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Thursday, October 20, 2016
Issue # 1173
Garfield County Meet the Candidates
Eagle Scout Court of Honor to be Held in Bryce Canyon City
A Garfield County Commission candidate forum was held in Escalante on October 13. Left to right are Jerry Taylor, TAR forum moderator Christian Lee, and Steve Cox. ESCALANTE – Can- ences, with Jerry Taylor having raised in Escalante, and while didates for the open Garfield spent his career in business, and he left in 1975 he came back 11 County Commission seat in Steve Cox as science educator. years ago to make Escalante his Opening the forum and home, and currently serves as the November 2016 election squared off in the second of speaking about his personal Escalante City Mayor. He said three community forums hosted background, Steve Cox stated he and his wife Monica have by Garfield County Teen Age that he was born in Tooele, and five children and 13 grandchilRepublicans (TARs) on Thurs- raised in the small ranching dren and he is passionate about day, October 13, at 7pm, in Es- town of Panaca, NV, and spent his community and he loves the years working as a ranch hand opportunity to serve his commucalante’s Community Center. Before a packed room, can- prior to becoming a science nity and his county. “I want to listen to you, I didates Jerry Taylor and Steve teacher. He’s been married to Cox had an opportunity to make his wife, Cheryl, a Boulder, UT hear your passion, that’s why opening and closing statements native, for 40 years and they’ve I’m asking for your vote. My in addition to answering ques- made Boulder their home and goals are jobs and opportunity tions posed by three TAR mod- they currently run a business in and to protect the families that erators as well as responding to Panguitch. He noted that he is on are here right now,” said Taylor. TAR forum moderator questions from the audience. the Boulder Town Council and Highlights included “getting to his wife Cheryl serves on the Christian Lee kicked off the know the candidate” and each of Garfield County School District questions by stating that many their backgrounds, experiences and they are both committed to local kids, following high school graduation leave the area and motivations to do the job, public service. “Being raised in a small because, “There isn’t any jobs with other central themes including their views on economic ranch town I learned to work to find…and what can be done development and educational hard, take responsibility and be about that?” honest in all things. As an eduTaylor’s response emphaopportunities. Cox and Taylor shared cator or as a commissioner, for sized the need for improved similar views on a number of anyone who comes through the telecommunications infrastrucsubjects, which includes their door, I will do everything I can ture. “We need to get fiber here commitment to public service, to help you be successful,” said in the county. We need good cell and agreed that among their Cox. Candidates Jerry Taylor shared that larger differences are the difCont'd on page 12 ferences in their career experi- he was born in Panguitch and
Wayne County Taxpayers' Association Candidates Forum Wrap-Up
BICKNELL - On Thursday, October 11th at 7 PM, an event was hosted by the Wayne County Taxpayers Association at the Bicknell Theater. The question/answer format was to present their respective views on several topics of interest to the voters of Wayne County to aid them in making informed decisions on election day. There were 33 citizens in the audience of whom only four had children in the school district. The Wayne County school district has approximately 490 students which represents a 15% drop (about 80 students) from the last school year. There has been a five year, now approaching six, reduction of students in the W.C. School District due to fewer families living in W. C. due to a lack of jobs to sustain families' living and financial requirements. Lee Austin was the moderator. The candidates present were: Jeff Chappell (incumbent) and Bekkah Petrie representing Lyman and Fremont; Mark Elmer for Bicknell: Barry Morgenstern (a write-in candidate) who is opposing April Torgerson (an incumbent who
was not present) for Torrey, Teasdale and Grover. Clearly brought out by this forum are the significant financial issues facing the School District. All candidates lamented the low teacher salaries which precipitates parental fees for almost all extra-curricular activities though the school facilities are often used. The lack of a foreign language requirement in the curriculum is also related to the budget shortfall. Of some interest was the embarrassing fact that the current School Board missed a filing date for a voting school levy to be voted upon this election cycle requiring postponement until 2017. The Board itself accepts accountability, claiming no particular individual was responsible, which seems very protective. The topic of homework was addressed and there were wide differences of opinion from "none" to "we have too much." Several philosophic and science issues were entertained by the candidates. There was no unanimity on homework or changing the starting/ ending
MORE BEAUTIFUL WEATHER, what a gorgeous fall we are having. Highs Thurs-Sat will be in low 70s and really sunny. Windy on Mon-Tues. Zero chance of showers but maybe a few fluffly clouds just to break things up a bit. Lows throughout the week barely grazing the lower 30s.
time of a typical school day. The issue of logistics (busing from distances) seemed to be too tough to change. These two topics generated the greatest differences from the candidates. All candidates were in favor of the State Constitutional Amendment B, which if passed, would free up monies from the hoard that SITLA sits upon and could be distributed to public school systems thereby giving some financial relief to cash strapped counties such as Wayne County. Three items were proposed by one candidate that may be of interest to many. The addition of new and diverse energy to the School Board would be beneficial. The District could and should seek involvement from the significant array of talented, highly educated citizens of W. C. Third, our District should seek retention of a grant writer who could generate supplemental income for the District at a very favorable cost/ benefit ratio. The entire forum was recorded with permission. The results of this event may be heard on our local radio station KWAN. We encourage all W. C. voters to listen in. —Wayne County Taxpayers Association
TROPIC - Eagle Court of Honor to be held on Saturday, October 22 at 2:00 p.m. at Ruby's Inn (Bryce Canyon Rim area). Court of Honor for Sean AlmaIssac Garrard, James Levi Garrard,and Jonathan Kekoa Deccio all of Tropic, Utah. Sean and Jonathan helped build the new Veteran's Memorial for Tropic Town and James oversaw the construction of the new Tropic Town signs at both ends of Highway 12 leading into Tropic. These young men have worked hard to earn their Eagle Scout awards and we invite all to celebrate their achievement at the Court of Honor. In case of inclement weather the event will be moved to the conference room at the Bryce Canyon Grand Hotel. —Cary Deccio
Courtesy Cary deCCIo
Left to Right, Court of Honor for Sean Alma-Issac Garrard, James Levi Garrard, and Jonathan Kekoa Deccio.
Linton Rohr Receives The Ward Roylance Award
With his usual enthusiasm, Linton Rohr poses with a huge telescope. TORREY - The Ward Roylance Award is presented each year by the Entrada Institute to recognize an individual or organization combining an interest in education, the arts, and the outdoors along with the natural, historical and cultural heritage of the Colorado Plateau. This year the award will be presented posthumously to Linton Rohr for his work in promoting astronomy education and the preservation of the dark skies of Capitol Reef National Park and Wayne County. The award presentation will occur at 7:30PM on October 22 as part of the Entrada Institute’s annual yearend event. According to his wife Karen Rohr, “Linton was an enthusiastic and dedicated amateur astronomer. After buying the first of many telescopes in 2000 he joined two astronomy groups in the LA area. He attended the monthly star parties’ (which are held when the sky is darkest at a new moon) so he could share his views of night sky objects with interested members of the public.” Linton’s interest in the outdoors began as a child. Linton’s brother Mike noted that he was an Eagle Scout and backpacked the entire
Whether it is the family you chose or the family you were born to, families are the most important thing you have. —Amos Oz
John Muir Trail in addition to packing into Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, and other wilderness areas. He was always “in search of dark skies”. Karen stressed that “simply viewing the stars was not enough for Linton. He needed to collect ‘space rocks’. He became an active member of the International Meteorite Collectors Association. He knew if he wanted to touch an object that had been hurtling through space, others would want to also. So he amassed a large collection which he shared in public outreach whenever possible, especially here in Wayne County.” While living in Los Angeles, Karen and Linton would drive their telescopes to the edge of the light polluted metropolis to see the dark skies. Karen pointed out that “realizing the importance of dark sky preservation, Linton joined the International Dark Sky Association. We traveled the United States with his 14 1/2 inch Dobsonian telescope in tow enjoying dark sky areas from Texas to Minnesota. We were drawn to Wayne County partially because of the night sky.” As a founding member of the Heritage Starfest now co-sponsored by the Entrada Institute, Linton Rohr was ac-
tive in promoting an awareness of the need to preserve the dark skies of Wayne County. In addition, he became the liaison between Capitol Reef National Park and the International Dark Sky Association. Acting Chief of Interpretation for Capitol Reef, Cindy Micheli stated that “Linton was very instrumental in gathering data, suggesting ideas and nudging us along in the complex and lengthy process of applying for International Dark Sky Park status… His help, enthusiasm and encouragement were driving factors in keeping the project in motion, and I don’t believe anyone of us was more delighted when we were granted status!” Karen Rohr described how Linton’s advanced case of ALS curtailed his telescope viewing, so he decided to share his passion for the sky through columns in the Insider. She noted that “It was Linton's wish that the Colorado Plateau preserve its night sky views for all to wonder.” Cindy Micheli stated that Linton’s Insider columns “gave me insight into our
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
Courtesy entrada InstItute