The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 9/21/2017

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Serving Wayne & Garfield Counties, Utah Loa • Fremont • Lyman • BickneLL • teasdaLe • torrey • Grover • Fruita • caineviLLe • HanksviLLe PanGuitcH • PanGuitcH Lake • HatcH • antimony • Bryce • troPic • HenrieviLLe • cannonviLLe • escaLante • BouLder

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Issue # 1221

Big Smiles From Wayne County Cyclists

courtesy tiNa aNdersoN

WAYNE COUNTY - Magon Bowling, Clarissa Johnson, Tina Anderson and Peterson all dressed up and ready to race. We ran the story about these folks successfully representing Wayne County as Team CRC in the 35th annual LOTOJA road bike race in the Sept. 14th edition of The Insider. Unfortunately, the photos came after press time, but these smiles were too good not to print. Get the full story on our website. —Insider


The Issue of Roads on Public Lands by NormaN mcKee

In 1866, Congress passed the Mining Act Law, granting in section 8 (later known as Revised Statue 2477), “the right-of-way for the construction of highways over public lands, not reserved for public use …” At the time, a highway was interpreted as meaning any type of road or trail used by wagons, buggies, or whatever. For the next 110 years, western settlers, miners, ranchers, loggers, recreationists, and others established many roads across public lands. Since then, the roads had a lot of good use, but a few, not so good. In recent decades, some of the newly-formed roads, were only meant to be used temporarily. Other so-called roads are only spider-like two-tracks going to the same destination. Many other twotrack roads developed as 4X4s and ATVs became popular and

some drivers were inclined to drive anywhere remotely possible. A short-term road was often one of the many deadend spur roads on US Forest Service lands to areas where timber was logged. Once the trees were harvested, the temporary road was closed with the hope that native grasses and other plant life would reestablish in the logged area. These closures also were to provide seclusion for native wildlife in areas where human activity was becoming more and more rampant. Unfortunately, a local politician has been very vocal that 75% of the necessary roads on local forest lands have been closed. Really! Where? In 1976, Congress repealed the Revised Statue (R.S.) 2477 by passing the Federal Land Policy and ManRoads

Cont'd on page 2

courtesy NormaN mcKee

Sand Wash Road on BLM lands of East Bench in Panguitch Valley.



A LITTLE RAIN MUST FALL. After a Friday thunderstorm, the sky will start clearing up for a very sunny rest of the week. Temperatures will hover in the mid and lower 60s and upper 50s, lows in the low 30s to upper 20s. Winds will pick up to about 25 MPH mid week and the humidity will stay around 54%.

14th Annual Escalante Canyons Art Festival Just Around the Corner

ESCALANTE - The 14th Annual Escalante Canyons Art Festival runs from Friday, September 22nd when the artists arrive to begin painting, to Sunday, October 1st when we close things out with the final art sale and brunch. This art, literary, and musical gathering is one of the premier events in Southern Utah and has plein air artists painting throughout three counties—Wayne, Garfield and Kane. The program this year is full of creative activities, educational programs, great fun, and fine entertainment, including a new event —an evening of films curated as part of the Wild and Scenic Film Festival. What lovelier canvas could one wish for? Vast beautiful public lands: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSEMN), Dixie National Forest, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and several Utah State Parks surround the town of Escalante on Scenic Byway 12 between Bryce Canyon and Capitol Reef National Parks. As you travel throughout the region you are likely to see artists creating works en plein air (a French term which means “in full air”), inspired by these world-renowned landscapes. PLEIN AIR COMPETITION: Plein-air artists creating works in oil, pastel, watercolor, or mixed media work across the three-county region to compete for prizes valued at more than $10,000. Artists of all abilities, experience levels, and ages are encouraged to join the competition. A special category with cash awards provides incentive for young artists to participate. Besides the week-long painting competition, two paint-outs, where artists have a limited amount of time to produce a work, are scheduled. One is the Celebrate Public Lands Paint-Out where artists will venture onto surrounding public lands and complete an artwork in less than 8 hours and proceeds from paintings sales will be donated to Grand StaircaseEscalante Partners. The other is a newly popular offering for the festival – the Nocturne

allysia aNgus

New Mexico-based plein air painter, Pat Rose Ford, painting in 2016 in the festival plaza area to capture the activity and fun. Festival begins Sept. 22nd and runs through Oct 1st. Paint-Out, where artists will paint after dark Saturday evening, September 23. Artworks entered in the competition categories will be on exhibit and for sale September 29-30 in the Exhibit Hall. WORKSHOPS: Several talented artists are slated to teach workshops beginning September 19 and going throughout the week of the festival. Workshops range from the fundamentals of plein

• two-for-one painting, • pet portraits, • the art of monoprints, • creating abstract landscapes with oil and cold wax, • reduction print making, • capturing light and form with pastels, and • painting outside at night. ECAF Cont'd on page 3

Syrett Appointed to State Tourism Board BRYCE CANYON CITY Over a century ago when Reuben C. Syrett (Ruby) moved his family to southern Utah and established Ruby’s Inn, he never could have imagined how the state would progress or that his future posterity would be a part of it. One hundred and one years later, Lance Syrett, Ruby’s grandson and general manager of Ruby’s Inn, is directly involved in Utah’s tourism industry as the newly appointed board chairman for the Utah State Board of Tourism Development. “I am honored to be selected to fill this position, and I hope to be an aid in the growth of Utah’s tourism industry,”

Panguitch Culinary Water Use Curtailed as City Seeks New Water Sources PANGUITCH – Panguitch City continues to operate under a state of emergency after coming “very close” to running out of culinary water at the end of August, according to the minutes of a city emergency meeting held on September 1st. The state of emergency was declared after it was determined that the majority of the springs feeding the city water system had become contaminated with E. coli bacteria as a result of the Brian Head fire. Five of the seven springs serving the city have had to be turned out of the system as a result of the contamination, with the city now relying predominantly on the city well for culinary water service.

air painting to pastel painting to creating monoprints. All costs and registration details about these unique workshops and the artists leading them can be found on the festival website. DEMONSTRATIONS: There are too many single and group demonstrations being provided to list them all. Check the festival website for details on all our free demonstrations:

As a result, the city has imposed a moratorium on all outdoor watering with city water. The water shortage situation has been helped considerably over the past several weeks due to the cooperation of Panguitch citizens, who, according to City Manager Lori Talbot, have greatly cut back water usage by not watering outside since the moratorium was imposed. “The larger water users have been especially great to work with, and have not watered outside at all—these include the city, the cemetery, the schools. But residents, too. We appreciate everyone abiding by this,” said Talbot. Talbot also wanted to asPanguitch City Water Cont'd on page 2

Your own safety is at stake when your neighbor's wall is ablaze. —Horace

said Syrett. “I don’t think my grandfather would have ever guessed that his family would play a part in developing and improving tourism in Utah, but I think he would be proud.” Syrett was appointed chairman on Aug. 11, 2017 by Governor Herbert and will serve on the board until his term expires on July 1, 2019. His new role as chairman involves providing leadership and guidance for those in the tourism industry. As chairman, Syrett will run meetings and oversee the different board committees. “Lance brings tremendous integrity, business acumen, insight and a great sense of fairness to our deliberations with the Board of Tourism Development,” said Vicki Varela, managing director at the Utah Office of Tourism, Film and Global Branding. “As board chair, he is a valuable asset for helping us continue to grow Utah’s $8.4 billion tourism industry.” In August 2011, Syrett was appointed to be on the Utah Office of Tourism’s advisory board. He was selected as a representative for the Utah hotel and lodging industry. During his time on the board, Syrett has been a part of Utah’s growing economy. Today, the Utah State Government has the highest funds its ever had at $21 million. These funds will help Utah in its continued growth. All Tourism Development board members are appointed by the governor. The board seats are filled by either an area or industry representative. Each member represents several Utah counties or a certain element of the tourism industry,

courtesy ruby's iNN

Utah State Board of Tourism Development's newest Board Member, Lance Syrett.

such as the lodging industry or the ski industry. The members of the board are experts in their field of tourism and all donate their time and talents to the Utah Office of Tourism. The Utah Office of Tourism is a segment within the Governor’s Office of Economic Development. The Tourism office’s main role is to encourage tourism in Utah through media relations and advertising. The Utah State Board of Tourism Development helps the Office of Tourism in many projects. One task the board assists with is determining what businesses and counties receive funding for out-ofstate advertising. “As chairman, I hope to build on the momentum from the previous years and continue to drive business to rural Utah,” Syrett said. “One project that I want to continue to grow is the winter campaign. During the 2016-2017 year, the campaign had over 61 million online impressions, and I want that number to increase.” —Ruby's Inn

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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