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Thursday, October 13, 2016
Issue # 1172
John Wesley Powell Comes to Life at Bryce Canyon National Park
"Meet the Candidates" Forums Oct. 13 - Escalante - 7 pm - Community Center Oct. 14 - Panguitch - 7 pm - Library
ESCALANTE/PANGUITCH - Candidates for Garfield County Commission, Steve Cox and Jerry Taylor, will be sharing the spotlight during a public forum hosted by the Garfield County Teenge Republications. The youth will first ask their questions of the candidates, followed by an open forum between candidates and the public. A forum was also held in Tropic on Oct. 12th.
Evan McMullin Reaches to Rural Utah
ESCALANTE - Independent Presidential Candidate Evan McMullin has asked his Utah Operation Director, Brady Quinn, to do a presentation and answer questions for the surrounding communities. He will be at the Community Center in Escalante on Friday Oct. 14th, 7 pm. All are welcome! A 40-year-old former CIA operations officer and chief policy director for the House Republican Conference, McMullin launched his long-shot bid for the White House as a response to Trump's hijacking of the GOP. McMullin is a BYU grad with deep roots in Utah and Utah's way of life. "I am a Constitutional Conservative, I believe we need orginalists on the Supreme Court who will respect the law, not make it up. —Campaign to Elect Evan McMullin
Local Musicians "Rough Around the Edges" Recieve Award
Courtesy BryCe Canyon national Park.
Todd Weber will portray John Wesley Powell at Bryce Canyon National Park. the multitude of geographic BRYCE - On October ly be overstated. Most famous for his 1869 features that now bear his 14th, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the Bryce Canyon Lodge Auditori- Expedition, which traveled name—from Lake Powell, to um more than a century of time from Green River, Wyoming the southern tip of the Aquarwill be washed away to reveal through the splendid narrows ius Plateau visible to the east the great explorer of the Colora- and treacherous rapids of the of Bryce Canyon, known as do River and conservationist of Grand Canyon to the con- Powell Point. At a young age Todd Wethe American West, John Wes- vergence of the Virgin and ber became enthralled with ley Powell. Through the theatri- Colorado Rivers in presentstories of the native peoples, cal gifts and careful studies of day Nevada, John Wesley explorers, and fur traders of Todd Weber, visitors to Bryce Powell’s passion for natural American history. Through Canyon will be able experience sciences, geographic explorayears of reading journals and living history as part of this tion, and his prophetic beliefs studying historical accounts Centennial program and meet a on the proper utilization of the of the fascinating characters man whose contributions to the Western expanses of our nascientific, environmental, an- tion continue to be born out in of America's past, he became thropological, and cartographic modern times. His profound self-taught on the facts and the knowledge of the area can hard- contributions are reflected in details of this time in history, creating authentic clothing, firearms and tools of these bygone eras. Along with being an artist and jeweler, Todd has bellishments worked as a coordinator and were placed instructor in outdoor educaaround the tion. He now guides on small necks of the ships on the Columbia River various con- and throughout Alaska, leads his own tours throughout the testants. On a west, and brings presentac a r e f u l l y tions to various organizations laid out stag- around the country. Todd’s aping area, preciation for the stamina, inthese partici- genuity and character that expants strut- isted in those like John Wesley ted their pets Powell and helped shape the and showed history of the American West the audience comes through in every prothe differ- gram he gives. Additional informaent tricks that tion can be obtained at www. they could or by calling do. One of the park’s information line at the most im(435) 834-5322. pressive trick —Bryce Canyon National was done by Park the pet fish,
Wayne County Fair Pet Show
which went to the bottom of it's glass Courtesy CCaW Kate Torgerson shows off her beribboned bowl and held pig in the Wayne County Fair Pet Show it's breath until it's owner hosted by Color Country Animal Welfare. gave it a treat. WAYNE COUNTY - The fish came to the top and What do a chicken, a fish, a took its prized possession pig, a cat and nine dogs have -- food! Another unusual in common? The answer pet was the chicken, who may very well surprise you. was pleased to strut herself When Color Country around for everyone. Animal Welfare (CCAW) A huge thanks goes to held a pet contest during Janet Adams, Loa resident the week of Wayne County's and member of CCAW, who Fair 2016 fair in August, helped coordinate this great children around the county community event. Many were given the challenge to other hands made this event participate. The challenge light work. was well received. We can't wait to see Local children washed what contestants we'll have and dolled up their cher- next year as we hope to have ished pets, except for the this be a yearly event! fish that came au naturel. —Color Country Animal Big red bows and other emWelfare
THE GOOD STUFF we've been having looks like it will hold into the weekend, with highs Thurs-Sat in upper 60s and mostly sunny. Windy on Sunday and showers possibly moving in on Monday with temps dropping about 10 degrees. Sunny but cooler, highs in 50s, Tues/Wed. Lows early in the week dropping to freezing.
Courtesy the entrada institute
'Rough Around the Edges' poses in front of Torrey's iconic landscape. TORREY - The Friends of Entrada Award recognizes the contributions of an individual, group, or organization that has provided on-going support for the Entrada Institute. This year the award will be presented to the local music group “Rough Around The Edges.” The award presentation will occur at 7:30PM on October 22 as part of the Entrada Institute’s annual year-end event. Over the years, Rough Around the Edges has volunteered their talents at a wide range of local events. Their enthusiasm for music is contagious. According to the group’s organizer, “Rough Around the Edges is the public face of
a purely recreational Wayne County music group, folks who get together once a week just to play music for the simple fun of it. Our members range from trained musicians to absolute beginners, and we try to keep things simple enough that everyone can join in at some level. Our focus is not on skill, but participation. We're completely non-judgmental and our only rule is that no one is criticized for anything. We consider our public performances to be our small contribution to the community and only hope that the audience has as much fun as we do.” The group’s current members include Jim Adams, Janet Adams, Dudley Elliott, Ray
Conrad, Jackie Koenig, Dean Koenig, Janet Hansen, Pat Menefee, Don O'Brien, Jim Dowling, Scott Smith, Mary Bedingfield Smith, Eileen Frazier, Rod Frazier, Paul Smith, Margaret Smith, Tamie Bagley, Linda Ward, Robert Poulton, Diana Poulton, Dee Hatch, Gordon Hatch, and Rebecca Pace. (Of course, not all of these play every performance, fortunately for the sound crew). Rod Frazier will be accepting the award for the group on Saturday October 22 at 7:30PM as part of the Entrada Institute’s Annual Fundraiser ($20 donation suggested). Other activities include additional awards and poetry readings by David Lee. —The Entrada Institute
Interior Department Releases Final Environmental Impact Statement for Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management PAGE, AZ - The U.S. Department of the Interior today released the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for a Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP) for Glen Canyon Dam operations. The LTEMP will provide a framework for adaptively managing Glen Canyon Dam over the next 20 years with the goal of creating certainty and predictability for water and power users while protecting environmental and cultural resources in Grand Canyon National Park and the Colorado River ecosystem. “The Colorado River and Grand Canyon National Park are vital resources in the Western United States, and the
spirit of cooperation and commitment to their protection and preservation is exemplary,” said Deputy Secretary of the Interior Michael L. Connor. “This work reflects the dedication and expertise of the Department’s Bureau of Reclamation, the National Park Service as well as our state, local and tribal partners who have worked through the complex challenges we face in protecting our finite resources.” The FEIS presents a thorough analysis of complex river processes and interests and identifies a preferred alternative that ensures Glen Canyon Dam will continue to meet its purposes while improving downstream resources and recreational experiences.
It's almost impossible to be funnier than the people in Washington. —Carol Burnett
This is the first Environmental Impact Statement for Glen Canyon Dam since 1995 and it marks an ongoing focus on balancing project purposes with natural and cultural resources protection. Today’s release culminates an open and transparent process based on the best-available science, extensive public involvement and active collaboration with stakeholders, cooperating agencies and traditionally associated tribes. Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation and National Park Service jointly led the FEIS completion in coordination with 15 cooperating agencies—including three federal and six non-federal agencies and six American Indian Tribes. In addition to
addressing suggestions, concerns and comments from those cooperating agencies, the FEIS fully considered all comments received during a 122-day public review and comment period that ended on May 9, 2016. The FEIS was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and evaluated potential environmental impacts of seven alternatives—including one no-action alternative that would continue operation as guided by the previous 1996 Record of Decision. The FEIS team identified a Impact Statement
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
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