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Thursday, November 1, 2012 • Issue # 968
Summer Sun Goes Into Its Winter Home at Parowan Gap
Garfield County 4-H Teen Leadership Training participants and chaperones.
Cassie Lyman
“Get Your Greek On” 4-H Teens Train in Leadership Skills LOGAN - 4-H Teen Leadership Training (TLT) was held in Logan over UEA weekend, with fourteen youth attending the training from Garfield County. The theme for this year’s training was “Get Your Greek On.” Activities included “get to know you” games, a toga parade, a variety of workshops, a dance, tee-shirt spray painting, hot chocolate under the stars, and each youth making a commitment to building 4-H within their communities. Workshops focused on strengthening teens to become better leaders today. Some of the most popular workshops were: anti- bullying and the power of one positive text, 20 seconds of courage, finding
our true colors, pursuing your dreams, healthy living, hands of a champion, body language, 4-H opportunities, and the take it home workshop. The best part of the entire trip was finding out more about ourselves and making new friends. As mentioned, each youth made a commitment to better the 4-H program within their community. Some of the 4-H commitments of the Garfield County youth were to start an impromptu public speaking 4-H club in Bryce Valley, start a summer 4-H basketball camp for 3rd-5th graders in Escalante, start a 4-H anti-bullying campaign in our schools, teaching a “20 seconds of courage” workshop to youth in our county, start a 4-H Perry
Jackson book club in Panguitch, organize a 4-H goat showing club for our county, start a 4-H dance club to teach youth a variety of dances, start a 4-H archery club (teaching bow parts, shooting safety, and start up a shooting contest), start a World of Work Club in Escalante (for teens to learn and prepare for job interviews), and participate in local 4-H events. We are excited about the energy these youth have and their interest in becoming 4-H leaders. If you are interested in helping our youth pursue their leadership commitments or for more information about, 4-H, please contact Cassie Lyman 435-826-4088. —Cassie Lyman
Dixie National Forest to Implement Prescribed Fire on Cedar City Ranger District CEDAR CITY, Utah – Next week, if the right weather conditions exist, the Cedar City Ranger District will implement Henrie Knolls, Duck Creek Hazardous Fuels Reduction, and Edward Spring prescribed fire projects (prescribed fire = man The areas to be burned are located 5 miles north of Duck Creek Village (Henrie Knolls), greater Duck Creek, Strawberry, and Swains Creek areas (Duck Creek Hazardous Fuels Reduction), and 9 miles
northeast of Paragonah (Edwards Spring). Managed ignitions for these prescribed fires will continue as weather, fuel conditions, and air quality permit from October thru April 2013. Care and forethought is taken to reduce the amount of exposure to smoke from prescribed fire projects. Strict guidelines regarding smoke, set forth by the Division of Air Quality, must be met and followed before any ignition can begin. These projects are de-
LOA weather
signed to improve wildlife habitat, regenerate aspen, and reduce unnatural and heavy dead/downed woody debris, while improving ecosystem health. Healthier forests with less dead woody debris in the understory are far less susceptible to unwanted destructive wildfires. For more information about this prescribed fire, contact Peter Goetzinger or Eric Eastep at the Cedar City Ranger District, (435) 865-3200. —Dixie N.F.
PAROWAN – At sunrise, the public can watch the Summer Sun go into its winter home this Saturday, Nov. 3rd, at the Parowan Gap, located 12 miles northwest of Parowan and 19 miles north of Enoch. While standing inside the Gap looking east, there is a rock outcropping on the south side which looks like a facial profile featuring a slight open mouth. This profile is respectfully known as the Overseer or Protector of American Indians. Shortly after sunrise, as the sun crosses the morning sky, it appears in the mouth of the Overseer. “The sun sits in the mouth, and sits, and sits, and then gulp as the Overseer swallows the sun, thus signifying that the Summer Sun has gone into its Winter Home, telling the people if they have
not prepared for winter, they had better be moving south quickly, as Winter will soon be here,” said Nancy Dalton, interpretive volunteer and member of the Parowan Heritage Foundation which co-sponsors a series of archeo-astronomy events at the Parowan Gap. “This one of a kind event occurs annually November 6-8,” said Dalton, adding that before or after those dates, the sun just passes through his mouth. “Because, we will be observing this event a few days early, we will be adjusting our location from the official observation spot to witness this awesome spinetingling event,” she explained. The informal interpretive program will start at 8:00 a.m., with the sun entering the mouth beginning about 8:23
Parowan Gap stands out on the desert west of Parowan.
a.m. and the process completed by 9:00 a.m. Those attending the observation event are strongly encouraged to dress extra warm, as the wind and winter temperatures make it icy cold in the Gap, said Dalton. Because of the primitive setting of the Gap, people are also reminded to use restroom facilities before coming out to the Gap. This is a new annual event added to the Parowan Gap Observation Series cosponsored by Parowan Heritage Foundation, Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah and Cedar CityBrian Head Tourism Bureau. For additional information or directions, contact Dalton at 435.463.3735 or check out Parowan Gap on
A. E. Crane, National Scenic Byways Program
USFS Issues Christmas Tree Permit Info
SALT LAKE CITY – The holiday season is coming and thousands of people every year cut their Christmas tree from national forests. Cutting a Christmas tree in a national forest is a family tradition for many residents of Utah. Weather conditions in the mountains are unpredictable, so always be prepared for winter weather. Stay on designated roads and trails. Be prepared for slick, snow packed roads and have chains, a 4-wheel drive vehicle, or a snow machine available. Let someone know where you are planning to go and approximate time you will return. Carry a cell phone; bring additional warm clothing, good warm gloves, boots, and a container of hot liquid, water, lunch or snack, as it may take longer than expected. Carry a flashlight, chains, shovel, first aid kit, matches, a hatchet, ax or handsaw, and rope to secure your tree. Tree permits are for personal use only, cash and checks are the only accepted
method of payment. Trees must always be cut close to the ground leaving the stump no higher than 6 inches. A shovel will come in handy to dig through the snow to reach the base of the tree. Make sure your permit is attached to the tree before leaving the cutting area. TREE TOPPING IS NOT ALLOWED. No cutting within 200 feet of riparian areas (lakes and streams) roads, campgrounds, picnic areas, administrative sites, summer home areas, or within designated closed areas shown on tree cutting area maps. DIXIE NATIONAL FOREST: (435) 865-3700 – http:// Escalante Ranger District: (435) 826-5400 - Permits go on sale Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Permits can be purchased at the Escalante Ranger District, 755 West Main, Escalante, Utah from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Permits may also be bought at Antimony Merc, Antimony, Utah (435) 624-3253,
Hanksville Turkey Shoot Saturday, November 3, 2012 9:00 AM until DARK $7.00 a shoot Food, Fun, & Tons of GREAT PRIZES!! You won’t want to miss it! Alcohol prohibited: Utah law #76-10-528
Wayne Phone: 435-836-2622 Garfield Phone: 435-676-2621 Fax 1-888-370-8546 PO BOX 105, Escalante, Utah 84726
I was going to buy a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking, and then I thought: What the hell good would that do? —Ronnie Shakes THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia, LLC and is distributed weekly to all of Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia, LLC. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper.
7 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Contact the Escalante Ranger District for a list of other vendors. Permits are $10.00, one permit per household, one tree only. All species of tree may be cut, except Bristlecone Pine. Powell Ranger District: (435) 676-9300 - Permits are now available and can be purchased at the Powell Ranger District, 225 East Center Street, Panguitch, Utah from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Permits are $10.00 for a tree up to 10 feet and $20.00 for a tree 11 foot to 20 foot. All species of trees can be cut, except Bristlecone Pine. To obtain a permit by mail, contact the Powell Ranger District. FISHLAKE NATIONAL FOREST: (435) 896-9233 – Fremont River Ranger District: (435) 836-2811 Permits are now available and can be purchased at the Fremont River Ranger District Office, 138 South Main, Loa, Utah from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Permits are $10.00, one permit per person, one tree only. On the Fishlake National Forest portion of the Fremont River Ranger District any species of tree may be cut, but Ponderosa Pine and Bristlecone Pine. On the Dixie National Forest portion of the Fremont River Ranger District any species of tree may be cut but Ponderosa Pine. — U.S. Forest Service
ALL content for THE WAYNE &GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY before 5:00 pm to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.