The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 11/2/17

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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Issue # 1227

Garfield County, BLM Present Plans for Hole-in-the-Rock Rehab

Panguitch Girls' Cross Country Team Takes State

annie anderson


Associate Monument Manager Matt Betenson, Garfield County Engineer Brian Bremner, GSENM Public Affairs Officer Larry Crutchfield and GSENM Monument Manager Cindy Staszak review the Hole-in-the-Rock Road Repair Project plan during an open house held at the Escalante Community Center on October 25th. GSENM - In two sepa- plans for re-engineering and Hole-in-the Rock Road can rate open house meetings held repairing the first sixteen miles tell you that road conditions in Escalante and Boulder last of the Hole-in-the-Rock Road, are at times not just mildly week, Garfield County and the portion that is contained washboarded, but extremely the Grand Staircase-Escalante within Garfield County. Hole-in-the-Rock Road National Monument unveiled Anyone who has traveled Cont'd on page 2

Scarecrow Competition and Entrada Awards Announced

WAYNE COUNTY - The Entrada Institute held its annual Friendraiser on Saturday October 28. The evening’s festivities included the winners of the annual Harvest Time Scarecrow Competition. First prize went to the Chuckwagon Minions (left) by Sheri Clark. Second prize was awarded to Mr. D by Kathy McCarthy. Third prize went to Grandma’s Favorite Pastime is Reading by Pearl Thorndahl. Thanks to everyone who participated. (Pictures on Page 7.) In addition to the Scarecrow awards, the Entrada Institute recognized contributions to the organization and community. Michael and Mary McConnell were recognized as “Friends of Entrada.” Mary Bedingfieldsmith received the Volunteer Service Award for her efforts to make Torrey a Dark Sky Community. Finally, Pat Kearney and Gary George of Hondoo Rivers and Trails received the Ward Roylance Award, named in honor of the Institute’s co-founder, for their commitment to increasing public understanding and appreciation of the Colorado Plateau. —The Entrada Institute

Dixie National Forest Issues Decision on the Upper Valley Landscape Improvement Project

Courtesy dixie national Forest

Powell Point peaks out from the pines in the Dixie National Forest. ESCALANTE - The Di- ment Environmental Assessxie National Forest has issued ment, will be implemented. A a final decision on the Upper summary of Alternative 2 is Valley Landscape Improve- below. The decision (Alternament project. The purpose of the project is to move the tive 2) addresses concerns for Upper Valley landscape and wildfire hazard, forest health its individual components improvement and resiliency toward desired conditions within the 16,855 acre Upper defined in the Forest Plan. Valley project area. In addiAlternative 2, the Modified tion to vegetation treatment, Proposed Action of the Upper the decision also includes Valley Landscape Improve- stream channel stabilization



CHILLY WINDS ARE ON THE WAY. The upcoming will will be cold, cloudy and rainy. Monday with have rain and maybe snow! This week's highs in the mid and upper 50s and high 40s, lows in the mid and low 20s, and high teens. Winds be hitting highs of 23 MPH throughout the weekend.

and restoration, along with creation of new water sources to improve wildlife habitat and range resources. We appreciate and support our local communities and continue to hold our partnerships and relationships in high regards. Escalante District Ranger, Terry De Lay, stated, “We are sensitive to and understand the public’s concern in regards to smoke, and how it may effect local tourism, therefore, this comprehensive plan includes the usage of mechanical fuels reduction.” Additionally, the Dixie National Forest’s Prescribed Fire program strictly adheres to the stringent guidelines of the Utah Division of Air Quality and coordinates with the State prior to each day of ignition. The Upper Valley Landscape Improvement Project is located on the Escalante Ranger District within the Dixie National Forest in Garfield County, UT, approximately 15 miles southwest of Escalante,

Dixie National Forest Cont'd on page 3

PHS student Taylia Norris, #702 above, is the 1A state cross country champion. Story on Page 6.

Boulder/ Hatch Ballot Mixup Fixed

Shuttles to Run Continuously During Temple Open House

GARFIELD COUNTY – Following a mixup of ballots that were mailed to the towns of Boulder and Hatch, the Garfield County clerk’s office delivered new ballots to those towns on October 26 for the 2017 town elections. “Here’s what happened and what we’ve done,” said Garfield County Clerk Camille Moore. “The printer both prints and mails out the ballots, and they sent the Boulder precinct ballots to Hatch and vice versa. When I realized what had happened I called the printing company and had them reprinted.” The printer had offered to mail out the corrected ballots as well, but instead Moore sent Deputy Clerk Amy Dodds to pick them up for direct delivery to the Hatch and Boulder Post Offices. Moore says that citizens in Boulder and Hatch should destroy the incorrect ballot that was initially sent to them. The new ballots will have a new numbering system that has a “B” on them, which indicates to election officials that this is the corrected ballot. “We will be able to tell

CEDAR CITY To help with parking and transportation, five shuttles will run continuously during the entire Cedar City Temple Open House, which started Friday, October 27, and goes until Saturday, November 18. The Open House will be open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m.; and Fridays and Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The shuttles will run from the Cross Courtesy Frehner Hollow Stake Center, located at 2830 West Cedar City temple, located at 280 S. Cody Dr, in Cedar Cove Dr., Cedar City, is hosting an City, up to the tem- open house until Nov. 18th. ple, located at 280 S Cove Dr, Cedar City, (about advantage of this great shuttle a mile apart in distance). They service," says Ron Cardon, will run in a continuous loop, Public Affairs Committee Chair so there will be a minimal wait for the Cedar City Temple Open time to use the shuttle. House. "It will be easier and Those attending the Open safe to park at the Cross Hollow House are encouraged to park Stake Center, and the shuttles their vehicles at the Cross Hol- are a great resource to help keep low Stake Center to help re- things running smoothly during lieve congestion and parking the Open House." concerns around the temple. Tickets for the Cedar City The Open House is expected Open House are available at to bring over 150,000 visitors to Cedar City in the next three —Ron Cardon, Cedar City weeks. Temple Open House "We encourage all to take

Ballot Mixup Cont'd on page 2

Wayne School District Hosts "What Counts Night"

WAYNE COUNTY - The Wayne School District Board hosted a “What Counts Night" on Wednesday, October 25th. Mossi White, a past president of the National School Board Association, facilitated the conversation to help school district administration and the school board determine what the community values in our local schools and what a quality school looks like. We got Courtesy heather okerlund some great input from Wayne County citizens gathered on Oct. 25th to talk about what the about 30 community community needs and values in their schools. participants and look things we want to maintain or came out and volunteered forward to reviewing the feedimprove in our local school their time to help improve our back we received in coming schools! district. board meetings and using it to —Heather Okerlund Thanks to everyone who drive other discussions about

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. —Mark Twain

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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