The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 10/27/2016

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Issue # 1174

GMH Wins Health Insight Quality Award

Courtesy intermountain healthCare

Eric Packer, Cedar City Hospital Administrator; and Alberto Vasquez, Garfield Memorial Hospital Administrator were honored last week with Health Insight Awards at the Utah Hospital Association Annual Awards Dinner. ST. GEORGE - Three Intermountain Healthcare hospitals in southern Utah were presented with 2016 HealthInsight Quality Awards for demonstrating high-quality patient care and a commitment to improving health care. The awards are presented by HealthInsight, a nonprofit, community-based collaborative working to improve health and health care for patients and providers. The 2016 HealthInsight Quality Award recognized Dixie Regional Medical Center, Cedar City Hospital and Garfield Memorial Hospital for demonstrating high-quality health care and excellence in performance on a combination of publicly reported Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services inpatient and outpa-

tient process of care measures, patients’ perception of care measures and 30-day hospitalwide readmissions. “The physicians, staff and volunteers in our hospitals are all focused on reaching out to our patients with the highest quality and compassion,” said Terri Kane, Vice President of Intermountain Healthcare’s Southwest Region, where the three hospitals are located. “I am so grateful for the heartfelt care I see day-to-day in our local hospitals. This recognition truly belongs to each person who gives so much to heal those we serve.” "We are pleased to recognize these outstanding hospitals that continue to improve their quality of care year after year,” said Juliana Preston, Executive Director, Health-

Insight Utah. “Continuing to include patients’ perception of care in the award criteria allows us to reward a more complete picture of ‘quality’ health care at large and small hospitals throughout the state.” The awards were presented on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2016 at the Utah Hospital Association’s Annual Awards Dinner at the Silver Baron Lodge at Deer Valley in Park City, Utah. “We are dedicated to providing the very best in patient care and our efforts have been enhanced through our quality improvement collaborations with HealthInsight,” Kane said. “We are proud to be a recipient of this distinguished award.” —Intermountain Healthcare

Eagle Scouts In Wayne County

RSVP Honored at Annual Recognition Event

RICHFIELD - Six County RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) held their annual Recognition Event on October 6th, 2016 at Snow College in Richfield. The theme was a “RSVP Volunteers Are Worth More Than Gold” and lunch was catered by Frontier Village. Over 140 RSVP Volunteers from the Six County Region – Juab, Piute, Wayne, Sanpete, Sevier, and Millard attended the event. During the past fiscal year 243 volunteers served over 49,726 hours. The purpose of the event is to thank these volunteers for the excellent service they provide to their communities. Fifty-one local area businesses in Sevier, Sanpete, Millard, Piute, Juab, and Wayne Counties expressed their appreciation to the volunteers by contributing goods and services —which made it possible for every volunteer who attended the event to receive a valuable doorprize. Each volunteer received a BBQ grill/cooler from RSVP in appreciation for their outstanding service. The Volunteer Connection had its second Totally Awesome Volunteer Award Winners. One winner was selected from each county and Commissioner Topham presented the awards for both the Totally Awesome Award Winners and the Presidential Call to Service Awards. Local Winners of the Totally Awesome Award are in Wayne County – Wayne County Sr. Lunch Group. One hundred twenty-six RSVP volunteers received a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Presidential Service Award for qualifying hours over a 12 month period. – RSVP Event Cont'd on page 3

Capitol Reef's 2016 Autumn and 2017 Winter Hours of Operations and Upcoming Events

Courtesy steppinstars

Capitol Reef National Park gets ready for the final fall events and the winter hours at the park. CAPTIOL REEF N.P. The Capitol Reef National Park Visitor Center is currently open 8:00 am to 6:00 pm through October 29. Free interpretive programs will include: a geology talk at the visitor center at 10:00 am, Prehistoric Culture talk at the Highway 24 petroglyph panel at 3:00 pm, and occasional campground evening programs at 7:30 pm as staffing allows. Beginning October 30, 2016, visitor center hours will be 8:00 am to 4:30 pm daily through the winter. The building will be closed these winter holidays: Thursday November 24, 2016 - Thanksgiving, Sunday December 25, 2016 - Christmas, Sunday January 1, 2017 - New Year’s Day, and Monday, January 16, 2017 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Capitol Reef will celebrate Earth Science Week on Saturday, October 22nd with special activities at Ripple Rock Nature Center (located

south on the Scenic Drive), which will be open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm that day only. Ask at the visitor center for times of ranger-guided activities. The historic Gifford House and store, located 1 mile (1.6 km) south of the Visitor Center on the Scenic Drive, is open 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily through October 29, 2016. Fresh baked pies, breads and pastries are available for purchase. The Gifford House will close for the season on Sunday October 30, 2016. Enjoy park trails, the park movie and the Capitol Reef Natural History Association bookstore as well as fruit available for harvest from the parks historic orchards. Contact us at 435 425-3791 or follow us on or www.facebook. com/CapitolReefNPS. —Capitol Reef National Park.

Panguitch Hosts American Rabbit Breeders Association Show

Courtesy susan Craythorn

The Panguitch Rabbit Show's "Best in Show" from the Open Show A, Holland Lop, shown by Mark Taylor & Ty Gordon, from Morgan Utah. Courtesy Wendy potter

Jaron Potter and Cooper Williams were awarded Eagle Scout badges on August 25, in Torrey. TORREY - T r o o p 584 recently awarded two scouts with the rank of Eagle. Cooper Williams and Jaron Potter received their Eagle awards on August 25, 2016 in Torrey. For his eagle project, Cooper planned

and organized the clearing of the Middle Ranger Trail on the North Slope of the Boulder Mountain. This made it passable for horses and hikers. Jaron organized and oversaw the purchase and installation of a flagpole



A FEW CLOUDS ROLLIN' IN, the sky will get some texture this week. Highs throughout the week will be in low 70s and upper 60s. Partly cloudy most of the week. Wind will be picking up on Sunday, 19 mph, batten down the grill cover! Lows throughout the week in the low 30s and lower 20s. Slight chance of rain on Friday.

at the Grover Cemetery. The Grover Cemetery had not previously had a flagpole. Both young men are Seniors at Wayne High School and members of the Bicknell LDS Seminary. Cooper is the son of Jeff and Rachelle Williams of Teasdale. Jaron is the son of Tracy and Wendy Potter of Torrey. —Wendy Potter

PANGUITCH - The Panguitch Rabbit Show was held at the Triple C Arena, on August 13th, 2016. It was sponsored and hosted by the local rabbit club. Annie Miller and her committee ran the show. All of the rabbit and cavy (guinea pigs) clubs hosting a sanctioned all-breed show are affiliated with the American Rabbit Breeders Association. (A.R.B.A.), which supports a hobby that is branching out world wide. All of the shows are judged by licensed rabbit or cavy judged. All licensed with the A.R.B.A. The animals are judged by an A.R.B.A. standard of perfection for each breed. The Rabbit clubs in Utah travel a lot, exhibit several times a year, and get to meet great and interesting people from around the world. This club meets once a year at an A.R.B.A. sponsored convention. This A.R.B.A. sanctioned event is also held across the United States at different locations. At this show you can see anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 animals exhibited at one time, both rabbits and cavies. A.R.B.A. promots the rabbit and cavy industry and it's betterment through events like these. —Susan Craythorn A.R.B.A. Judge & Registrar, Utah State Representative for District 2

Only the liberation of the natural capacity for love in human beings can master our sadistic destructiveness. —Wilhelm Reich

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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