Serving Wayne & Garfield Counties, Utah Loa • Fremont • Lyman • BickneLL • teasdaLe • torrey • Grover • Fruita • caineviLLe • HanksviLLe PanGuitcH • PanGuitcH Lake • HatcH • antimony • Bryce • troPic • HenrieviLLe • cannonviLLe • escaLante • BouLder
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Issue # 1228
Wayne High School Impresses with Oklahoma!
Michael riddle
Wyatt Van Orden and Trena Wilson performed in the Wayne County High School's rendition of Rodgers and Hammerstien's Oklahoma! By all accounts the show was a huge hit and the crowds were wowed. Great job!
BLM Seeks Public Comment on the Dry Fork Trailhead Improvement Project
KANAB -The Bureau of Land Management Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument is seeking public comment on an environmental analysis of an agency proposal to relocate the Dry Fork Trailhead. The project would improve access to several popular slot canyons. Comments are due to the “We want to hear from you about this project. Your comments help us identify issues for analysis and provides a perfect opportunity for the public to be involved in and influence the decision-making process,” said Cindy Staszak, Monument manager. The Dry Fork Trail Head is located in Kane County along Hole-in-The-Rock road, approximately 25 miles southeast of Highway 12. The environmental analysis includes one action alternative
for consideration that includes the following improvements: · Construction of two new 30 car parking areas: one near the current parking area and a second along Hole-in-theRock Road approximately one mile south of Cat Pasture · Development of a new access road to the proposed parking areas (0.20 miles) · Rehabilitation of the current parking area (0.45 acres) · Rehabilitation of 0.69 miles of road within the Scorpion Wilderness Study Area; · Development of two new sections of trail approximately 2.2 miles in length to access the Dry Fork Slot canyons. · Improvements to BLM road #252 to improve access to the parking area · Installation of informational kiosks and toilets at
both proposed parking areas Relevant documents are available online via BLM’s ePlanning website: https:// Comments may be submitted online, emailed, faxed or mailed using the address below and referencing "Dry Fork Trailhead" in the subject line. · Online through the NEPA ePlanning website · E-mail: BLM_UT_GS_ · Mail: BLM GSENM, P.O. Box 225, Escalante, Utah 84276 (Attn: Jabe Beal) · Fax: (435) 826-5650 Before including an address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in any responses, please be aware the information submitted, including personal identifying information, may become publicly available. While in-
Grand Staircase Escalante Partners Committed to Defending the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by Nicole croft
Trump Administration tells Senator Hatch the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Moment will be shrunk for him, despite local and nation-
2017 GseNM artist-iN-resideNce ProGraM
al support. The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument belongs in equal measure to all the citizens of our nation.
THURS. NOV. 9 - WED. NOV. 15
A LITTLE BIT OF SUN ON THE WAY. The upcoming week will be a bit sunnier than last week, with a few clouds on Sunday and Monday. This week's highs in the mid and upper 50s, lows in the low 30s and high to mid 20s. Winds should be quieting down a little this week, with an average of apx. 11 MPH.
If the Trump Administration acts as predicted in recent media reports, dissolving the current boundaries of the Monument, in violation of law and over the objection of millions of concerned citizens, Grand Staircase Escalante Partners will honor their pledge to defend this national treasure by seeking the reversal of those actions by all legal means, including judicial action along with our national conservation and scientific colleagues. The creation of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument was an earnest act of stewardship, an important word and action in Utah’s history. The 1996 Presidential action followed our country’s Op-Ed
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dividuals may request BLM to withhold personal identifying information from public view, the BLM cannot guarantee it will be able to do so. All submissions from organizations and businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as representatives or officials of organizations or businesses, will be available for public inspection in their entirety. If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact Jabe Beal, Outdoor Recreation Planner at or 435-8265601. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf may call the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 to contact the above individual during normal business hours. The Federal Relay Service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to leave a message or question with the above individual. Replies are provided during normal business hours. —Bureau of Land Management
Three Reasons to Spend the Holiday in Bryce Canyon Country BRYCE CANYON Thanksgiving will be here soon, which means food, family and fun. But with the festivities often comes stress. Rather than spending the holiday buried in worries, here are three reasons to spend Thanksgiving in Bryce Canyon Country. 1. Fewer crowds Bryce Canyon Country is a summer hotspot that gains a lot of attraction from tourists during the warmer months of the year. However, once the leaves begin to change color, the crowds begin to die down. This makes tourist sites a great option later in the year, when visitors will not have to compete with large summer crowds. Fewer people also means discounted rates, which is just another added bonus. 2. Bryce Canyon National Park One of the most popular tourist sites in Southern Utah is Bryce Canyon National Park. Known for its wondrous rock formations known as hoodoos, Bryce Canyon is a site worth seeing, especially in the winter months when snow blankets the ground. Conveniently, Bryce Canyon is open year round, meaning that access to the park is available
during Thanksgiving. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore through activities like hiking, horseback riding, snowshoeing and skiing. 3. Ruby’s Inn Thanksgiving buffet Ruby’s Inn is hosting its annual Thanksgiving buffet. The event is a great choice for those who no longer have kids at home or whose married children will be with their spouse’s family. The buffet will be held in the Cowboy’s Buffet and Steak Room located in the Best Western Plus Ruby’s Inn main lodge and is absolutely delish, featuring all of the expected Thanksgiving fixings. For more information on the Thanksgiving buffet, visit With Thanksgiving just around the corner, now is the perfect time to plan a trip to Bryce Canyon Country. The small crowds, easy access to Bryce Canyon and Ruby’s Inn Thanksgiving buffet without cleanup make Bryce Canyon Country a great place to spend the holiday. To learn more about special deals available at Ruby’s Inn, visit rubysinn. com. —Ruby's Inn
courtesy ruby's iNN
Cross country skiing in Bryce Canyon National Park is one of the many ways to enjoy the beauty without the crowds.
Snow College Announces New Partnership
Students studying business will have additional opportunities to complete a degree EPHRAIM - On Tuesday, November 7, Snow College and Utah State University announced a new partnership to begin Fall 2018. The announcement event will be held at 11:30 AM in Founders Hall on the Snow College Ephraim Campus. The new partnership between the USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and the Snow College Business Department will provide a way for Snow College students to remain in Ephraim while earning a USU bachelor’s degree in either business administration or marketing. Students who complete their two-year Associate of Science Business degree at Snow can seamlessly
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let every year find you a better man. —Ben Franklin
move into their third and fourth years as they complete a USU bachelor’s degree. The format is unique. USU courses will be taught during traditional daytime hours in the Snow College Business Building. Students will have access to Snow College student services and activities, while also taking advantage of the vast opportunities and resources available from the Huntsman School of Business. Additionally, the exclusive Huntsman Scholar program will be available to qualified students taking USU classes at Snow College. USU has committed to deliver courses in a face-toface format where possible. USU professor, Dr. Chalon
Keller, will both teach courses and serve as the liaison between the USU Logan Campus and USU’s students in Ephraim. Other USU professors will also travel to Ephraim to deliver face-to-face content. Dr. Jim Davis, management department head from the Huntsman School, is enthusiastic about the partnership, saying, “The USU/Snow partnership challenges all of us to have vision, to suspend disbelief, and to ‘Dare Mighty Things’ together!” Snow College President Gary Carlston applauds the partnership: “Snow College is pleased to join with Utah State
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
Snow College Cont'd on page 6