Meet the Candidates for Wayne CommissionerCo.
Institute to Sponsor October 20–23 Workshop in Torrey
page 8
Sept. 6, 2022
perience and genres, the work shop will offer instruction from well-known writers and editors, readings by faculty, manuscript consultations, and panel discussions by experi enced faculty.
“By design, ‘Writing from the Land’ provides op portunities for aspiring and experienced writers to explore how craft and creativity are in spired by the natural environ ment,” explains Entrada board
Hill (south side of Highway 12 at the intersection of Highway 12 and Forest Service Road 121) has received the most damage in terms of cracks and separation from freeze/thaw cycles and other issues.
Conference Cont'd on page 3
Red Canyon Cont'd on page 2
TORREY - After an ab sence of more than 15 years, the Entrada Institute will host its annual “Writing from the Land” workshop in Torrey, Utah, on October 20–23. Open to writers of all levels of ex
DIXIE N.F. - Begin ning on Thursday, September 8, 2022, an approximately 2-mile segment of the Bike Path in Red Canyon will be closed for asphalt repairs. The path will remain closed until approximately Septem ber 22, 2022.
Several sections of as phalt on the path will be cut out, base material will be re placed and recompacted, and then repaved with new as phalt. Due to the location of the path, it will be necessary to close that portion of the path for public safety and to allow for equipment access. This closure will affect the section
Mike Petree lives in Fre mont with his wife, Bekkah, and their five children. He states, “When we rounded the bend into Loa that very first time, we knew this was the place! We’ve lived in Wayne County for 10 years now and are settled in for the long haul, raising children and running four successful businesses. As a committed 'implant,' I bring an impor tant perspective, one that ap preciates how the county is and also see[s] that, whether we like it or not, the county is changing. I would like to help steer the change so that we can preserve the heart of
Meet the Candidates Cont'd on Wayne Commission Cont'd on
Walter Kirn (left), author of eight books, and Bill Harley (right), two-time Grammy Award winner, will be faculty mem bers for the "Writing from the Land" Conference in Torrey, Utah, which will take place from October 20 - 23, 2022. This will be the first time in 15 years that the Entrada Institute has hosted this event.
In 2021, the Dixie Na tional Forest received fund ing through the Great Ameri can Outdoors Act to make needed repairs on the multiuse path in Red Canyon. Over the more than 20-year life of the path, portions have been damaged due to various rea sons. The section of the path from the top of Red Canyon to the parking area at Tubing
Red Canyon Bike Path Temporary Closure Rescheduled, Sept. 8 - 22
page 8
with a different to
fill you in on some of the excit ing opportunities that will be available that day and in the Harvest Fest Cont'd on page 8
WAYNE COUNTYYou will have two more op portunities to meet Wayne County Commissioner candi dates Mike Petree and Mike Zirwas before the 2022 Gen eral Election in November. These two candidates, on their own accord, have put together a “get to know us and what we can bring to the table” event.
BOXHOLDER ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER MUST BE submitted by FRIDAY AT NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper. RICHFIELD,STANDARDPRE-SORTPAID UTAH PERMIT No. 122 Grief is the price we pay for love. —Queen Elizabeth II REGIONAL WEATHER FORECAST FOR SOME BUT NOT ALL REGIONS REPRESENTED IN OUR NEWSPAPER COVERAGE AREA THURS. SEPT. 15 - WED. SEPT. 21 It's starting to feel a little bit like fall, with highs in the high 60s and mid 70s; lows in the high 30s and 40s. Sunny to mostly sunny, with very slight chances of rain throughout. Thursday, September 15, 2022 Issue # InsiderThe Serving Wayne & Garfield Counties, Utah Loa • Fremont • Lyman • Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Antimony • Bryce • Tropic • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder ..Help us reach our goal of 200 digital subscribers in 2022! See page 9 for details... UPCOMING EVENTS... 2022 Escalante Canyons Art Festival Sept. 12-25, 2022 Escalante, Utah 2022 Cliff Notes Writing Conference Sept. 29 - Oct. 2 Boulder, Utah Harvest Fest Highlights: Part 1 What is Harvest Fest? by Boulder Skills FoundationCourtesy
by Lisa Jeppson
SALT LAKE CITYMark your calendars. The Utah Tourism Industry Asso ciation in cooperation with the Utah Office of Tourism has an nounced the complete sched ule for the 2022 Utah Tourism Conference, which will be held Sept. 27-30 at the Uintah Conference Center in Vernal, Utah.
The 18th annual event is open for participation by local or non-local industry profes sionals or anyone who is inter ested in the current status and promising future of tourism in Utah. Registration and tick ets to the 2022 Utah Tourism Conference are now available online. Sponsorship and ex hibitor booth packages are also available for those interested.
of old favorites and new classes. To celebrate the Festival's 10th year, we of the Boulder Skills Foundation will be presenting a six-part series in the six weeks leading up to the Fest weekend, each
and TinaLuna Bonzon The Red House Farm in Boulder, Utah, will be hosting the tenth Harvest Festival from October 20-22, 2022.
(Left) Courtesy Barry Scholl | (Right) Debbie Block
by Lisa Jeppson
- The 10th annual Boulder, Utah, Har vest Festival, a celebration of local food, craft, skill, and resilience, returns this year from October 20 - 22 at Red House Farm with an exciting
WAYNE COUNTY - The first Wayne County Commis sion meeting for the month of September was held on Tues day, September 6, 2022, due to the Labor Day attendance.burn,Commissionersholiday.BlackWoodandBrianwereinTheagendawasacceptedandapproved,withtheadditionofthemaintenanceoflawncarethroughoutWayneCounty.TheminutesfromthecommissionmeetingheldonAugust15thwasacceptedandapproved.ThefirstorderofbusinesswaspresentedbyBrentSchmidt,whoistheAdministrator/CEOatSevierValleyHospital,whichislocatedinRichfield,Utah.SevierValleyHospitaloffershealthcaretotheruralcommunitiesofSevier,WayneandPiuteCounties.ThehospitalispartoftheIntermountainHealthcaresystem.Mr.Schmidtstated that the mission of the hos pital is to, “Help people live their healthiest lives.” Servic es provided by Sevier Valley
member Frank McEntire, himself a writer and visual art ist. “The classes, lectures and panels will provide valuable hands-on guidance on writ
Writing from the Land Cont'd on page 9
Entrada Institute Revives “Writing from the Land” Conference
Courtesy Dixie National Forest An approximately 2-mile segment of the Bike Path in Red Canyon will be closed for asphalt repairs until ap proximately September 22, 2022.
Cornia said the rising cost of food coupled with dwindling financial donations makes it hard for many pantries to sur vive.
of the Bike Path at the upper end of Red Canyon (from the restroom at the Coyote Hollow parking area to the bridge). A barrier will be placed at the top
public policy by educating elected officials on how to make nutrition programs work for the people who need them.
Red Canyon:
UTAH - During the pan demic, food pantries were a lifeline for thousands of Utah families experiencing hard times. Rising inflation, how ever, is making it increasingly difficult for those agencies to meet people's needs.
I’m looking forward to continued progress towards a spring grand opening.
Beginning on Thursday, September 8, 2022, an approximately 2-mile segment of the Bike Path in Red Canyon will be closed for asphalt repairs. The path will remain closed until approximately Sept. 22.
45 minutes. The washes all ran big, completely washing out the county access road at a number of spots, trapping a number of residents.
Subscriptions to The
Page 2 The Insider September 15, 2022 Send us your letters. Your thoughts, opinions, and notes to the community are important to us and we welcome your submissions of 500 words or less Letters to the editor must include the author’s name and location (town). We may edit letters for length, format and clarity, and we also reserve the right to refuse material. Opinions expressed in letters to the editor are not necessarily those of The Insider. Send letters to
My name is William Hammon. I am the president of the Board of Directors of Garkane Energy Cooperative. I have served in this position for three and a half years and have been on the board, gen erally, since 2016.
To Mr. Tolbert, I say, "There are roughly 42-million Americans served by more than 600 Electric cooperatives just like Garkane. These coop members are served by a cooperative and capital credit structure that is common and is approved by the IRS. Utah, like 33 other states in the na tion handle unclaimed capital credits in the same manner as Garkane.
While Utahns Against Hunger does not directly dis tribute food, Cornia said its mission is to increase access to food through advocacy with policymakers, promoting food assistance and educating the public about the need to help their "Theseneighbors.are organizations that every day are serving the needs of people who don't have enough money to buy food," said Cornia. "And we need a commitment from state legisla tors and from the governor to fund emergency food pantries at a level that they need."
Insider are available outside of Wayne and Garfield counties for $40 for 26 weeks, $75 per year. Senior discounts are available.
The views are 360 degrees from the rooftop observatory that will showcase the night skies, while a custom artwork in stallation made of rope in the breezeway uniquely shields the sun, creating a sense of a slot canyon.
We have tried for some time to educate Mr. Tolbert and show him that he is mis taken and have patiently en dured his attacks against us. Recently, Mr. Tolbert filed a
L etters to the Editor
If Mr. Tolbert continues to falsely accuse Garkane’s Board members and employ ees of actions that are not true, I will encourage the Board to take appropriate actions to ensure that the good name of these individuals is preserved.
Reporter: Amiee Maxwell Reporter: Kadi Franson
Friday at Noon Have a news tip or story idea? Email us at or call us at 435-826-4400 P.O. Box 105 Escalante, UT 84726 435-826-4400 email
Recent Letters Falsely Accuse Garkane Board and Employees
I am writing in response to the letters that have re cently been published from Mr. Lavoy Tolbert, in which he has accused me and many others of misusing and inap propriately processing Capi tal Credit funds. Garkane has responded multiple times to Mr. Tolbert’s questions, criticisms and accusations in writing and in-person many times in the past. We have tried to educate and help him understand how cooperatives work and the laws and regu lations that govern them.
Both times the county road department swung into quick action, and within a day or two had the road re-opened for local traffic. Big thanks to all who participated in this ef fort!
and at the bridge, and there is information at the Red Canyon VisitorQuestionsCenter. may be direct ed to the Powell Ranger Dis trict: 435-676-9300.
TORREY - The Skyview Hotel on Highway 24 between 1000 Lakes RV Park and Etta Place Cidery is showing progress in leaps and bounds. I tagged along on a tour with Josh Row ley and Nicholas Derrick, gracious owners and creators of their concept hotel. They aren’t open yet but welcome any and all to see what’s happening on site. Color has recently become visible over the willows along the Torrey Canal, piquing my ongoing interest.
formal complaint to the Utah Public Service Commission regarding these very issues, and the Commission ruled in favor of Garkane. If Mr. Tol bert genuinely believes that we have perpetrated fraud against our membership, he should present his case in court, and stop this flagrant and irrespon sible slander and defamation of ourTocharacters!yourreaders, I say, “Garkane welcomes your questions, interest and com ments regarding our opera tions."
Thank You Wayne Co. Commission and Road Dept.
Josh Rowley and Nicholas Derrick, gracious owners and creators of the Skyview Hotel, a not yet open concept ho tel in Torrey, Utah.
"Part of the complication is they're seeing larger fami lies, and so they are distribut ing more food, but monetary donations are also down," said Cornia. "So, pantries are having to make some tough choices on how they serve thoseCorniafamilies."said in Utah, more than 360,000 people re port periods of food insecurity but only receive an average of $3.85 per day in food stamps. She said UAH works to shape
"Pantries really are feeling pinched on all sides," said Cor nia. "How do they maintain the level of service that the com munity needs and also keep their doors open?"
Inflation Brings Higher Demand, Fewer Supplies for Utah Food Pantries
Layout & Graphic Design: Emily Leach
Local columnists: Oetting - FYI Panguitch Kimball Davis - Human Interest
Payroll: Trudy Stowe
Courtesy Pat Kearney
For more information, go to
September is Hunger Action Month, and Gina Cor nia—executive director of Utahns Against Hunger—said it comes at a time when the post-COVID economy is pos ing significant challenges for hunger-relief charities.
Scott Berry, Fish Creek Cove
I want to send out a big "thank you" to the Wayne County Commission, Com missioner Dennis Blackburn in particular, and Rhett Jef fries, the head of Wayne County Road Dept., for their prompt and effective work in Fish Creek Cove during the last couple of weeks. On August 20, and again on Au gust 27, we experienced a deluge in the Cove, certainly a couple of inches in around
If you do not understand, after all the explanations pro vided to you, that Garkane is doing its very best to provide its members safe, reliable power at affordable cost in a legal and appropriate manner, please contact me and I will arrange another meeting to discuss these matters.”
Reporter: Lisa Jeppson
Reporter: Tessa Barkan
Insider is a weekly community newspaper delivered each Thursday to households in Wayne and Garfield counties, Utah. The entire contents of this newspaper are © 2015 The Insider/Snapshot Multimedia, LLC. The Insider reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement or submitted content items. Articles submitted by independent writers may or may not be the opinion of The Insider. Please feel free to contact us for advertising rates and with any questions regarding content submissions. We prefer content and ads submitted by email to but we will accept your information any way you can get it to us.
At this point, I feel that Mr. Tolbert is maliciously, purposely and irresponsibly attacking my character and the character of the other Garkane Board members past and present as well as the CEOs. Trust and confidence is paramount between our Board and our membership. Many of the past and present board members Mr. Tolbert has been disparaging have businesses in our service ter ritory, and their good name is of the utmost importance to their personal welfare. Per sonally, I seriously resent the slander of being called a thief and a liar!
Content and deadline:
—Pat Kearney
by Mark Richardson, Utah News Connection
Over the 12 months end ing in June, the cost of food jumped more than 10%—sec ond only to the cost of gaso line and utilities.
Publisher: Erica Walz
—Dixie National Forest
Red Canyon Cont'd from page 1
Respectfully, William Hammon
Goings on... Progress Continues at Skyview Hotel in Torrey
The event is expected to bring a sizable economic boost to Vernal and the Uintah Ba sin. Many participants plan on making overnight stays while also enjoying the numerous recreation and entertainment opportunities the area offers.
Forever Mighty® Service EveningProject Social Event at Di noland Bowl Wednesday, Sept. 28:
• General Conference Con tent and Breakout Sessions
The Regional Food Business Centers will assist small and mid-sized producers and food and farm businesses with the goal of creating a more resil ient, diverse, and competitive food system.
• Tourism Hall of Fame Breakfast
“We are thrilled to be meeting as industry profes sionals and tourism enthusi asts, surrounded by Vernal’s beautiful landscape,” said UTIA executive director Nat alie Randall. “As our indus try continues to mature and evolve, relevant education for all our partners is impera tive. This year’s conference works to support partners with diverse content includ ing marketing, compliance, community engagement, product development, and more. There is something for everyone.”
• Destination Discovery Ac tivities
TourismTALKS address by Vicki Varela, Utah Gover nor Spencer Cox, and others Partner Brochure Exchange and Networking
—Utah Office of Tourism, Utah Tourism Industry Association
Cont'd from page 1
• National Tribal Center • Colonias (counties on the US/ Mexico border)
• Opening Dinner Reception Thursday, Sept. 29:
—U.S. DepartmentAgricultureof
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the avail ability of approximately $400 million to provide essential local and regional food sys tems coordination, techni cal assistance, and capac ity building services through USDA’s new Regional Food Business Centers.
“The tourism industry plays an integral role in Utah’s economy. Our goal is to of fer amazing experiences to visitors while enhancing the quality of life for residents through recreational and other community investments, ” said Utah Office of Tourism Man aging Director Vicki Varela. “This conference is a unique opportunity for partners from all corners of the state to share best practices.”Attendees will also be invited to participate in For ever Mighty® service projects throughout Vernal, including restoration efforts and clean ups at the AH-1F Aircraft on Main Street, the historic Ver nal Theatre Live, and Cobble Rock Park, on the confer ence’s opening night. Forever Mighty® is Utah’s steward ship initiative that encourages safe and prepared travel, treat ing ecosystems and cultural sites with respect and engag ing local communities.
• Evening Social Event Friday, Sept. 30:
In addition, the industry will celebrate a few of its best and brightest at a breakfast in duction ceremony for the Utah Tourism Hall of Fame on Fri day, Sept. 30.
Application Submission Applications must be sub
“USDA is committed to supporting smaller producers, processors, and distributors to diversify economic oppor tunities in underserved com munities,” said USDA Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Lester Moffitt. “The USDA Regional Food Business Cen ters will decrease barriers and
• Closing Luncheon
USDA Announces $400 Million in Funding Available to Create USDA Regional Food Business Centers
healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and pro ducers using climate smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America.
“The USDA Regional Food Business Centers will be a new, critical asset as we continue our work to strengthen and enhance lo cal and regional food sys tems across the nation,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “Regional Food Business Centers will serve as USDA’s cornerstone in the development of the local and regional supply chains, build ing on lessons learned during the pandemic, providing tech nical assistance, and creating new market opportunities in areas where the need is great est.”
Technical Assistance AMS offers technical as sistance for new applicants to help walk them through the process and provide tips on writing a successful applica tion. Contact ers,fairerandfocusca’sUSDABiden-HarrissooftionalCenters@usda.govRegionalFoodforaddiassistance.USDAtouchesthelivesallAmericanseachdayinmanypositiveways.IntheAdministration,istransformingAmerifoodsystemwithagreateronmoreresilientlocalregionalfoodproduction,marketsforallproducensuringaccesstosafe,
The Agricultural Market ing Service (AMS) published a Request for Applications (RFA) for this program. AMS is soliciting applications from organizations across the na tion to develop the Regional Food Business Centers that will be geographically based, serving regional needs. Appli cants must define the regions that their proposed Regional Food Business Center will serve, specifying high-needs priority areas within that re gion. USDA intends to serve each of the following priority areas by establishing at least one Regional Food Business Center in:
USDA will fund at least six regional centers, to in clude a national tribal center and at least one center serving each of three targeted areas: Colonias (counties on the US/ Mexico border), persistent poverty or other communi ties of high need/limited re sources areas of the Delta and the Southeast, and high need areas of Appalachia as well as centers in other regions of the country.The Regional Food Busi ness Centers will provide co ordination, technical assis tance, and capacity building to help farmers, ranchers, and other food businesses access new markets and navigate federal, state and local re sources, thereby closing the gaps or barriers to success.
• Check-in/Registration
To learn more about grant funding opportunities to en hance and strengthen agricul tural systems, visit the USDA Agricultural Marketing Ser vice’s Grants and Opportuni ties webpage.
improve supply chain linkages for producers, processors and distributors and strengthen re gional food systems networks and partnerships in response to hardships and vulnerabili ties exposed by recent national emergencies, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Lake City Utah Committee for the Games, and Stephen Barth, regarded by many tourism leaders as the preeminent Hos pitality Lawyer in the industry.
Over the course of the conference, stakeholders in the state’s tourism industry will also hear from keynote speakers such as Utah Gov ernor Spencer Cox, former Olympian Catherine Raney Norman, who chairs the Salt
chiaUSDA also intends to make awards to Regional Food Business Centers that serve other areas of the coun try beyond those explicitly listed above.
mitted electronically through by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on November 22, 2022. To receive funding, the applications will undergo an administrative review to ensure the proposed activities fulfill the purpose of Regional Food Business Centers. Ap plications received after this deadline will not be consid ered for AMSfunding.encourages appli cations for initiatives that ben efit smaller farms and ranches, new and beginning farmers and ranchers, underserved pro ducers, veteran producers, and underserved communities. For grants intending to serve these entities, applicants should en gage and involve those ben eficiaries when developing projects and applications. For more information about grant eligibility, visit the Regional Food Business Centers Pro gram webpage, or contact us at
One of the most antici pated additions to the confer ence is the new mentorship program. In the program, interested mentees will be paired with an industry vet eran to expand their network and increase their experience at the conference. The pro gram is accepting applica tions from interested mentors and mentees.
Conference: The tourism industry plays an integral role in Utah’s economy. Our goal is to offer amazing experiences to visitors while enhancing the quality of life for residents through recreational and other community investments. This conference is a unique opportunity for partners from all corners of the state to share best practices.—Vicki Varela, Utah Office of Tourism Managing Director Conference
Highlighted events in clude: Tuesday, Sept. 27:
Page 3September 15, 2022 The Insider
For more details and upto-date information, please visit utahtourismconference. com.
Persistent poverty or other communities of high need/ limited resources areas of the Delta and the Southeast High need areas of Appala
The Regional Food Busi ness Centers serving these high-need priority areas will identify farm to market link ages across its proposed geo graphic area to reach a variety of markets. Further guidance for applications is available in the RFA.Allapplications to lead a Regional Food Business Cen ter must come from a part nership consisting of three or more eligible entities rep resenting at least two of the eligible entity types. Eligible entities include producer net works or associations, food councils, tribal governments, state agencies or regional au thorities, institutions of higher education, nonprofit corpora tions, economic development corporations, and partnerships between one or more eligible entities.
wise not qualify for PSLF. For complete details, visit
by Mack Oetting
To learn more about SUU’s Doctorate of Psychol ogy in Clinical Psychology program, visit
Ask an Expert Nine Tips to Help Youth Manage Screen Time
2. Select high-quality media. While not all media has to be educational, help maximize screen time with media that helps children think critically, develops their cre ativity through creating songs, art, poetry, etc., or that helps them connect with and under stand the world around them.
4. Create boundaries and tech-free zones. Keep family mealtimes and gather ings screen-free to build social bonds and engage in two-way conversation. And since elec tronics can be a potential dis traction after bedtime and can interfere with sleep, consider keeping screens out of their rooms. You may want to des ignate an inaccessible place to charge electronics at night or download apps that disable the device at bedtime.
The Insider Wants Your School Content!Sports
7. Establish consequenc es. Consider setting time or location limits if your child has difficulty putting a phone away when you ask, watches inappropriate content, or en gages in inappropriate mediarelated behavior.
9. Create a family media plan. Agreed-upon expecta tions can help you establish healthy technology boundaries in your home. Create a family media plan that promotes open family discussion and rules about media use. Include top ics such as balancing screen/ online time, content bound aries, and not disclosing per sonal information. Having these conversations encour ages age-appropriate critical thinking and digital literacy. For information on creating a family media plan, visit
KHEAA also helps col leges manage their student loan default rates and verify information submitted on the FAFSA. For more infor mation about those services, visit, KHEAA dis burses private Advantage Ed ucation Loans on behalf of its sister agency, KHESLC. For more information, visit ad
Despite this, not all screen time is bad. There are many benefits and opportu nities, including connecting youth with friends and fam ily, promoting social support and inclusion, and providing educationalParentsopportunities.playacritical role in helping children navi gate the digital world. Con sider these tips:
5. Teach children to be good digital citizens. Share your expectations of how to act responsibly online and what your children should do if they see inappropriate con tent.
• Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan For giveness. Through Oct. 31, borrowers may receive credit for past periods of re payment that would other
SUU’s Doctorate of Psy chology in Clinical Psychol ogy (Psy.D.) program is the only Psy.D. program in the state of Utah. It differs from a Ph.D. degree by placing great er emphasis on training pro fessionals for practical appli cation rather than on research. Both are based on scholarly theories and evidence-based practices.“This is a culmination of decades of effort in try ing to bring graduate train ing in psychology to SUU,” said Dr. Steve Barney, Psy.D. program director and profes sor of psychology. “We have worked tirelessly to develop a program to serve the needs of these students and the com munity. We are making history by welcoming this first cohort of students into the program.”
SUU Makes History With First Doctorate Students
Courtesy Southern Utah University
UTAH - The federal gov ernment may forgive all or part of federal student loans if borrowers meet certain requirements. The forgive ness options, according to KHEAA, include:
Not surprisingly, chil dren are spending more time with screen media than ever before, and at younger ages. According to the American Academy of Child and Ado lescent Psychiatry, the aver age 8-to-12-year-old child spends 4-to-6 hours a day watching or using screens. Teens spend up to nine hours daily, and research also sug gests that they spend an aver age of one hour daily on so cial media.Excessive screen time often leads to less outdoor or physical activity, less in teraction with family and friends, sleep challenges, and increased mood problems (depression, anxiety, etc.). Youth may also be exposed to developmentally inappro priate content, cyberbullying, predators, and more.
year. The first four years com bine coursework and handson practical experience, with at least 10 hours per week of practicum training at com munity sites. The fifth year is spent in a full-time intern ship.The program’s location in Cedar City, Utah, provides an ideal environment for training in specialized place ment sites that serve Native American, Hispanic, Veteran, student, and other rural popu lations. In addition to classes facilitated by expert faculty and culturally relevant clini cal training activities, stu dents within the program are supervised by practicing psychologists with a range of clinical specializations.
“This is a significant mo ment in SUU history,” said SUU President Mindy Ben son. “Not only do we begin our first doctorate-level pro gram at the University, but the focus on clinical psychology will make a difference in the lives of people throughout ru ral Utah. SUU was founded to improve opportunities for the people of southern Utah and this new Doctorate of Psychol ogy program fits well in our overall mission.”
3. Spend time with your child. Screen time doesn’t have to be alone time. Watch ing and playing together can increase social interactions, learning, and bonding.
8. Model the manners and behavior you want to see. Avoid texting in the car. Model good digital citizen ship in your interactions with others online. Limit your own media use.
sure to monitor their activity to help keep them safe.
For the first time in SUU’s 125 years, the University welcomed doctoral students to campus. The students in the Doctorate of Psychology program’s first cohort are pri marily from Utah, and eight are graduates of SUU.
• Nursing loan forgiveness You must be at least a reg istered nurse and agree to work full time for a mini mum of two years in a critical shortage facility. If you fulfill your agreement, 60 percent of your loan balance will be forgiven. Another 25 percent will
6. Discuss the impor tance of privacy and the dan gers of predators. Youth need to know that once content is electronically shared, they will not be able to remove or delete it completely. Teach youth about privacy settings, and be,buttherebeboundaries.Digitalcanneverreplacetheofface-to-faceinterandlearning.
be forgiven if you work a third year. Nurses teaching at an accredited school of nursing may also qualify. For complete details, visit to remem ber is that the Internal Rev enue Service may count the amount forgiven as income. You should talk with a tax professional to understand the impact it may have on your KHEAAtaxes. is a public, non-profit agency established in 1966 to improve students’ access to college. It provides information about financial aid and financial literacy at no cost to students and par ents.
Send us a photo with a description of the event and names of the participants to
Baseball season is coming to an end, with Quarters taking place on Oct. 4 and State at Dixie on Oct. 7 - 8
While we were away, the Cats continued to show their excellence. The boys baseball season is coming to an end with the Quar ters on Oct. 4th and State at Dixie on Oct. 7-8. The Cats have made it through the season with only two losses—against Piute and Bryce Valley—and the Cats have beaten both teams since then. The Cats have two games this week; on the
The Psy.D. is an intensive five-year, full-time in-resi dence program and will accept 10 additional students each
14th, Bryce Valley is here, and there is an away game at Piute on the 16th.
The Lady Cats are con tinuing to roll, with an easy win over Water Canyon in three games. They have an other game here against Di amond Ranch on the 14th. This weekend, come on out and see the Cats' future at the sophomore tournament this Saturday. Kanab will be here next week on the 22nd. The
Lady Cats have two loses this year in tournament play and have won all of the rest of theirThegames.cross country team top runners are doing really well, and they will have a meet at Bryce Valley on 15th. The girls should be favorites at State, if no one gets in jured. They have quite a few boys out this year, and as the season comes along, they could do well.
is quality, age appropriate, and that parents know what their child is doing.
• Teacher loan forgiveness To qualify, you must teach at least five full years in a low-income school in an eligible district. Depend ing on your field, you may have up to $17,500 in stu dent loans forgiven. For complete details, visit stu
by Naomi Brower, Utah State University Extension professor, and Elizabeth Davis, USU Extension associate professor
1. Set limits. The Ameri can Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Orga nization encourage families to ensure plenty of time for physical activity and social interaction. There isn’t a magic number for the appro priate amount of screen time per child, but it is important that what they watch and play
Money Tips for Students Federal Government Offers Student Loan Forgiveness Programs
by Tim Ballard
CEDAR CITY - When Southern Utah University stu dents returned to campus this year for the start of the fall semester, ten students began their path on a history-making event. For the first time in SUU’s 125 years, the Univer sity welcomed doctoral stu dents to campus. The students in the Doctorate of Psychol ogy program’s first cohort are primarily from Utah, and eight are graduates of SUU.
Page 4 The Insider Schools & Sports September 15, 2022
• Public Service Loan For giveness. Employees of a U.S. federal, state, local or tribal government or notfor-profit organization may qualify for loan forgiveness after making 120 months of qualifying payments. For complete details, visit stu
PHS Sports Sidelines
A will generally has to have the signatures of at least two unrelated witnesses. An at torney normally prepares the will. It is usually notarized.
Often much time and thought accompanies the signing of the will, as well as other for malities. On the other hand, the beneficiary designation is usually very simple. Usually, it involves nothing more than printing or typing a name in a box.
terms of the will or state stat ute governing the distribution of assets when there is no will will govern the distribution of the proceeds.Inconclusion, proper es tate planning involves a thor ough review of all assets and beneficiary designations. It is very important that beneficia ry designations be coordinated with an individual’s estate plan.
To Play: Complete the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9
When I say “the box,” I am referring to the beneficia ry designation box found in many financial instruments. For example, life insurance policies, annuity contracts, IRAs (individual retirement accounts), and other retire ment plans allow the owner to designate (usually in a box or line on the form agreement) who is to be the beneficiary or recipient of the proceeds upon the owner’s death.
There have been many spouses and children very sur prised to learn that although a loved one’s will was reviewed and updated the older benefi ciary designations control.
A Cajun restaurant made all their sauce on one day for the week. The cook roux'ed the day.
Page 5September 15, 2022 The Insider tHe lAuGhiNg pOiNt!! Wills, Trusts, and More OutdoorTHEME:FunACROSS 1. Relating to Vatican's Francis 6. Denouement 9. HVAC tunnel 13. Lesser Antil les destination 14. Big Island necklace15.Truth without proof16. Ching"ingwagonacronymPavarotti,Lucianoe.g.17.Distressing18.Acrylicfiber19.*Outingina21.*Overnightoutdoors23."____Te24.RCorJolt25.Taxpro28.Lowestbrass instrument 30. *Alfresco meal 35. Kaa's warn ing 37. This and that 39. Extended family member 40. "The Sun is ____ a Star"41. Namely (2 words) 43. "The Parent Trap" child44. Renter's paper 46. H. H. Munro's pseudonym47.Snaky swimmers 48. Geisha's garb 50. Kids' construction block52. Caustic chemical 53. Display displeasure 55. Blunder 57. *S'more cooker 61. *U-Pick destination 65. Yahoo! message 66. acronymHyperactivity68.Relatingtohilum69.Tothepoint70.Makeapigeon sound 71. Silly 72. Ancient eternal life symbol 73. H in British HMS 74. Socially inept DOWN 1. *Promenading route 2. Atlas stat 3. Small and weak 4. Cut short 5. Cowboy's catcher 6. Additional 7. Opposite of paleo 8. "Xanadu" music genre9. Village, mostly in South10.AfricaTangerine plus grapefruit11.Colloquial "Follow me!"12. NASA's orange drink15. Master's area 20. Meryl Streep/Philip Seymour Hoffman 2008 movie 22. *Climbing peak 24. Fashion week stage 25. *Sidewalk artist's medium 26. Mushroom caps 27. Indian black tea 29. Unwelcome recep tion, pl. 31. Give a quote 32. Handrail post 33. In an unfriendly manner 34. Incense without prefix36. Comme ci, comme ça 38. *Nature walk 42. Detroit mascot 45. Store as fodder 49. Not their 51. Lady Slipper, e.g. 54. "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" host 56. Horny odd-toed ungulate, for short 57. Between Phi and Kappa58. Bad luck predictor 59. Police informer 60. *Angling reward 61. O in b.o. 62. Having wings 63. Military status 64. Squirrel's nest 67. Rudolph's Clarice, e.g. Solution on page 10 What Controls: The Will or “The Box?”
Many people mistakenly believe that the will controls the distribution of all their as sets and supercedes any ear lier beneficiary designations.
Rachel, our four-year-old daughter, looked on as the of ficer took down the particulars following the theft of our rid ing mower the night before.
Jeffery J. McKenna is a local attorney whose prac tice has been focused on Estate Planning for over 20 years. He is licensed and serves clients in Utah, Arizona and Nevada. He is a shareholder at the law firm of Barney, McKenna and Olm stead. If you have questions you would like addressed in these ar ticles, please feel free to contact him at 435 628-1711 or enna@barney-mckenna.comjmckor visit the firm’s website at WWW. BARNEY-MCKENNA.COM, he would enjoy hearing from you.
Our small terrier, Sammy, is trained to ring a bell when he wants someone to open the door and let him outside.
Nowagreement.thatI have ex plained the question, what is the correct answer? If some one has designated a former spouse as the beneficiary on a life insurance policy or re tirement plan, can a new will designating a new spouse as the beneficiary of all the indi vidual’s assets supercede the earlier designation? In other words, does the designation in the will supercede the desig nation in the box? The answer is "no." In almost all cases, the will does not supercede
It is understandable that many people have this mistaken belief. First, a will has many formalities associated with it.
by Jeffery J. McKenna
His friend nodded. "I like women who get mad like that."
To answer the above question, I must first tell you what I mean by “the box.”
He was somewhat less pleased after he found out what was in it. "Mostly balo ney," said the proprietor.
This week's answers on page 10
Another matter to be con sidered with regard to benefi ciary designations is that they are limited. If the beneficiary designation is just a line or box, there is no opportunity to describe how the proceeds should be used or who should receive the proceeds if one of the named beneficiaries pre deceases the owner. It should be noted that if the beneficiary designated in the financial in strument has predeceased the owner and there is no surviv ing contingent beneficiary or if the named beneficiary is designated as the “estate,” the
A prominent politician was pleased and proud that the local sandwich shop in a town he was visiting had named a sandwich after him.
Education is wonderful; it helps you worry about things all over the world.
In addition to the above categories of beneficiary designations, many bank ac counts, investment accounts, stock certificates and CDs (certificates of deposit), allow for a POD (Pay On Death) beneficiary. As with the insur ance, annuity and retirement account beneficiary designa tions, the designation of the POD beneficiary is usually done by inserting one or more names in a box or line on an account
the contractual designation.
While in the checkout line at Home Depot I over heard one man say to anoth er, "My wife has been after me to paint our shed. But I let it go for so long she got mad and did it herself."
Three weeks later, as we were heading home, my husband was pulled over for speeding.Asthe officer approached our car, Rachel, curious as to why we had to pull over to the side of the road said. "What? Did he find our lawn mower?"
One day, Sammy rang his bell repeatedly but refused to go outside when the door was opened.Responding to several of these false alarms, Adam, my teenage son, became frustrat ed. Looking at the dog, Adam said, "Haven't you heard about the little wolf who cried boy?"
They plug water lines, even lines that are large in di ameter.
We spent a couple of days at Lake Lucerne and up on Mt. Pilatus, where we took a clog car up 7,000’ to the top of the world. At 9,000’ and through the clouds, there was a great view of the Swiss Alps. Oh, my; what a view. We took a side trip to a ski resort for a horse drawn tour around town, and we had a chat with the owner of a big farm. She said that because of the drought, she had twenty tons of plums that were too small to market and was try ing to find out something she could do with her crop. There is a lot of money in Europe. At this ski resort, there are many big Swiss homes that are only used for vacations. They were building a ten story condomin ium, and each floor was going for eight million Swiss francs.
to board the plane, the an nouncements were in French. I asked the giant of a man sitting next to us if he spoke English. He said he did, and he grabbed our luggage and walked us to the front of the line, and we got right on the plane; the man was from Africa. In Amster dam, the announcements were in Dutch, and when we got in line, the people there moved us up about 50 people. Since we were in the airport three hours early, our luggage was the first on and the last off.
SALT LAKE CITYLaw enforcement officers and technicians for the Utah Divi sion of Wildlife Resources and other agencies wound down the summer boating season with a busy Labor Day holiday weekend, working to prevent invasive quagga mussels from spreading to Utah's lakes and reservoirs.
While I waited for our luggage at the SLC airport, I turned around, and there were at least 300 people in line to en ter our country. I thought "oh, no, another two hour wait."
They remove plankton from the water, which hurts fish species in Utah.
Statewide, DWR conser vation officers issued 44 cita tions for violations of Utah laws established to prevent the spread of invasive mussels. The majority of the violations were due to people with a wa tercraft failing to stop at man datory inspection stations and failing to remove a drain plug while transporting the boat.
Our trip couldn’t have been better. Even though we had seen too many of the sights before, there was some thing new every day. We flew nonstop from SLC to London. We left at 9:00 at night, and with seven time changes, we landed in London at 1:00 pm the next afternoon. It was a real smooth flight. From Lon don, we rode the bullet train, and at over 100 mph, we were in The Netherlands in a couple of hours. We toured the canals there and went on into Germa ny, a beautiful country. Ger many gets 33% of the power from reusable energy, and they have debuted the world’s first exclusively hydrogen powered trains. They have a fleet of five trains that began service last week. They are emission free and low-noise and have a range of more than 600 miles and will save more than 422,000 gallons of diesel fuel a year.
Then we headed home. I told you of our fifteen hour flight over there; well, we left Amsterdam at 5:00 pm and ar rived in SLC at 7:30pm. It was really 3:30 in the morning, and we got a motel at the airport and went to sleep.
The people the world over are always nice to you. We flew from Paris to Amster dam, and when we got ready
I missed the car show by two days, but my daughter, Kelly, took two of our cars over there, and my 50 Ford pickup took second place. Kelly said
I hear that after more than 30 years, Joe Nay has bought the market and won’t be building another market any time soon.
If they get into water de livery systems in Utah, it will cost millions of dollars annu ally to remove them and keep the pipes free, which can re sult in higher utility bills.
Of those total numbers from this year, 2,798 of the boat inspections and 44 of the decontaminations took place at stations in the Lake Powell area. Lake Powell is the only Utah waterbody currently in fested with quagga mussels.
Utah's required dry times after boating at Lake Pow ell are seven days in summer, 18 days in fall and spring, or 30 days in winter. However, wakeboard boats are defined as complex boats, which always require a 30-day dry time—re gardless of the time of year— unless they are properly decon taminated.
DWR technician inspecting the engine of a boat. Law en forcement officers and technicians for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and other agencies wound down the summer boating season with a busy Labor Day holi day weekend, working to prevent invasive quagga mus sels from spreading to Utah's lakes and reservoirs.
Usually something hap pens that keeps others from going where we have been. This time it was only a couple of days before Queen Eliza beth passed away at age 96. She had been the ruler in Eng land for 70 years and one of only six women to hold the monarchy. She was a beauti ful person and a friend to all, and no one will ever be able to replaceSomeher. of the places we have gone to have been the World Trade Centers in June, Russia, China, Yellowstone, the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Egypt, Greece, and, well, you get the idea.
Europe is suffering from drought as we are. In London, the Thames River is 6’ below their 15’ high retaining wall. When we were in Germany, we went for lunch at an olive farm. The farm has been in the family for five generations, and the home has thirty-nine rooms in it. The owner said that they have 120 acres in ol ive trees. These trees live up to a 1000 years and survive drought years by not produc ing any fruit. Not one olive was to be found in the orchard.
"Boaters who do not pres ent their watercraft for inspec tion are subject to a citation and fines of up to $680," John son said. "Drain plug removal during transport has been a law since 2020. That law was cre ated to prevent the exchange of water from one lake to another and to prevent the spread of any invasive species. Anyone who fails to remove their drain plug during transport could be cited with a class C misde
Courtesy Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Mussels get into your boat's engine cooling system. Once they do, they'll foul the system and damage the en gine.
—Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
by Mack Oetting ~ mackoetting
We went on to Austria, where we went on a river cruise. It was so low that only tour boats could use it because the barges drew too much wa ter. Then it was on to Venice, Rome, Florence (my new fa vorite place), and then Swit zerland.
September 15, 2022Page 6 The Insider
Finally, it was off to Paris, where we visited the Schcol sion Castle and its 2,400 acres of garden and 150 rooms; what a magnificent palace. Each new monarch would add something to the palace. We went to a number of restau rants that had entertainment, and they were fun.
It is Sunday, and it is September 11, and along with December 7th, it is one of those days that should always be honored for all of those brave souls that lost their lives. Although 350 firefight ers lost their lives trying to save others, many more have died from the fumes they in haled attempting to find bod ies of those that were trapped in the Twin Towers of the World Trade FootballCenter.season is upon us with college and the NFL, and we have two col leges that are ranked in the top 25, BYU and Utah. Utah skimped by with a game with Cedar City, 71 to 7, and BYU beat Baylor in overtime af ter their kicker missed two short field goals. The second one was at five minutes after midnight. I thought it was because they aren’t supposed to play on Sunday, however, they did win the game in the second overtime period by six points. The baseball sea son is coming to a halt in an other month. The US tennis tournament came to an end with the new group of young men players that are going to be the future of the game. I watched some of the best tennis I have ever seen. A 19 year old from Spain won the event; the name Alcatraz is going to be the future of the sport.I do love Panguitch! Mack O.
FYI PanguItch
We drove on to Belgium, which has some of the most beautiful scenery; it was like driving on a golf course for a hundred miles. They have a saying in their country, “When God made the earth, he had land for everyone, but he for got the Belgians, so he gave them his Kingdom.”
I wheeled our luggage over to where Pat was sitting, and another big man got us, and we were told to follow him; we were through the check-in in about two minutes. I guess it really pays to look old. We had a wonderful trip, but it is always great to be home.
"We have had a short age of staff this year, and our employees work as quickly as they can, but we ask for ev eryone's patience and compli ance in getting the required inspections," Johnson said. "We are doing more with far less staff at Lake Powell this year. If you need a decontam ination, you need to call and schedule one in advance, as our limited staff may not be able to accommodate those without appointments. As mentioned, you can also wait the required dry time before you launch at another water body. Please always clean, drain and dry."
Why quagga mussels are bad
ers that all watercraft leaving Lake Powell require an exit in spection during the inspection station's hours of operation," DWR Aquatic Invasive Spe cies Lt. Bruce Johnson said. "Along with boats, 'watercraft' includes kayaks, canoes, pad dleboards and inflatable rafts. And it's important to remem ber that inspections are not the same as decontaminations. After a watercraft is inspected, it must still be decontaminated before you can launch that watercraft at a different wa terbody. If a decontamination can't be performed, the water craft must wait the required dry time before launching again."
DWR and Partners Inspect Over 14,500 Boats for Quagga Mussels During Labor Day Weekend
There are over 40 inspec tion stations located at vari ous waterbodies and along highways throughout Utah. Visit the Utah Department of Natural Resources website for a list of all the decontamina tion stations around the state.
"We want to remind boat
Statewide, Aquatic Inva sive Species technicians with the DWR, Utah State Parks, Arizona Game and Fish De partment and the National Park Service inspected 14,712 boats and performed 174 de contaminations from Friday to Monday. During last year's Labor Day weekend, 12,369 inspections were performed statewide, and 222 boats were decontaminated.
I am back!
that there were a lot of cars that were there. It was held on Labor Day weekend, and for the first time, we had an event on that weekend.
When mussels die in large numbers, they stink and the sharp shells of dead mus sels also cut your feet as you walk along the beaches.
Jupiter rises in the east during evening twilight and is up before the sky is fully dark. Jupiter is by far the brightest object in the evening sky. It’s in Pisces, in an area of the sky that is totally absent of any brightMarsstars.rises before mid night. It’s brighter than any star until Sirius rises, and its orange color gives it away.
an additional 2 days and 3½ hours to catch up to the sun and become the “new moon” again. The sidereal month is 27.32 days, and the synodic month is 29.53 days.
First, a quick run-down of the three planets visible to night.Saturn is already up when the sun sets, and at the end of twilight, you’ll find it low in the southeast, where it’s noticeably brighter than any nearby star. Saturn is highest around 11 p.m., and that’s the best time to observe it with a telescope, when it’s above the densest, warmest, and most turbulent layers of our atmosphere. Saturn is in eastern Capricornus. Be sure to finagle a look at Saturn through a friend’s telescope in the next month or two.
The Sky Report is presented as a public service by the Stellar Vista Observatory, a nonprofit organization based in Kanab, Utah, which provides opportunities for people to observe, appreci ate, and comprehend our starry night sky. Additional information is at www.stellarvistaobserva Send questions and comments to
Autumn begins at 7:04 p.m. MDT on the 22nd. That’s the date when the sun rises due east and sets due west— one of two days of year it does this (the equinoxes). The day and night are equal in length, and sunrise and sunset would be 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. if you were in the center of your time zone and if it were not for Daylight Saving Time. For the next six months—in the northern hemisphere—the nights will be longer than the days.
Mosley with
The moon aligns with the sun and is new at 3:54:34 p.m. MDT on September 25th, and that begins a new lunar month. But how long is a month? The lengths of our calendar months was estab lished by Julius Caesar in 46 BC and modified (and messed up) by his nephew Augustus a few years later, and their lengths are by decree: 30, 31, or 28, but sometimes 29, days. There are two lengths to an astronomical lunar month, depending on what you mea sure, and these are indeed measured, not set by decree. They are the time it takes the moon to orbit the earth and
The moon when new on Sept 25th (top) and when it has returned to the same position relative to the stars 28 days later (bottom)—but the sun has moved on. The star Spica is named for clarity. The sun follows the ecliptic (by definition) while Mercury and Ve nus follow the sun and remain near it.
Page 7September 15, 2022 The Insider
September 19 - September 25
John Mosley was Program Supervisor of the Griffith Ob servatory in Los Angeles for 27 years and is the author of “Star gazing for Beginners” and “Stargazing with Binoculars and Telescopes.” He and his wife live in St. George, where he continues to stargaze from his retirement home while serv ing on the advisory committee for Stellar Vista Observatory.
by John
get back in front of the same stars (a sidereal month) and the slightly longer time it takes the moon to orbit the earth and get back to alignment with the sun (a synodic month; I men tion their names so you can Google them). You have to specify circle the earth with respect to what? The graphic will explain: Note the stars the moon is in front of when it is new on Sept. 25th. On Oct. 23rd it has moved once around the earth relative to the stars, but during that month. the sun has moved eastward 1/2th of the way around the sky, or about 30°. It takes the moon
Wayne Commission: Sevier Valley Hospital services and partnership with Classic Air Medical helicopter services, Dennis Lierd's request for a six RV site at Luna Mesa in Cainville, and the resignation of Shane Bradbury who has been providing lawn care maintenance for Wayne County discussed.
by Kolbie Peterson, Salt Lake Tribune
Cont'd from page 1
Attendees enjoy a classic Harvest Fest activity—candle dipping with Billy Raaen—at the annual Boulder Harvest Festival.
• Seven communities within Jordan Valley water Con servancy District’s service area have adopted water conserving ordinances.
Harvest Fest: We come together for the day and trade harvest stories, learn new skills from one another, have fun with friends, and meet new ones, too. We also enjoy great local food, and give gratitude to the land and bounty it provides. —Brynn Brodie of the Boulder Skills Foundation and Harvest Fest host
In an effort to stretch the water supply and use this pre cious resource wisely, many municipalities across the state are adopting water efficiency standards and conservation ordinances.“These communities are leading by example and showing that Utah is serious about water conservation,” said Hasenyager. “These pol icies will shape water use for decades to come.”
September 15, 2022Page 8 The Insider
Stay tuned: Coming up, we’ll delve into different classes we’ll be offering this year, and why these skills matter in our day-to-day lives. And remember to save the date of Saturday, Octo ber 22 at Red House Farm in Boulder, with additional classes being held on Thurs day, October 20, and Friday, October 21. More informa tion about the Boulder Skills Foundation and Harvest Fest, including information about classes with pre-registration, will be available at com/
You will have two more opportunities to meet candidates for Wayne County Commissioner Mike Petree and Mike Zirwas before the 2022 General Election in November. One event will take place in Hanksville on September 22, 2022, and the other will take place in Torrey on October 13, 2022.
week leading up to it.
Courtesy Jennifer Geerlings
• Washington County Wa ter Conservancy District recently passed the most water restrictive ordinances for new development in Utah. The new ordinances are projected to save nearly 11 billion gallons over the next 10 Droughtyears.conditions have resulted in low spring flows for water systems in North Logan, Alpine City, and Echo. Communities are looking into drilling new wells and activating emer gency well sources. Weber Basin will haul water to the town of Echo for the remainder of the summer season.
Mike Zirwas, sounds like virus but with a Z, lives on the outskirts of Teasdale with his wife. Mike has resided in Wayne County for over 16 years and is a recent retiree
How to Get the New COVID-19 Booster in Utah—and Whether or Not You Should Get It Now
New coronavirus booster shots designed to target the highly contagious omicron variant are now “widely available” to Utahns, ac cording to Salt Lake County Health Department spokes person Nicholas Rupp.
class. We have a whole bunch more examples to share with you, but for that, you’ll have to wait for next week!
Where can I get the new booster?
Who is eligible for the new booster?
A total of 875 fires have burned in the state this year with 411 of them humancaused. This is down 20% from the previous year.
• 17 communities within the
Residents looking for tips on how to help reduce wa ter consumption can be found at SlowtheFlow.Org.
You can attend one of two upcoming events: Thursday, September 22, 2022, at the Hanksville Town Hall • Thursday, October 13, 2022, at the Torrey DUP building
WeFoundation.willcome together to learn, practice, and share tra ditional skills— skills which still serve us exceptionally well. Need some reminders on how to can all your surplus garden produce? Consider par ticipating in the Canning Intro and Refresher class. Wanting to get in touch with the animal husbandry roots of this place (as well as the ways that all of our ancestors have interacted with the other animals around us)? Consider taking the 3-day Animal Processing Workshop, or drop into the yarn spinning
—Utah Division of Water Resources
So, let’s start at the begin ning: for those who haven’t at tended a Harvest Fest before, Brynn Brodie of the Boulder Skills Foundation and our Harvest Fest host describes it as, “a celebration of who we are as a community. We come together for the day and trade harvest stories, learn new skills from one another, have fun with friends, and meet new ones, too. We also enjoy great local food, and give grat itude to the land and bounty it provides. We take pride in our community's collective strength and resiliency, which is a lovely reward after a sea son of hard work.”
Wayne Commission Cont'd from page 1
Moderna boosters are only available for those age 18 and older, while the Pfizer version is available for those 12 and older, Rupp said.
from the Federal Government, working for the Parks Depart ment. "I am seeking your write in vote for County Commis sioner," says Zirwas. "I be lieve that the current way of life in Wayne County is slowly disappearing, and if we don’t act quickly, it will be com pletely gone, not only here in the county but in America. This rural way of life is what keeps me here." If elected, Mike plans on filling the parttime commissioner position on a more full-time basis. He would like to focus on the is sues and concerns of the citi zens of Wayne County. "Every voice deserves to be heard,"
Doses of the new boost er began arriving in Utah shortly after the Centers for Disease Control and Preven tion endorsed it. The state expected to receive about 111,000 doses by the end of the week of September 5, 2022, according to Charla Haley, spokesperson for the Utah Department of Health and Human Services.
approved.Theadded order of busi ness was the resignation of Shane Bradbury, who has been providing lawn care maintenance for Wayne County. This was accepted and approved.Otheritems of business: Vouchers were accepted and approved, with the addi tion to pay for the fuel to pick up the new fire truck and the exclusion of a bill for a 2022 police vehicle, which should be under warranty. This was accepted and approved.
hospital include: Behavioral Health, chemotherapy/oncol ogy, dialysis, infusion thera py, emergency care, imaging services, labor and delivery, laboratory, nutrition manage ment, respiratory therapy and a surgical center with sur geons on site. They also offer Telehealth Services, which include: concussion - ER, cri sis care - ER, critical care, in fectious diseases, wound care, lactation, mewborn health, pediatric - ER, stroke - ER and oncology. They are look ing forward and are going to be offering bariatric services in the future. Starting on Sep
Weber Basin Water Con servancy District’s service area have adopted water conserving ordinances to their city codes
The new “bivalent” shot targets the most common omicron strains, BA.4 and BA.5, which currently ac count for nearly all infections in the U.S. The shots are con sidered bivalent, or a combi nation, because they contain half the original vaccine and half the new omicron protec tion, The Associated Press reported.
But it depends on your circumstances. If you’re plan ning on traveling internation ally or attending a crowded in door event, for example, Rupp said it would be worth it to get it sooner and have that extra level of Otherwise,’s worth waiting until at least three months have passed since your last booster, so you get “more bang for your buck,” Rupp had COVID-19 re cently, the CDC also advises that you should consider de ferring your initial vaccina tion or booster dose for about three months from the date of symptom onset (or positive test result, if you did not de velopThat’ssymptoms).because studies suggest that increased time between infection and vac cination may result in an im proved immune response. Generally, those who develop COVID-19 carry a low risk of reinfection in the weeks to months after falling ill, ac cording to the CDC.
• Great Salt Lake continues to decline. Currently, the average daily surface eleva tion is 4,189.1. It dropped past the previous record low (4,190.2) on July 3 and will likely continue to de cline until mid-October.
Utah Division of Water Rersources Drought Update Sept. 8, 2022
• Finished projects from the initial round of funding for the Agricultural Water Op timization program have a reported savings of 21,459 acre feet of water—that’s about 7 billion gallons of water. (25% of projects have not been completed yet, so savings have not yet been Thirty-fiverecorded.)ofthe 47 reser voirs the division monitors are below 55%, which is about the same as last year, but still about 12% lower than normal for this time of year.
“After COVID, it’s taken
At-a-glance highlights:
Cont'd from page 1
As Rupp advised, cir cumstances also matter, in cluding individual risk factors and COVID-19 community levels, which are calculated by theInCDC.Utah as of Thursday, September 1, 2022, nearly every county had a “low” COVID-19 community level except for Wayne and Cache counties, which had a “me dium” level. San Juan County marked the only county in Utah with a “high” COV ID-19 community level. The CDC has said that people in high community COVID-19 level areas should wear a mask in public indoor spaces. No counties in Utah require masking.
Meet the Candidates
The modified “bivalent” shot, which targets common omicron strains, was endorsed by the CDC
tember 1, 2022, Sevier Valley hospital has teamed up with Classic Air Medical helicop ter services. They will have a medical flight crew on site and a “chopper full time on pad,” which will cut airtime in half. The helicopter has the capabil ity to fly at high altitudes and is available to help in search and rescue Colleenmissions.Allen presented the next order of business, which was Dennis Lierd who would like to develop six RV sites at Luna Mesa in Cain ville. Colleen stated, “Every thing is in place. Mr. Lierd has obtained liability insurance, installed a new septic system and has installed a dump sta tion.” This was accepted and
the county. I’d like to see the county THRIVE by creating opportunities for the fami lies that live here.” Mike also stated that, “A public servant’s job is to listen and to represent the interests of the commu nity and the people who live here.” He is committed to fol low through and make Wayne County the best place on earth.
Anyone 12 or older who hasn’t been boosted in the last two months—but who did complete their initial coronavirus vaccination se ries—is eligible for the new booster, Rupp said.
Children under the age of 12 are not eligible to re ceive the new bivalent boost er, he said.
The FDA set the mini mum wait time at two months since receiving your last booster dose. Early research also indicates that getting the new bivalent booster within two to three months after your last booster provides only a small amount of protection, Rupp said, and that you stand to get more protection after three months.
If you are unsure about waiting, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a statement that “there is no bad time to get your COVID-19 booster.” If you are eligible, she said, “I strongly encour age you to receive it.”
Meet the Candidates:
Harvest Fest
The main ramp and island ramp at Deer Creek State Park are now closed. In total there are fifteen boat ramp closures for Utah’s state parks. Last year at this time, eleven boat ramps were closed.
a long time for things to come back, and we’re still not there yet. This is a community-wide event that can help bridge the gap between before and after COVID,” says Dan Pence, an other member of the Boulder Skills
To view a list of free community vaccination clin ics throughout Utah, go’sInSaltLakeCounty,canscheduleaboosterbyvisitingSaltorbycalling
says Zirwas. As Wayne County continues to grow at an exponential rate, Mike believes that the commission should be more diligent in planning for the future needs of the county. Mike knows he doesn’t have all the answers, but he does have time and ex perience that he believes will benefit the citizens of Wayne County.
This article was origi nally published in the Salt Lake Tribune on September 7, 2022.This article is published through the Utah News Col laborative, a partnership of news organizations in Utah that aim to inform readers across the state.
Should I wait to get my booster?
The Wayne County Com mission meets the first and third Monday of every month at the Wayne County Court house in Loa.
SALT LAKE CITY - A record-breaking heatwave has left our soils parched and is another reminder to use our water supply more efficiently. Salt Lake City continues to be a hotspot. Currently, Salt Lake City has seen 34 days of 100 degree plus tempera tures, breaking the previous record of “Scorching21. temperatures statewide have taken a toll on our soil moisture this past week,” Candice Hasenyager, director of the Division of Water Resources said. “If this trend continues, it means less water will make its way to our streams and reservoirs during next year’s spring runoff.”
Joining Kirn will be twotime Grammy Award-winning storyteller and musician Bill Harley, who says his weapon of choice is humor and that humor is a weapon for good. Described as “one of the fin est performing storytellers in the nation,” Harley’s work has influenced a generation of children, parents, performing artists, and educators.
61-2818 (a34456): Brett A. and Sherry George is/are fil ing an extension for 0.0026 cfs OR 0.5 ac-ft. from groundwater (6 miles south of Panguitch) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION.
“This will be a tremen dous conference,” says Marci Milligan, president of the En trada Institute. “The faculty
Writing from
L ega L N otices
who will be discussing copy right and other legal aspects of publishing; and playwright David Kranes, the author of two volumes of short stories and seven novels.
These items can be seen at the High School Wood Shop from 8:00 - 11:30, Monday thru Thursday. If you have ques tions, please call Dave Chappell at 435-425-3411.
95-5483 (A83512): State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration propose(s) using 1.479996 ac-ft. from groundwater (13 miles SW of Hanksville) for STOCK WATERING.TeresaWilhelmsen, P.E., State Engineer
1 – Tire Balancer, Coats 700
Faculty at this year’s workshop includes novelist, literary critic, and essayist Walter Kirn. The author of eight books, Kirn’s works in clude Up in the Air, which was made into a film of the same name starring George Cloo ney, as well as She Needed Me Thumbsucker, and My Hard Bargain. His most recent work is Blood Will Out, a memoir of his friendship with the con art ist and murderer Clark Rock efeller.
Other faculty members include Kirsten Johanna Al len, the publisher and edito rial director of Torrey House Press, whose responsibilities at the press include editing, production, marketing, and fundraising; attorney Michael Anderson, a shareholder at Parr Brown Gee & Loveless,
61-2814 (a34486): Melvin E. and Marcella Williams Living Trust, State of Utah Board of Water Resources, West Panguitch Irrigation and Reservoir Company is/are filing an extension for 0.25 ac-ft. from groundwater (7 miles NE of Pan guitch) for DOMESTIC.
Please indicate on the outside of the envelope what you are bidding on. Also include inside the envelope your name, phone number, and bid amount. Bids must be received by October 4, 2022 at 4:00 pm, and will be opened at the High School on October 5, at 4:00 pm.
Wayne School District is an equal opportunity employer and provider, and reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.
The applications below were filed with the Division of Water Rights in Wayne County. These are informal proceed ings per Rule 655-6-2. Protests concerning an application must be legibly written or typed, contain the name and mail ing address of the protesting party, STATE THE APPLICA TION NUMBER PROTESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARING, if desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed with the Division of Wa ter Rights on or before Oct. 12, 2022 either electronically us ing the Division`s on-line Protest of Application form, by hand delivery to a Division office, or by mail at PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300. Please visit or call (801)538-7240 for additional information.
Wayne School District is accepting Sealed Bids for the fol lowing items:
The Tire Machine & Balancer will be sold as a pair.
Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on SEPTEMBER 15 & 22, 2022
95-5481 (A83507): Kent Gardner propose(s) using 1.256 ac-ft. from groundwater (7 miles south of Grover) for DOMES TIC; IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING.
95-5482 (A83508): Michael A. and Myra C. Popejoy propose(s) using 1.256 ac-ft. from groundwater (7 miles south of Grover) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION; STOCKWATER ING.
The minimum bid will be $1000 for the pair.
the Land Cont'd from page 1 SENIOR CENTER MENUS PANGUITCH SENIOR CENTER HOT LUNCH PROGRAM 87 N 50 W • 676-2281/676-1140 Suggested donation $3.00 60 & older, $7.00 under 60 Call before 10 AM of the day of attendance to reserve a spot. Meals include milk & bread. Tues. Sept. 20th Wed. Sept. 21st Thurs. Sept. 22nd Asian Chicken Sal ad, Red Cabbage, Carrots, Green Onions, Manda rin Oranges and Crunchy Noodles, Fruit, Dessert Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Salad, Mandarin Oranges, Cake Pulled Pork Sandwich, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Apple Slices, Cookies NOTE: PLEASE BE COURTEOUS AND CALL AHEAD. The kitchen staff work diligently to prepare a good dinner, and a head count helps them prepare enough for everyone. BRYCE VALLEY AREA Senior Lunches at the HENRIEVILLE Senior Center Sept.TUES 20th Fried Chicken, Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Salad Bar / Peaches, No Bake Cookie Sept.WED 21st Meatloaf, Baked Potato, Vegetable Medley, Sal ad Bar / Pears, Cherry White Cake Sept.THURS22nd Sloppy Joes / Bun, Country Potatoes, Corn / Sal ad Bar, Fruit Cocktail, Banana Cream Pie Call by 10:00 A.M. if you want a lunch or need a ride. 679-8666 All meals are served with milk & bread Suggested donation is $3 for seniors and $7 for those under 60 years of age. Escalante Senior Citizens Menu All meals are served with milk or juice. If you would like a meal, please call us by 10:00 am. 826-4317. Suggested do nation for seniors over 60 $3.00, and under 60 is $7.00 Sept.Tues.20th Cheeseburgers w/ Lettuce & Tomato, Corn Salad / Steak Fries, Jell-O Fruit Sal ad, 1-2-3 Dessert Sept.Wed.21st Cowboy Cookut, Fried Zucchini / Squash, French Bread, Pears, Pie Sept.Thurs.22nd Ham, Stuffed Potato, Salad Bar / Peas & Carrots, Peaches, Caramel Pudding Cake
—Frank McEntire, Entrada Institute board member
Sealed Bids should be submitted to: Wayne High School
Page 9September 15, 2022 The Insider
1 – Tire Machine, Coats 5030A
61-930 (a49394): Table Family Trust propose(s) using 0.0012 cfs OR 0.25 ac-ft. from groundwater (12 miles west of Hatch) for DOMESTIC.
61-3380 (a49424): Floyd Winder propose(s) using 0.009 cfs OR 0.5 ac-ft. from groundwater (2 miles North of Hatch) for DOMESTIC; EXTENSION(S)IRRIGATION.
Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on SEPTEMBER 15 & 22, 2022
1 – Wood Framed Shed, 8 Foot by 6 Foot
PO Box 217 265 N 400 W Bicknell, Utah 84715
A limited number of par tial scholarships are available for participants.Formore information, visit
The minimum bid will be $1200.
—Entrada Institute
Writing from the Land: By design, ‘Writing from the Land’ provides opportunities for aspiring and experienced writers to explore how craft and creativity are inspired by the natural environment
Additional faculty in clude Betsy Burton, author and former co-owner of the King’s English Bookshop; Dawn House, a journalist and former editor at The Salt Lake Tribune, and poet Nan Sey mour, the founder of River Writing, a community-held writing practice created to ad dress the tyrannies of perfec tionism and isolation.
reflect a wide range of per spectives and genres, but they all share an appreciation for story and an understanding of the role the natural world plays in creating art. If you have a desire to further ex plore the written world, this will provide you with addi tional insight and inspiration to tell your own stories while surrounded by the beauty of Torrey, Utah.”
ing, editing, and how to fully develop your ideas, whether your focus is poetry, fiction, or memoir.”
61-3087 (a49401): State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration propose(s) using 0.003 cfs OR 1.378 ac-ft. from groundwater (4.5 miles south of Hatch) for STOCKWATERING.
DEADLINE: See the district website for closing date of each position.
• Dental Assisting Experience
Minimum nursing on please send your resume to Josie Moosman at
PES Principal Lisa Breinholt (435-676-8847)
Page 10 The Insider September 15, 2022
• Set-up and cleaning operatory and office. applicants would have the following isn't needed but preferred: Assisting Experience
PMS/PHS Principal Russ Torgersen (435-676-8805)
The position responsibilities include:
Wayne Community Health Cen ter is looking for a motivated Dental Assistant/scrub tech to join their team. This position will be full time with benefits, four days per week. Must be 18 or older.
Born July 4th. Now asserting their independence in Grover. Call 917-763-1908 or email
Some knowledge of standard office procedures and policies; good English usage, grammar, and spelling; basic mathematics involving the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication and percentages; operation of standard of fice machinery; complex filing systems, alphabetical and numerical; computer operation; telephone etiquette; ap praisal terminology; basic interpersonal skills; various tax exemption forms and application processes.
Experienced applicants would have the following isn't needed but preferred:
4. Work Environment:
APPLICATION: Interested individuals should submit a Garfield County School District classified or certifiedPleaseapplication.directquestions to:
Answers for this week
Garfield County School District is an equal opportunity employer.
When in Need, There are Resources in Wayne & Garfield Counties
• CPRWeCertified.arewilling to train those with no assisting experi ence. is negotiable if you have dental experience. Email your resume to: you can drop it in person at WCHC 128 S. 300 W. Bicknell,
National PreventionSuicideLifeline 1-800-273-8255
24 Hour Emergency Service 877-469-2822
We are looking for friendly, hardworking professionals who enjoy the hospitality industry and interaction with guests.
Tasks require variety of physical activities, not gen erally involving muscular strain, and does involve hiking, walking, standing, stooping, lifting, sitting and reaching. Talking, hearing and seeing necessary in performing job duties. Common eye, hand, finger, leg and foot dexterity exist. Mental application utilizes memory for details, verbal instructions, emotional and discriminating thinking.
• X-Ray Certified.
AES Head Teacher Robin Gibbs (435-624-3221)
Classified ads start at just $7.50 per week for 25 words or less. To place your ad, call snapshot@live.com435-826-4400oremail House for Rent in Hatch, Utah 60 N. Main St. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, .75 ac. w/ garage. $1200/month plus utilities. 6 month contracts available. $1000.00 deposit is required. For pictures and reviews: Go to For more info: contact Lantz @801-419-2027 or FOR RENT Registered
• Sterilization of dental Instruments.
Dental PanguitchScrubAssistant/TechDental
Dental WayneScrubAssistant/TechCommunityHealthCenter
Escalante, UT 84726 Or email: EXCELLENT PAY
Position Announcements
• Patient Interaction.
• Updates and maintains various files of documents gener ated through the on-going operations of the office of the County Assessor.
New Horizons Crisis Center 145 East 100 North, Richfield Office Hours
Southwest Behavioral Health Center 601 E Center Street, Panguitch 435-676-8176
• Performs various clerical and secretarial duties; provides for long-term records maintenance of property appraisal and valuation documents.
• Knowledge of Computer Charting and Digital x-rays
• CPRWeCertified.arewilling to train those with no assisting experience. Wage is negotiable if you have dental experience. Email your resume to: Or you can drop it off in person at Panguitch Dental. 75 N 200 E, Panguitch, UT 84759
more information.
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
MINIMUM and Experience: Graduation from high school; (1) year experience performing above or relat ed duties. An equivalent combination of education and experi Required knowledge, skills and abilities:
Loa Town is looking to a to with per If you are please contact Michelle at 435-616-2643 for
requirements: Health care background at least one year as RN. • High school diploma • Current RN license • Basic medical terminology • Current Basic Life Support (BLS) • Pass a background check Preferred Qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in
SUPERVISION RECEIVED Works under general supervision from the Wayne County Assessor.
Panguitch Middle School Secretary Food Service Worker in Escalante Food Service Worker in Panguitch Para-Professional for Music and/or PE at Bryce Valley Elementary Substitute/Activity Bus Drivers in Escalante Para-Professionals at All Schools Substitutes for Teachers, Custodians, and Food Service Workers
Online application available:
Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writ ing; follow written or oral instructions; work in a standard office setting requiring extensive setting or standing; per form accurate mathematical computations; write legibly; respond to requests for assistance or information; demon strate self motivation; learn and apply new skills; travel for further education; develop effective working relationships with supervisors, fellow employees, and the public.
BVES Principal Pete Peterson (435-679-8619)
Utah 84715 Deputy Assessor Title: Deputy Assessor Department: County Assessor FLSA Status: Non-Exempt Full Time with Full Benefits GENERAL PURPOSE Performs a variety of entry level clerical and adminis trative support duties as required to expedite the mainte nance of property valuation records and documents and provide day to day customer service.
handle secretary duties for the planning and zoning commission along
Applications will be screened and the most quali fied candidates will be granted interviews.
Canyon Creek Services
• Pedo, Endo, Oral Surgery and General Dentistry Experi ence.
For Victims of Domestic Violence, Rape, and Sexual Assault
3. Special Qualifications: Must be able to operate standard calculator and to type (accuracy emphasized over speed).
Experienced, Box 227,
• Assists in the preparation and maintenance of personal property tax returns.
self-motivated individual
• Knowledge of Computer Charting and Digital x-rays
• Motor Vehicle (DMV) software, registrations and related forms.
Shelter is open 24 hrs, 7 days a week Phone Number 435-896-9294
QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must be fin gerprinted and satisfactorily pass an employment background check. Applicant must work well with children. See the job description for additional re quirements.
Taking Chair-sideX-Rays.assisting.
POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Garfield County School District is hiring the following positions. For a descrip tion of each, please see the district website www. garfk12.orgPart-Time
24 Hour Emergency Service 800-574-6763
OR c.
• Taking X-Rays.
Central Utah Counseling Richfield Office 255 S Main Street, Richfield Office Hours 435-896-8236
Superintendent John Dodds (435-676-8821)
AND b. One
• Sterilization of dental Instruments.
HELP WANTED alassified ds Nurse Bicknell, UT Location
BES Head Teacher Elizabeth Julian (435-335-7322)
• X-Ray Certified.
128 South 300 West Bicknell, 435-425-374484715
BVHS Principal Jeff Brinkerhoff (435-679-8835)
• Set-up and cleaning operatory and office.
experience If interested,
• Pedo, Endo, Oral Surgery and General Dentistry Experience.
Emergency Safehouse 435-865-7443 Mobile 435-233-5732Team
• Chair-side assisting.
We are seeking a motivated indi vidual to join our team as a Registered Nurse. Full-time position Applicant must have at least one year Regis tered Nurse experience. Currently the position would work one Saturday a month Primary responsibilities would include: • Patient intake • Patient health documentation • Lab draws and Lab testing • General patient care • Emergency care • Take telephone messages and provide feedback and an swers to patient/physician/pharmacy calls. • Triage and process messages from patients and front office staff to physicians. • Maintain all logs and required checks • Room preparation and stocking • Nurse outpatient visits Case Management
Counseling Services
• Operates personal computer and custom software appli cations to maintain and create property owner accounts.
• Performs related duties as required.
• Scheduling, Charting, Documenting dental visits on com puter.
Laundry Services Housekeepers MaintenanceBellmen
Ryan WayneTorgersonCountyClerk/Auditor
skilled building employees.constructionCarpentry, concrete—all aspects of fine homebuilding. Send resume to: AW Builders,
Kittens FREE.
SALARY: Please see 2022-2023 Garfield County School Districts Classified Salary Schedule and Certified Salary Schedule.
Positions to start April 1st through October 31st At Capitol Reef Resort we promote from within. Please stop by in person to complete an application. We are located at 2600 E SR 24, Torrey, UT 84775 435-425-3761
• Scheduling, Charting, Documenting dental visits on com puter.
Applications can be picked up at the County Clerk’s of fice and will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, Septem ber 16, 2022. Please submit Resume and Cover letter with application. Position is full time with benefits. If you have any questions, please call the County Clerk’s office at 435836-1300, or the County Assessor’s Office at 435-836-1305.
The position responsibilities include: Patient Interaction.
at 6 PM. Tropic Heritage Center. All meet ings are closed discussion. ESCALANTE AA MEETING Call for times and 435-676-3653locations.
Garfield County School District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications.
Panguitch Dental is looking for a motivated Dental Assistant/scrub tech to join their team. This position will be part-time/ full time, working three to four days per week. Must be 18 or older.
• Performs general secretarial duties; drafts or composes correspondence; performs over the counter customer service as needed.
additional clerk duties, 15-20 hours
• ACLS & PALS • Emergency Experience Wage: based
EES/EHS Principal Peter Baksis (435-826-4205)