The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 11/17/2016

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Issue # 1177

US Forest Service Proposes Vegetation Treatment to Benefit Sage-grouse

Wayne High Students Visit the Capitol Reef Field Station

Photo JaSmine WilSon

Wayne High School Students visit the Capitol Reef Field Station to learn about conservation, natural history and leadership. TORREY - The world that humans occupy is beautiful indeed. That’s why the National Park Service was created to protect the natural treasures found within the nation of America. Capitol Reef National Park (CRNP) and Utah Valley University (UVU) made a partnership to build a field station in order to educate students on conservation and to do studies that involved nature. The facility isn’t connected to any grids, so the station is self-sustaining. The water comes from the Pleasant Creek, is filtered, and is treated with chlorine in order to be drinkable. The electricity is produced from solar panels that collect the sun’s rays. Also, anything that can be recycled is recycled, and any leftover food that can be composted is composted. The station is managed by Gina Gilson who takes

care of the station to make sure it is operational for all study groups that stay at the station. The students also had park employees and representatives from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority (UHEAA) talk to them about what it takes to be a leader in their different careers. The first speaker was Cindy Micheli, the acting Superintendent of the park, talked about the characteristics of a leader. A leader should be able to encourage, teach and learn from the people they are leading, and have integrity. Sumiko Martinez, the representative from UHEAA, also came to talk to the students about how to pay for college and how they can contact her if they have any questions. She also talked about how to receive grants and scholarships, as well as how to apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA),

work-study programs, and student loans. Jim Lamb was another guest speaker from the Department of Wildlife Management who talked about how anyone can be a leader and how teamwork is essential. Amanda Shograss is the Horticulturist for CRNP and told students that a leader needs to have a diverse mind. Additionally, Julie Howard, an archeologist for CRNP explained that a leader needs to “get out of the box” in order to be an effective leader. Ecologist, Carolyn Livensperger, told the group that not all leaders are loud and outgoing; instead, they can be quiet and still have a lot to say. Chris Roundtree, the Visual Design Specialist, stated that leaders aren’t always the ones that are seen. They sometimes work behind the scenes to make sure that everything is running smoothly. He also said that even though an individual doesn’t have seniority at first, they have

authority. The last speaker was Jessie Jordan, a Park Ranger, who informed the students that a leader always assists the people they are leading in order to lead them effectively. After all the speakers spoke, the students received the opportunity the reenact the constellation stories from the Native Americans and Greeks. They received positive comments on their acting skills and were treated to view the constellations in the night sky with a telescope. The next morning, the students went on a short hike to look at the petroglyphs and returned to school that afternoon. Thank you to the CRNP Staff and UVU for allowing the students of Wayne High School to use the field station and for teaching them about leadership. —Jasmine Wilson, Editor, Wayne High School Badger Times

Feral Cat 'Trap, Neuter, Return' Program Begins in Wayne County

volunteer brings a trap to the cat caregiver and explains how to train the cat to eat in the trap. This training eventually leads to the capture of the cat for a TNR appointment. On the morning of the appointPhoto Scott t. Smith volunteers A cat named Vin, models the 'clipped ment, pick up cats at their ear' look, after participating the Trap, homes, or caregivNeuter, Return program. ers bring their cats to TORREY - As a volunteer a designated rendezvous point. with Color Country Animal Volunteers drive the cats to Dr. Welfare (CCAW), I’m often Dan Johnson’s office in Richasked about our Trap, Neuter, field for surgery. At the same Return (TNR) program, so I’d time, cats are also examined for like to share with everyone how illnesses or injuries, given medithis valuable program works. cation as needed, and vaccinated. The process begins with a Another volunteer picks up the phone call from someone who cats after they have recovered needs help getting his or her cat and returns them to their caregivfixed. If the cat is feral, a TNR



TEMPERATURES will have dropped dramatically by the time you get this paper. Highs Thurs. in mid 30s and the rest of the week warming only slightly to highs in 40s/low 50s. Cold at night--low Thurs night in teens and "warming" to 20s the rest of the week. Rain possibly moving in on Wednesday.

ers. In some instances, cats are taken to foster homes for additional care and socialization until new homes are found for them. A $10 donation from caregivers plus a grant from Best Friends helps defray the $50 - $90 surgery cost for each cat. This service is available to all caregivers in Wayne County if they are unable to afford to spay or neuter their cats. You can recognize any cat that has come through a TNR program by its clipped ear. Since we’ve started keeping records in 2011, CCAW has spayed and neutered over 750 cats. Much coordination and cooperation between caregivers, volunteers, and our veterinarian make the TNR program successful. Here’s a big thanks to all of you who get the ball rolling by making that call. Together we are making a big difference. For more information about TNR or to get a spay/neuter appointment, call (435) 491-2050. —John Benson

LOA – The Fremont persistent woodlands. River District Ranger of the The project starts south Fishlake National Forest is of Hogan Pass toward the proposing to treat conifer Forest Service boundary on encroachment upon sage- Highway 72, within the Mybrush capable landscapes, toge and Tidwell mountains mainly pinyon and juniper. on National Forest System Treatments will also include lands, which lies within encroaching conifers such as Wayne and Sevier Counties. spruce and fir. The proposed The proposed action is treatment is enclosed within a routine activity as defined a 40,000 acre area on the in FSH 1909.15 Section Mytoge and Tidwell Moun- 32.2 and fits Category 6: tains. The purpose of the “Timber stand and/or wildproject is to support large life habitat improvement acopen sagebrush landscapes tivities which do not include essential to sage-grouse for the use of herbicides or do breeding, nesting, brood not require more than one mile of low standard road rearing and winter use. The District Ranger construction.” For maps and detailed anticipates 50 percent or less of the project area will information about the projneed some level of treat- ect visit: ment. Trees identified for projects/fishlake/landmatreatment will be masticated nagement/projects Public Involvement using tracked or wheeled machinery or cut with a - The USDA Forest Serchainsaw and left on site. vice (USFS) is no longer Within 1.86 miles of where required to offer notice, Lek locations are identified comment, and appeal opcut trees will be lopped and portunities pursuant to 36 scattered to appear below CFR 215 or 36 CFR 218 for sagebrush height, limbing categorically excluded projbranches where needed. ects. However, such legislaThe majority of the pro- tive ruling does not limit the posed project area has been public’s ability to comment identified as a sage-grouse on USFS projects and ac“Priority Habitat ManageSage-grouse ment Area” (GRSG ROD, Cont' on page 2 page 18). Also within the project are portions of Hilgard Mountain, Mytoge, Solomon Basin and Thousand Lake Mountain Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRA) totaling approximately 12,000 acres. The District Ranger is not proposing to create new roads, harvest timber, use hercourteSy Pixabay bicides nor cut any aspen, old growth or Greater Sage-grouse in flight.

A Vote for Christmas

ESCALANTE - On a beautifully warm and sunny day last week, Escalante city employees Blaine Porter and Darrell Griffin were spotted putting up the city's Christmas decorations, under the watchful supervision of Missy Porter (above). What with the warm weather and getting to pal around with her guys around town, Missy said she is definitely an "up" vote for early Christmas cheer. In other holiday season news, an informal poll at the U.S. Postal Service office in Escalante showed that the community is divided over whether it is too early for Postmaster Ryan Crosier to play Christmas music at the post office. Those seeking to avoid early Christmas music might try to fetch their mail during hours that postal service worker Michael Lind is sorting the mail. Michael is helping keep a lid on the pre-Thanksgiving Christmas tunes—although he is not always successful. —Insider

You will never change the mind of your enemy, but you might change the mind of your friend. —Amasa M. Lyman

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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