The Wayne and Garfield County Insider, October 19, 2017

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Issue # 1225

WCBA Elects New President and VP

Panguitch Prevention Coalition Collecting Old Prescriptions for National Take Back Drug Day Today! Thursday October 19

Photos: InsIder

Left photo: Jayden Brian and Mike Riddle appear pleased and ready for their new posts as vice president and president of WCBA, respectively. Right photo: Tasha Jackson, Leisa Hilton, and Melissa Robins of Queen Bee Catering (formerly Leisa Hilton Catering), who fed the gang at WCBA's October 11 meeting. WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Business Association during their quarterly meeting introduced a new president to the Board of Directors. Business teacher at Wayne High School and independent marketing consultant Mike Riddle was elected to the post. Jayden Brian, Marketing Director for the Wayne Community Health Center was elected as the new vice-president. Brian wears two Wayne County business "hats," in addition to his work at WCHC he also owns an outfitting company for the Henry Mountains, Bull Mountain Outfitters. After several years of tireless and dedicated leadership from Francine Hallows, WCBA members were profuse in their gratitude for her service, and they are looking forward to having her continue on the Board in a regular


seat as the Association looks to the goals and events for 2018. The October 11th WCBA General Meeting at the Bicknell Community Center had approximately 30 attendees. The event was catered by the newly minted Queen Bee Catering and the food was delicious. Bhinda Singh from the Badger Den sent Mike Riddle to represent him as he was in the middle of making 15 pizzas for Garkane and couldn't leave his business to attend the meeting. The new Badger Den menu and owner have quickly become local favorites. Community people who have met him spoke of his kind and inclusive nature. The biggest hit is the curry pizza. Bhinda is planning on "cookie cuttering' this business after working out the kinks and spreading around to other parts of Utah, according to Mike Riddle.

The Wayne County Farm- She let people know that she ers' Market had a very succesf- offers a free consultation and ful year with almost 50 vendor is very excited to learn the insand only a few of those were and-outs of Wayne County. from out of the county. —Insider Jayden Brian introduced his new outfitting company, Bull Mountain Outfitters, one of the very few outfitters who operates in the Henry Mountains M e gan Mustoe, newly licensed attorney asked for feedback on legal questions for her to feature in Bhinda Singh, new owner of the Badger Den her column in in Bicknell is among the new members of The Insider. WCBA.

Young Filmmaker Travels Country with Help of Online School

Courtesy utah VIrtual aCademy

Hatch resident and rising senior at Utah Virtual Academy (UTVA), Emily Hunyady, has traveled to three countries and more than 12 cities in five months during the making of her film, Happiness. HATCH – Now in her senior year of high school, Hatch resident Emily Hunyady has moved around more in her 17 years than many people do during their entire lives. But rather than seeing this as a hindrance to her outlook on life and her education, Emily has found that her nomadic lifestyle has boosted her interest in the world. Not only had her family moved 20 times by the time

she was sixteen, Emily began traveling independently herself at the age of 13. She has traveled to more than 12 cities and three countries just over the past five months. As a student at Utah Virtual Academy, an online public charter school based out of Murray, her primary reason for globetrotting in recent months has been to work on her own film, which is called Happiness.


THURS. OCT. 19 - WED. OCT. 25

WARM FALL WEATHER ON THE WAY. The next week will be sunny with just a few clouds on Friday This week's highs in the mid and upper 60s, lows in the upper and mid 30s, and high 20s. Humidity hovers around the low 20% throughout the week.

Why is a young woman trekking around making a movie about happiness? You could say it’s part of her own comingof-age story. “I am known to be a happy person. A very positive person. But I hadn’t been before, it’s something I needed to discover. I found happiness in the things I saw in the world. It was a true internal feeling,” said Emily. Emily’s been doing online schooling since she was in second grade. “At first it really didn’t make a difference because it’s what my parents told me to do. But when I was about 14 years old I started wanting to be with my friends. I argued with my parents for about two years to go to a regular school. But it was impossible. By my sophomore year of high school realized that my life was never going to be normal because I grew up that way. And I grew into it,” said Emily. “Growing up I moved around a lot because my parents do a lot of training,” said Emily. But lately the family has established local roots. Emily’s parents bought a property in Hatch about three years ago, so this is where she now calls home. Emily says her idea for filmmaking came from visiting an uncle who is in the film industry. “I went to visit him in Brooklyn, and I made some films with him in New York and

wanted to make a ‘thank you’ film for him called Happiness. And my uncle saw the possibility in that and said he’d help me with it,” she said. Emily came to the realization that happiness is not something that is talked Young Filmmaker Cont'd on page 2

PANGUITCH - It’s National Take Back Drug Day, Thursday October 19th 10:30am-4:30pm, at the Panguitch Firehouse. Please collect all old and unused Prescription Medication and bring down for proper disposal by law enforcement and DEA. This is a great opportunity for those who have accumulated old unwanted, unused prescription drugs, to safely dispose of those medications. Panguitch has participated in this annual nationwide event for a few years now and residents have turned in over 100+ pounds of unwanted, expired prescription drugs for safe disposal. This annual event also reduced the availability of prescription to youth and others that might want to gain access

to them for misuse and abuse. Prescription drug misuse is a growing problem. Approximately 9 million Americans use prescription drugs at least once a year for “non-medical” reasons. (Non-medically means that they were taken for reasons other than the medication was prescribed. This could include taking more than prescribed, longer than prescribed or a higher dose than prescribed taking a medication for a reason for a reason other than what it was prescribed for or taking a medication that was not prescribed for them.) There is a low perception of risk regarding the use and abuse of these types of drugs. Many people Take Back

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Elderly Couple Survives Six Days in GSENM GRAND STAIRCASEESCALANTE NATIONAL MONUMENT - Early on the afternoon of Monday, October 2, Dell LeFevre, of Boulder, Utah, encountered an elderly female laying on the Croton Road in the Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument. LeFevre was checking on cattle he has on the monument when he located Helena Byler, 78, of Houston, Texas. Helena was severely dehydrated and confused about what had taken place. After contacting a dispatch center, LeFevre transported Mrs. Byler south toward Big Water on the Smokey Mountain Road where he met with a Kane County Sheriff´s Deputy dispatched to meet them. The deputy provided transport to the Kane County Hospital. While traveling to the

hospital and after having some food and water, Helena was able to remember some details of what happened to her. She said she and her husband, Gerald Byler, 76, had left their motel in Kanab on Tuesday morning, September 26, for a day trip to see Lake Powell. She indicated they were using a GPS device. When they had not returned by Wednesday morning, the motel reported them as overdue. It was determined that her husband must still be with their vehicle. The couple was driving a KIA rental car, which had become undriveable because of the condition of the road they were on. Helena remembered something about being on Grand Bench Road, which Six Days

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Loa Elementary Gets in High Reading Gear with Epic!

Courtesy loa elementary

The Loa Elementary second grade is using Epic! for kids. Epic! is a digital library. This program fosters a love of reading and self-directed learning. Students can use it at home as well. We have entered a contest where we read books and earn prizes on our READERPILLAR! This contest will last throughout the year.

Here are the values that I stand for: honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you want to be treated and helping those in need. To me, those are traditional values. —Ellen DeGeneres

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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