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Thursday, September 14, 2017
Issue # 1220
Remembering World War I
Courtesy Linda tramontano
Bill Kuhns (left) and Paul Tramontano of American Legion Post 114, raised the Official World War I Centennial Commission flag in Escalante. ESCALANTE - Escalante, in co-operation with American Legion Post 114, raised the Official World War I Centennial Commission flag on Labor Day Monday September 7th. The $114.00 proceeds for this flag (and a second one for replacement as needed) came from the donations from several Post members and other concerned folks in the community. The commission, by resolution, has the American Legion’s support. Most proceeds from the flags will go towards the creation of a longawaited National World War I Memorial at Pershing Park in Washington, D.C.. Plans call for starting construction this winter, and a dedication sometime after Nov. 11, 2018. There’s also 100 Cities/100 Memorials a project of the commission and the Pritzker Military Museum and Library to encourage restoration and maintenance of Work War I monuments nationwide. The men and women who went to war 100 years ago founded the American Legion even before they left Europe. They wrote in their charter: “The sacred purpose
of the American Legion is to preserve the memories and incidents of their associations in the Great War.” There are no survivors of that war, the last veteran died 2011 at 110 years old. He’d probably wanted us all to realize why his war was not popular in the American consciousness. Indeed, remembrance was overshadowed by aviation advances, gangsters, prohibition, the roaring twenties, the Great Depression and of course, World War II, a mere twenty years later. It was seldom bolstered by television nor Hollywood and world movies as was the Second World War and the Vietnam War for example. Therefore, just as with all great human struggles, sacrifices and achievements, it is up to us, the sentient ancestors, to continually pass down recognition and knowledge of important events. Whether these be noble, foolhardy, with failed or successful conclusions, we may all be touched in a profound way. Perhaps in doing so, we learn/question WWI
Cont'd on page 2
Garfield County Tourism Receives $175,500 in Government Funding GARFIELD COUNTY For the upcoming 2018 year, the Garfield County Office of Tourism recently received a $175,500 match in cooperative marketing funds from the Utah Office of Tourism Board. Cooperative marketing funds, also referred to as “co-op” funds, are used to help areas in Utah increase tourism from out-of-state visitors. “We are fortunate to have received a generous amount of co-op funds from the Utah Office of Tourism for 2018,” said Falyn Owens, executive director of the Garfield County Office of Tourism. “With this money, we will be able to promote all of the adventures offered in Garfield County and bring more visitors from out of state.” The co-op funds awarded to Garfield County will be used to promote a wide range of recreational activities as well as other cultural activities and scenic treasures specific to Garfield County. The money will go towards digital advertising, partnering with online brands, television ads, print media, social media advertising and much more in order to increase tourism from out-ofstate visitors within Garfield
Courtesy niCoLas CooL
View up one of the many scenic slot canyon in Garfield County. forth a total of $3.4 million in on Investment (ROI) reports County. The main objectives with co-op funds for out-of-state from the applicant. the co-op funds is to increase tourism initiatives. This year, According to the Utah the number of out-of-state the board’s co-op committee Office of Tourism, last year visitors to Utah by partnering reviewed 68 applications, and alone, $8.17 billion was spent with the state tourism office strict rules and performance by travelers in Utah, which and leveraging out-of-state measurements were taken generated $1.15 billion in lomarketing dollars. As this is with each applicant. cal and state tax revenues. The Because of the numerous Utah Office of Tourism has done, brand awareness for both Garfield County and the applicants and limited funds, up to this year funded 539 apeach qualifying applicant re- plications, resulting in a total state of Utah will increase. For the 2018 year, the ceives up to 70 to 85 percent of $26,624,423, extending the Utah Board of Tourism, un- of what was requested. The state’s out-of-state marketing der the Governor’s Office of funds are then distributed once dollars to over $53,000,000. Economic Development, put the board receives the Return —Utah Office of Tourism
Wayne County Racers Represent at the LoToJa Road Bike Race in Wyoming WAYNE COUNTY Magon Bowling, Clarissa Johnson, Tina Andersen, and Pam Peterson successfully represented Wayne County as Team CRC in the 35th annual LOTOJA road bike race on Saturday, September 9th. LOTOJA was started in 1983 by cyclists David Bern and Jeff Keller, who wanted a race that resembled a one-day European classic. The race’s first year featured seven cyclists and ran from Logan to a finish line in Jackson’s Town Square. Since then, it’s grown into one of the nation’s premier amateur cycling events and attracts thousands of riders from the United States and beyond. To win or even place
in a LOTOJA category is a prestigious achievement. This epic event consisting of about 1,000 participants started in Logan, Utah and raced through Preston, Montpelier, Afton, and Alpine, to finish at the Teton Village outside of Jackson, Wyoming for a total of 202 miles. The elevation of the event started out at 4500 feet and topped out at climbs of over 7500 feet. Magon started the relay team off at 6:03am and raced the
first leg of 32 miles to Preston, Idaho. Clarissa took over and shattered two category 5 climbs, a grueling category 2, and a category 3 into Montpelier for a total of 46 miles. Tina raced the third leg of 47 miles which included category 5, 4, and 2 climbs. Tina passed off in Afton to Pam. Pam fought a strong headwind for 33 miles through Star Valley to Alpine. Magon finished off the race to end back in Teton Village with another strong 47 miles.
Team CRC excelled with the pristine weather conditions and challenging route. They would like to thank their support through the event from Shane Bowling, Ted, TJ, and Hudson Peterson, and Scott Andersen. The relay team finished with a time of 10 hours 24 minutes and placed 8th out of 37 teams. Wayne County is a great place for all of our athletes to grow and train. —Tina Anderson
South Central's Crews Drop Fiber to Homes
Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Escalante September 22nd, 7 pm ESCALANTE - The Escalante Canyons Arts Festival is expanding its programming this year by partnering with Wild & Scenic Film Festival and the Glen Canyon Natural History Association to incorporate film into this year’s festival for the first time. Join us for the film festival at the Escalante High School, 800 E. UT-12, Escalante on Friday, September 22nd. Films will be shown outside on the track & field with programming from 7pm to 11pm, films will start at dusk. This event is family friendly, and don’t forget the blankets and lawn chairs. Concessions will be provid-
ed by the Escalante High School volleyball team as a fundraiser. In the event of rain, films will be shown in the Escalante High School auditorium. Glen Canyon Natural History Association (NHA) in partnership with Escalante Canyons Art Festival will open this year’s plein air week with films drawn from love of landscape. Attendees are invited to find their own inspira-
SUN IS ON THE WAY. After a Thursday thunderstorm, the sky will start clearing up for a very sunny rest of the week. Temperatures will hover in the lower 70s and upper 60s, lows in the low 40s to upper 30s. Winds will pick up to about 15 MPH mid week and the humidity will vary between 34 - 55%.
Wild & Scenic Cont'd on page 10
ESCALANTE - For about three weeks South Central Communications has been working on the second phase of the city's fiber optic installation, which involves dropping new lines directly to homes and businesses. Last week drop crew members Porter Bowman (Kanab), Shane Howell (Panguitch) and Bret Hansen (Kanab) were working their way down 100 North cutting lines in to homes. Residents will receive a door hanger shortly before crews arrive, and the proposed drop route from the street to the home will be marked in white lines. The door hanger includes a phone number to call if you have concerns about the proposed route. Crews also say that you can catch them directly. "If you see us let us know if you have a buried line so we don't break it." South Central's crews have been very good about working around parked cars, but note that it does make it easier for them if you move vehicles away from areas where they are working.
Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure. —James Altucher
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.