The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 10/5/17

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Issue # 1223

Take a Stroll Down Town

Panguitch Local Looks to Defend Senior Pro Rodeo National Title

Courtesy J-Bar's snapshots

Lance Miller wows the crowd at last year's Senior Pro Rodeo. He hopes to defend his title this year, Oct 3 - 7, in Panguitch at the Triple-C Arena. PANGUITCH - Lance Miller, a 44-year-old Panguitch cowboy and the 2016 National Senior Pro Rodeo Saddle Bronc champion, is ready to hold on to his rodeo

title at the Triple C Arena. Miller and hundreds of others will compete in the 2017 Senior National Finals Rodeo on Oct. 3-7. The National Senior Pro

Rodeo Association (NSPRA) voted Panguitch as the 2017 rodeo of the year. The NSPRA is different than other rodeos as it’s only motto is that competitors have to be 40 years and older. Miller’s 44 years qualifies him and fires up his competitive desire to jump on a bucking horse again and again. “I absolutely love riding bucking horses,” Miller said. “I’m like a skier with fresh powder, a racecar driver with a fast car. Golly, I wish I were 20 years younger.” The Triple C Arena— where Miller is the arena director—was such a fantastic host for last year’s national finals that it will entertain the rodeo for a second year in a row. Miller has invested many hours in new upgrades, including refinished stalls and facilities for the contestants, in order to prepare for this year’s rodeo. “I’ve been working nonstop all year, about 700 hours worth of work, to get the arena ready,” Miller explained. “I even bought two bucking horses, but every time I go to ride them, my kids win the battle and ride them instead.” All seven of Miller’s children have grown up riding in rodeos. Two were junior world champions in bull riding and barrel racing in

An Unforgettable Experience on Boulder Mountain (Part One)

The abandoned old army surplus half-track vehicle on Boulder Mountain. (This story will be continued next week.) BOULDER - On Boul- ries of the experience of what der Mountain near Row Lakes happened all those years ago and on the road to Purple when a snow storm came upon Lake is an old army surplus them while they were logging half-track vehicle, deteriorat- in the area. ed from age and weather. It’s Logging has been gobeen taken over by the foliage ing on in the Wayne County of the mountain, vandals have mountains since 1872. Wayne shot at it, parts of been taken County’s earliest settlers from it, but still there it sits. knew the importance of the Many have passed it on a fish- timber that was abundant in ing trip, a deer or elk hunt, or the Thousand Lake and the on a four wheeler or dirt bike Boulder Mountain ranges. and yet many do not know In 1937 the lumber business the story of how it came to be took a turn to “prop hauling.” here. The Engelmann Spruce on the On a recent visit to Boulder Mountain had been Wayne County, Royce Allen, infested with the spruce beetle one of the players in this sto- killing them. This dry timber ry learned that the half-track was the preferred type for the was still sitting where they coal mine companies located left it nearly 63 years ago. It in Carbon and Emery Counwas Dwight Brinkerhoff, the ties, and was used as “props” son of Bliss, the other player, in the mines. This was a lucrawho conveyed the news. This tive business and it brought event brought all the memo- thousands of dollars into the


county. In 1946, Royce’s dad Paul, or Doc as he was fondly called, began hauling timber from Boulder Mountain. He acquired a contract with the Lion Coal Company owned by Wattis Coal Company out of Price, Utah. Doc had gone to a man by the name of Hildebrant and delivered a load of smaller timber, and said “use this timber and see if you like it. If you do I can get you all you want.” The miners really loved it because it was smaller and they could use it in the mines. So they told him to keep bringing it. Doc got the smaller timber from the other “cutters” timbering. They wanted the bigger logs, and saved the smaller ones for Paul. The company paid him once a month for his deliveries. In 1951, Doc came through Emery County and had encountered two men who said they wanted to work doing timber, so Doc brought them to Bicknell and sent them upon the mountain with Royce. He was 16 years old. Doc had provided Royce with the training to do the job without supervision, and to do it well. “You take the saw. You are in charge of it. Do not let anyone else use it,” were the words Doc conveyed to his son as he sent him on the mountain. But once on the mountain Royce knew they didn’t know anything about timbering and Boulder Mountain Cont'd on page 3

the National Little Britches Rodeo Association. Like father, like children, Miller also rode in rodeos when he was old enough to crawl over the chutes. “When I began my rodeo career, I started out riding bulls; I was scared to death of bucking horses,” Miller said. “One rodeo night, the saddle bronc was the only contest available, so I did it. Right off the bat, I was like ‘oh my heavens, this is the best thing in the world!’” Miller says he is grateful to the NSPRA because he can continue to compete and enjoy his lifelong passion. He hopes many people will come out to Panguitch and support this year’s participants. In October, hundreds of camping rigs and horse trailers will surround the Triple C Arena to accommodate over 180 contestants. These competitors will participate not only in saddle bronc, but also in bareback riding, barrel racing, bull riding, calf roping, ribbon roping, saddle bronc riding, steer wrestling, team roping and ladies breakaway. The rodeo begins on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 9 a.m. with a Tiedown Jackpot and ends on Saturday, Oct. 7, at 6 p.m. with the third and final performance. On Thursday, visitors can also enjoy a concert by cowboy entertainer, Dave Stamely, in the fair building. Located just off Scenic Highway 89 on Main Street in Panguitch, the rodeo is $10 at the gate. Afterwards, guests can enjoy other activities in Garfield County including visiting Bryce Canyon National Park. For more information and to register online visit, To find out more about what to do in Garfield County, go to —Garfield County Tourism

all photos, InsIder

National Fossil Day at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area PAGE, AZ – Everyone who loves fossils is invited to join Glen Canyon National Recreation Area’s celebration of National Fossil Day™ on Wednesday, October 11. This free event is being held at the Carl Hayden Visitor Center from 12 to 5 p.m. Kids can earn their Junior Ranger Paleontology Badge, dig for fossils and decorate a Jurassic landscape. The Carl Hayden Visitor Center also has a permanent dinosaur track exhibit. According to Superintendent William Shott, “Glen Canyon National Recreation Area has many canyons with exposed rock layers, revealing fossils, traces of past life forms and chapters of the earth's history. The National Park Service preserves and protects these resources for future generations, so we love engaging directly with kids and their families at special events like this.” National Fossil Day is a

THURS. OCT. 5 - WED. OCT. 11

OH IT IS ROCKTOBER ALL RIGHT! Winds picking up to 16 MPH at the beginning of the week. Sunny with more sun the rest of the week! Our highs in the low 70s and high 60s, lows in the upper and mid 30s, low 40s. Humidity hits about 53% on Sunday.

PANGUITCH - Randy Houston at Shed, Inc. sells everything you need for your upcoming hunt, fishing trip or day in the woods. Pop by and see the new stuff he's got. The Sweet's Mural Chocolate still looks really cool down by the chiropractor's office. Lynn Barnson at Straight Arrow Saddlery is already creating custom pieces for Christmas gifts, call now if you are looking for something custom and amazing. The Panguitch Drug Store has a billion Halloween decorations, candies and costumes. Mike Sarles and Corrine Englestead are posing below with just a small sample. Shop Downtown!

It is not reasonable that those who gamble with men's lives should not pay with their own. —H.G. Wells

Courtesy nps

Fossil of a Theropod track. celebration organized to promote public awareness and stewardship of fossils, as well as to foster a greater appreciation of their scientific and educational value. More information about

the Junior Paleontologist Program and additional educational resources is available at this link: https://www.nps. gov/subjects/fossilday/index. htm. —National Park Service

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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