sources are simultaneously treated. Charges for drip stations are calculated to apply the five percent active ingredient liquid rotenone at a concentration of 1.5 parts per million in the target area. The active ingredient in liquid rotenone is a powder derived from the roots of South American plant. Ro-

Grace Christian Church Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7-8:00 p.m. Psalms 119:105 Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

66 West Main, Torrey


tenone is specifically poisonous to gilled organisms because it interrupts oxygen uptake from the water at the cellular level. Although liquid rotenone is relatively benign to humans, fish treated with the chemical have not been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration for human consumption. For that reason, fish that die during the project cannot be salvaged. After the rotenone has been applied, potassium permanganate, an oxidizing agent, will be applied to treated waters below the target area to neutralize the rotenone in those areas. The 2019 area closure for Dead Lake, Porcupine Lake and the unnamed tributary to Mammoth Creek draining John L. Flat is Pursuant to Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations 261.50 (a) and (b), the following areas will be closed during the treatments for protection of public health and safety. The area within 100

feet of Dead Lake, Porcupine Lake and the Unnamed tributary to Mammoth Creek draining John L. Flat and its tributaries upstream from the confluence of the Unnamed tributary to Mammoth Creek draining John L. Flat and Mammoth Creek, to the headwaters of the Unnamed tributary to Mammoth Creek draining John L. Flat and its tributaries, located in T36S, R8W, Section 35 and 36 and T36S, R7W, Section 31, Salt Lake City Baseline and Meridian. The temporary closure order is anticipated to be cancelled September 12, 2019 for the project area. For more information on this project please contact Michael Hadley, Southern Region Aquatics Biologist, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (435) 691-2204 or Mike Golden, Dixie National Forest Fish Biologist, (435) 865-3700. —Dixie National Forest

Driveways Decorative Rock Culverts Gravel Sand

Call 435-425-3030 or 435-691-5745

Page 5

l A u G h i N g pOiNt!! Family Photos

A four-year-old was showing a little friend the family photos that covered one wall in their basement. Out of sight, but not out of earshot, her mother overheard her say, "Here's a picture of my mommy when she was a little girl. I wasn't there, but people say she used to be nice."

New Baby

Smart Dog!

A guest at dinner noticed the small family dog looking hungrily at every bite she took. Finally she took a small piece of meat from her plate and held it up for him. "Speak!" she said to the dog. The dog answered, "Under the circumstances, I hardly know what to say!"

A little girl arrived at kindergarten all out of breath with excitement. "Why, what's the matter?" asked her teacher. "We've got a new baby at our house," she replied. "Won't you come and see it?" "Oh thanks!" said the teacher, "but I think I had better wait until your mother is better." A man walks into a flower "It's all right," said the girl. "You don't have to be shop. "I'd like some flowers afraid, it's not catching." please." "Certainly, Sir. What did you have in mind?" He shrugs, "Well I'm not sure, I uh, I uh, I uh..." I was addicted to the "Perhaps I could help. hokey pokey... but thankfully, What exactly have you done?" I turned myself around.



sudoku To Play: Complete the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9

This week's answers on page 9

BRYCE VALLEY AREA Senior Lunches at the HENRIEVILLE Senior Center TUES Sept 17th WED Sept 18th

Country Fried Steak, Potatoes & Gravy, Carrots, Salad bar/Pears, Chocolate Truffle

THURS Sept 19th

Chicken Noodle Soup/meat & Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes, Salad bar/Tropical Fruit, Filled Cookie

Meatball Casserole, Green Beans, Cottage Cheese, Peaches, White Poke Cake

Call by 10:00 A.M. if you want a lunch or need a ride. 679-8666 All meals are served with milk & bread Suggested donation is $3 for seniors and $7 for those under 60 years of age.

Page 6

W eddings

Fischer - Smith

The Insider

fyI PanguItch

by Mack Oetting ~ mackoetting Last week we went over to Parowan, for the Iron County Fair. They had a real good parade this year, with plenty of floats, dancers and bands. We then went over to the exhibit and boy did they have a lot of stuff on display. Iron County has around 100,000 people living there and they really like to show off their workmanship on many different items. Then it was over to the car show and again it was worth the trip over there. Many beautiful cars and plenty of variety, fun for all car buffs. Keep Labor Day and Parowan in mind for next year, plenty to do and see. Well, our granddaughter Teah was here and she almost killed me. She wanted to go hiking out at Calf Creek Falls. On the way, we went over to the ball field where they had the first annual Panguitch Car

Ashton Smith

Invite You to the Reception to Celebrate Their Big Day Saturday, September 21st, 2019 at 6 o'clock in the evening 1854 West 5530 North Saint George, Utah

Show. For a first time show they had quite a few excellent cars. Not all of them where from here, I hope that this will continue to be an annual show, they are fun. Tara Connor had her trailer group here with seven trailers, they are called Sisters on the Fly and there are 40,000 members in their club. They travel all over the U.S. with these small trailers and will be here for next year’s Quilt Walk Festival. I have done this hike a number of times, but as I get older they keep moving the Falls farther away. The trail also is very sandy, which didn’t help my walking any. We all drank a lot of water going in, but the hike is still worth it, it is a beautiful sight. They gave me a 15 minute head start on the way back and they finally caught up at about half way home. I must have looked pathetic, people kept

stopping to offer me water or help. But I made it and it will my last time viewing the Falls. Today was another action filled day. We went out to Bryce Canyon and I got smarter and let them hike the Navajo Loop and I kept track of the truck. It is always fun to have Teah home, she makes me feel young. Tomorrow she will be going down to Zion, to a friend’s wedding. Then it’s back to San Diego and she will be going to work, next Monday with her new job. Last Tuesday was 9-11 and they have changed the day to Patriot's Day. I think everyone remembers that day and where they were and what they were doing. Tomorrow is the start of the second season out at the Park and it was good to see the No Vacancy signs up around town at the Motels. It has been some of the busiest time

of the year. With the kids back in school, it is time for the older generation and the folks from abroad to do their thing. They don’t camp and they spend money, what more could you ask for? Not much happening in September or October. But in November, the American Legion will be celebrating their 100th birthday, here in Panguitch on November 11. The legion will be hosting their annual Veterans Day dinner. All veterans and their spouses are invited, to spend time with fellow vets. There will be food and entertainment and it is all free. We will be hosting our 11th Annual Thanksgiving dinner at the Senior Center. All are welcome (you don’t have to be old) and again it is free. I am tired. Mack O.

By Way of Boulder

Alyssa Fischer

Daughter of Justin & Jennifer and Son of Richard & Rachel

September 12, 2019

by Peg Smith ~

Green yet prevails, though crisping at the edges. Roads are lined in gold, the tone amplified in mid-September light. Soon we’ll be breathing gold, the mountains awash in the vibrance. Last weekend Boulderites celebrated the sustained, “10-year, unified effort in keeping Rotenone poison out of East Fork Boulder Creek.” It’s a limited victory, in that the poisoning continues elsewhere on the mountain, and with the loss of the East Fork, Division of Wildlife Resources will likely need to meet its numbers* by rotenoning Calf Creek or other selected streams. (* numbers referring to the eradication of brook trout in lakes and streams that are conducive to the re-establishment of native Colorado cutthroat trout.) This has been one of those rare issues where “sides” have blended. The community, as a whole, was disturbed by the

process of dumping fish poison (rotenone) into a healthy creek, then dumping in another purple-hued chemical (potassium permanganate) to neutralize it, the living creek being the lifeblood of Boulder, feeding all its irrigation canals, ponds, waterlines, and stocktanks. Businesses, such as Boulder Outdoor Survival School, ranchers, “environmentalists,” and the town itself wrote letters, drafted resolutions, provided public comment to the agencies, and produced bodies of medical research to back up what for many was a gut response—

how can it be good to poison the water we’re swimming in, giving to our animals, using on our gardens and fields? No matter how transient or limited, the protection of one fork of one stream that provides water to a town is a huge accomplishment. Other battles for protecting water, air, trees, animals, wildness likely won’t receive the broadbased support of this endeavor now that maintaining the wellbeing of our own ecosystems is so abysmally politicized. Boulder can savor this milestone. And we can identify other pinpointed projects

to help achieve our primary General Plan vision: “(l) to preserve the ranching, smallscale agricultural, wilderness lifestyle of the place in keeping with the rural/frontier spirit of Boulder; (2) to protect the open space, clean air, clean water, dark skies, and quiet country-style atmosphere that currently exists; and (3) to promote self-reliance and resiliency.” Individuals may have varying motivations or special interests, but some goals are unifying, if we’re not afraid to let them be.

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(Actually, make that TWO free ads.) That’s right! If you recently opened or are soon opening a brand new business located in either Wayne or Garfield county, we’ll offer you TWO free 16th page ad placements in The Insider. Call us at 435-826-4400 or email

The Insider

September 12, 2019

O bituaries

Page 7

Julena Black callie Ward, utah state uniVersity extension assistant proFessor, garField county

Preserve the Harvest - Venison Part II HELPFUL HINTS WHEN CANNING VENISON Have dial gauges checked annually. Don’t be creative in home canning ̶ follow instructions exactly! A common complaint is that liquid siphons out of jars during processing. This can be because of (a) too much liquid added, and not enough headspace, or (b) too much variation in temperature when the pressure canner cools down too fast or when pressure is not held steady. To avoid this problem when processing, turn burner down from high to medium when it reaches about 8 lbs pressure. By the time it reaches the correct pressure it is easier to keep the canner temperature constant. After allowing pressure to drop to zero, remove jars from canner and place on cooling racks. When jars have sealed and are cool, remove rings and store in a cool, dark place. Never leave processed jars in pressure canner overnight. “Flat sour” spoilage can occur and ruin the flavor of the food. As canned venison is used from the food storage shelf, boil meat for 10 to 15 minutes before using as an extra safety precaution if desired. (Check jars for signs of spoilage such as bulging lids, spurting or bad odor and discard contents. Realize that botulinum toxin does not always have an odor.) SAUSAGE Sausage is an excellent preparation method for game meats like venison. Game meats can often have a very strong “wild” flavor that can be masked with spices used in sausage making. Basic Fresh Game Sausage For every 3 pounds of game meat add 1 to 2 pounds of pork fat (or beef fat). Do not use game fat trimmings. Grind meat (while very cold) in a grinder, first using the course blade. Add salt (start with 1 Tbsp per 4 pounds of meat) and spices such as nutmeg, coriander, black pepper, anise, etc., to taste. Mix by hand and grind a second time using a fine blade. Form sausage into patties, meatballs, or stuff into casings. Keep fresh sausage refrigerated or frozen. Cook sausage to 165°F before eating. Venison Country Sausage Recipe Mix 2:1 venison to pork fat. Grind as described above. Add the following for each 5 pounds of meat: 1 tsp celery salt, 1/4 tsp red or cayenne

pepper, 1 tsp black pepper, 1/2 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sage and 1 tsp garlic powder. Omit any spices you do not like. DRYING Venison Jerky Jerky is made by drying thin strips of lean meat to about one-fourth its original weight. Sun drying is not recommended due to poor temperature control and potential for contamination from animals, insects, dust and bacteria. Outbreaks of illness and recent university studies have indicated that traditional jerky processes do not adequately destroy foodborne illness bacteria, Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Several newer, research tested recipes were created to make jerky drying safer. The following jerky preparation methods were developed separately by Colorado State University and Utah State University. Basic Meat Preparation Use lean meats such as round, flank and chuck steak, rump roast, brisket and cross rib. Highly marbled and fatty cuts do not work as well. Remove any thick connective tissue and gristle from meat. Trim off visible fat with a sharp knife. Fat becomes rancid quickly and causes the development of off-flavors during drying or storage. Freeze meat in moisture-proof paper or plastic wrap until firm but not solid. Slice the meat on a clean cutting board, while still slightly frozen, into long thin strips, approximately ¼ inch thick, 1 to 1 ½ inches wide and 4 to 10 inches long. If chewy jerky is preferred, slice with the grain; slice across the grain for a more tender, brittle jerky. Lay the strips out in a single layer on a clean and sanitized smooth surface (cutting board, counter top, or cookie sheet). Flatten the strips with a rolling pin so they are fairly uniform in thickness. Finish processing the jerky using one of the methods below. Hot Cure Method In this method heat from partial cooking kills illness causing bacteria on the meat. Create a brine of your favorite jerky marinade recipe. You may choose to use less water for a more concentrated mari-

nade solution. If you use a powdered mix, reserve some for dry spicing later. Bring marinade to a simmering boil. Place a few pieces at a time into the hot marinade for 1 ½ to 2 minutes. Remove slices with tongs and place them on a clean cookie sheet. Using only clean utensils spread reserved dry spice on both sides of heated jerky strips. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. The meat strips are ready for drying. Vinegar-Marinade Method In this method acid from vinegar is used to kill some or all of the illness causing bacteria. Ingredients per 2 pounds of lean meat slices: Pre-treatment dip: 2 cups vinegar Marinade: ¼ cup soy sauce 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce ¼ teaspoon black pepper ¼ teaspoon garlic powder ½ teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon hickory smoked salt Directions: Place 2 cups vinegar in 9x11inch cake pan or plastic storage container. Add meat strips to container, making sure vinegar covers all strips; Let soak 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure distribution of vinegar on strips. Combine all marinade ingredients and place in a 1 gallon re-sealable plastic bag. Add lean meat slices to bag; seal bag and massage pieces to thoroughly distribute marinade over all meat strips. Refrigerate bag 1 to 24 hours. The meat strips are then ready for drying. General Jerky Drying Procedure Remove treated and marinated meat slices from the refrigerator. Place strips flat, without touching each other, on clean dehydrator trays, oven (wire) racks or other drying trays. Place trays in pre-heated dehydrator and dry at 145ºF for 10 to 14 hours, or until slices are adequately dry. Oven drying can work if the oven can achieve a drying temperature close to 145ºF. Test for dryness - Properly dried jerky is chewy and leathery. It will be as brittle as a green stick, but won’t snap like a dry stick. To test for dryness, remove a strip of jerky from the oven or dehydrator. Let cool slightly, then bend

the jerky; it should crack, but not break when bent. Remove the strips from the drying racks to a clean surface. Pat off any beads of oil with absorbent paper toweling and let cool. Storage - Place cooled jerky strips in an airtight plastic food bag or jar with a tight fitting lid. Pack jerky with the least possible amount of air trapped in the container. Too much air causes off-flavors and rancidity to develop. Label and date packages. Store containers of jerky in a cool, dry, dark place or the refrigerator or freezer. STORAGE Store fresh venison cuts in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 days. Roasts, steaks, chops, and venison stew meat may be stored frozen for 1 year, if well packaged. Frozen ground venison will retain quality for 6 to 9 months. Home canned venison will retain quality for 6 to 12 months in a warm place, like a garage or attic, and 12 to 36 months maintained in a cool place. Never allow canned foods to freeze. Properly dried jerky will keep for approximately 2 weeks in a sealed container at room temperature. Jerky will keep for 3 to 6 months in the refrigerator and up to 2 years in the freezer. Check occasionally to be sure no mold is forming. Writer- Margie Memmott, Brian Nummer, Charlotte Brennand- USU Extension Adapted for Article- Callie Ward, Extension Assistant Professor, Garfield County

PANGUITCH - On September 2, 2019 at 5:20 a.m. in St. George, our Julena slowly drew in and out her last breath and then began a new adventure. At the age of 39, she was able to leave behind her leg braces, walker, gait belt, an impressive amount of medication, wheelchair, helmet, blindness and later her VNS. She peaceably passed on from this world of challenge and struggle surrounded by her family: parents; brothers and sisters: Stephanie (Jerry) Frazier, Jana (Kevin) Orton, Jared (Kendra) Black, Matt (Jen) Black, Mike (Katie) Black; and some of her older nephews and nieces. Now she can dance again and sing and run...the possibilities are of endless joy. Julena was born September 4, 1979 in Panguitch to Joseph and Evelyn Vorkink Black. She always loved music, art and dancing. Many of her neighbors and friends received a happy picture from her, or a beaded necklace. Her grin was wide and she had a twinkle in her eye right through to her last days. She would love the endless teasing that her dad and brothers put her through. When it was just Mom, Dad and Julena around, Julena always sided with Mom. In first grade, Julena was the leading reader in her class, and top in Math, too. At the end of October 1986, however, it was discovered that she had a brain tumor. After her surgery and radiation treatments, she added uncontrollable seizures, blindness and hosts of smaller complications to her list of challenges. Her life was filled with many people who were touched by Julena. She inspired compassion, and from the medical doctors and staff to the Elementary Resource room to her last days, she received help from an army of angles. That army included her siblings and their spouses. Right after her 27th birthday, Julena moved to a 24/7 home in Cedar City with the Turn Community Services and lived in the same home for the rest of her life. Her life became busier in Cedar. She was the activity chairman for a while, and they had lots to do. There was dining out, movies, bowling, fun activities, and dances. Julena could dance as long as someone was holding on to her gait belt or even in her wheelchair. Turn CS was her second family and she loved them and her housemates. We will always miss her but know that instead of resting in peace, she is on the move, and again surrounded with people she loves and who love her. Happy day. Funeral services will be held Saturday, September 7, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the Panguitch 3rd Ward Chapel where friends may call Friday from 6-7 p.m. or Saturday morning from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Burial will be in the Panguitch City Cemetery. Funeral Directors: Magleby Mortuary, Richfield, Salina and Manti. Online guestbook at

Page 8

The Insider

September 12, 2019

LegaL Notices PUBLIC NOTICE GARFIELD COUNTY The Garfield County Board of Adjustment has scheduled an appeal hearing on Thursday, September 19, 2019, at 1:30 p.m. in the Garfield County Commission Chambers, located at 55 South Main Street, Panguitch, Utah, regarding: Inability to Obtain Building Permits. Published in the Wayne & Garfield County Insider on SEPTEMBER 5 & 12, 2019 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE WAYNE COUNTY PROPOSED CHANGE FROM: RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL TO: RESORT RECREATION WITH A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT INTENDED USE: 3 CABINS ZONING CHANGE REQUESTED BY: THOMAS ELLETT & TRACY ROBIN WAYNE A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD PRIOR TO THE PLANNING & ZONING MEETING ON SEPT 25, 2019 @ 7 PM WAYNE COUNTY COURTHOUSE LEGAL DES: approx 1 acre located in Section 12 T29S R3E at 834 E Hatchery Rd Bicknell, UT 84715 Parcel: part of 02-0007-0655 / O-655 Published in the Wayne & Garfield County Insider on SEPTEMBER 12 & 19, 2019 NOTICE TO WATER USERS The applications below were filed with the Division of Water Rights in Wayne County. These are informal proceedings per Rule 655-6-2. Protests concerning an application must be legibly written or typed, contain the name and mailing address of the protesting party, STATE THE APPLICATION NUMBER PROTESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARING, if desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed with the Division of Water Rights on or before Oct. 2, 2019 either electronically using the Division`s on-line Protest of Application form, by hand delivery to a Division office, or by mail at PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300. Please visit or call (801)5387240 for additional information. NEW APPLICATION(S) 95-5402 (A81756): Douglas Wilde Roberts propose(s) using 0.015 cfs OR 1.73 ac-ft. from groundwater (7 miles West of Hanksville) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING. 95-5403 (A81758): Max Hammond propose(s) using 0.015 cfs from groundwater (2.5 South of Teasdale) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION. CHANGE APPLICATIONS(S) 61-3192 (a45031): Ryan McClellan, West Panguitch Irrigation and Reservoir Company propose(s) using 0.4992 ac-ft. from groundwater (Panguitch Lake) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION. 61-3194 (a45043): Coyote & East Fork Irrigation Company, Emory S Cass and Amy L. Bechtel propose(s) using 2.1 ac-ft. from groundwater (3.5 miles north of Antimony) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING. 61-3195 (a45047): Darrel M and Alicia Eder, West Panguitch Irrigation and Reservoir Company propose(s) using 0.5328 ac-ft. from groundwater (1.7 miles NE of Panguitch) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION. 61-3196 (a45059): Oliver Sonny Maupin propose(s) using 0.001 cfs OR 0.25 ac-ft. from groundwater (8 miles west of Hatch) for DOMESTIC. Kent L. Jones, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in the Wayne & Garfield County Insider on SEPTEMBER 5 & 12, 2019

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GARKANE ENERGY COOPERATIVE Lowering Impact Fees and Changes to the Late Payment Fee A public hearing is scheduled on September 30, 2019, in Garkane’s Hatch office at 1:00 P.M. The Hatch office is located at 468 N. Hwy 89, in Hatch, UT. Comments or questions may be submitted via email at or you can mail your comments or questions to: Garkane Energy, Attn: Public Hearing, 1802 s. Hwy 89a, Kanab, UT 84741. All written, or emailed comments submitted by Friday, September 27, 2019 will be distributed to the Board of Directors for review. The purpose of the public hearing will be to discuss the proposed changes to the Impact Fees and Service Charges SC Tariff. The proposed changes will lower the impact fees charged for new commercial accounts. There will also be a proposed change to the late payment charge, which will move to a $10 flat fee or 1.5% whichever is greater. A copy of the full proposed draft will be available at www. under “Your Co-op” in the rates section of the website. For any questions please email or call 435-644-5026. Published in the Wayne & Garfield County Insider on SEPTEMBER 12, 19 & 26, 2019 PUBLIC NOTICE LOA TOWN PLEASE NOTE: LOA TOWN BOARD SEPTEMBER MEETING CHANGE Loa Town Board will hold its September meeting on Friday, September 13 at 7:30 pm at the Loa Town Hall instead of Thursday, September 12, 2019 due to a conflict of schedules. If anyone would like to get on the agenda, please contact Michelle Brian at 435-836-2160 by Wednesday, September 11 by 5 pm. Published in the Wayne & Garfield County Insider on SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 PUBLIC NOTICE To Louise H. Roundy, the heirs of Louise H. Roundy and any interested parties. Please take notice that Shane Angle as Trustee of the Angle Family Irrevocable Family Trust has filed a Complaint in the Sixth Judicial District Court of Garfield County, State of Utah, Panguitch Department, Case No. 190600016 seeking a ruling concerning the ownership of real property located at 920 North Blue Moon Road, Escalante, Utah 84726 (the “Subject Property”), which is more particularly described as: The West Half of the Northwest Quarter Section 9, Township 35 South Range 3 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; excluding the following: Beginning at West Quarter Corner of Section 9, Township 35 South Range 3 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; and running thence East 754.00 feet more or less: thence North 45 degrees 0 minutes 0 seconds West 963.00 feet more or less; thence North 150.00 feet more or less; thence North 50 degrees 0 minutes 0 seconds West 100.00 feet more or less; thence South 900.00 feet more or less to the Point of Beginning. Please take notice that any rights which you claim in the Subject Property may be lost if you do not file an answer to the Complaint with the Sixth Judicial Court of Garfield County, 55 South Main Street, PO Box 77, Panguitch Utah 84759, on or before October 7, 2019. A copy of the Complaint may be obtained from the clerk of the Sixth Judicial Court. Published in the Wayne & Garfield County Insider on SEPTEMBER 12, 2019

NOTICE OF CONTRACTOR’S SETTLEMENT PANGUITCH CITY COUNTY OF GARFIELD STATE OF UTAH Notice is hereby given that on or after the 30th day of September, 2019, final settlement will be made by Panguitch City, for and on account of the contract of said: Mel Clark, Inc. for the furnishing and installation of Improvements to the Panguitch Municipal Airport, Schedule 1 – Taxiway Turnaround, Safety Area Grading, and Electrical Adjustments, AIP Project No. 3-49-0025-012-2018 and any person, co-partnership, association or corporation who has an unpaid lien against said Mel Clark, Inc., for or on account of the furnishing of labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provision, provender or other supplies used or consumed by such Contractor or any of the subcontractors in or about the performance of said work, may at any time up to and including said time of final settlement on said 30th day of September, 2019, file a verified statement in the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim with Panguitch City. Failure on the part of the claimant to file such final statement will relieve said Owner from all and any liability for such claim. Panguitch City State of Utah Published in the Wayne & Garfield County Insider on SEPTEMBER 12 & 19, 2019 SURPLUS SALE PANGUITCH CITY Panguitch City is accepting sealed bids on the following items: • 1985 Dodge Pickup • 14 Social Hall doors - replaced after the 6/25/2018 fire. • 2 Score Clocks (90" Wide x 69" High) removed from the Social Hall • Misc Weed Trimmers - located at the Panguitch City yard. • Misc Doors - replaced from the City Office/Library when the building was purchased by Panguitch City. Bids will be accepted in the Panguitch City office until 5:00 PM, Friday September 27, 2019. Bids will be opened Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 6:45 PM in the commission chambers of the Garfield County Courthouse, 55 South Main Street, Panguitch, Utah. The successful bidder will have 48 hours to complete the transaction. All Vehicles and equipment will be sold in "as is" condition, and all sales will be final. Purchases may be made with cash or check. Panguitch City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all offers. For additional information contact Panguitch City 435-676-8585 Published in the Wayne & Garfield County Insider on SEPTEMBER 12 & 19, 2019

Tires Batteries Wipers Oil Changes family owned and operated

Synthetic Oils Available Jason Orton: 435-676-2719


When in Need, There are Resources in Wayne and Garfield Counties

For Victims of Domestic Violence, Rape, and Sexual Assault Canyon Creek Women's Crisis Center Emergency Safehouse 435-865-7443 Mobile Team 435-233-5732

New Horizons Crisis Center 145 East 100 North, Richfield Office Hours 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Shelter is open 24 hrs, 7 days a week Phone Number 435-896-9294

Counseling Services Central Utah Counseling Richfield Office 255 S Main Street, Richfield Office Hours 435-896-8236 24 Hour Emergency Service 877-469-2822

Southwest Behavioral Health Center

601 E Center Street, Panguitch 435-676-8176 24 Hour Emergency Service 800-574-6763

Wayne Community Health Center 128 South 300 West Bicknell, 84715 435-425-3744

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

The Insider

September 12, 2019 Boulder Town Council Cont'd from page 1

been added on Burr Trail. At the park, new sliding doors have been installed on the shed. Additionally, a contracted maintenance worker has been hired to weed. The corrugated planter boxes outside the Town Hall are starting to rot through and repair or replacement will be considered. The Planning Commission is currently reviewing the Table of Uses and considering how they can be better in line with the General Plan. They are also discussing how to increase cottage industry opportunities. Their next meeting is Thursday, September 12, and they are looking to hear ideas from the public. A vacancy will need to be filled on the Planning Commission, and details will be announced soon. EMT training and stipends were then discussed. $25,000 was set aside in the Town budget for new fire equipment, however the County provided funds for new equipment instead, so excess money is available. A proposal will be put together to reward the EMTs and provide stipends for long-term

volunteers, as well as to provide additional training. It was suggested by a member of the public that instead of paying for lodging for trainees, a course could be brought to Boulder. It was also brought to the public’s attention that no nearby trainings are scheduled for this winter, which could be problematic for potential recruits. A letter will be sent to Escalante High School to thank the staff and students for the community service they recently provided to Boulder Town, including helping out at the Cemetery, Town Park, Community Center grounds, and Elementary School. Work has been undertaken with a hired company to codify the Ordinances and make them more readily available for viewing. Boulder Farmstead Water Company will be having a meeting and a representative will be sent from the Town Council. A "Meet the Candidate" night for the two open Town Council positions has been tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 1. The Boulder Town Council meets at the Community Center on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm.

Page 9

Calassified ds

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Classified ads start at just $7.50 per week for 25 words or less.


POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTS POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Garfield County School District is hiring the following positions. For a description of each, please see the district website Half-Time Teacher at Antimony Elementary (one year only) Half-Time STEM Teacher at Antimony Elementary Part-Time Custodian for Bryce Valley Elementary Food Service Worker at Bryce Valley High School Para Professional for Bryce Valley High w/ Retirement Para Professional for Panguitch High w/ Retirement SpEd Para Professionals for Bryce Valley High School SpEd Para Professional for Panguitch Middle & High School Para Professionals for All Schools Substitute/Activity Bus Driver in Escalante Substitute Custodians, Food Service, and Teachers Food Service Worker for Boulder Elementary School SALARY: Please see 2019-2020 Garfield County School Districts Classified Salary Schedule and Certified Salary Schedule. QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must be fingerprinted and satisfactorily pass an employment background check. Applicant must work well with children. See the job description for additional requirements. APPLICATION: Interested individuals should submit a Garfield County School District classified or certified application. Please direct questions to: AES Tracy Davis (435-676-8821) BES Head Teacher Elizabeth Julian (435-335-7322) BVES Principal Layne LeFevre (435-679-8619) BVHS Principal Jeff Brinkerhoff (435-679-8835) EES/EHS Principal Peter Baksis (435-826-4205) PES Principal Robert Prince (435-676-8847) PHS Principal Russ Torgersen (435-676-8805) District Office Tracy Davis (435-676-8821) Online application available: Applications will be screened and the most qualified candidates will be granted interviews. DEADLINE: See the district website for closing date of each position. Garfield County School District is an equal opportunity employer. Garfield County School District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications.

WAYNE SCHOOL DISTRICT LIBRARY AIDE Wayne School District is accepting applications for a library aide at Wayne middle School. This position is for 15 hours per week with no benefits. If you are interested in this position, or have any questions call Lance Peterson 435-425-3421. Send applications to Wayne School District, PO Box 127, Bicknell, UT 84715. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Wayne School District is an equal opportunity employer and provider and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications.

We are looking for friendly, hardworking professionals who enjoy the hospitality industry and interaction with guests. P O S I T I O N S AVA I L A B L E: Front Desk Agents Laundry Services Housekeepers Maintenance Bellmen Positions to start April 1st through October 31st At Capitol Reef Resort we promote from within. Please stop by in person to complete an application. We are located at 2600 E SR 24, Torrey, UT 84775 435-425-3761 HOUSE CLEANER WANTED BRYCE VALLEY HACIENDA CANNONVILLE Part-time Position Cannonville, Utah Must have experience, we adhere to excellent quality standards. Send resume to: Joe Kros: 435-229-0476


WAYNE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER BICKNELL WCHC Dental is hiring for our Bicknell location! • 2-3 days per week, but could eventually work into 4 days. • Hours would be 8:00 pm - 5:00 pm • Experience preferred but not required. • Would start out checking in/out patients, setting up appointments/etc. Eventually trained in all things front desk. • Wage negotiable based on experience. Please email your resume to Tammy at:

sudoku Answers for this week

LOG SIDING 2 inch x 8 inch x 10 feet 1100 lineal feet Still in factory packaging Must pick up $600 Call Frank 801-859-5706

Angelus canning peaches are freestone and good sized peaches. Orchard at Notom, Utah. Packaged in 1/3 of a bushel box $12.00. Call me at 505-3184111 or email me at jmdurfey@ I will be at Farmers Market from 4-6pm Torrey,Ut. on Saturday. Mclean Durfey

MEETINGS Torrey AA Meeting Every Tuesday night at 7:00p. Grace Christian Community Church on Highway 24 in Torrey. All are invited to attend. Tropic AA Meeting Wednesday at 6 PM. Tropic Heritage Center. All meetings are closed discussion. rtn

Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group 4th Thursday of each month 5:30-7:30pm Southwest Behavioral Health Center 601 East Center St. Panguitch ADULTS ONLY Questions? Call Melissa Veater 435-690-0911

The Insider

Page 10

September 12, 2019

Celebrating Sixteen Years of Art Inspired by Place

September 18–29, 2019

Check details on website for all events:

Open Studios Stained Antique Glass Studio & Historic Rock House Tour Saturday–Sunday, September 21–22, 10am–5pm Historic Rock House Studio, Main Canyon Road

All programming throughout the festival is free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.*

Plein Air Events Artists Meet Greet & All-Paint Saturday, September 21, 5–7pm Vagabond Inn Barn

Paint the Town Paint Out

Tuesday, September 24, 7am–5pm

Plein Air Judges Talk

Friday, September 27, 9–10am Escalante Community Center

Overflow Art Sales Tent

Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 10am–6pm Escalante Community Center Lawn

Artists of the West Panel Discussion Saturday, September 28, 9–10am Escalante Community Center

Plein Air Award Ceremony & Reception

Saturday, September 28, 6–8pm Escalante Community Center Silent Auction closes: 6:30pm Awards Presentation begins: 7pm

Festival Finale Breakfast* Sunday, September 29, 9–11am Devil’s Garden Grill

Arts & Crafts Fair

Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 10am–6pm, Festival Plaza & Festival Hall

Local & Vendor Goods & Services Silent Auction

Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 10am– 6pm, with bidding closing at 3pm Saturday Festival Hall

Exhibits Driven to ART: Boulder Art Spaces

Tuesday, September 24, 10am–2pm Take a drive east to Boulder and visit locations where local and regional art is on display and/or for sale. Stops on the tour include: Anasazi State Park Museum Boulder Community Center Burr Trail Outpost Hell’s Backbone Grill Pole’s Place Gallery and Gift Shop Kive Koffeehouse

Plein Air Exhibit & Art Sale

Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 10am–6pm Escalante Community Center

G.K. Reiser Private Studio

Wednesday, September 25, 10am–4pm 220 South 200 West

Serenidad Gallery

Wednesday, September 25, 10am–4pm 170 South 100 West

Sculptured Furniture/ Primitive Pottery Gallery

Saturday, September 28, 11am–noon 1540 W. Hwy. 12

Workshops Ward Jene Stroud*

Ready, Paint, Go! Wednesday–Friday, September 18–20, 9am–4pm *Registration required

Peggy Immel*

Plein Air with Peggy Immel: Developing a Roadmap for Success Wednesday–Thursday, September 18–19, 8am–4pm *Registration required

USU Art Truck and STEM Dome: Y of the STEM Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 10am–5pm, Festival Plaza, Community Center Lawn

The Escalante Canyons Art Festival is a program of Envision Escalante, a non-profit 501c3 organization that seeks to be a catalyst for a vibrant, self-sustaining community by encouraging an appreciation of the arts, working towards preserving the local heritage, and fostering community pride.

Mulling Over Tales of Pigments Friday, September 27, 12:30–2pm Hands on Art Tent, Festival Plaza

Interagency Park Rangers

Dinosaur Crafts Friday, September 27, 3–4:30pm Hands on Art Tent, Festival Plaza

Portable Print Shop: Serious Woodcut Prints Wednesday, September 18, 9am–4pm Escalante Community Center Basement OR Thursday, September 19, 9am–4pm, *Registration required

Nancy Seiler*

Nature Journaling Through Close Observation Sunday–Tuesday, September 22–24, 10am–3pm *Registration required

Hands on Art Many of these programs require an RSVP due to limited space. Please check website for details.

Fundamentals of Decorating Gourds Saturday, September 28, noon–4pm Escalante Town Park Pavilion

“As Grand and Unusual Sights as the Heart Could Desire”: An Exploration of John Wesley Powell’s Photographers Friday, September 27, 3–4:30pm Escalante Interagency Visitor Center

Friday, September 27, 7pm Escalante High School Auditorium

Keven Peterson*

Heather Hansman

Drum and Rattle Making Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 11am–2pm Festival Plaza, Community Center Lawn

Downriver: Into the Future of Water in the West Saturday, September 28, 11am–12:30pm Escalante Interagency Visitor Center

Lisa Hartman*

James M. Aton

Desert Glass Ornaments Saturday, September 28, 1–3pm Hands on Art Tent, Festival Plaza

Demonstrations Lewis Williams

Outdoor Still Life Painting (Nature Morte) Monday, September 23, 3–5pm Meet at Escalante Town Park Pavilion

Rae Ellen Lee

Printmaking Without a Press for Mixed Media Plein Air Wednesday, September 25, 1–2:30pm Escalante Community Center

Artists of the West Group Demonstration: Linda Dellandre, Graham Goff, Lonny Granston, Günther Haidenthaller, Lawrence Smith, Chi E Shenam Westin Wednesday, September 25, 4–6pm Escalante Heritage Center

The Crimson Cowboys: The Remarkable Odyssey of the 1931 Claflin-Emerson Expedition Saturday, September 28, 1–2:30pm Escalante Interagency Visitor Center

Jack Schmidt

The Future of the Colorado River Saturday, September 28, 3–4:30pm Escalante Interagency Visitor Center

Special Programs Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Friday, September 2o, 6–9pm Escalante High School Auditorium

Guided Hike: Tracks Across Time

Monday, September 23, 10am–1pm Thursday, September 26, 10am–1pm Meet on Escalante Interagency Visitor Center Patio. Caravan to the Twenty Mile Wash Dinosaur Track site.

Festival Community Open Jam Session Monday, September 23, 7–9pm, Vagabond Inn Barn

Escalante Historic District Walking Tours Thursday, September 26 and Saturday, September 28, 9am People’s Exchange

Poetry for Pie Reading

Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 9am–6pm, Mimi’s Bakery & Deli Thursday, September 26, 3–5pm Kiva Koffeehouse

Sara Straw

Paint Party at the Pub Wednesday, September 25, 7–9:30pm 4th West Pub

James Swensen

keynote program Into the Canyon: The Film


DeLee Grant*

Partners in Art: The Art of Bradley C. Spencer and Ruthanne Oliver Friday, September 27, 1–2:30pm Escalante Interagency Visitor Center

Margie Lopez Read*

Sketching Along the Escalante Sunday, September 22, 9am–2pm Meet at Escalante Interagency Visitor Center Parking Lot

Linocut Printmaking Tuesday, September 24, 7–9pm 4th West Pub

Paula McNeill

Animal Paintings on Rocks Saturday, September 28, 10am–noon Hands on Art Tent, Festival Plaza

Graham Goff*

Carol Bold*

Speaker Series

Nancy Lewis

Michael J. Keyes*

Featured Artists: Bradley C. Spencer & Ruthanne Oliver

Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 10am–4pm, People’s Exchange

Lisa Bryant*

No Fear Oil Painting Wednesday–Thursday, September 18–19, 9am–5pm *Registration required

Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 10am–6pm, Escalante Community Center

Quilt Exhibit

Fusion: Combining Text and Image Thursday, September 26, 10am–1pm Escalante Interagency Visitor Center Conference Room

Lyn Boyer*

Carol Johansen: Artist-in-Residence Exhibit & Monumental Mural Making

Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 10am–6pm, Escalante Community Center

Diane Oberhansly*

Escalante Fire Department Breakfast

Saturday, September 28, 7–10am, Escalante Fire Station

Learn From My Mistakes Friday, September 27, 10am–noon Meet at Escalante Town Park Pavilion


Sue Tyler

All entertainment is performed on the Festival Stage on the north side of Festival Plaza.

Idea and Intuition: Landscape in Mixed Media Friday, September 27, 1–2:30pm Escalante Town Park Pavilion

Bo Earls

Flint Knapping Friday–Saturday, September 27–28, 2–3pm Escalante Interagency Visitor Center Patio

Friday, September 27 10:30am Patrice Webb noon EarthPicks 2pm The Fab Folk 4pm David & Tamara Hauze Saturday, September 289 10:30am Salt Gulch All Stars noon Mindy Dillard 2pm Matt Burke 4pm Jason Tyler Burton

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