s Great Busines r fo Opportunity a resident. Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Bryce • Tropic • Antimony • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder • Fremont • Loa • Lyman Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville
Thursday, October 27, 2011 • Issue # 912
National Take Back Day will be held on Saturday, October 29th, from 10am to 2pm at the Panguitch Fire House. DEA has scheduled another National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, October 29, 2011, from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. to provide a venue for persons who want to dispose of unwanted and unused prescription drugs. National Prescription Drug Take Back Day addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. More than seven million Americans currently abuse prescription drugs, according to the 2009 Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Each day, approximately, 2,500 teens use prescription drugs to get high for the first time according to the Partnership for a Drug Free America. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including the home medicine cabinet. DEA in conjunction with state and local law enforcement agencies throughout the United States conducted National Prescription Drug Take Back Days on Saturday, September 25, 2010 and April 25, 2011. Nearly, 4,000 state and lo-
Celebrating the 5th Anniversary for
cal law enforcement agencies throughout the nation participated in these events, collecting more than 309 tons of pills. Four days after last fall’s Take-Back Day, Congress passed legislation amending the Controlled Substances Act to allow the DEA to develop a process for people to safely dispose of their prescription drugs. DEA immediately began developing this process after President Obama signed the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010 on October 12. Until that process is complete, however, DEA will continue to hold Take Back Days every six months.
Students in Piute, Wayne and Garfield counties can enjoy live professional opera in their own schools when Utah Opera Resident Artists perform school assemblies for them the week of November 7 through 11. During their week-long tour, Utah Opera Resident Artists will offer age-appropriate performances of “Who Wants to be an OPERA STAR?” at elementary
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schools and “Freeze Frame: Dr. Miracle” at secondary schools. The tour comes on the heels of a similar tour to Piute and Garfield County schools that the Utah Symphony took in October of this year. For years, the two partner organizations have been dedicated to this kind of outreach and education to children across the state of Utah. Based on the format of popular game shows, “Who Wants to be an OPERA STAR?” will allow the visiting artists to teach the fundamentals of opera to younger students through questions and answers. The artists will act as “contestants” who demonstrate their answers with vocal selections while giving the children opportunities to serve as the “studio audience” by asking questions, clapping rhythms, singing melodies and identifying emotions in the music. In the secondary school program, “Freeze Frame: Dr. Miracle,” a clever young man disguises himself several times, each time attempting to win the girl he loves from her protective papa. Our five performers occasionally stop the action to highlight elements of drama and opera. In-school student performances are offered freeof-charge to Utah schools thanks to partial funding
LOA WEATHER DAVCO BUILDING THE SNUGGLE INN......................................................836-2898 55 South Main, Loa ( www.thesnuggleinn.com ) Conference Rooms - meetings, socials, business, reunions, shower rooms, etc. TOSCONOS PIZZERIA.................................................836-2500 Hours: Open: Mon - Sat: 11-8pm ~ Closed Sundays. Sandwiches, Paninnis, Pizzas,Wraps, Salads, Pastas, Breadsticks, Cin-A-Stick w/Frosting, Smoothies and Specialty Coffees CREATIVE SPIRIT GALLERY & GIFTS..................836-2898 www.giftscreativespirit.com MANE-E-ACS HAIR SALON .....................................836-2602 Kimber Wood (Walk-ins, Hair Cuts, Perms, Colors, Pedicures, and Hair Extensions & Jewelry.) PACE TAX SERVICE.....................................................836-2218 Tax Preparations, Refund Loans, IRS E-Filing, and Tax Planning. THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia and is distributed weekly to all of Garfield County. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper. Thank you for your support.
through the Utah State Legislature’s Professional Outreach Programs in the Schools (POPS) Program. Utah Opera’s partner company, Utah Symphony, visited Piute and Garfield County schools as part of the same program in October. Full Schedule of Events Monday, November 7–9:00 a.m.– Oscarson Elementary School (Piute)“Who Wants to be an OPERA STAR?” Monday, November 7- 1:00 p.m.- Piute High School (Piute) “Freeze Frame: Dr. Miracle” Tuesday, November 8 – 10:00 a.m. – Circleville Elementary School (Piute) “Who Wants to be an OPERA STAR?” Tuesday, November 8–2:00 p.m. – Antimony Elementary School (Garfield)“Who Wants to be an OPERA STAR?” Wednesday, November 9 10:15 a.m. – Hanksville Elementary School (Wayne) “Who Wants to be an OPERA STAR?” Wednesday, November 9 –1:30 p.m.. – Loa Elementary School (Wayne)“Who Wants to be an OPERA STAR?” Thursday, November 10 –9:00 a.m. – Wayne High School (Wayne)“Freeze Frame: Dr. Miracle” Thursday, November 10 –10:15 a.m. – Wayne Middle School (Presented at Wayne High School) (Wayne)“Freeze Frame: Dr. Miracle” Thursday, November 10 –2:30 p.m. – Boulder Elementary School (Garfield) “Freeze Frame: Dr. Miracle” Friday, November 11 –9:00 a.m. – Escalante High School“Freeze Frame: Dr. Miracle?” Friday, November 11 –11:00 a.m. – Escalante Elementary School “What Wants to be an OPERA STAR?”
Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages. H. L. Mencken
Wayne Phone: 435-836-2622 Garfield Phone: 435-676-2621 Fax 1-888-370-8546 PO BOX 472, Loa, Utah 84747 snapshot@live.com ALL content for THE WAYNE &GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE 5:00 PM to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.