Wayne and Garfield County Insider 11/03/16

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Issue # 1175

PHS Cross Country Team Wins 1A State Girls' team takes second against Parowan

Public Lands Transfer Group Loses Forty-five Percent of County Members in 2016

Annie Anderson

Panguitch boys' cross country team poses with their trophy at 1A State competition in Salt Lake City's Sugar House Park. PANGUITCH - The PHS Cross Country team (or PHX as we like to call ourselves) recently competed in the 1A state cross country championships at Sugar House Park in Salt Lake City. Our boys' team brought home the championship trophy for the second year in a row with the girls finishing second to Parowan High School. Jonah Schoppe, a senior, was the state champion, finishing the race in 16:39. He was followed by Trenton Stowe in 3rd place, Bosten Englestead in 10th place, Kaden Beckstead in 12th, Luke Reeder in 13th, Joe Vasquez in 14th and Zack Julander in 25th. "Any time we have 3 runners finish in the top ten and our top five runners finish in the top fifteen, we are going to be a tough team to beat," said long time coach Danny Yardley, who keeps track of all the teams times year after year. He said this is the very fastest Bobcat team ever to run at PHS. The girls' team had their work cut out for them because Parowan also had a very solid team this year. Taylia Norris, a freshman, was 2nd overall, fol-

lowed by Jordan Bennett, Corryn Anderson, Brittney Henrie, Karlee Eyre, Brieann Birch and Brenley Veater. They came up just 12 points short of a win this year, but all the girls ran their fastest times on the course. Panguitch residents may have noticed these kids running all over town, many of them began training in June for the grueling 3 mile race at

Sugar House Park. The state cross country course is really just a series of hills. The kids prepare themselves by putting in a lot of hard miles which include running every hill in town many times! If you live on Dickenson Hill, the Roller Mill hill, the sawmill road, or the Panguitch Lake hill, you have seen cross country team members run your hills many

times. Some days they run in temperatures near 90 degrees and some morning runs were closer to 30 degrees. These are truly dedicated athletes. The PHX team is coached by Danny Yardley, Annie Anderson and Troy Norris. Frank Houston and Kylie Frandsen also pitched in much support this season. —Annie Anderson

SALT LAKE CITY County memberships in the American Lands Council, a national group working to transfer publicly owned lands to states, have dropped by as much as 45 percent, according to an investigation by the Western Values Project. Chris Saeger, Western Values Project director, suspects the drop in membership reflects the ALC's declining influence in Western states. "Things are not looking good for folks like the American Lands Council and the Bundy folks, and others who are advocating for the transfer of federal public lands to states," Saeger said. Saeger referenced the group recently on trial for occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. He pointed to a recent report by the Conference of Western Attorneys General, which concluded that lawsuits petitioning the transfer of federal lands to states are unlikely to succeed. According to its website, the ALC recently met at an undisclosed location

in Salt Lake City to discuss strategies going forward. The group did not respond to requests for comment. The battle over who controls federal lands is far from over, Saeger said, adding that out-of-state funders may still be able to keep the ALC's doors open. He said keeping national lands open and accessible for all Americans to hunt, fish, hike and camp drives a multi-billiondollar recreation economy. "If you lose that because those lands are ultimately sold off to powerful special interests," Saeger warned, "then you lose a very significant chunk of the outdoor economy and, more importantly, our way of life." Last year, the ALC removed from its website a list of counties that pay annual dues to the organization. The Western Values Project filed formal information requests to the 53 counties formerly listed, and found almost half are no longer members. —Eric Galatas Utah New Connection

Garfield Memorial Hospital Welcomes Maxi Miller, PA-C

The 2016 Panguitch Lady Bobcats cross country team took 2nd place at State.

Annie Anderson

UDOT Installs Signs Extending National Bike Route CEDAR CITY - The description of Utah as the "Crossroads of the West" takes on new meaning with a project recently contracted through the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT). But rather than the gold associated with the meeting of the rails, adventure seekers are now looking for green to be found along a national system of designated bike routes intended to connect the Atlantic to the Pacific. U.S. Bicycle Routes 70 & 79 now officially span Southern Utah winding through seven counties from Colorado to Nevada as a UDOT contractor finishes new sign installations. The two routes designated with the new green signs converge in Iron County while rural communities along the stretch are hoping their local economies can pick up some steam from the movement. Bicycle Route 70 enters Utah on the eastern border west of Monticello on U.S. Highway 491, moves south to Blanding and then veers northwest passing near Natural Bridges National monu-

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) established the United States Bicycle Route System (USBRS) in 1978 and approved a national-level corridor designation plan in 2008. The system has gained input from the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) and the Adventure Cycling Association among others. The majority of national corridor signs have been installed within only the past insider couple of years. UDOT repA newly-planted sign located near the junction of U.S. Hwy 89 and Utah's Byway 12 is one of many new markers designating sections of the U.S. resentatives along with cycling enthuBicycle Route System. siasts and other inment, over the Colorado River route passes Bryce Canyon terested parties met in Cedar at Hite's Crossing, eastward National Park before moving City last week to view the new through Capitol Reef National to Scenic Byway 14 and designs, highlight respectful use Park, then bending south and scending below Cedar Breaks of roads and consider what the west along All-American Road National Monument. Bicycle new designated routes may and Scenic Byway 12. The Route 79 enters from Nevada mean for local communities near the town of Garrison and tourists. on State Route 21 extending REGIONAL WEATHER FORECAST —Utah Department of southeast through Milford toFOR SOME BUT NOT ALL REGIONS REPRESENTED Transportation IN OUR NEWSPAPER COVERAGE AREA ward Cedar City.


MIGHT BE SOME RAIN in the middle of a bunch of sunny days. Friday is looking like some rain in the later afternoon. Highs throughout the week will be in low 60s and upper 50s. Sunny Monday - Thursday. Weekend should have scattered clouds with low winds. Lows throughout the week in the mid to low 30s.

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. —John Muir

PANGUITCH - Garfield PAs in conjunction with the NaMemorial Hospital would like tional Board of Medical Examto welcome and introduce Maxi iners. To maintain their national Miller, PA-C to the community, certification, PAs must log 100 who joined Garfield Memo- hours of continuing medical rial Hospital in mid-September. education every two years and PA-C stands for Physician Assis- sit for a recertification every six tant-Certified, which means they years. Graduation from an acare nationally-certified and state- credited physician assistant prolicensed to practice medicine gram and passage of the national under the supervision of a physi- certifying exam are required for cian. Maxi attended and graduat- state licensure. ed from the University of Utah’s Miller says, “I am thrilled accredited physician assistant to be back home, caring for our program. She is the daughter of community that I love with all Randi and the late Kenny Miller, my heart. I very much enjoy and was raised in Panguitch. helping people live the healthiest As part of their compre- lives possible, and look forward hensive responsibilities, PAs to working with each patient to conduct physical exams, diag- provide the very best care.” nose and treat illnesses, order To schedule an appointand interpret tests, counsel on ment with Miller, call the Garpreventive health care, assist in field Memorial Hospital Clinic surgery, and can write prescrip- at 435-676-8842. tions. PAs are trained in intensive —Garfield Memorial Hospital education programs accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA). Because of the close-working relationship the PAs have with physicians, PAs are educated in the medical model designed to complement physician training. Upon graduation, physician assistants take a national certification examination developed Courtesy GMH by the National Panguitch native Maxi Miller is the new Commission on PA-C at Garfield Memorial Hospital. Certification of ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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