Serving Wayne & Garfield Counties, Utah Loa • Fremont • Lyman • BickneLL • teasdaLe • torrey • Grover • Fruita • caineviLLe • HanksviLLe PanGuitcH • PanGuitcH Lake • HatcH • antimony • Bryce • troPic • HenrieviLLe • cannonviLLe • escaLante • BouLder
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Issue # 1224
Boulder Harvest Festival This Weekend
Courtesy Boulder harvest Festival
The ever popular face-painting booth at last year's Harvest Festival. BOULDER - The Boulder Skills Foundation is presenting the 7th Annual Boulder Harvest Festival this weekend at Red House Farm. It has become a tradition to look forward to, and BSF is once again welcoming the public to attend. What is the Boulder Skills Foundation? BSF is a group of folks who are interested in promoting local resiliency and independence by encouraging local and home food-production skills, responsible land stewardship and local economy among other things. Topics previously covered are heavy on local small-scale food production
including gardening, food preservation, and seed-saving, but also include rotational grazing, direct-marketing, ham radio, fibershed, bees, primitive skills, animal processing, water conservation, soil-building, compost-making, haymaking and more! The purpose of the Fest is for community to get together at the end of a busy season and enjoy an autumn day by sharing home-grown music and food, and learning new empowering life skills that make us feel like we can take care of ourselves and our neighbors. Catching up with friends and making new ones from nearby
with similar interests captures the vibe of the day. Following is a list of activities and events: This year Saturday @ 11:30 am is the Chili and Corn bread Fundraiser Lunch (Boulder Beef or Vegetarian Option, $5-10 suggested donation) Proceeds benefit future Harvest Fests and other BSF events. Ongoing Activities beginning after Noon on Saturday include: - Live and Local Acoustic Music with Raymond Shurtz and Friends
Race through Escalante at the Annual Escalante Canyons Marathon BOULDER & ESCALANTE - On Oct. 14, runners from all over the country will participate in the Escalante Canyons Marathon (ECM) and Half Marathon. This will be the seventh year for the marathon and the first year for the half marathon. Both courses will be run on Scenic Byway 12, creating the perfect opportunity for runners and their families to enjoy the fall season within Bryce Canyon Country. “We recognize what a loyal group of runners we have had for the 10-miler in past years,” said Mary Parkin, Escalante Canyons Marathon race director. “We are treating this first ECM Half-Marathon as an experiment, as we want to see if it does indeed prove to be a popular course. So we hope the 10-milers who have been planning to return this year are ready to put in a bit more training and join us for the ECM Half-Marathon.” The marathon starts at 7:30 a.m., and the half marathon starts at the halfway point of the marathon at 9:00 a.m. Shuttles to the starting line of
Courtesy esCalante Canyons Marathon
Runners line up at the start line just outside of Boulder for last year's Escalante Canyons Marathon on Highway 12. both races will be available at Escalante City Park at 6:15 a.m. for the marathon runners and at 8:00 a.m. for the half marathon runners. Buses will also be available at the finish line to shuttle runners back to Escalante City Park. “We now have improved, interactive course maps as an integral part of the ECM website, in hopes that participants in both races will be able to plan ahead for the terrain and elevation changes,” said Parkin. With a starting elevation of 6,300 feet and finishing el-
evation of 5,774 feet, runners are advised to train for altitude changes with hill climbs and descents. Aid stations providing water will be available along both courses, with a few selected aid stations throughout the more vigorous parts of the course offering energy drinks, energy gels and fruit. Prior to the race, runners can pick up their race packets on Friday, Oct. 13, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Historic Escalante Showhouse for the pre-race dinner, located at Escalante Marathon Cont'd on page 3
Another Successful Escalante Canyons Art Festival
Harvest Festival Cont'd on page 2
Heritage Starfest Coming Soon WAYNE COUNTY Capitol Reef National Park and the Entrada Institute are partnering to present the 8th annual Heritage Starfest. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn more about dark skies. Events include a special guest speaker and solar viewing and star gazing with multiple telescopes. The dark skies of Wayne County and Capitol Reef are among the darkest in the nation allowing visitors from around the world to enjoy pristine skies full of stars, constellations and the Milky Way. This event celebrates dark sky resources. Bring a red headlamp or flashlight and dress warm for all evening events. Thursday, October 19 Capitol Reef National Park 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Evening program with Greg Owens, night sky photographer at the campground amphitheater. 8:30 pm, to 9:30 pm. Night sky photography work-
shop and stargazing. Bring your camera and tripod. Friday, October 20 - Capitol Reef National Park 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Solar viewing at the Capitol Reef national Park visitor center. 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Evening program with Cameron Pace, Assistant Professor of Physics at Southern Utah University, at the campground amphitheater. 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm. Star gazing at the campground amphitheater parking lot with local and regional astronomers. Saturday, October 21 throughout Wayne County 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Portable Planetarium visit for the public. Wayne Middle School, Bicknell. 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Solar viewing at the Capitol Reef National Park visitor center. 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Evening program with Cameron Pace, Assistant Professor of
Courtesy Capitol reeF national park
Cameron Pace, Assistant Professor of Physics at Southern Utah University who will be speaking on Friday evening at the campground amphitheater during Hertiage Starfest.
Physics at Southern Utah University, Robbers Roost Bookstore, Torrey. 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm. Stargazing behind the bookstore. Robbers Roost Bookstore, Torrey. 10:30 pm until late. Citizen Science night sky monitoring project, Teasdale. Check for specific time and location. Date may change due to weather. All events are free and open to the public. —National Park Service
Earth Science Week at Capitol Reef CAPITOL REEF - October 8 through 14, 2017 is Earth Science Week with Fossil Day on October 11. Every day is a day to celebrate Earth science at Capitol Reef National Park. The park was established to preserve and protect the Waterpocket Fold, a unique geologic feature on Earth. 19 layers of rocks and many fossils can be seen in the park. • Daily 30-minute geology programs are offered at 10:00 am at the Capitol Reef National Park Visitor Center. Visitors can discover how Capitol Reef formed over nearly 280 million years. • On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 join a ranger-led hike at 8:30 am for a 90-minute hike on the Fremont River trail to learn about the geologic story and the fossils that tell of ancient environments.
THURS. OCT. 12 - WED. OCT. 17
SUNNY WEEKS AHEAD. Winds will slow down after a blustery weekend of winds around 18 MPH. Sunny days are expected until the 17th. This weeks highs in the mid 60s, lows in the upper and mid 30s, and high 20s. Humidity drops to about 22% on Sunday.
Courtesy ron rogers
Artists pose with their paintings at the end of the Escalante Canyons Art Festival. ESCALANTE - The 14th week to celebrate “art inspired tained enough energy to enjoy Escalante Canyons Art Festi- by place”. In addition to the Gerald’s live music into the val-Everett Ruess Days held cornerstone plein air competi- evening on closing Saturday at in Escalante, Utah, September tion, art exhibits, and arts and the Escalante Showhouse. 22 through October 1 contin- crafts fair, this year’s festival Vendors selling handued to bring artists and festival included an evening of film, as made items in a full spectrum goers from around the country well as more workshops, dem- of creative forms were busy and beyond to our corner of onstrations, and hands-on-art with customers both Friday southern Utah for more than a opportunities. Art sales were and Saturday, including addiimpressive and attendance tions to the food vendor rows at the variety of festival pro- such that we had yummy grams was strong. breakfast items and a nice arThe Speaker’s Series ray of offerings ranging from Program meets at the Gifford keynote program on Friday pizza to rice bowls and tacos House Museum and Store lo- night featured poet, vocalist, to loaded baked potatoes. Plein Air artists began cated 1 mile (1.6 km) south entrepreneur, and motivational speaker, Tanaya Winder from painting for this year’s comof the visitor center on Scenic the Southern Ute, Duckwater petition on September 22. Drive. Shoshone, and Pyramid Lake They were able to enjoy two • On Thursday, OctoPaiute Nations. Tanaya impaint-out events: the one-day ber 12, 2017, join a ranger at the campground amphitheater pressed the crowd with her Celebrate Public Lands Paintfor an evening program on the moving words and inspiring Out on September 26 where Fossils of Capitol Reef Nation- performance poetry. Other they painted anywhere on our al Park. Program starts at 7:30 speakers shared programs on glorious public lands in Garpm and lasts one hour. Dress topics ranging from what fos- field, Wayne or Kane County warmly. sils tell us about ancient envi- and the Nocturne Paint-Out Visitors can learn more ronments to how to use digital on September 23 where they about geology and fossils from maps to explore public lands painted at night. The Junior free brochures available on- to the social transformations Plein Air Competition with line and at the visitor center. within Mormon village com- two age categories enticed The Capitol Reef Natural His- munities through time. young artists to join the fun. tory Association bookstore at The eclectic and energetic For the Plein Air Competithe visitor center offers books entertainment lineup saw solid tion, prizes totaling more than and materials to further your crowds throughout the main $10,000 were awarded in two knowledge of Earth science. weekend and ranged from the categories, Oil/Acrylic and Visitor center and bookstore local talents of Jessica Frogley Watercolor/Pastel/Mixed Mehours are 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and Carl Dede from Boulder through October 22, 2017. to David Gerald from Detroit. Art Festival —National Park Service Some festival goers even reCont'd on page 10
I have noticed if I pull from fear or despair about the state of the world, I get tired, ineffective, afraid and sometimes mean-spirited. —Elizabeth Lesser
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.