The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 9/28/17

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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Issue # 1222

Governor Herbert’s 25K Jobs Launch Tour in Garfield & Wayne Counties Focusing on Rural Utah Job Creation October 3, 2017 Garfield County: 4 - 6pm Ruby's Inn Wayne County: 12 - 2pm - Community Center GARFIELD & WAYNE COUNTIES - In his 2017 State of the State address, Gov. Gary R. Hebert challenged Utah businesses to build 25,000 jobs throughout rural Utah in the next four years. This initiative brings partners from all corners of the state to engage with rural communities and explore new opportunities. The 25k Jobs Launch Tour aims to bring business leaders, community members, government officials and resource partners together in order to strengthen the local economy, create jobs and support local businesses. Come meet with Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox, World Trade Center Utah CEO & President Derek Miller, representatives from 20+ state and local business providers, local county and city elected officials, and local employers. The tour is free and open

to the public and the perfect resource for anyone looking at starting a business or to find new ways to grow their current business, interested in business or land development within the county, looking for a job or anyone interested to expand their education and employment resources. At the event you will be able to: • Learn how what private, public and nonprofit organizations can help your company • Learn about incentives, grants and other funding opportunities for your businesses • Talk to community leaders, • Find ideas to diversify and grow your business, even in the global market place • Learn what companies are hiring locally. Join us at the 25,000 Jobs Tour held in conjunction with the Utah Outdoor Recreation Summit as we work to bring business leaders, community

members, government officials and resource partners together in order to strengthen the local economy, create jobs and support local businesses in Garfield County. Join us at this familyfriendly event: October 3, 2017 Garfield County, 4 - 6pm Ruby's Inn Wayne County, 12 - 2pm Community Center The keynote speaker will be Lt. Governor Spencer Cox. Learn how to grow your business, find a job through the Department of Workforce Services, learn how to grow your business, enjoy a FREE dinner! Mark your calendar for this event. We look forward to participating with you at this historic event. Find out more information at http:// —Garfield & Wayne County Commissioners

Governor Herbert Declares PA Week Oct 6 - 12, 2017

Fall Splendor on Boulder Mountain

Courtesy peg smIth

BOULDER MOUNTAIN - Boulder columnist Peg Smith sent in such a lovely photo to go with her column, we could not relegate it to the middle of the paper. It serves as a reminder to all of us to get out and see the glory of this year's fall colors. Peg's column is on page 7.

Wayne County Economic Development by Adus F. dorsey II, WAyne County eConomIC development dIreCtor WAYNE COUNTY Economic Development, what is it and why do we have it? Economic development can be defined as efforts that seek to improve the economic well being and quality of life for a community by creating and/or retaining jobs and supporting or growing incomes and the tax base. Economic Development means tracking income and employment trends, essentially what works and what doesn’t and why or why not. The state of Utah and

its top elected officials feel Economic Development is very important, so important that they spend a lot of time defining possibilities and educating key individuals to find ways that will help us all make our communities and our personal lives better. As of 2017 Wayne County is showing positive signs in employment growth and has moved out of the red with a 13 job, 1.4 percent year over increase. In Wayne County, joblessness remains high, 8.0 percent in July of 2017, notably higher than

the Utah average of 3.5 percent, which is partially a result of the seasonal nature of the Wayne County economy. New construction permitting in Wayne County indicates a slight increase over 2016 numbers and gross taxable sales are experiencing robust gains. There are 2,466 square miles of total land in Wayne County, 97 percent public lands and 3 percent privately owned. Historically, agriculEcon. Development Cont'd on page 3

2017 Deputy Sheriffs of the Year Courtesy BrAd pACe

Wayne Crawford, Jennifer Coombs, Brad Pace, Governor Herbert, Kim McFarlane, Tim McCreary, Amanda Johns during Governor Herbert's signing ceremony for Physician Assistant Appreciation Week in Utah. SALT LAKE CITY The Utah Academy of Physician Assistants (UAPA) is pleased to announce that Governor Herbert has declared October 6 through 12 Physician Assistant Appreciation Week in Utah. The greater than 1,000 Physician Assistants (PAs) licensed in Utah continue to make a dramatic impact on the health and well being throughout the state. PAs complete a two year medical school with emphasis on primary care and practice medicine in conjunction with doctors and other members of the health care team. PAs practice through out Utah but are perhaps most noticeable in rural communities where they are of-

ten the only source of health care for entire towns. Large multispecialty clinics as well as primary care clinics commonly have PAs providing care to patients as well. It is estimated that 10% of all prescriptions are written by PAs. “I am excited that Governor Herbert has recognized the significant contribution of PAs in Utah. Many medically underserved populations in Utah are dependent on the services of PAs” says Kim Macfarlane, President of the Utah Academy of Physician Assistants. He should know, he is the sole provider in the town of Green River and routinely handles runny noses to major trauma from car accidents on nearby Interstate 70. According to Sheralee


Petersen, a UAPA board member, “Senator Shiozawa sponsored an update to the PA practice act this last legislative session that really updates our practice act into the electronic medical record age. This is especially helpful to PA’s currently pioneering telemedicine in Utah.” As health care continues to evolve PA’s will be at the cutting edge looking out for their patients best interests. It has been 50 years since the first class of Physician’s Assistants graduated from Duke University. The profession was created by Dr. Eugene Stead, M.D. Wayne and Garfield Counties are each served by skilled and dedicated Physician’s Assistants and I would like to recognize the PAs in Wayne and Garfield counties. —Brad Pace

GARFIELD COUNTY - The Garfield County Sheriff's Office is pleased to announce that Deputy Jared Dunton and Deputy Eric Dunton of Escalante received the 2017 Deputy Sheriff of the Year award which was presented by the Utah Sheriff's Association. This honor was given to these Deputies because of the amazing work they did on December 6, 2016. This was the tragic day that Escalante City lost one of their own, Jimmy Woolsey, to a senseless crime. If not for the heroic efforts of Deputy Jared Dunton and Deputy Eric Dunton, the individual who committed this crime might have injured or killed someone else in the City of Escalante on that Courtesy gArFIeld County sherIFF's oFFICe day. These Deputies put Honored this year as Garfield County Deputy Sheriffs of the their own lives on the line year are Eric and Jared Dunton. Deputy Eric Dunton, Danby pursuing the individual ny Perkins, and Deputy Jared Dunton at the Utah Sheriff's and eventually doing a PIT Association award ceremony in St. George. maneuver to capture the suspect. Garfield County Sheriff's Office and the City of Esclanate are very lucky to have these men working for Garfield County. —Denise Dastrup, Garfield County Sheriff's Office


SUNNY AND BREEZY this week. Partly cloudy Thursday with high in the low 60s, and sunnier and warming on Friday and for the rest of the week with highs in the mid-upper 60s, low 70s. Lows in the upper 30s, low 40s. Winds throughout week from 8-14 mph.

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. —Leo Tolstoy

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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